Cut for the uninterested.

May 28, 2011 13:09

L5R NWOD conversion LARP document rough draft.

NWOD L5R conversion

Use char Creation material in Core book.

Whenever it says Add any raw number divide that number by 5. Add that number instead. (A +15 bonus becomes +3)

Any modifier that adds a multiplication of a skill or Ring, adds the raw rating of the skill instead. (Add 2x Iajutsu to Initiative becomes add Iaijutsu. Add 2x Fire Ring becomes Add fire ring.)

Any modifier that says add 3x becomes add 2x.

The effect of a raise is a -2 penalty to the base pool. Difficulties are set at success thresholds under the 8 div 3 system of Nwod.

A bonus of a rolled die is the equivalent of a +1.

+1k0 = +1
+2k0 = +2

A bonus of a kept die is a +3

+0k1 = +3

These bonuses do not mix. The Greater applies.

+2k1 is either a +2 or a +3

Damage is tracked as a base pool = to the Kept rating of  the weapon + Strength.

A katana (3k2)  has a base of 2. Wielded by a samurai with strength 2 gives a damage pool of 4.

A separate pull is done for damage. Raises for damage in the attack roll add automatic damage.

Successful Focus checks in a duel also add to damage.

Carapace and Reduction give penalties to the damage pool equal to their carapace and reduction rating.

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