Nexus and kv, Locket and fDinobot's apartment and Ratchet's family quarters, Healing

Jun 14, 2011 18:45

Locket: *rolls over in sleep and squishes hubby*

fDinobot: *squirms and tries to get un-squished* *is far too used to being squished in the down period, because of the Mongrel*

Locket: *growling at a bad dream, though it sounds like she's crying too*

fDinobot: *once he's squirmed free, he'll gently rub Locket's back*

Locket: *gradually becomes aware of her surroundings and the friendly touch* *blurry frown* Jewel...

fDinobot: *quiet "hnn"* No... Dinobot...

Locket: *shudders and rubs her head as she strains to see as she's used to seeing and finds herself once more confined to only her own sensors*

fDinobot: *doesn't say a word, just offers tactile comfort*

Locket: *finally, quiet and grim* I feel like I'm losing integrity in my personality matrix.

fDinobot: ... *quietly* Shall I locate a suitable medic?

Locket: *low snort* They can't cure crazy.

fDinobot: *soft snort of his own* Perhaps not, but they may be able to provide... assistance...

Locket: I don't see how. I'm missing parts that no one can replace.

fDinobot: *slight knowing look* *quietly* There may be a solution available in the Nexus...

Locket: *quiet and grim* I don't see how.

fDinobot: *more backrub*

Locket: *moves restlessly, then growls and shudders again* I'm blind...

fDinobot: ... *calling Rhinox and Spazz now!*

Rhinox: //If it's not on fire I'm asleep.//

fDinobot: *low growl over comms* //Locket is in need of assistance, NOW.//

Rhinox: *awake!* //What are the symptoms?//

fDinobot: *explaining, in a slightly terse manner, what he has observed, and what Locket herself has said*

Rhinox: *grim* //I'll see what I can do. ETA two minutes.//

fDinobot: //Understood.// *closes the comm with a click* *turns his attention to comforting Locket*

Locket: *shaking getting slowly but gradually worse*

Rhinox: *voice sounds from the other room, answered by another male voice as well as Spazz's slightly flat from distraction tones*

fDinobot: *doesn't want to leave Locket's side*

Rhinox: Dinobot, can Spazz and Ratchet come in?

fDinobot: *with a bit of a clipped tone, which is entirely due to worry* Very well.

Rhinox: *in he comes, and the Ratchet with him is the Allspark Ferryman*

fDinobot: *very surprised to see the Allspark Ferryman, but will do his best to behave*

tgRatchet: *slight grin for the smaller mech* Hey, buddy. How are you feeling?

Rhinox: *just climbs up on the berth and starts running a scanner over Locket*

Spazz: *flops by the door and ponders this new trend of actually needing sleep. Wonders if she's been LOLed*

fDinobot: *very slight nod* I am doing well.... *and watching Rhinox, but you've got most of his attention, tgRatchet!*

Rhinox: *frowning* There's a lot of stress here, Ratchet.

tgRatchet: Good... good. *attention goes to Rhinox and his face grows more sober* It's more than just bond shock, isn't it?

Rhinox: The bond she lost was a symbiont. Her remote targeting system.

tgRatchet: *winces* I was going to suggest a bond with her fellow, but I can see that wouldn't solve the problem.

Rhinox: Nope. Though Dinobot's as willing a gofer as Locket could want. *still scanning and frowning*

fDinobot: *very slight growl before he can stop himself*

Ratchet: *quietly, as he watches the ailing femme* The only thing I can suggest is getting her a new symbiont as fast as you can.

Rhinox: Any ideas how? And where?

Spazz: Jubal makes those indestructible jewel things.

Rhinox: It'll need a spark.

tgRatchet: Yeah. ...Part of Locket's spark would be best. *slight scowl* I haven't been able to find Jewel, but symbionts have a tendency to lose themselves in the song and never come out.

Rhinox: Yeah. They don't have much identity of their own. *still busy*

fDinobot: *focusing on smoothing Locket's helm*

Spazz: ...Where's Scattor?

Rhinox: I haven't seen him since he LOLed Blackout so she was drunk off her aft the other day. *looks up and frowns at tgRatchet*

fDinobot: *starting to focus only on Locket*

tgRatchet: Hmm, well a wish would be the quickest way to get the new symbiont's spark. You don't know anything about CNA coding, do you?

Rhinox: Nope. *looks around with an absent scowl as he prays for guidance*

fDinobot: *not going to be much help. Never did have any interest in the sciences*

Rhinox: *doubtful look toward fDinobot*

fDinobot: *slight frown, before he's remembering something he overheard Mongrel mention* There... may be one who can come....

Rhinox: *perks* One you'd trust more than those big yellow models. *knows fDinobot's opinion of those Ratchets*

fDinobot: *slight nod* *quietly* He is from the reality that the young Eclipse and Starscream call home...

Rhinox: Ah. That guy. *glances at the Ratchet that's present*

tgRatchet: *lifts his brow plates hopefully* Do you want to call him, buddy? Or do you want me to go get him?

Spazz: *has quietly disappeared in her sneaky Sewercon way*

fDinobot: *slight apprehension* *quietly* I have not met him personally... The mongrel has, however...

tgRatchet: Right. I'm on my way. *vanishes soundlessly*

kv, Ratchet, Fixer, Viisaus, and Torque's family quarters

Ratchet: *snoring softly as he recharges*

tgRatchet: *snerks quietly, then sits on/in his brother, and shares static!*

Ratchet: *slight squirm, automatically checks for Torque fingers in seams*

tgRatchet: *absently checks for Torque location as he continues to share static*

Torque: *is currently snuggling Motormaster, since the other mechlet managed to make himself sick with upsetedness due to an accident that happened during a play tussle*

Ratchet: *slight frown, is starting to wake up, since he just remembered where Torque is*

tgRatchet: -Hey. Wake up. Waaaaaky wakey.- *feels sympathy as he sees the memory of Torque's mashed intakes*

Ratchet: ... *sitting up now, will look around to see if he has company*

tgRatchet: *slight thrill of shock as he winds up inside a shell for the first time in over two thousand years. Mental o_0* *and then fends off that thought about Fixer with one of Prima*

Ratchet: *so confused now* *getting off the berth to try one of the tricks Sparkplug told him about, will go splash cold water on his face and see if that does anything to help chase the slight fog from his processor*

tgRatchet: *boggle boggle boggle. So surprised by this turn of events that he doesn't think to move away from his alternate*

Ratchet: *nearly beans himself on the door frame on the way into the little private washrack that opens off the berthroom*

tgRatchet: *winces at that* -Ouch...-

Ratchet: *freezes* Who's there? *looking around blearily*

tgRatchet: *distinctly Ratchet voice* -Me.-

Ratchet: .... Where are you? *looking around and trying to see the alternate that's here*

tgRatchet: *distracted by fending off another thought about Fixer* -Right here.-

Ratchet: *slight frown, will move over to the mirror by the washbasin*

tgRatchet: *moves forward slightly along with his alternate, and finds himself sticking out slightly in front* *grins at the reflection in the mirror* -Let me out, buddy. I'm not part of you.-

Ratchet: *startled blurt, stumbles back and lands on his skidplate*

tgRatchet: *solidifies even as he rubs his arms and shudders* I really didn't need those mental pictures...

Ratchet: *just a bit brain-broken now* What the.....

tgRatchet: *hunkers next to him* Do you have time for a housecall?

Ratchet: ... Let me get my toolkit... *moving to get to his feet*

tgRatchet: Okay. *offers his alternate a hand up* Sorry about the surprise there.

Ratchet: *reaches for his alternate's hand* What's the situation? *is asking so he knows what tools and equipment he needs to bring*

tgRatchet: *as he hefts the other Ratchet up off the floor* Open spark surgery. We've got a femme that lost her symbiont, and if we don't get her a new one... *shakes his head, his expression grim as he folds his arms over his windshield*

Ratchet: *winces and nods once he's on his feet, making a quick mental checklist of necessary equipment* The sooner we get her a new symbiont, the better.

tgRatchet: Well, we've got someone getting the hardware. We just need the spark.

Ratchet: Alright. *moves to go get his tools and a spark pod*

tgRatchet: And I guess I should mention that she's a heavy combat model, and her mate's a Maximal named Dinobot.

Ratchet: *raised brow ridge* Which Dinobot? *yes, he's heard that there's more than one in the Nexus, thanks to Eclipse and Starscream*

tgRatchet: *corner of his mouth twitches despite himself* The one that sheds.

Ratchet: .... *very slight cough to hide his snerk* Gotcha... *goes to get what he needs*

Fixer: *frowning at him as he comes back into the berthroom*

Ratchet: *quietly* I got a call from someone in the Nexus.

Fixer: *frown deepens as she pushes herself up on one elbow* What sort of call?

Ratchet: *will explain about the alternate that showed up.... but will leave out certain parts. Will also explain what the call is for*

Fixer: *deep scowl* Don't forget one of the cybertonum plates.

Ratchet: I've got one in subspace.

Fixer: ...The one you were chewing on yesterday?

Ratchet: *slight blush* That one's on my desk.

Fixer: Alright then. *sits up and yanks him over to give him a peck* You better not come back banged up or overcharged.

Ratchet: *quick kiss* I'll do my best to stay out of trouble, Fixer.

Fixer: *soft snort and shoves him away as she lays down again*

Ratchet: *gets his PINpoint out of a drawer in the nightstand table, before moving to see if he can get coordinates from his alternate*

tgRatchet: *isn't in the washrack anymore. He can be seen faintly glimmering through the open door to the hallway*

Ratchet: *moves towards the door* *wondering to himself how he missed seeing the other mech go to the door*

tgRatchet: *turns toward him, once more solidifying* Ready?

Ratchet: *nods* Let's go.

tgRatchet: *relates the coordinates and vanishes to prepare the bots at the apartment for his coming*

Ratchet: *programs his PINpoint and goes* *arrives in the bare living room. Wonders to himself just how warrior-like the couple calling this spartan environment home is as he crosses the room towards the berthroom door*

Spazz: *appears just in front of him as he reaches the door, and holds out a beautiful little bot of clear crystal, with large and delicate looking wings* What do you think, Dinobot?

fDinobot: *in alt mode and in a bit of a sulk at being kicked off the berth* *very slight nod*

Spazz: Come on, she's going to be part of your life too. You have to have more opinion than that.

fDinobot: *slight grump, but will study the little bot with one eye, and then the other* *quietly* She will be able to assist Locket with targeting?

Spazz: Yup. Jubal put all that stuff in. She'll have her own personality, too. *in other words the little bot is already alive. She only needs her spark*

fDinobot: *very soft snort, before he's nodding, and turning his attention back to the berth*

Ratchet: *soft throat clearing sound*

Spazz: *looks up toward the sound*

Rhinox: *stands up from his perch on Locket's chest* Everything's ready, Ratchet.

Ratchet: *nods and moves to carefully step around fDinobot and Spazz, noting the soft growl coming from the feathered mech*

Spazz: *offers up the little crystal form, which is pretty well the same size she is*

Ratchet: *nods to Spazz, will carefully set the little crystal form down close to Locket before he gets to work* *quietly notes that the femme is in deep stasis, even as he checks the monitors she's hooked to*

Rhinox: She's pretty shaky. You know symbiont coding, right? *turns and picks up a spark pot* And how to code sparks for them?

Ratchet: *nods* I helped Blaster with his symbionts vorns ago.... *moving to get started coding the new symbiont's spark*

Rhinox: Good. *hunkers down to watch, his ruby optics missing nothing as he hands over the occasional needed thing*

Spazz: *down by the door, yelling at her youngest sister and telling her to get scarce*

Vi: *snarking at Spazz and being a pain in the skid*

fDinobot: *growling and doing his best to resist the urge to knock the pest out of the air*

Spazz: *does it for him... since when can she do her Spazz thing anymore???*

Vi: *GONE*

fDinobot: *blink blink, looks at Spazz* ...

Spazz: *looks back* You think I was named for my personality?

fDinobot: *quietly* I had wondered....

Spazz: Nope. I was born with a special ability. It just left with my spark. *glances toward the berth and snerks to herself quietly as all she sees at first is Ratchet's rear*

fDinobot: *slight headtilt as he thinks about this*

Rhinox: *hand on the new symbiont's shoulder as she moves and grumbles softly* Easy. He's not done yet.

Ratchet: *soothing clicks as he works*

symbiont: *soft whine, and then more quiet grumbling, her head turning so that she can look toward Locket*

Ratchet: *working quickly and carefully to close up the little femme's chest, then stops and watches wonderingly through the clear material of her body as the coding he introduced spreads out through the new spark* *mouth twitching slightly, he turns to check Locket's vitals, and finds them low but steadying*

Rhinox: *glances over at his wife, then looks up at the white medic* What is it?

Ratchet: *quietly* Locket's steadying... and her new symbiont's coding is spreading through its spark...

Rhinox: *nod* Good. Should we wake her up yet?

fDinobot: *heard that! Is going to try and scoot over now*

Ratchet: She'll need to rest, but she should be alright....

Rhinox: *nods, and then turns and looks down toward the floor as he hears fDinobot's footsteps*

Ratchet: *moving to bring Locket out of stasis, quick glance at fDinobot as the feathery raptor transforms*

fDinobot: *moving to climb up to the berth so he can snuggle with Locket*

Rhinox: *hops off the unconscious femme and moves clear of Ratchet so that he can lean down and offer a hand to fDinobot*

Locket: *groans and clenches a fist, then squirms a bit*

fDinobot: *makes it up onto the berth, will move to gently touch Locket's hand*

Locket: *startles awake, sees Ratchet, and socks him*

Ratchet: *startled blurt, is knocked off his feet*

Rhinox: *flips off the berth and lands on his feet by his wife*

Spazz: *LHBO*

fDinobot: *trying so hard not to look amused, will focus on Locket* *rustles feathers*

Locket: *optics offline again as everything reboots*

Rhinox: *takes Ratchet's hand and puts it on his shoulder, then tries to help the larger bot up off the floor* Any damage?

Ratchet: *checking himself over for damage* She startled me more than anything, I think...

Rhinox: *has a look at Ratchet's face* You're good at rolling with punches.

Ratchet: *aside from some minor scuffing that was there when he arrived, is unharmed* It's part of my programming... *chuckles*

Rhinox: *nods. Then looks more closely* ...Are those mouse footprints on your nose?

Ratchet: *blink blink* Probably glitchmouse, knowing my son's pet......

Rhinox: *raises a brow ridge* You didn't have a son the last time I talked to you. *scoops Spazz into his arms, and then has a last glance back at his patient before heading for the door*

Ratchet: *as he moves to follow Rhinox* I adopted him when Fixer and I became wordmates.

Locket: *turns her head as the medics close the berthroom door behind them, then looks down as the new symbiont sneezes and climbs up onto her chest*

fDinobot: *quietly* How do you feel, Locket?

Locket: ...Better.

symbiont: *quietly* Jem. *folds up and clicks into place on Locket's locket*

Locket: *weary sigh* Whole.

fDinobot: *will gently smooth Locket's helm* *quietly* Rest.

Locket: *hand goes up to rest on his back, and then she snorts softly and yanks him down to give him a kiss*

fDinobot: *kisses, trying to keep it gentle so as not to overly stress Locket's systems*

Locket: *causes a cyclone in his processor, then pauses to smirk at him*

fDinobot: *clinging to her to keep from spinning up to the ceiling* *smuuuuug grin*

Locket: *snerks and settles down to give him a hangover for tomorrow*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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