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Comments 54

whirligigged January 25 2007, 04:48:18 UTC
Aw, Carla, you're so attached. <3 Maybe he and Parker will change their minds about each other and hook up? I like Parker a lot! They deserve good love interests!

Don't roll your eyes at me, missy! I'm ashamed to say that I've only seen three of those movies. Darn. I have Grease 2 loaded on my computer, though! I'm just waiting for some time to sit down and watch it. ^_^


denrito January 25 2007, 04:53:54 UTC
I CAN'T HELP IT. He's too sweet! And undeserving of such treatment. Ugh. Yeah.. maybe they could change their minds. Though it's not the same.

AHAHA YOU FAIL. Which ones have you seen anyway?


whirligigged January 25 2007, 07:02:49 UTC
AGH SHUSH. *covers face in shame* The Covenant, Romeo&Juliet, and of course X-Men ( ... )


denrito January 25 2007, 19:53:06 UTC
ahaha, I remember you seeing The Covenant. And X-Men, obviously. BUT I'M SO SHOCKED YOU HAVEN'T SEE FIGHT CLUB YET!! Possibly one of the best movies EVER made.

Awww, I love you. What you said made me smile. Though too bad they'd never go that way on the show. Think I can find Piz/Wallace fic, cuz that'd be uber cool. And yes, Hannah!!! She'd be great for Piz. LET'S START A PETITION TO HAVE HER BACK ON THE SHOW. lol lame

Dick/Mac is seriously intriguing.


(The comment has been removed)

denrito January 25 2007, 04:55:26 UTC
haha yeah, he was the first who came to mind!
And yes, you really should :D


dorkamatronic January 25 2007, 06:02:29 UTC
I saw Sodapop and omgLOVE. That whole movie = love.


denrito January 25 2007, 19:59:39 UTC


dorkamatronic January 26 2007, 02:04:22 UTC
I watched it in grade seven cuz we had to read it for school, then again during winter break, then again a couple of weeks ago cuz I was channel surfing.

When Johnny, I think it was, died.. then Dally went crazy.. and.. *SOBS*

Patrick Swayze will NEVER be so cool ever.


denrito January 26 2007, 05:06:47 UTC
lol me too, ahaha
I was my fave book ever at the time. Though to be fair, I hadn't read much before it ;)

Patrick Swayze ruined himself doing Ghost *rolls eyes*


colouredhorizon January 25 2007, 06:14:56 UTC
Stephen Strait Do u pronounce it as steven or stef-an? I always thought it was stef-an, but on laguna, there's this character called stephen, and they call him steven o-0
I still want to see that movie>> the covenant, it has so many hot guys!


denrito January 25 2007, 20:00:50 UTC
I honestly have no idea :(, but I guess it would be "Steven", though don't take my word for it.
hehe, it's a really really bad movie, but it's worth watching for them hot boys :P


colouredhorizon January 26 2007, 02:43:44 UTC
haha YEAH!!!


abyssal January 25 2007, 07:25:12 UTC
I feel sorry for Piz as well. And I can't understand how so many people can hate him. Just because they are afraid that Veronica might choose him over Logan? I think that's pathetic and I don't see this happenig. But I'm happy that Veronica finally realized that he has feeling for her (and to be honest, she did a lot to that).


denrito January 25 2007, 20:04:13 UTC
It's not just that she realized it, it's that he made it so obvious. But I can't really blame him, because he was hopeful only to have his hopes shattered. Anyways yeah, I'm glad L/V are back together but I can't help but feel sorry for Piz.


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