Title: Winter and Spring
Pairing: Kyuhyun-centric, Kyusung
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Angst, Drama
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I wish I own them but I don't and the story is inspired by my favorite
Lenght: One-shot
ohmygengSummary: True love doesn’t have a happy ending, because true love never ends.
Letting go is one way of saying I love you... )
Comments 80
Is it based from fruits basket?
Is Donghae Tohru?
Kyuhyun is the doctor Hatori?
and Jongwoon is the nurse right?
*OTAKU here XD*
I love that question very much!!
too bad there is no winter and spring in the Philippines....
TT~TT oh..I can't really handle angst fics without happy endings... but since I love you that is fine....
Thank you for the fic Aunt Den^^
Yeah you crazy OTAKU!! This is based on Fruits Basket, Kana and Hatori's love story or rather tragic story is my most favorite part of the manga
Yeah..I want to have 4 seasons too!!!
Im lucky you love me then...thanks for bearing with this miserable fic...you are a really good niece!!
I'm glad this miserable fic inspired you to write some angst..thanks for finding its beauty despite the utter nonsense of this fic :D
It'a an amazing manga!! Really beautiful~ It's a seahorse really but, I figure a turtle would be most fitting..xDD!!
I had a bit of fun in that part :D
Actually what Kyuhyun erased was their time together..not his existence on Jongwoon's life,,so that's why he still remembers Kyuhyun :D I felt really depressed when I was writing it,,so this is the outcome :(
And yeah...YeMin FTW!!!
I might...emphasis on the might...make a sequel of it someday~
You're such a great friend...this is really horrible yet you still had a lot of things to say,,your long comments always makes me happy,,its something Im always looking forward for...Thank you very much Arvy!
Waitasec, why was Kyu's eye bleeding? Except for that their love was like broken glass so that it really fit, but I'm confused.
Uh... *sniff* I need a hug now.
Im sorry!! Wait for LtLB for something happy,,can't write a happy one-shot :(
This was anything but beautiful. This is sick, strange and weird that just pops into my mind because of a damn manga...should not write it :D
xDD!! I was actually thinking of Sungmin as the future hubby :D and oh, the bleeding was because of a flying vase..damn stupid, i didn't realize I didn't include it..I fix it already, thanks for pointing it out!!
Awww!! Come her *hugs you* Im sorry for coming up with such a sick fic :(
Actually, it isn't half as sick as the images I got after watching T-ara's Bo Peep for the whichever-th time yesterday. (Gee, I wonder if any part of KyuSung could turn into a cat/fox and then eat your liver. Mmmm... and they weren't even Sungmin/Heechul related images. How sad of me.)
But... I bet that if Kyu was a turtle, Yeh'd wanna adopt him. That makes perfect sense in my head!!!
Oh... YeMin. ;)(Even though it's sort of a sad YeMin. It's better than the alternatives.)
It isn't sick... just sad. And the part with the spring was beautiful, even though Yeh's always so gloomy in my head caause of his stylists. xD
*hugs back*
T-Ara's Bo peep?? Gotta check that one out,,it must be something to bothered you like that..xDD!! Min and Chul...the immortal cats :D
In the original it was supposed to be a sea horse...but turtles will make it more fun and will totally suits Jongwoon's addiction to turtles..xDD!!
Yeah,,sad because you're the only one who knows..xD Must totally write a Yehmin someday :>
LOL!! So true..damn stylist~ Thanks Alice! You comments cheered me up :D
0_0 a seahorse? That'd fit SiHae!
Oh...now that was one hot dance, troublemaker. I always love watching it..Hyunseung and Hyuna~
LOL!! Sihae..totally didn't think of that!! Amazing Alice :D
Now now, B2ST are probably my second favorite K-Pop band, only that I have no biases in there. Seriously can't decide since I like them all. Never happened with any other band.
If Siwon were to be a seahorse Hae would have to adopt him. *sigh* Here's a case of "another pairing I'm sorta fond of but cant imagine writing to save my life". FML to hell.
When it comes to B2ST I love Yoseob and Hyunseung...but I totally love the band...also my second favorite :D
xDD!! I can't write Siwon too without making him a walking cliche~
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