I am not okay...

Apr 02, 2017 08:25

I am not okay. I am not okay.

Which translates as 'I just watched the Black Sails finale, and I am not okay...'

Spoilers... )

tv: black sails

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Comments 6

teragramm April 2 2017, 15:18:43 UTC
When I saw the title of your post, I was, at first worried.


denorios April 2 2017, 16:19:11 UTC
Haha, like most people, I suspect, if things were genuinely not okay I'd be telling everyone I was fine.


azewewish April 2 2017, 17:26:25 UTC
I cried SO hard omg


denorios April 2 2017, 17:29:24 UTC
I'm pretty sure I thought the finale would be death and heartbreak and blood - I didn't expect a happy ending! Flint and Thomas reuniting at last, Flint just crying into Thomas's shoulder just broke me completely.


1_rhiannon_1 April 3 2017, 18:38:32 UTC
Of all the things I did not expect but desperately wanted, that was it. James has his Thomas back, so Flint can die. My heart <3


denorios April 4 2017, 07:47:12 UTC
I really thought Flint would die - I couldn't see a way out of it for him, but I didn't forsee him 'dying' like this. And I'm so happy!


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