Milestone, and other stuff

Aug 22, 2011 17:19

(Warning; half-naked photos behind the cut) So, I have hit what probably counts as my first major milestone... for the last few mornings I've consistently been slightly under my weight of 3 years ago. Combine this with the visible gains in muscle on my arms and shoulders, and I would guess I have to be in better shape now than I was then. I haven't managed to find much in the way of photo evidence to compare against, but it seems unlikely I'm looking worse at the same weight.

Speaking of photos, last week I took some photos of me in a relaxed posture, to use for later comparisons. Here are the front and back shots:

The shots taken from the side (my habitual slouch vs. 'breathe in and stand up straight') were what prompted the recent question about how to improve posture:

I also took some with me tensing my muscles like a wannabe body-builder. The front shot is too embarrassing to share :) but this one taken from behind is okay - shoulders and upper arms look nice in this pose:

(Not entirely sure if the ripply bits on my lower back are emerging muscles or remaining lard - anyone care to venture a guess? They feel like they might be muscle.)

In other exercise-related news, I've been trying to figure out how to install a pull-ups bar at home, but I suspect it's beyond my DIY skills. To be honest, even putting up a picture hook is beyond my DIY skills, and I'm not likely to get injured if one of those comes crashing to the ground - a pull-ups bar really wants to be solid. Might see if I can hire someone to do it once I've finished this contract I start tomorrow, as I'll have some money then.

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body-shaping, photos of me

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