Title: Aiming for the Perfect Date! (1/3)
Pairing: Kyusung
Genre: Romance, Drama, Fluff, Humor
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Inspired by a manga.
Length: Three-shots
Note: A mini-sequel to Let The Love Begin
ohmygengSummary: Yesung is taking charge. What will happen?
Comments 16
I got a spot!!! YAY! Yay for sequel too!
YeMin brothers so adorable! LOL at what Sungmin said... hahahahaha! didn't knew about that kind of theory XD
The Life of Dogs?? LOL! YeKyu must prefer watching The Life of Turtles~ *AHHHHHHH!!!! save me from my biasness!*
What Kyu said is really touching~ I can totally imagine Yesung melting~
Yesung's preparation FTW! other people must be staring at him for his weirdness... but his handsomeness and hotness *nods to myself* it's not fun that Kyuhyun didn't recognized the shirt... *BOO!*
I LOVE THE TRAIN STATION PART! Yesung didn't expected something like that to happen but there are still benefits... *ehem! PDA at public tranportation!*
Gosh I'm so biased....
writing is really fun~ there have been so many time in the past that I tried quitting writing fics but I can't... I just love it and my OTP so much~
and I love all of you here at LJ!
Thank you so much for this Ate Den~
did I spazz too much?
anyways... o.O
Sungmin screaming on th top of his lungs like a maniac knowing that the two are together at long last! *sigh* wonderful.. don;t wanna hear it though... my ear drums might burst.
sungmin, amusement paks are sweet too. the waiting makes it even more romantic you know? no proofs for that though, i'm an amateur when it comes to dates,. XD
it's almost winter and yesung wore something thin??! he wanted to be sick! I knew it! XD lol
yesung, you don't plan dates like some school trip. it ruins the element of surprise.! but oh well, with kyu along, surprise comes in big packages.
i shall wait for the next chapter like a love-sick puppy. hahaha.. no seriously, i will! have a nice day ate den! :)
But i need to take shower first,read this later okey..
My fav line “Doing ‘that’ isn’t the reason I want to be with you…but it’s because I want to have an actual date,” Kyuhyun answered, scratching his head, and blushing a deep shade of red. “That’s why I wanted to try something normal,”...Awww,kyu..u're so sweet n such a good boy friend.
The train scene was my fav,though still do the smirking thingy. Pervert kyu..imagining yesung leaned his head on kyu's chest was so romantic *envy*
Interesting chapter...Love it D
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