
Jan 17, 2006 01:32

All the knowledge in the world is useless without something to do with it ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

angelinme220 January 20 2006, 19:54:25 UTC
Now you just pissed me off. Posting crap like this might help you vent but keep in mind we can all read it. Saying bull like "fuck you all" and "die" doesn't really say much about whatever smidgen of respect you might have for anyone. I happen to think highly of you and think you're a trustworthy and talented friend and yes I respect you. So for you to go on a rampage against the world and declare bull like "people in the real world suck" doesn't really say much about me as a your friend does it. Do you know how many times you contradicted yourself here. You say "fuck being fake" "fuck being yourself because it's not true". "I'm me and no one gets that" What the hell do you want? It's like you think you're the only one in the world that's true to yourself and everyone else is a bunch of posers and that's just conceited. From what I've seen in most of your "angry" bitching posts you aren't completely you either or you'd tell people what you thought without the security of a computer. "Acknowledge my existence!" So what, you ( ... )


angelinme220 January 20 2006, 19:55:30 UTC
By the way...with such a confrontational can't not expect bitching. But you said it was your place to bitch so please excuse mine


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