Base Artes:
魔神剣 (Demon Fang)
- launches a projectile shockwave at the enemy
剛招来 (Coil)
- temporary increases his attack power
崩襲剣 (Havoc Blade*)
- swings his sword down with great force
弧月閃 (Crescent Strike)
- carves a crescent moon with his slash
裂空斬 (Tempest Strike)
- attacks the enemy with a spinning aerial combo
真空破斬 (Void Tempest)
- strikes in all directions at once
集気法 (Center)
- restores a little HP to himself
Master Artes:
剛・魔神剣 (Fierce Demon Fang)
- unleashes a powerful shockwave
弧月双閃 (Twin Moons*)
- performs Crescent Strike twice in succession
崩昇襲斬 (Rising Havoc*)
- follows up Havoc Blade with a crushing blow
鳳凰天駆 (Rising Phoenix)
- bathed in flames, descends upon the enemy
火炎裂空 (Blazing Tempest)
- bathed in flames, performs Tempest Strike
Arcane Artes:
絶空魔神撃 (Demonic Void)
- combines Demon Fang and Void Tempest
熱破旋風陣 (Searing Gale)
- strikes with a flame-imbued Void Tempest
烈風月華衝 (Tempest Moon*)
- combines Tempest Strike and Crescent Strike
魔王炎撃波 (Infernal Torrent)
- unleashes a powerful flaming slash
鷹爪烈風剣 (Tempest Eagle*)
- combines Rising Havoc and Tempest Strike
鳳凰天翔駆 (Razing Phoenix)
- takes flight bathed in the flames of the phoenix
Divine Magic:
ファイアボール (Fire Ball)
- launches a ball of fire at the target
イラプション (Eruption)
- causes a volcanic eruption beneath the enemy
シャープネス (Sharpness)
- temporary increases one ally’s attack
エクスプロード (Explosion/Explode)
- causes an enormous explosion beneath the enemy
AGシャープ (Accuteness/AG Sharp/Aggregate Sharp)
- temporary increases all allies’ attack power
スパイラルフレア (Spiral Flare)
- launches a mass of swirling flames
メテオスウォーム (Meteor Storm/Meteor Swarm)
- summons meteor that blanket the field
Mystic Arte:
魔王灼滅刃 (Infernal Overlord*)
天を統べる覇者の証 ! 魔王灼滅刃 !
(The proof of supreme ruler of Heaven! Infernal Overlord!)
- takes the form of his past life to perform a penetrating attack
Tales of Innocnce Ruca's arte exhibition can be found
And as he seen in Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 can be found
here *based on translation by AbsoluteZero.