Aw, Carla, you're so attached. <3 Maybe he and Parker will change their minds about each other and hook up? I like Parker a lot! They deserve good love interests!
Don't roll your eyes at me, missy! I'm ashamed to say that I've only seen three of those movies. Darn. I have Grease 2 loaded on my computer, though! I'm just waiting for some time to sit down and watch it. ^_^
ahaha, I remember you seeing The Covenant. And X-Men, obviously. BUT I'M SO SHOCKED YOU HAVEN'T SEE FIGHT CLUB YET!! Possibly one of the best movies EVER made.
Awww, I love you. What you said made me smile. Though too bad they'd never go that way on the show. Think I can find Piz/Wallace fic, cuz that'd be uber cool. And yes, Hannah!!! She'd be great for Piz. LET'S START A PETITION TO HAVE HER BACK ON THE SHOW. lol lame
I watched it in grade seven cuz we had to read it for school, then again during winter break, then again a couple of weeks ago cuz I was channel surfing.
When Johnny, I think it was, died.. then Dally went crazy.. and.. *SOBS*
Stephen Strait Do u pronounce it as steven or stef-an? I always thought it was stef-an, but on laguna, there's this character called stephen, and they call him steven o-0 I still want to see that movie>> the covenant, it has so many hot guys!
I honestly have no idea :(, but I guess it would be "Steven", though don't take my word for it. hehe, it's a really really bad movie, but it's worth watching for them hot boys :P
I feel sorry for Piz as well. And I can't understand how so many people can hate him. Just because they are afraid that Veronica might choose him over Logan? I think that's pathetic and I don't see this happenig. But I'm happy that Veronica finally realized that he has feeling for her (and to be honest, she did a lot to that).
It's not just that she realized it, it's that he made it so obvious. But I can't really blame him, because he was hopeful only to have his hopes shattered. Anyways yeah, I'm glad L/V are back together but I can't help but feel sorry for Piz.
Comments 54
Don't roll your eyes at me, missy! I'm ashamed to say that I've only seen three of those movies. Darn. I have Grease 2 loaded on my computer, though! I'm just waiting for some time to sit down and watch it. ^_^
AHAHA YOU FAIL. Which ones have you seen anyway?
Awww, I love you. What you said made me smile. Though too bad they'd never go that way on the show. Think I can find Piz/Wallace fic, cuz that'd be uber cool. And yes, Hannah!!! She'd be great for Piz. LET'S START A PETITION TO HAVE HER BACK ON THE SHOW. lol lame
Dick/Mac is seriously intriguing.
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And yes, you really should :D
When Johnny, I think it was, died.. then Dally went crazy.. and.. *SOBS*
Patrick Swayze will NEVER be so cool ever.
I was my fave book ever at the time. Though to be fair, I hadn't read much before it ;)
Patrick Swayze ruined himself doing Ghost *rolls eyes*
I still want to see that movie>> the covenant, it has so many hot guys!
hehe, it's a really really bad movie, but it's worth watching for them hot boys :P
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