Here's a little something Ben showed me, which further goes to prove that those who take their religion too far really need to pull their heads out of their asses.
That's beyond pathetic. Humans irritate me so much.
Apologies for the intrusion, by the way. Just saw another of your posts in the Esca community, followed it to your info and so forth, and was wondering if you'd mind if I added you.
Nope, don't mind at all. ^_^ Just be forewarned that most of what gets posted here either relates to my fandoms or consists of pointless bitching. XD Yer welcome to hang around if that interests you for some reason. *laughs*
Comments 7
Some people are just sad and pathetic, and obviously have no life if they took the time to read *that* much into something totally stupid.
<3. Many times <3.
Apologies for the intrusion, by the way. Just saw another of your posts in the Esca community, followed it to your info and so forth, and was wondering if you'd mind if I added you.
mebbe i call tomorrow...
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