. . . . . . 'Snapshot of Joy' No coif No glint of gold on ebony skin Just Smile that shines-glows-pours from eyes and smiling mouth radiant deluge of Joy
JoySnapshot Not coif Not glint of gold on ebony skin all Smile shining-glowing-pouring out and overflow eyes smilegushing mouth radiant Joy deluge
The dishes were dirty, so I washed them She was dirty, so I washed her; hair too. The sheets were dirty, so I changed them. Now the dishes are dirty. Today I do not like my life.
Every morning so fa I have got out and walked- down a couple of blocks to a lovely coffee shop. This morning Im having a couple of cups in my apt. And then I WILL go walk a bit in the park I will I will I rreaally, really will!
Awoke rested and peaceful So much lately has been the huge knot in stomach And just so sad Feeling like Im moving to die Nothing to look forward to except more sick.... Well you get the idea But today is better Hope its to stay And for now its great And if I change i to y and drop an a I'll be "dennyStL" Get to that soon as do a "few" other things