Nov. 28th - Dec. 2nd:
Mr. Fahl: "So..there's this word I heard on the tv the other day..and I'm not even sure it's a word.. Is this.." *writes 'hotie' on the board* "..a word?"
Josh Sho.: *pointing to Jeremy G. and I* "THEY BROKE ME!"
Bryan S.: *to the tune of 'Jesus Loves the Little Children'* "Je-sus hates the Luth-er-ans..."
I got all excited when he said Jesus and started dancing..but then when I heard the rest I stopped in shock. :P My grandma Reimer's Lutheran, man.
Kyle was poking Sara's sandwich at lunch..but then he missed and jammed his finger on the table. XP
Sara: "...You just got beat up by a sandwich!!"
We played Hangman in Lit when we were supposed to be doing..some other game. Anyway, Dan suggested "Stuff You Can Buy at Wal-Mart" for a topic.
Scott: *writes _ _ _ _ _ _ _*
Dan: "If it starts with a 'C' then I'm saying 'Condoms.'"
Scott: "...Okay then!" *erases*
As heard from various people on the Academic Bowl Trip...
Mr. Lough: "If you could take anything from the art museum, what would it be?"
..Gradually gets to Bryan...
Bryan S.: "Well...since I'm right in front of Mr. Lough, I'd probably take 'The Nighthawks' just to make you mad."
Mr. Lough: *Nighthawks is his favorite painting* "Don't mess with me, Smethers! I'm insane; I will kill you!"
In Physics, a note came for Mackenzie H. to go to the nurse because she apparently took the wrong pills..
Mr. Weaver: "Well that's refreshing... You go to the nurse for Tylenol and she gives you something completely different.."
Spanish fun...
Mr. Fahl: "Well, I dunno... Is it possible to have light skin and dark hair??"
*Scott raises hand.*
Dec. 5th - 8th:
..Talking about Mrs. Sharpenburg's son who works out during PreCalc..
Tim L.: "Is he ripped?"
Mrs. S.: "...He's seven."
In Physics the four guys behind Megan and I were trying to figure out the differences between floggings, beatings, and whippings...
Megan A.: "This is awkward to listen to...can you wait till later?"
During AP Govt.
Sam: *writes 'I have a Great Big Sea song stuck in my head.'*
Scott: *writes 'I have a song from the DK 64 sound track stuck in my head... I win.'"*