i want to call you, send you messages. but you’re studying today and i already probably used up what little patience you had when i called and messaged you yesterday. i’m not that original day to day
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i'd just like to say, livejournal is probably most populated by whiney little fifteen year olds that are horridly offended by almost everything that happens in their hormonally tortured little rollercoaster lives
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i have words, they crash and roll and rumble into eachother. so many; different sounds and meanings pounding and raping eachother with tempestuous fever
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i know i wanted to carpet my whole apartment with astroturf, but its probably not affordable. so! i have this old couch that i keep on my balcony and i have decided to cover THAT in astroturf.
when i have money for it, i'll be covering, recycling and POSTING photos of my NEW (old) couch.