Christmas Day Pics

Dec 27, 2006 14:43


Listening for Santas Sleigh....

The kids FREAKED out and hid.

They would not unlock themselves from the couch   :O

Kian didn't want anything to do with him either...HELP ME BINKY, SIPPY CUP...MOMMY!!!!!!!

I have a thing for uniforms and

Kian trying to crawl back up to where he once came from

He stood there Ho!  Ho!  Ho!

The kids were all .... BEAT IT SANTA!

The kids wanted Santa to leave...ah well

Check out Alexs face!  She didn't want Santa to touch her.  Hahahhahaha 

To get pics with Santa in them, he had to sneak in behind real fast.

Yay that guy is gone.


The kids got wayyy too many gifts...lil Alex was too tired to even open any more so she wanted me to open them for her while she watched lol.

Her Super Sasha face

Super Sasha Dance

Kian happy dance

This is the doll that started all the ballerina craziness a month ago...The Barbie Ballerina...she finally got it.

See those legs?  Its my mom.  WTF?  She was dressed like uh uh well she said Mrs. Santa but my dad said she looked like a Furry Hooker.  Ha~

Birthday Cake for Jesus! 

It was a beautiful day.  A long long lonnnng day of screaming happy children.

Phew!  Glad thats over.  :o)

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