Raoul: *comes in to where Hattie and Laura are sitting on the couch in the Trach family living room. Nods seriously to Laura, and then watches Hattie knit for a few moments before planting himself on the couch beside her and laying down with his head on her legs. Slight grin as he watches the TV*
Hattie: *soft snerk, will continue to knit, and start a mental countdown*
Laura: *blink blink, nods to Raoul, and then her attention goes to the door as though she half expects someone to come in*
Raoul: *watches the news coverage of a picket line in front of the local big name grocery store* *snerk* There's Mr. Robertson.
Laura: *attention on the TV now* ...Okay, I thought Lt. Havoc was joking when he said that Mr. Robertson's hobby is to go to protests....
Hattie: *as she continues to knit* Jes' keep watch'n... *so amused*
protesters: Fair wages!
Samuel: Save the tatas!
Raoul: *rolls eyes*
Laura: ... Did he just say what I think he said?
Hattie: *chuckle* Yep. *knit knit knit*
Raoul: Lookit his sign 'n hat.
Laura: .... *facepalm* I didn't even know those existed....
Raoul: Roddy always says he's a boob.
Laura: *more facepalm*
Hattie: *chuckle* 'T least 'e ain't doin' illegal th'ngs....
Raoul: *snuggles down a bit, his dark eyes going sleepy* It's a good cause, yo.
Hattie: *nods and reaches to pull a blanket off the back of the couch to cover Raoul with* Yep...
Raoul: *softly* Thanks, Abuela.
Hattie: *small smile* *gently* Get s'me rest, Raoul...
Raoul: 'Kay. Hey, you know Mr. Robertson ain't the only one that has breast cancer awareness for a hobby?
Hattie: 'E ain't?
Raoul: Nope. Mrs. Percia decided that's what she wants to do.
Hattie: Huh... *soft chuckle* Ah see...
Laura: *wonders to herself if there's a significance in that hobby or not*
Raoul: She's got this pretty bracelet with pink things 'n a ribbon charm hangin' off it. *muffles a yawn*
Hattie: *soft chuckle, attention going to the door as Denver and Rose come back from running*
Rose: *sleeeepy sleeeepy, Mama.... Ooo, Raoul-bubby has blankie!* *reach!*
Denver: *soft chuckle of her own, moves to tuck Rose in with Raoul*
Raoul: *nuzzles baby sister* Hey, you.
Rose: *snuggle, purr*
Raoul: *drowsy and comfortable* Lisa sent me home. She thinks I'm raspin' a little.
Denver: Gotcha... *slight quirk of a grin as Hattie ruffles Raoul's hair*
Raoul: *snuggles and shuts his eyes. Is soon sound asleep with his face nestled against baby sister's hair*
Rose: *issa bundle of purr and sleep*
Denver: *stretches a bit and goes to clean up. Will emerge a little while later and chuckle at the fact that Hattie's been hit by sleeping baby and sleeping teenager magic, and Laura looks about ready to conk out as well*
Tracks: *wanders in with full shopping bags, and pauses to frown with concern at Raoul* ...He's not sick again?
Denver: Lisa sent 'im 'ome 'cause she thought 'e w's raspin' a li'l... *trusts the blonde's judgement*
Tracks: *frown deepens as he goes to set the grocery bags on the counter* I'd better call Russell, since Rachel's taking so long to get back on her feet.
Denver: *nods and moves to check whether Raoul has a fever or not*
Laura: *quietly, so as not to wake the children* Will he be alright?
Tracks: This is just a bit of a leftover from a bad case of pneumonia. *watching Denver with a frown as he puts things away in fridge and cupboards*
Denver: *relief on her face, will gently smooth Raoul's hair* -No fevah...-
Laura: *winces* Poor guy...
Tracks: *rueful shake of his head even as Denver will feel his deep relief and thankfulness to God* Oh, that was nothing compared to what he's done to himself. Zucchini cracker, darling? *holds up the little cloth bag and raises his eyebrows at Denver*
Denver: *moves to snag some of the snacks* Yep... *and each time Raoul gets hurt, it scares her, but she's doing her best not to be a worrywart*
Laura: Does he play a rough sport?
Tracks: *softly, as his arm slips around Denver's waist* Yes. Yes, he does. It's called heroism. *normal tone of voice* Though falling down the stairs nearly every time he meets a flight doesn't help matters.
Laura: ... *quietly* Wow....
Tracks: *wryly* That's one way to put it. Do you see the scar on his cheek?
Laura: *nods* I did....
Tracks: *quietly* He was using an antenna from a truck to defend Col. Franklin when someone decided that they could live with having shot at children.
Laura: ... *hand over mouth, just went a bit pale at the idea*
Tracks: *softly, as he pulls Denver close* Yes.
Denver: *rests her head on Tracks' shoulder, gaze lingering on Raoul for a bit*
Laura: *quietly, from behind her hand* How do you cope with that?!
Tracks: *deep sigh* The same way we've coped with everything else.
Laura: *looks to Tracks, hoping for clarification*
Tracks: *eyes are shut, and he's rocking very gently on his feet as he holds Denver*
Denver: *deep breaths*
Laura: *starting to realize that the couple is anchoring one another... Doesn't really blame them*
Hattie: *bluntly, as she knits* War ain't good f'r nobodeh 'r noth'n'.
Laura: *look of sober understanding for the older woman, and then a glance of compassion for the youngsters on her lap*
TC: *walks over to where Skylar and Melissa are sitting in the atrium. Takes back Song and Hopper, then turns and brings them over to another bench so that he and Storm can play with them*
Skylar: Aww.... *sulk*
Melissa: *looks down at her hands, a sad light in her eyes*
Skylar: *okay, no babies to cuddle? Will cuddle mate instead!*
Melissa: *eyes glance up at him sadly as she thinks of how she will never be able to give him his own baby, and then she's watching as Wesson dances across the open area with Kitty in his arms*
Skylar: *nuzzles her hair and clicks softly as he sees the hurt in his mate's eyes. Wonders to himself how well she'll like the surprise that he talked to Nem at the Black Dog about a few weeks ago*
Melissa: *closes her eyes and leans against him, feeling miserable and afraid he'll find out her secret and be sad*
Skylar: *clicks and rubs her back* *will ping Nemesis' comm*
Nemesis: *grumpy* //What the slag do you want?//
Skylar: //How are things going on your end, Nemesis?//
Nemesis: *lets him hear a hearty Seeklet screech*
Skylar: *slight start* //I'll bring my mate.//
Nemesis: *tired snort* //You do that. And the rest of the payment.// *click*
Skylar: *nuzzles Melissa's head* *quietly* I've got a surprise for you.....
Melissa: *looks up, startled* Really?
Skylar: *nods, a small grin on his face*
Melissa: But... I have all the appliances I need.
Skylar: This isn't an appliance... *nuzzle*
Melissa: *surprised* Another dress?
Skylar: *headshake* Something better...
Melissa: *blank. Then, cautiously* Candy?
Skylar: We can get candy where we're going, if you'd like... *grin*
Melissa: *really surprised now* I don't know any other kind of present.
Skylar: *nuzzle* We've got to go to the Black Dog to get it though....
Melissa: Alright. *twists a bit to look up at him, her expression wondering and curious now*
Skylar: *moves to get up, clicking softly all the while* *holds her close and brings her to the Black Dog*
Melissa: *clinging tightly as they appear, and then looking straight up as Requiem pauses to look down at the two tiny beings suddenly down there between his feet as he stands in the middle of the floor*
Sparky: *sniff?*
Melissa: *soft scream muffled behind her hand, eyes wide with surprise at that huge furry monster*
Skylar: *soothing clicks for Melissa* Sparky won't hurt you...
Melissa: *shaking*
Requiem: *collars his pet and leads her away, frowning down at the pair*
Skylar: *gentle back rub, will move to bring Melissa up onto the bar after he sends the rest of what he owes to Nemesis*
Nemesis: *can be heard coming down her stairs a moment later. Actually, what can be heard is Seeklet screeching*
Skylar: *starting to do the little bounce he does when he knows he's going to get to hold a sparklet soon*
Melissa: *wondering expression toward the noise*
most the bar: *looking that way too* o.O?
Skylar: *bounce bounce bounce, clicks*
Nemesis: *pushes the door to the apartment stairway open and comes striding toward the bar, a tawny infant Seeklet in the crook of one arm and a very sour expression on her face*
Skylar: *more clicks, the tone going near ecstatic*
Melissa: *stares. Looks up at mate* Skylar... whose baby is that?
Skylar: *grin* Ours.
Nemesis: *dumps baby in Melissa's arms right at that moment*
Melissa: *small shriek of shock*
Seeklet: *stops screeching to scowl*
Skylar: *fusses over mate and baby*
Seeklet: *tries to bite him!*
Skylar: *quick to discourage that*
Nemesis: *sourly* Transform and let him see what you are.
Skylar: *moves to do so, clicking softly*
Seeklet: *stares, and then there's a frantic clickstorm as he struggles to get away from Melissa*
Melissa: *scared*
Starscream: *gently, to Melissa* It's alright....
Melissa: *gives him the squirming, fighting little clicker and then hides her face*
Seeklet: *so much click!*
Starscream: *clicks to the Seeklet, arm going around Melissa's waist as he crouches*
Melissa: *transforms reflexively*
Seeklet: *pause and stare*
Starscream: *will nuzzle Moonshadow's head and click softly*
Seeklet: *frowns and stuffs his fist in his mouth. Screek screek screek...*
Starscream: *over comms to Nemesis* //Thanks...// *is going to fuss over his family now, kthx*
Moonshadow: *quietly and sadly* He doesn't like me.
Seeklet: *starts at sound of that soft voice, and then starts up the clicking storm again!*
Starscream: *gently* I think he does like you, but was confused by seeing you in alt mode... *soft chuckle* Remember, he tried to bite me when I was in alt mode....
Moonshadow: *uncertain look for Seeklet*
Seeklet: *uncertain look for the smaller big*
Starscream: *gently* Let's get some fuel and go home... We can snuggle on the berth....
Moonshadow: *quietly* What... they come with names, right?
Seeklet: *perk* Airwolf!
Starscream: *soft chuckle* Yes.... *nuzzle for mate and nuzzle for sparklet. Is one happy Seeker now*
Moonshadow: Are you hungry, Airwolf? *soft and uncertain*
Airwolf: *quiet little clicks and a sad bitty face*
Moonshadow: *looks to mate* We can't snuggle yet. I have to get out some of the sparklet food and warm it up.
Starscream: Alright.... Let's get going then.... *smile*
Moonshadow: *arms around Airwolf as she leans trustingly against her mate* Alright.
Starscream: *will bring his family to the mess hall... and crouch slightly so he doesn't bump his head*
Moonshadow: *looks around the room, which is empty. Then looks over toward the kitchen, from which comes the sound of water splashing and Javan singing as he washes the pots*
Starscream: *clicks softly and carefully moves towards the kitchen*
Javan: *hears footsteps and looks out to see which Seeker is being a derp, blink blink blink* Uh....
Moonshadow: *fear and uncertainty forgotten now as she talks softly to her newborn son*
Airwolf: *screeks his fist and learns the sound of Mamaspark as he snuggles*
Starscream: Javan, where's the sparklet food kept?
Javan: *blinks a bit more, before going to get a container of the fuel*
Moonshadow: *looks up* This is one of our shells, right? He can eat food with a little organic matter in it?
Starscream: *nods* Yes... I'm not sure what he'll like though....
Moonshadow: Nobody has ever spit out that fuel. *soft smile of happiness about the fact*
Starscream: *smile, nuzzle, croon affectionately*
Javan: *back with yummy, cinna smelling sparklet fuel, which gets given to Moonshadow*
Moonshadow: *looks up to see what Javan's doing* *takes fuel and tests for temperature*
Airwolf: *too hungreh to wait for that, Mama. Facesplat in bowl*
Moonshadow: :o
Starscream: *soft snerk*
Javan: *going back to finish washing dishes, kthx* Jes' bring the bowl back when 'e's done eatin'....
Moonshadow: *carefully tries to get the little face out of the bowl*
Airwolf: *soft whine and holds onto his noms*
Starscream: *soft chuckle, nuzzle* I think he likes it...
Moonshadow: But... that's not really how he's supposed to eat. *worried*
Starscream: *soothingly* As long as he's showing an interest in fuel and getting it into his tank, he'll be alright.... He's still very new....
Moonshadow: Oh... *holds baby and leans on mate*
Airwolf: *suddenly silent but for purring. Face is still in bowl, but Seeklet has shut down to process*
Starscream: *will gently reach for the bowl and set it aside for the moment, clicking softly*
Moonshadow: Oh. Give me a damp cloth? *gently wiping tiny face with her thumb*
Airwolf: *limp and happy babby*
Starscream: *reaches for the wet wipes container that's on a nearby table, offers it to Moonshadow*
Moonshadow: *takes a couple with soft thanks, and then can't resist the urge to wash her new son completely*
Starscream: *watching this with amusement and affection*
Rumble: *slithers out of a pipe and then transforms and comes over to sit by the sink* *grins at Javan* Hey... *pause as he catches a new sound and turns his head to try and place it. Sees the new Seeklet* :o Whose kid?
Javan: 'Parently, Screamer and Melissa's....
Rumble: D: We gonna get some slagged off 'rents comin' outta the Nexus ta vape us all in our sleep?
Javan: ... Wait, what? *lifts head to stare at the recorder*
Rumble: Nobody here was carryin'. So they musta took 'im, right?
Javan: .... *pings Starscream and asks him where he and Moonshadow got their baby* ... *surprised expression is a go*
Rumble: *uneasily watching Javan's face as he waits for an answer*
Javan: ... *slowly, sounding very shocked and a bit disbelieving* Screamer says he gave Nemesis a shell for the li'l guy, and then Primus sent 'Wolfy's spark....
Rumble: Whoa...
Moonshadow: *unaware of the conversation. Gives the used wipes to her mate* *softly* We need to let him imprint, don't we?
Starscream: *quietly* Yeah... *will put the used wipes in the nearest trash can, and move to carefully lift his family so he can bring them home*
Ratchet: *unshutters her optics and gives Russell a sleepy, quizzical look as he snerks*
Russell: Skylar's going to be insufferable now.... *amused* He and Melissa have a Seeklet of their own... And according to Javan, Skylar had assistance from Nemesis...
hhsvRatchet: *is that soft snort nearby*
Ratchet: *quiet snerk of her own* Wondered when she'd produce the goods. *then turns her head and lifts it slightly to see over her sleeping bedmate*
Wheeljack: *sleeping contentedly, has a flying pig plushie... Which is likely Patrick's fault*
Ratchet: *quizzical look for alter twin* What're you doing back?
Fluffy: "Yeah, jerk. Da boss asked yous a question!"
hhsvRatchet: Cragbuster didn't get to meet you the last time we visited.... *pauses as though he's thinking about what to say next... or how to word it*
Ratchet: *kicking the lump under the covers and getting a razz track played at her. Then accidentally kicks the other lump and gets yipped at* ...Chance?
Chance: *barks from under the chair hhsvRatchet's sitting in*
lump: *squirms a bit and then clickstorms*
Ratchet: *soft chuckle* Ohhh. You must be Cragbuster. *lifts the blankets and looks down between herself and Jack* What are you doing down there?
Cragbuster: *cheeky little grin as he cuddles Fluffy*
Ratchet: o.O How did you catch Fluffy?
Fluffy: "#@$#@$@"
hhsvRatchet: *Look for Fluffy*
Cragbuster: Came for snuggles. :3 *looks so proud of himself*
Ratchet: *tired yawn* Well how about you let him go, and come up here between me and Uncle Jack?
Cragbuster: *considers this* *thrrpt*
hhsvRatchet: *facepalm*
Russell: *snickerfit*
Ratchet: *blinks* No snuggles?
Cragbuster: *slight headtilt, considers, and then he's scooting along on his skidplate in quest of snuggles... Isn't letting go of Fluffy though*
hhsvRatchet: *soft snerk, is amused to see Cragbuster mostly obeying Ratchet* *quietly, over comms* //There's another reason I'm back here.... I researched Wheeljack's condition, and found a treatment for it...//
Ratchet: *pauses halfway through reaching for Cragbuster to lift her head and stare at his father* You did?
hhsvRatchet: *nods* It's possible to repair the coding, in theory, if you have a sample of the coding without the defect.
Russell: *slight smile* In other words, an alternate?
hhsvRatchet: *nods* *Look* Weren't you supposed to be doing something?
Russell: *meep. Goes*
Ratchet: Hey, don't pick on my lackey. *thoughtful expression* You know... I actually realized that this would work years ago?
hhsvRatchet: *raised brow as Cragbuster snuggles* I had to search the Multinets before I'd even found any suggestions and theories.... I spoke with another alternate of ours...
Ratchet: Yeah... but you baytech guys are always kinda slow. *face suddenly brightens, and then she's laughing* And we have an alternate here, too.
hhsvRatchet: Would he be willing to help?
Ratchet: *scratches her cheek slowly* I'd have to ask him.
hhsvRatchet: *small nod, attention going to Wheeljack as the mech starts clicking in his sleep*
Wheeljack: *having a very good dream, by the looks of things*
Ratchet: *grins as she picks up the edges of that dream over the link*
hhsvRatchet: *quietly* It might be less taxing on his systems if he's put into stasis while he's still asleep....
Ratchet: *looks up, grin fading* He's got to get stronger from this last bout of overdoing it. And we need to talk about it first.
hhsvRatchet: *small nod, a ghost of a grin coming to his face as he realizes that Cragbuster is also asleep now*
Ratchet: *soft whistle for Moofy*
Moofy: *beetles out from under the bed, deedle!*
Bubba: *beeps! Where you go, Moofy?*
Ratchet: *grins, and whistles the Bubba whistle too*
Bubba: *oh! Mama's callin'! Beetles, and runs into hhsvRatchet's leg* *beep!* ^.^
Ratchet: *chuckles at her alt's holo's expression* Could you help those two up on the bed? Not Chance, he's a bed hog.
hhsvRatchet: *soft snort, moves to pick Bubba up and set him on the bed. Will lift Moofy up shortly thereafter and do likewise with him* *careful boot for Chance's rear when the white drone lifts his leg to 'pee'*
Chance: *yap!*
Ratchet: *grinning as, before anyone knows what she's doing, she's replaced Fluffy with Moofie and dropped the answering machine over the side of her bed*
Fluffy: *stretches and wanders off*
Moofie: *headtilt, questioning deedle*
Bubba: *found Mama! Happy beeps!*
Ratchet: *cuddles Bubba* That's another Ratchet's little boy. He really wants to cuddle somebody, but Fluffy was about ready to hit critical. Do you mind?
Moofie: *deedle, snuggles Cragbuster*
Ratchet: *quiet grin as she looks over at her alternate again*
hhsvRatchet: *soft chuckle as Cragbuster clickstorms in his sleep*
Wheeljack: *turns his head towards the sound of clickstorming, soft clicks in response*
Ratchet: *soft 'd'awww' as she settles down by husband and nephew and shutters her optics. Is tired again*
hhsvRatchet: *gently* Get some rest....
Russell: *is back, and giving hhsvRatchet a Look*
Ratchet: *softly* Got any soup for me, Russ? *knows it's too late for breakfast, and much too early for lunch, but needs a quick bite before she sleeps again*
Russell: *nods and brings a bowl over* Skylar and Melissa's sparklet is named Airwolf.
hhsvRatchet: *startled look for Russell*
Ratchet: *grins as she sips her soup* Nice.
Russell: They're resting and imprinting right now.
hhsvRatchet: *had his first introduction to just how sharp Seeklet teeth can be the other day... Still has the marks on his hand...*
Ratchet: *notices the expression on the holodriver's face* What?
hhsvRatchet: Airwolf's alternate in Cragbuster's and my reality gave me my first taste of how sharp Seeklet teeth can be.
Ratchet: *sputters in her soup* XD
Russell: *raised brow* What did you do to the Seeklet?
hhsvRatchet: I was giving him a new antivirus...
Ratchet: But your sparklets aren't that big. *sip soup*
hhsvRatchet: No, but Airwolf is a youngling.... And his mentor was laughing his head off after I got bitten.
Ratchet: *sputter soup* XD
hhsvRatchet: *about to say something when his attention goes to Wheeljack*
Wheeljack: *groggy sound*
Ratchet: *soothes husband back to sleep* So who's his mentor? *finishes soup and offers bowl to Russell*
hhsvRatchet: *as Russell grabs the bowl* Skywarp.
Ratchet: >.o Let's not tell Skylar.
hhsvRatchet: *nod of agreement*
Russell: My lips are sealed on that matter. *moves to take the soup bowl up to the mess so Javan can wash it*
Ratchet: *settles on pillow and puts arms around any and/or all babies available. Soft nuzzle for Bubba as she sighs. Then sends a gentle love bomb over the link with Wheeljack*
Wheeljack: *soft contentment, lovebomb*
hhsvRatchet: *quietly* Should I call the other Wheeljack and ask him to come here later?
Ratchet: Naw. I can do it when I'm underp enough. *hides face as she gets the blankets settled*
hhsvRatchet: Alright. I'll be in the main part of the ward, if you need anything. *knows that he's not going to be able to get Cragbuster out of the snugglepile any time soon*
Ratchet: Hmmm. *sleep*
Back to the Trachs'
Emily: *comes darting in with Naomi* Aunty Denver? Oh! *stops and gives Laura a wide-eyed look, her icy blue eyes startling in her pale face as she absently tries to hide one pointed ear with a small webbed hand*
Naomi: *curious ear perk toward Laura*
Laura: *slight start as she looks to the girls* *surprised expression is a go*
Denver: *glances over from where she's snuggling with Tracks in the big armchair*
Naomi: *face clears* You're Judge Hoffman. *ear twitch of a smile*
Laura: Er... Yes...
Naomi: I'm Naomi House, of NEST. You've met my vader.
Laura: *nods as she recalls him on the witness stand a few times* I remember Dr. House....
Naomi: *dark eyes smile as her ears twitch again* I heard some of the other kinder talking about you, but I didn't think you'd be here. Then puts a hand on the shoulder of her petite friend* This ist Emily McKenzie.
Laura: My daughters are here as well... *small smile* *to Emily* It's nice to meet you.
Emily: *bites her lip and gives a shy smile* We met Ros and Maria. They... *blush*
Naomi: *soft laugh* Vanted our ears.
Laura: *soft chuckle* They must have thought you two were elves....
Emily: Well, I suppose Grandma's people could be sea elves. But... well elves only live on Earth, right?
Laura: I suppose... *chuckles* So, you're part of Denver's family?
Emily: Well. My sister and her brother are courting, but other than that, not yet.
Laura: ... *raised brow*
Denver: Emily's famileh spells th'r last name M-c-k-e-n-z-i-e... Mah maiden name's got 'n "a" 'n 't.....
Laura: *blink blink blink* *surprised expression is a go*
Emily: My dad was William Ramsey McKenzie. But my mom's Sea Sparkle. She's Cybertronian.
Naomi: *nods, her look for Laura curious*
Laura: ... But William Ramsey McKenzie vanished at sea years ago.... His brother spent most of his life's savings trying to find him....
((written with