Rhinox: *looks over from where he's sitting by Spazz, Lucky, and Dinobaby in the nest in the corner between the levels of the bar. Hands pause in twisting copper treats and his brow ridges raise as he catches what Kriti is saying to Showtime*
tKriti: You should totally talk to him. He's handsome, and he's rich, and he seems honest enough...
tShowtime: *rubbing at her arm just a bit* I don't know, Kriti....
tKriti: *gives her sister a Look* You never showed interest in any of the mechs back home, even when you could've been with the really nice and cute ones.
tShowtime: *BLUSH* Kriti!
tKriti: *crosses arms* You know I'm right.
Spazz: *lifts her head slightly from under the bitty pile* o.O *and then lets head back down with a clunk*
Rhinox: *snorts and resumes twisting copper wire, though he's listening*
tShowtime: It's not like I didn't LOOK, Kriti...
tKriti: Bull. You only worked with Sunstreaker and Sideswipe because they knew how to work as a team. Bluestreak was a good match for you, and you know he would've protected you if you had shown more than casual interest.
tShowtime: *blushing furiously now* Just leave me alone, Kriti.
Rhinox: *looks up as the cultured voice of a young mech is heard at the bar*
mech: Do you have the bubbling high grades?
Nemesis: *eyes him* Here, lemme mix you a botini.
mech: A... very well. I'm curious now. *sounds like he means it, despite the accent*
Rhinox: *brow ridge lifts, and then he glances at the sisters*
tKriti: *was just about to suggest that tShowtime give the mech a chance when she's shoved out of the way as the femme in question scampers up to the bar to get away* Ack!
tShowtime: *would be quite red in the face if she were human. As it is, her 'wings are rattling almost audibly as she makes her way up to the top of the bar*
mech: *startled golden optics look down at the tiny being from an extremely well sculpted face* Oh... What... happened?
tShowtime: *cycles air and tries to calm down before she answers* It's nothing... Just my sister giving me grief....
mech: *cultured frown* Now why would she want to do that?
tShowtime: *rattles 'wings', which catch the light just a bit* She thinks I need a mechfriend... And she's been trying to set me up with mechs....
mech: *frown deepens slightly as he accepts the botini from Nemesis* How unpleasant.
tShowtime: No kidding... *quick glance around, will get one of her cookie halves out and sit on the bar to enjoy it in peace. Yeah, the mech isn't bad company, but she's not really in the mood to share with her sisters*
mech: Well... I'm not on the market, so would you be willing to have a drink with me? *some thought passes his mind that makes that beautiful face darken slightly with sadness*
tShowtime: *small smile* I would have left if I wasn't. *she likes this guy. He's certainly friendly enough, and he's not pushy....*
mech: *bit of a smile* What would you like?
tShowtime: Nemesis makes really good Singers... but I can't have anything stronger than midgrade, or I won't be good for anything for awhile... >.>;; *sheepish grin*
mech: I'm not familiar with singers. *open and interested look as he turns to Nemesis and asks for a mild singer*
Nemesis: *snorts and mutters about finding her thimble*
tShowtime: *will begin describing the drink in detail, 'wings' glinting in the light as she relaxes and talks about one of her favorite things*
mech: *listening intently as he toys with his botini and pokes at the slice of garlic pickle in it. Those golden optics glance toward the drink as he catches the scent of the pickle, but then they return to tShowtime's face*
Nemesis: *pushes the bitty singer across the table with one finger*
tShowtime: Thanks, Nemesis. ^_^ *happy femme*
mech: *quirks a slight smile, the expression boyishly charming* It smells pleasant enough.
tShowtime: *grins and gently tilts the tiny cup, which causes a soft, tuneless melody to emit from the contents*
mech: Ahhhh, and now I understand the name. *golden optics dance as his smile becomes a bit of a grin*
tShowtime: *small, answering grin as she moves to have a sip of the Singer and listen to the melody change*
mech: *sips his own drink, and then smiles once more, this time a trifle sardonically* Forgive my lack of manners. They call me Mirage.
tShowtime: *small nod* It's nice to meet you, Mirage. My name is Showtime.
Mirage: *quirks a well molded brow plate* Showtime?
tShowtime: *nods, wondering at the questioning tone* Yeah... If you know a different me, it's likely he or she is an alternate of mine...
Mirage: Oh no. I've never heard of anyone with your designation before. I was only wondering if there was a story behind it.
tShowtime: Ooooh... I don't really know, to be honest... It's just what was in my databanks when I came online....
Mirage: *expression shifts to wondering curiosity* Doesn't your sister know?
tShowtime: Kriti doesn't know how she got her designation either.... and neither does our other sister, Desinex....
Mirage: *cultured frown* There was no older bot connected to you in any way? Creator? Modifier?
tShowtime: *quieter* If there is, they're likely back on Cybertron, and mourning....
Mirage: *blinks* Forgive me. I... I'm afraid I don't understand.
tShowtime: *quietly* Kriti and I are both Exiles. We died in our reality and can't go back. Desinex chose to come look for us, since she could still feel us to an extent....
Mirage: *softly* What does that mean? Exiles?
tShowtime: *will explain what Exiles means, in between sips of her Singer* We have reality coordinates, but we can't go back to them. If we tried, we'd be ghosts, more than likely... *sounds just a bit sad about that, as she misses her friends*
Mirage: *undisguised compassion in those golden optics now, which are just a shade too bright* I'm... sorry.
tShowtime: It's alright... I have my sisters, and Hound's told the rest of the Autobots about the Nexus by now, more than likely, so it won't be long before I get to see my friends again.... *yeah, like she really believes that... Her own optics are a bit bright as she turns her attention back to her drink*
Mirage: *visibly trying to work out what he should do or say. He's never been exposed to any form of loss, and the failure a little earlier to win the hand of the most beautiful and sweet natured femme he'd ever seen has been his one sadness*
tShowtime: *gently tilting her cup and listening to the Singer's melody* *doesn't seem to realize that she's clicking softly to herself*
Mirage: *finally, hesitantly, and cautiously in case he's behaving improperly, he reaches out a hand to touch the tiny femme with one finger* *face shows his compassion and uncertainty*
tShowtime: *very slight start, before she gives herself a bit of a shake* Sorry....
Mirage: *softly* I can't even begin to imagine what you must be going through.
tShowtime: *quietly* It's easier to not think about it... There's no point in longing for something I can't have...
Mirage: *looks down with a soft flash of guilt* And I've only ever met one thing I couldn't have...
tShowtime: *reaches to gently patpat Mirage's hand*
Mirage: *surprised and quizzical optics lift from his drink to look at her*
tShowtime: *sympathy in her blue-grey optics*
Mirage: *and now he's confused* *expression shows his attempt to understand that sympathy*
* * *
Rhinox: What's she doing?
tKriti: Patting his hand... He looks confused...
Rhinox: Confused about what? *frown*
tKriti: Nooo idea... Maybe why Show's patting his hand?
Rhinox: *frowns more deeply and cocks his head to listen*
* * *
tShowtime: *gently* I'm sure you'll find something better suited to you....
Mirage: *startled* I... beg your pardon?
tShowtime: *a bit uncertainly now* Well, there must have been a reason why you couldn't have what you were wanting....
Mirage: *quietly, gaze dropping to his drink* I tried to court a lovely femme. But she as more interested in this odd little golden and purple gadget with large optics.
tShowtime: Oooh... *and now she's reminded of what tKriti was trying to do* *soft sigh, doesn't think that there's any way a mech would be interested in her that way. 'Wings droop just slightly*
Mirage: *bites his lip* Do you like music? Racing? Sports? Riding?
tShowtime: *looks up, a bit of a shy smile coming to her face* I like growing plants....
Mirage: *wants to help the poor little femme feel better and have better things to think of than her lost home and friends* *brightens slightly* Would you and your sisters care to accompany me on a tour of the galaxy's finest botanical exhibitions?
tShowtime: *'wings perk up as her expression brightens* I'll have to track down Desinex to ask her... but Kriti's around here somewhere... *and now she's tilting her head slightly as she tries to ping Desinex's comm* *'wings UP at the rude reply she gets from Desinex* 0_0 ... Okay then....
Mirage: *politely ignores her while she's talking to others* *just tasted the bit of garlic flavour energon pickle from his drink* Xp
tShowtime: *startled blurt as she gets told to buzz off by tKriti... In far ruder words*
Mirage: *dabbing at his leaking optics with a napkin and making a mental note to never eat that pungent purple stuff again, no matter how pleasant it makes his energon taste*
tShowtime: *sheepishly* Desinex and Kriti are both busy....
Mirage: *lowers the napkin and looks at her, disappointment that she won't be able to come and let him treat her clear on his face* Oh... I see.
tShowtime: They both told me to have fun... *faceplates heating a bit as she begins to suspect that her sisters have just pulled a fast one on her*
Mirage: *surprised twitch of his brow plates* Do you mean to say they expect you to go alone, with a strange mech?
tShowtime: *quietly* They know I can take care of myself.... *and she does have a PINpoint she ganked out of the bowl by the sign, just in case*
Nemesis: *drops a little green chiproach that followed Rodimus and Oriana 2 out of their reality the last time they came to join the Prime table* There. A chaperon.
roach: *happy happy happy!*
tShowtime: *'wings up with curiosity as she studies the chiproach*
roach: *chirping away as her feelers move quizzically. Such a happy little bot*
Mirage: *also having a close look at this new and interesting life form* ...It's not like turbo foxes or petro rabbits.
tShowtime: *slight headtilt, wonders if the chiproach would like to sit on her shoulder or her head like one of her flowers...* Hmm... It's cute, at least...
roach: *happy happy, oh hai! Scoots over to look at tShowtime and chirp to her*
Mirage: Why... it's a person.
tShowtime: *surprised expression is a go, will click to the chiproach in sparklet*
roach: *silent for a moment, and then repeats in her chirpy little voice the phrases the blue femme just used*
tShowtime: *small smile, offers her hand to the chiproach*
roach: *taste taste, talk talk!*
tShowtime: *happy 'wing flutter, gives Mirage a small smile*
Mirage: *smiles in reply, and then looks around to ask Nemesis about the little femmebot who is even smaller than tShowtime*
Nemesis: *shrugs* Some Soundwave grandcog. Their reality's crawling with 'em.
tShowtime: *'wings up with surprise* Oh....
Mirage: Soundwave? Do you mean the performer?
Nemesis: *shrug* No idea what he is over there.
tShowtime: *blink blink* *to Mirage* He's a performer in your reality?
Mirage: Yes, one of the most famous.
tShowtime: ...Huh... That's really different than back home....
Mirage: Is it? *leans an arm on the bar so that he can bend toward her and the little chip roach, the better to focus on them in his intent, interested way*
tShowtime: *nods* The mech I knew of was a warrior... and specialized in espionage...
Mirage: Ah. Yes. Cybertron is at peace in my reality. We have been for a long time.
tShowtime: *very slight flicker of sadness in her optics that passes quickly* That must be nice...
Mirage: *slight distress shows in his expressive face as he sees that sadness, and he smoothly changes the subject* I suppose. Are plants the only thing you like?
tShowtime: Well... *quick glance to make sure tKriti and tDesinex are nowhere nearby to tease her about it* I do like classical music... Human-made, usually...
Mirage: *perks and leans a little closer* What's that like?
tShowtime: *going to describe some of what she's heard, 'wings fluttering slightly as she talks about pieces by Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi and several other composers*
Mirage: *listens closely, his expression showing his utter absorption in the little blue femme's words*
roach: *gonna climb the Showtime... and sit on her head*
Mirage: *blinks and removes the tiny bot*
tShowtime: *blink blink, and then she's chuckling softly*
Mirage: Oh. Do go on. *looks down at her from giving the little chiproach an admonishing head shake* I find the topic engrossing.
roach: *happy!*
tShowtime: *smiles and begins talking about one of her favorite pieces by Beethoven, pausing only to explain about how the composer created most of his more well-known pieces after he had gone deaf*
Mirage: *small sound of amazement* You don't say...
tShowtime: *nods* It's one of the reasons he's so famous, besides being incredibly talented.
Mirage: Have you got any of his entertainment tracks?
Nemesis: *flips her cloth at him* If you're going to listen to music go do it somewhere else.
Mirage: *actually startles and gives the big bartender a wide-eyed look as she snaps him out of his happy focus*
tShowtime: *startles and skitters closer to Mirage before giving Nemesis a surprised look*
Nemesis: I gave you a chaperon. Get out of here.
Rhinox: *from beneath the bar* Nemesis...
tShowtime: *ducks her head slightly, 'wings rattling quietly*
tKriti: *is that very soft thud followed shortly thereafter by laughter*
Rhinox: *hops up onto the bar, a husky green Maximal with a shield full of bitties on his back. Gives Mirage a good, long look*
Mirage: *nonplussed* Er, hello. *glances toward tShowtime*
Rhinox: *quietly* That's my daughter you're trying to carry off.
Mirage: That I'm...!
tShowtime: *MORTIFIED*
tKriti: *howling with laughter down beneath the bar*
Mirage: I... had no such intention, sir, I assure you! *protective hand along the bar toward tShowtime* I was speaking to the young lady about a common interest.
Rhinox: *gives him a Look*
tKriti: *to Rhinox* //That's the guy I was tryin' to get Show to talk to anyways!// *sounds far too amused*
tShowtime: *scooting a bit closer to Mirage and the chiproach*
Rhinox: *sternly* //I know it is. And he's the guy that just proposed to Emerald, too.// *looks down at tShowtime, one browridge lifting slightly*
tShowtime: *bites her lower lip components and clicks nervously. She didn't think she was doing anything wrong.... She was just talking...*
Rhinox: *gently beneath the frown* //Showtime? Do you want to go look at gardens with this guy?//
tShowtime: *very small nod* *quietly* //By the time Kriti, Desi and I came online, the gardens were long gone...//
Rhinox: *eyes the bewildered and upset Mirage again* Relax, kid. I'm not going to yell at you. *back to tShowtime* //Alright. ...Wait here.// *jumps back down to the lower level of the bar*
Mirage: *quietly* Showtime? Should I leave?
tShowtime: *headshake* No...
Mirage: Are you sure? People seem to be making the most distressing assumptions. *trying to maintain an easy and unaffected attitude, but his optics show his confusion and dismay slightly*
tShowtime: *quietly and firmly* I'm sure.
Rhinox: *looks up* Showtime, have you got a head Spazz?
Mirage: o.O
tShowtime: *blink blink* I don't think so....
Rhinox: *brows up* Huh. *disappears again*
tShowtime: *wonders to herself just why Rhinox asked*
Mirage: *watching as the chiproach climbs his arm*
Rhinox: *finally back after few moments, sans bitties* Here. *sets Mal's old body beside Showtime*
tShowtime: *blink blink* *puzzled look for Rhinox*
Rhinox: This is Knockout. She wants to go visiting with you.
tShowtime: *blink blink, small nod* *to Knockout* Hello.
Knockout: Yo. *optic band blinks. Her voice is different than Mal's* ...This is his idea.
tShowtime: *small nod* I figured...
Rhinox: When you're little you need backup sometimes. *smiles at tShowtime, and then jumps back down*
tShowtime: *thinks Rhinox is a worrywart, but doesn't say so* *to Mirage* Should we go then?
Mirage: *hesitates, his optics on Knockout, who is counting her fingers* Are you sure?
tShowtime: Rhinox would've done more than provide an additional chaperone if he had objections to my going... and I really would like to see the gardens...
Mirage: We probably won't be able to see all of them in one day. *hand goes up to gently catch the chiproach as she peeks down under his chest plating*
tShowtime: *small smile* That's alright.
Mirage: *smiles back, relaxing* You don't need to get anything?
tShowtime: *headshake* Desinex just said she'd check on my garden for me... *asked the sister she knows she can trust*
Mirage: Alright. *hesitates, and then offers his hands with awkward gentleness*
tShowtime: *carefully helps Knockout onto Mirage's hands before climbing up as well*
Knockout: *still figuring out her new body, but gives tShowtime a nod of thanks before being distracted by a creak in an ankle joint*
Mirage: *cups the three tiny femmes as he steps back from the bar, and then brings them to his own reality. While there tShowtime will visit one of the most beautiful and exotic botanical collections in the entire galaxy, and be royally treated to anything in any store that she looks twice at*
((written with