Title: Pranks = Trouble?
Genre: SMUT~
Rating: NC17
Pairing: TOP x Seungri
Summary: TOP and Seungri are caught up in doing pranks until one of the pranks gets sexual.
Note: Anonymous prompt group summission so not my super original prompt. I'm on a roll~ I'm getting inspiration left and right :D Anyway ENJOY~
TOP beat him to the punch by grabbing a handful of his ass )
Comments 4
Unnie~~!! Wae is there no butt sex???? @__@
I literally lol-ed at this line and could definitely see it happnening in real life, just like that!
"There was something sexy about TOP’s eyes that if he stared too long he could probably kiss him too. Maybe that’s why TOP kissed people…"
Heck! I would kiss TOP too if he gave me that kind of stare~!
And omona~! Seungri's revenge! It was simply genuis and soooo bad! Oooh he so naughty~! lol~~
"And unfortunately for him it seemed that everyone in the building was walking by him now. "
lol poor Tabi. I would so throw him a sweater if I could.
"The only man he’d ever kissed and the only one he’d ever wanted to kiss."
Awww~~ that line was so sweet and so cute~~
But considering this was my first Big Bang fanfic, it was definitely awesome~~ I'm not really a fan of TopRi, as much as I am for ToDae, but I enjoyed reading unnie's fanfic~~
^ u ^
and for once you read one of my fics :P
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