It's funny how they put so much pressure on the young folk to earn a peice of paper, when it seems to me as you get into the real world you realise it's not really a big deal, it's more what you do that counts.
it is most certain in the art world at least, they don't care about that degree you earned, just that you can do the job well! Personally i am not taking that BA Hons for the degree, just for the learning (and it's working well, so yeah!!)
some of my friends though are really paranoid about getting a low grade- obviously you don't want to fail cause it means you won't stay the following year! but in my opinion getting an average result is OK- and besides, if you really are learning sopmething, and focus more on the learning side than the 'io want to acheive this particular grade' side, then you will get a decent grade anyway!
i guess i'm tihnking more aobut GCSE's- i didn't really get any, and was piss scared about not getting anywhere, but most people don't seem to give a shit, and don't even look at your GCSE's on a CV;;. I wish they'd take the pressure off those kids- it's good to encourage hard work for certain, but not so much it makes them sick with worry and panic!!
got me thinking too, how any kind of grade it seems doesn't mean anytihng anymore, since anyone can do it. that's not to say though that i am downplaying the equal right to be able to earn that grade- i just tihnk they are way too easy to earn nowadays.
I know that years ago one big reason people couldn't get into uni's was because they weren't part of some snotty bloodline, which totlaly isn't fair on other people, at all,
however i feel like after that, it's getting too easy- it's not so much that anyone can can get in, but that anyone can earn that degree/grade, when they prehaps didn't deserve it (since they didn't work as hard as others).
I feel like sometimes, people are earning a peice of paper that says they can do a certain thing that prehaps they have no idea about! It's interesting that our politics mean we are so caught up in trying to make everyone equal,we go too far!
to put it simply-
I think that equal oppotunities is the right way to go about it- (you know, a great cook can come from anywhere!)
but surely as well, we could all be celebrated for our differences rather than dulling everyone down so we are all the same!
does anyone else feel that our society tends to dull people down to monotone, in order to be far too poltically correct? maybe it's a case of celebrating certain differences in people (like skills!) rather than negitivly attacking other differences (like class, race, and what you wear, ect.)
oh world, a messy place :S