This is a super nerdy full-on Magic: The Gathering post. I'm well aware none of you freaking play Magic. That's okay. You can full well ignore everything under the cut.
I cannot stand Mill decks. For anybody actually reading this who doesn't know, a Mill deck is a deck of Magic cards put together in such a way that the goal is to force you to get rid of all the cards in your Library (deck) so you cannot draw any more cards, and you lose automatically. This annoys me because the main condition for winning is decreasing your opponent's life total from 20 to 0. You do this by attacking with creatures, among other things.
Anywho, I just lost an incredible amount of times to a deck like this. Really obnoxious. Especially because with every different deck I tried, I would get a strategy going and things would get countered (kept from happening) or returned to my hand. It was really awful. Except one deck did really well. My black and green Lord of Extinction deck. Lord of Extinction's power and toughness are equal to the number of cards in all Graveyards (discard piles). So, basically, as the cards in my Library dwindled, the cards in my Graveyard grew, and Lord of Extinction got stupid strong. That was fun.
The point of this bit of complaining is to note the stupid amount of frustration a few games of Magic put on me. Which I guess couldn't be helped, 'cause work was a huge pain in the ass today. My stress levels have been a little high lately. And if you know me well at all, this does not happen often. I'm usually super chipper and not at all easily stressed. But, school's coming back up on me, and I have to pay for some of it again. Plus, my next two paychecks (my work income was intended to be disposable) are going towards books and computer programs I need. Also, I hafta go get two overrides for classes.
Lately, I've been dealing with a lot of shit internally. Normally, I'm not opposed to help from anyone about anything, but I wanted to kind of work on being able to deal with some issues myself. It's just really hard for me to look right at my friends and not tell them my problems, 'cause in any other occasion, I'd hop right over to somebody close to me and bitch and moan and ask for advice. I can only imagine what it feels like to ask someone what's wrong, knowing something is obviously wrong, and knowing they won't tell you.
Maybe I should think on that idea a little more.
I've reconciled a lot within myself at this point, now I just have to deal with my decisions.
How about some good news?! Awright. Starting Monday, Samantha and I will have a class together once a week, for the first time ever. I'm very excited about that. Especially since we spent almost every waking moment (and all her napping moments) together last week. It was really awesome. I had an incredible amount of fun making her New Year's Eve outfit, watching It's Always Sunny in Phillidelphia and playing New Super Mario Bros Wii. We haven't quite beaten it, yet, but we're well on our way. I also got her playing Katamari Forever. Once she gets her room set back up, I'll let her borrow Katamari Damacy.
I'm getting bored writing this. But, yeah, that's my life lately.