[2007.04.25] Arashi’s All Night Nippon - Part II

May 02, 2016 00:01

Continued from Part I. Same warning: VERY long.

Ohno: Arashi’s All Night Nippon. I’m Ohno Satoshi who’s leaving everything in Sho-chan’s hands tonight. I’ve been watching “NEWS ZERO”!
Sakurai: Thank you!
Ohno: (laugh)
Sakurai: So Ohno-san, please read the mail.
Ohno: Alright~!
nice-smelling fart )

♥ 大里予矢口日, ♥ 木貝貝女井羊习习, ♥ translations

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Comments 6

clara_maria May 1 2016, 17:32:28 UTC
it continues! the fart talk XD

seriously, I love this ♥

they should repeat this!!


arashifann May 1 2016, 22:51:18 UTC
Thank you so so so much ^_^
Otsukare <333


splendid_season May 2 2016, 01:05:22 UTC
Thank you for part 2!!


orsa2012 May 3 2016, 06:16:32 UTC
Thanks for translating and sharing this!! It's really is long..lol.. I forgot what I read at the begining when i reached the middle!!

I heard “I’m Ohno Satoshi ♪”
Ohno: (laugh)
Sakurai: I walked out straightaway!

Haha, this.. he maybe thought he stepped into something private!! Or he was caught red handed!!


lovetteto May 7 2016, 05:49:02 UTC

Just Wanna Ask Where Did U Get The Radio Recording?


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