May 17, 2010 23:16
I am so sick of trying to work out a price for my art that I have decided to give it away instead.
Serious? yes. but you are still going to have to work for it!
I'm gonna do this one of three ways.
1. You bid by making a promise to donate X amount to a genuine charity of your choice. I then choose the winner and send the piece to them after receiving evidence that the payment was made.
2. You bid by donating X amount to the genuine charity of your choice and then providing proof. I pick the person who has donated the most and send them the piece.
3. You donate X amount to the genuine charity of your choice and provide proof. I then randomly select from the 'entrants' and send the piece to whoever is drawn.
Each to me has it's own pro's and cons. What sounds better to you?
I would also be asking that the "winner" pays for postage and handling. as much as i am not interested in making money from my art right now i am also not interested in paying to give it away.
why am i doing it this way? because i make my art for the sake of making art. i couldn't think of anything worse than making it into a job. selling my art is one step closer to making it a job/obligation/chore. on the flip side i don't feel comfortable giving it away, i put effort into this and stuff that is given away freely tends to be treated with less respect. The charity option will give each piece some 'value' without the 'job' tag [it works in my head]. and if someone doesn't like the art they "win"? well they got to donate to a worthy cause anyway so nothing is lost.
pieces will be metal sculptures like the ones i have posted about in the past
before I go any further I would really appreciate feedback on how you think this whole process will work, which is the best option and will you be interested in bidding?