
Nov 23, 2008 09:51

Probably my most thought about, developed character, ever, Sarila.

And just for clearing it up, it's intended to be said like sa-real-la, give or take.

She's half of the species that lives with the humans, and half of the species that kills a lot of humans. For just the entry, let's call them L and K respectively.

L is basically a lesser form of K. This is mainly due to a difference in biology. They both are like vampire because they need to drink human blood to survive, they both can be stronger than humans, and can heal faster. Using the human blood, their bodies make another for of power or energy (right now the current thought is maybe some similar to ATP, if you know what that is), and this is the fuel for these 'better than human' type abilities. They also need the blood because their bodies can not produce enough to sustain itself (I haven't decided if it's some but not enough or just none at all). So in a way, humans are their food.

Now, this main difference comes in with this ATP like thing. K can make more of a stronger for of 'ATP-thing' when compared to an L with the blood they drink. In fact, L's ATP-thing isn't usable by K's body at all, but it has a low chance of making them actually sick (can happen, but takes a lot of L's blood/ATP-thing). Similarly, K's ATP-thing isn't usable by L's body, and due to K-ATP-thing's higher strength and concentration levels, it will make an L sicker faster. After more than just a few swallows, they're likely to throw up. I haven't fully researched this one yet, but I was it to be similar to when a human (like real human, like you and me) gets certain levels of a toxin or similar in their body, and once it's pasts the stomach, the only way of dealing with it is just waiting for it to pass through their system. While it's still in the stomach, certain mechanism in their body will try to get it out of their stomach.

Ok, this part is important because it sets up the next part, which is because of this a cross between an L and a K is a rare thing, not only because they don't get along, but because many tries at such a thing don't work. Let me see if I can explain this one, both have the ability to create their ATP-thing, and then use it; however, when it comes do to genetics passed to a child, they're separate.

For example say an L and a K attempt to have a child. The child gets the ability to use L type ATP-thing form the L parents, along with the parent's dis-tolerance for K type ATP-thing. The child also gets the ability to make only K type ATP-thing. So, this child can't make it's own energy needed to function at a biological level, and has some mechanism in it's body that reject the energy it needs. This child has a low probably of surviving long enough to be born at all, even if it is it will be small, weak, and sickly. Even if it does survive long enough to be born, it has no chance of survive long enough to grow much bigger or develop much at all. (also, this ATP-thing play major roles in children of both species for grow up, and developing abilities better than a human, along with using these abilities later in life).

There's multiple combos of this; however, many lead to the child not surviving past being an infant. There's also the fact that K's pregnancies are harder on the mother's body, and a K can take it, but if the the mother of the child is an L it can cause problems. An example of that would be something like a child having with K type ATP-thing making and using (and possibly many other K type traits), but the L is the mother. Without lots of special care and extra blood, both mother and child have a low chance of surviving. I've also read some information in the past about things that can go wrong (in humans, u and me) when the Rh factor in mommy's and baby's blood don't match up correctly. I may use something like this, but I don't know.

Anyway, the point of all that long stuff is that a half K, half L has a low chance being possible, especially in the case of L being the mother, like in the case of Sarila. So, ultimately, she's darn lucky to have been born and made it past her first year or two. She's also really luck because her appearance is that of an L. I haven't quiet worked out the details yet, but basically you can look at a K and tell they're not an L, and Sarila looks like an L (many of her K trait are things not connect to physical appearance). She's lucky that she looks like she's only an L because many humans wouldn't tolerant a K living so close by because of how the Ks attack the humans and where they live pretty regularly. Humans fear and hate K's. So Sarila has to hide what she is from people outside of the house she lives in, but isn't very hard.

Ok, I have so much more to say, but I need a shower, and the dining court opens soon, and I'm hungry. So I'll say it later.

story, sarila

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