Title: Memories (Part 2)
Pairing: Kyusung
Genre: Romance, Angst, Drama
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Inspired by a manga
Length: Three-shots
Warning: Character Death
turtlecloudsSummary: To let it fade…or to run away from it…which choice would be more unbearable?
Part 2 )
Comments 20
it was fluffy and mushy at first and then you ended it with angst!! you're cruel! cruel I tell you!! T.T
i thought you were gonna change the ending but no... so sad.. this got me teary-eyed but maybe the next chapter will have me wailing?
LOL!! jkjk...the story is supposed to be really like this~
Nope...I want to stick with the original story....and Im trying to write the final part but its really very hard..too much angst >.
OHHH..D,this too much for me ro handle. Too sad n hurt also break my heart. I'm crying here D..maybe b'coz i listening Adele 'Someone Like You' while reading this. But i like this story so much..*angst lover here*. And what i like the most is u put donghae as their child. That was a great decision since we all know that donghae is yesung's child in real life kekekek..Yesung often saying that donghae is his child.
( ... )
Yesung and his precious Jokeumani <3 Donghae is the perfect child for Yesung and Kyuhyun...just too adorable >.< Then look forward for the last part,,it'll be much more angst :D
Awwww!!! I love this picture unnie <3 And I miss you too...and yeah,,we seldom talk to each other these days >.< Let's talk soon unnie..see you in twitter or lj or fb :D
I'm looking forward to the next part but not at the same. Do I need to bring out the tissues? =D
If I manage to write it successfully maybe you'll need some xDDD Thanks for reading and commenting :D
hy is yesung always dying in fanfictions? T^T
am i the only one who wants the two of them to be happy lovey dovey together till the very end (when theyre like 90.)
thats so depressing T^T
LOL!! I want that too dear...not just on my fic :D
Cheer up!! Just read some fluff Kyusung fic Yaya :D
when i love someone i want him to be happy! okay drama is okay but in the eeeeeend there must be a happy end.
and you know what?
its really obvious that most of the kyusung shippers are yesung-biased. and kyuhyun-biased are kyumin shippers.
But my bias isnt kyuhyun or yesung. theyre my favourite couple. and i love it to read about them. its also the only suju couple i love to read about.
but actually my bias is donghae! then the others.
but i dont ship eunhae :O its strange right?
i also ship minwook and sichul but i dont read fanfictions about them. just kyusung.
ah sorry for this long coment. it doesnt even have to do with your fic. but i had to mention it xD
ill keep reading your fiction..
i just love the way you write. even if its making me sooo damn sad.
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