perhaps too nice...

Aug 10, 2007 19:26

So I've been drafted by one of my karate students to take him and his friend to the Family Values tour concert in Atlanta tomorrow. He's one of about four that I would consider to be adopted little brothers to me. As he pointed out once, I do things with the others like take them to Six Flags and stuff but don't do things with him that he can do ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

eal August 12 2007, 01:56:01 UTC
It could be worse. Try New Kids on the Block. I slept out with my sister to get the tickets. Drove nearly hysterical teenagers to the show and sat through the damned thing because a "responsible adult" had to be with the girls.

This? Should have earned me some sort of sister merit badge at the very least.


den_mother August 12 2007, 16:28:09 UTC
The experience wasn't too bad. His parents bought him the tickets for his b-day and they were seats and in the shade. If it had been a repeat of my Ozzfest experience at the same place, I would be hating life today (but not as much as I would have been yesterday). Instead, I had a pretty good time for most of the day and a really great time seeing Korn at the end of the night. They, especially, put on an awesome show.

Definitely cooler than seeing NKOTB.

However, I think the two boys have now elected me their permanent concert chaperone.


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