MBV and the Nexus. The /Ark/ and Various Areas. New Arrivals

Aug 21, 2011 19:11

While Skylar and Melissa are in the Nexus, other things are happening elsewhere....

Seamus: *looks up from his new plushie, with which he'd been chasing someone through the halls* MY ZOMBIE KITTY HAS A BUTT!!!!

Anne: ... *eyebrow and looks up at Vato*

Vato: .... *facepalming*

Seamus: SBD kitty! *runs off laughing*

Anne: Wasn't he going to work on being a good example now?

Wayne: *totally traumatized peek out of the closet*

Vato: ... I hate to admit it, but he is behaving....

Anne: *blinks and looks up from spooked Seeker* ...You're kidding.

Vato: He was worse before he got married and had kids.

Anne: *slow head shake* Good grief.

Wayne: ...I gotta see if any of the accessory packs for Betty have a gun in 'em. *sneaks off*

Anne: *bigger blink* ...And what will that help?

Vato: ...I have no idea.

Tracks: *walks past with a sniff, on his way home with a can of frozen organic juice so Hattie can make noms while Denver and Laura talk to Emily* Only Seamus would cheer about catastrophe.

Anne: 0_0 *hides face and snickerfitdies*

Vato: *snerk. Can see Rose nommin' on your shoulder, Tracks*

Anne: *slow headshake* Right now the Nexus seems pretty sane.

Vato: *holds his arm out in an offer*

Anne: *takes the arm and rubs her cheek against it, purring softly*

Vato: *nuzzles and uses the PINpoint he got when he was on errand duty last time to bring Anne to the Nexus*

Anne: *looks around with a grin* When does your next shift start?

Vato: I'm on overnight monitor duty, since Dallas went on leave...

Anne: And it's morning now. So we have a lot of time to play. *grin*

Vato: *nods, looking quite pleased*

Anne: So what should we do first? *takes off her sunglasses and lets all the Nexus see her eyes*

Vato: We could go get breakfast at the Black Dog....

Anne: *chuckles* So what would this be for you? Second breakfast? Third?

Vato: Brunch then.... I had a bowl of fruit down in the mess... *chuckles and stretches before shifting to his natural form since he's pretty sure there won't be any sparklets trying to grab his tail*

Anne: *head turns* Hmmmm. Waffles...

Vato: *ears perked as he catches that scent*

Anne: It's coming from that brownstone. Hey, that's one of the places on the safe map!

Vato: *slight headtilt* I wonder whose home that is?

Anne: I actually know the owner. Her name's Aoife. It's probably not her cooking the waffles, though. *going to head around the building toward the front of it*

Vato: *moves to follow* Oh? Who might it be?

Anne: Hmmm. One of the borders. I'm not sure who she has living there right now.

Vato: Hrm... *slight ear flick as he considers*


Aoife: *sitting in the kitchen window seat that overlooks the kitten and unicorn meadow, and watching Legacy labour at the waffle iron like a master* Wow, they actually smell good when you make 'em with honey.

Violet: My num num! *smacks high chair tray with her hand* Peeaaase!

Legacy: *nods, a small grin on her face* Mom used to make 'em like that sometimes...

Lola: *bouncing around after a jingle ball that Aunty Den gave her the other day* *bounce bounce bounce!*

Violet: *looks down at the purrpony foal and crows with delight* Lola!

Aoife: *grins* Good thing Deedee was willing to be distracted, or we'd have never gotten any.

Legacy: *soft snerk* No kidding....

Violet: *pauses and frowns* Silly Deedee. Not supposed drink waffa stuff.

Legacy: *more snerk* I used to do that too, when I was younger...

Aoife: :p Drink the waffle batter?

Legacy: Yup. I was a goofy kid... *chuckles*

Aoife: *chuckles too* *then adjusts her seat* So what do you think of the new neighbour across the hall from you? *isn't sure Legacy has even seen the quiet woman who has moved into that suit of rooms, or if the teen had even known she'd gotten a neighbour on her floor*

Legacy: I haven't seen her yet.... *quieter* She seems frightened of something...

Aoife: *shakes her head* Yeah, she's scared. Of X haters.

Legacy: *small nod, understands entirely too well*

Aoife: She's X negative herself, but a few years ago she tried to adopt a couple X positive snowflakes. Some protesters decided to bomb the car she and one of her surrogate mothers was riding in.

Legacy: *wince wince wince, startles when she accidentally touches the hot part of the waffle iron, will hurry over to the sink and run cold water over her hand*

Aoife: Here, I'll fix it. *lifts a hand to beckon to the girl*

Legacy: *moves to approach, frowning slightly*

Aoife: *grins at her reassuringly, then studies the burn and nods* I can help this a little bit. Want me to?

Legacy: *nods* Please... *concerned for her neighbor's well-being*

Aoife: *grins slightly* Wish.

Legacy: I wish for the burn on my hand to be healed. *remembers her manners* Please.

Aoife: *expression of extreme concentration as the grey green sparkles start up, and then a bit of a smile* Okay... I can make the blister dry out, and the pain fade.

Legacy: *small nod* *is already planning on taking a plate of waffles over to her neighbor's*

Aoife: *and then sets to work, trying to keep the feeling of things being done down to a light tingle*

Legacy: *slight squirm*

Aoife: Sorry... just hold your hand still a little longer.

Legacy: *trying to stay still*

Aoife: *her expression says that she deeply regrets causing the older-younger girl this discomfort, but finally, after several moments, the sparkles die away and she lets go of Legacy's hand* There, try wiggling it. *looks over at the waffle iron to check on it*

Legacy: *carefully moving her hand, before she's nodding and moving to turn the temperature of the waffle iron down so it won't scorch the next waffle*

Aoife: Just be careful with it till it heals, okay? *grin*

Legacy: I will... *small nod, will scoop the batter for the next waffle now*

Violet: *hopeful* Eat now? *then turns her head as someone rings the doorbell*

Aoife: *tilts head, and then looks surprised as she gets up* Huh...

Legacy: *turns her head* ?

Aoife: Do you feel like making another batch if we run out? Anne and her husband are hoping to get some of our waffles.

Legacy: *small smile* I'll get started on making more batter.

Aoife: *grins and heads for the door* *as she opens it* Hey, Anne, long time no see.

Anne: *snerk* It's been less than a year, and we only met once on that one job. *grin*

Vato: *chuckles*

Anne: Leggy says you can mooch. *turns to lead the way inside and down the hall* Don't worry about the door, it'll shut itself.

Anne: We weren't going to mooch. Vato said he'd buy me breakfast. *laughs as she follows*

Vato: *shifts to his human form so he doesn't have to duck, will move to follow his snugglebuddy and Aoife*

Aoife: *back in the window seat when they reach the kitchen, but she's pulled out a couple of the sturdy old heavy wooden chairs for them at the equally ancient kitchen table*

Violet: *is staaaaring at the new people!* *then points to Vato* Kitty!

Lola: *bounces over to sniff sniff the new peoples*

Vato: *surprised expression is a go*

Legacy: *humming as she works on mixing more waffle batter*

Aoife: *grins when she sees Vato's expression* Violet's got radar. It comes from having a giant cat for a sister.

Vato: Ah... *chuckles and then he's trilling softly to Lola*

Lola: *ears perk, whickermew!*

Aoife: The giant cat is in the backyard with her sisters, the unicorn, and the flowerbinders, so you don't have to worry about aggressive affection.

Anne: *shoves Vato toward a chair, then snuzzles him*

Aoife: Never mind. *snerk*

Vato: *snuzzles Anne and cuddles* *is a happy guy*

Legacy: *soft snerk as she moves to make more waffles*

A bit later

Anne: *grins as she wipes up the last of the whipped Greek yogurt from her plate* Okay, Vato. It's time to give Violet and Lola back.

Vato: Aww... *pout*

Lola: *purring and snuggling*

Violet: *finger in mouth. Is too full to think as she leans back against this nice warm uncle*

Anne: *gives him a gentle push as she stands* Come on. You know you can't keep them. Give Lola and Violet back.

Aoife: *lazy reach for her pudgy purple toddler*

Vato: *is so gonna sulk later, but will relinquish the girls*

Legacy: *soft chuckle as Lola kissies Vato and then bounces over to her*

Anne: *pauses as she spots something out of the corner of her eye* Hey...

Aoife: *laughs out loud* You have to give Bean back too, Vato.

Vato: *SULK*

Aoife: *comes over and holds out her hand for the tiny, down-bundled infant*

Vato: *gently gives Bean to Aoife*

Aoife: *grins at him, and then looks at Anne* He needs his own.

Anne: *rolls eyes* He's got a whole crècheful at home.

Vato: Most of them happen to be Cybertronian....

Anne: *looks up* Is that a problem? *genuinely asking*

Vato: *deadpans* They like to pull my tail.

Aoife: If you were wearing it right now Lola would too. *grins and shifts her now sleeping daughter in her arms*

Legacy: Yup. She would... *scritchies behind Lola's ears and gets a purrstorm*

Vato: ... *sigh* I just can't win, can I?

Legacy: Nope. ^_^

Anne: *laughs softly* Nope. *turns to Aoife and Legacy* Thanks for breakfast. What do we owe you?

Legacy: *slight headtilt, considering*

Aoife: *will hand Bean over to his grandma and let Legacy handle this. Though she's smiling in quiet pride for the girl*

Anne: *gently tickles Vato's side as she waits*

Legacy: Five, each.

Anne: *looks up to Vato to see what he thinks of this*

Vato: *small nod, will get his billfold out and offer Legacy a ten dollar bill*

Legacy: *small nod and a smile*

Anne: *grins and gently tickles her snuggle buddy's side again* Thanks again. It was good to be able to eat and not have to worry about getting sick.

Legacy: *blink blink* *slight headtilt*

Anne: Cane sugar intolerance. It comes with these. *points to her eyes*

Legacy: Ah... *concerned expression is a go*

Anne: *just smiles at her and wishes her a really good day, then looks up at Vato again*

Vato: *to Aoife and Legacy* Take care... *will move to put an arm around Anne's shoulders*

Anne: *softly purring and feeling joyful about being able to do so freely as they walk down the quiet, peacefully listening hall and out the front door* So what do you think of them?

Vato: They're an interesting family... *soft chuckle, snuzzle*

Anne: *snuzzles back, then looking at him as she feels his continuing upset at having to give the babies back* Remember those clone troopers from that new 'Star Wars' junk?

Vato: *nod*

Anne: *as they walk through the neighbourhood near the sign, passing under giant couches and walking around various locals* Aoife was a stealth trooper from a reality where Luke went for the cookies. She's fifteen.

Vato: *surprised expression is a go*

Anne: Got Changed to save her life from the bomb in her head. *looks up at the whales, and then over toward TV sounds*

Vato: *winces and nods his understanding, before his attention goes to the TV sounds*

Anne: And I don't know Legacy's story... But she looks a heck of a lot like a picture I saw on the news here the other day of a girl who froze to death in her reality last winter.

Vato: *lips thin now. Knows that freezing to death is a very real possibility sometimes... And since Legacy looked like she was only now starting to look like a teenager, he strongly suspects that the girl from the news story is indeed the blonde*

Anne: *and then stops short as the TV starts playing music* Is that...

Vato: *surprised* I think it is....

Anne: I wonder which episode. You want to go see?

Vato: *small smile* Sure... If the person watching doesn't mind company....

Anne: *starts toward the plain but pretty reddish brown leather couch, her brows lifting as they get close and she sees the face that just peeked over the arm* It's a little Joe.

Oppy: *blink blink blink, clicks*

Vato: *surprised* Er... Hello....

Oppy: *clickstorm*

Anne: Are you out here all by yourself?

Oppy: *headshake* Sittin' with Smallfoot... Pi 'n Unca Ravage're gettin' noms.

Anne: Ohh. And... *distracted from the conversation by Vato's sound of surprise and looks up at him*

Vato: *hasn't seen this episode yet, is excited*

Anne: *pokes him in the ticklish spot on his side* Hey. *and then watches as he moves to sit by the sparklet without ever taking his eyes from the TV* *snerk*

Oppy: *headtilty as he watches this funny guy*

Vato: *absent cuddles for the little Joe-look-alike*

Anne: *shakes her head and settles on the couch on the other side of her snuggle buddy, then looks at the TV and wonders what the youngster's people are going to say when they come back and find their big comfy couch and their kid absconded with* You're a derp, you know that?

Vato: *with quiet amusement in his voice* Yes, but I'm your derp.

Oppy: *gigglefit*

Anne: You just said you were kid deprived because all we had is sparklets, and now look at you. *eyebrows go up at something on the show*

Vato: *absent sound, is watching the show*

Oppy: *snuggles and makes happy little sparklet purrs*

dark-haired, military-looking guy with an eyepatch and a pair of sabers: *trying to run another dark-haired man through with his sabers just over there*

other guy: *barely manages to dodge, watches as the military-looking guy's momentum carries him towards the couch*

Anne: *frowns and looks over the back of the couch*

Oppy: *wiggles and moves to peek* *meeps when he realizes the sword guy's coming right at Smallfoot*

Anne: *twisting to try and shove Vato and the little Joe out of harm's way!*

Vato: *startled sound, is confused*

Oppy: *squeal!*

military saber: *Y HALO THAR*

Smallfoot: *GAS!*

Oppy: No! *fuss!*

Vato: *startled gasp, and then he's coughing and trying to clear his lungs*

Anne: *gagging, and then gasps as pain shoots through her system*

Vato: *just shifted forms, panicked yowl as he's hit with a sudden, intense pain*

other guy: *startled sound as he and his foe are turned into bots... But then he's grabbing his foe and going stomp stomp stomp on the guy... And winning*

Oppy: *calling Unca Ravage and Pi-bubby now!*

Anne: *teeth gritted as she tries to crawl toward Vato in response to his cry, but the pain's so bad that she can't even tell which way is up, let alone that she's... Soft gasp as the pain stops*

Vato: *out cold and laying limp. Tried to get to Anne*

Anne: *wants to move toward him so badly, but she just hasn't got the energy. Lowers her head and cries silently at the thought that she could die without being able to reach him* *then startles slightly as big hands gently lift her and lay her next to her snugglebuddy before covering them with a blanket*

Ravage: *Russian accent pronounced* Pi, come help me vith the baby.

Pi: *looks over and shrinks back* Oh nuh uh, too little and squishy.

Oppy: *fussing. Is scared because Smallfoot got stabbed, and 'cause the two little people are hurt*

Vato: *slight shift of position and a soft sound of discomfort*

Ravage: *speaking gently to all three youngsters as he scans the new parents to see where/when they came from*

Pi: *will jump over poor Smallfoot and kick the stomper in the butt instead*

other guy: *acks and faceplants*

Pi: Cut it out, Roy. There's a new baby over there, and you and space barnacle here have hurt my sister and scared the slag out of my baby brother.

Roy: *abashed and ashamed now*

Oppy: *gonna cling to Unca Ravage now. Big upset for such a little guy!*

baby: *making unhappy Mrrpt-Nyaah baby sounds as well as upset human baby sounds*

Pi: *looks over toward the babies, then puts a gentle hand on Smallfoot* *to Roy* Get your mess cleaned up and get outta here.

Roy: *moving to get up, small nod. Making sure Pride is well and truly dead, before he's moving to try and find some way of getting turned back to normal*

Pi: *blinks, and then facepalms* Wait. Wait. My mom can help you.

Roy: *pauses and waits then. Looks like he's just a bit shaken up.... and very relieved*

Ravage: *meanwhile making a comm/cellphone call to outside the Nexus*

VTech library

Patrick: *startles as his phone vibrates in his pocket* *fishes it out and answers* This is Patrick Oberson....

Ravage: //This is Ravage, from Sanctuary of Primus. We have some of your people here, Prime.//

background: *very young, very upset baby*

Patrick: *raised brow* What happened?

Ravage: *thinks over his words. Then* //There vas... couch gas incident.//

Patrick: *wince wince wince* I'll be there shortly.

Ravage: //You might vant to bring along some clothes for baby.//

Patrick: I will... Should I also bring a medic?

Ravage: *sniffs gently at Anne and Vato* //Nyet. But maybe extra pair of strong arms.//

Patrick: I'll grab someone to help. *is pinging Alex and Mia now*

Alex: *hurries over from the cooking section while Mia emerges from the history section*


Ravage: *as baby's thin wails get more demanding* Hurry. *gives coordinates and then disconnects, only to startle as he realizes that the sounds have attracted some of the local Mrrpt-Nyaah*

Ee-Chirr: *worried trill as Sunracer crouches a couple paces away and watches*

Vato: *soft, groggy groan*

Patrick, Alex, and Mia: *arriving nearby and hurrying over*

Pi: *has gotten Smallfoot to transform and is now gently checking her over as he beeps to her softly*

Smallfoot: *clinging and hiding and shaking*

Ravage: *sees a woman and offers Mia the baby, who is frightened and very upset by now*

Mia: *soothing sounds as Patrick helps her put a cloth diaper on the little baby girl* Wh're 're 'er parents?

Ravage: Here. *turns to gently push the blanket away from Vato and Anne's faces, but instead pauses as he finds Ee-Chirr has already done so and is hunkered on the other side of the couple*

Ee-Chirr: *soothing sounds for the couple*

Mia: *will wrap the upset baby in a blanket of her own and move to bring her to her parents, pausing and blinking for only a moment*

baby: *can smell familiar scents, settles down a bit... is still hungry though*

Vato: *trying so hard to wake up* Nnn...

Ravage: *grumbles about what the baby did after he'd picked her up, but then shakes his head and explains what he knows to Patrick. Looks then to Oppy to see if he can add anything else*

Oppy: *quietly, is still clinging and hiding his face on Unca Ravage* Bad man tried t' hurt Smallfoot-sissy....

Roy: *sooo not good with kids, but he'll try...* *gently* The bad man won't be able to hurt anyone else ever again....

Patrick: *looks to Roy, surprise on his face at hearing a familiar voice. Yes, he should be used to alternates, but still...*

Pi: *comes and hunkers near Ravage, his yellow optics going from Patrick to the newborn to Mia and Alex*

Patrick: *still kind of weirded out by Roy, but is putting that aside for the moment in favor of trying to help Anne and Vato*

Mia: *carefully tapping Anne's shoulder while Alex does likewise to Vato*

Ee-chirr: *soothing warbles for the family*

Sunracer: *quiet but intense purring. Is sure that this will help the sick peoples*

Vato: *turns his head slightly, looking for Anne*

Ee-chirr: *going to use that communicator gadget she traded for at the Nexus Mall to call Moonglide and ask her to bring food for a baby*

Anne: *very slight squirm as she struggles to wake. Something's calling her... and her body feels uncomfortable* *very soft hiss*

Ee-chirr: *startled, chatters*

Pi: *looks toward the chattering sound* She's K'vk'ar and transgenic, of mostly human genes.

Anne: *and then she feels Vato's thoughts and manages to send back through their contact that she's here, but that she can't find her way out of sleep. And that her chest aches and her body hurts and for some reason she thinks that the front of her shirt is wet*

Vato: *so tired, everything hurts, and he can hear someone crying....*

Mia: *baps Anne*

Ee-chirr: *startled yowl*

baby: *fuss!*

Anne: *sitting up, eyes open and snapping fire as she growls and hisses*

Pi: *meeps and grabs Oppy, then PINpoints AWAY*

Mia: *sooo not intimidated. Has seen Rachel when she's been on the warpath, just fyi...*

Alex: *looking like he wants to do similar to Pi*

Patrick: *taking a few steps back*

Vato: *soft sound, is trying to stay awake...*

Sunracer: *issa GONE under the nearest couch*

Ee-chirr: *would soooo be furpoof if she had fur*

Anne: *looks around, blinking blearily. Relaxes when she manages to recognize Patrick and Mia. Calmly takes that baby who smells like her, puts it where it can have milk, and then lays back down and goes to sleep*

Ravage: ... Vell.

Vato: *moves to snuggle close to Anne, will start purring softly*

giant rat: *soft white fur with black markings, tattered soft clothing. Comes creeping up and peeks around Roy's leg. So afraid of these strange things, but heard a baby! Is so concerned!*

Roy: *surprised*

Sunracer: *sneak sneak sneak to Mama, her big eyes looking toward the furry thing*

Ee-chirr: *watching the furry thing with wariness and curiosity*

rat: *pauses with one front foot up in the air in a gesture similar to a hamster's submissive gesture as she looks up at Alex*

Alex: *clicks softly, though he's not quite sure what to make of the rat*

rat: *small sound that is clearly a word, then creeps over toward where the new family is laying*

Mia: *slight headilt as she studies the rat*

rat: *again the submissive gesture, which holds a large portion of innocent, hopeful, trust. Says her small word, and then goes closer and lays down against Anne's back. Snuggle*

Mia: *soft chuckle*

Ravage: I think she is saying she vill go home, too. *amusement in the deep voice*

Patrick: *sending Col. Franklin an image of the rat, and also asking Felicity to get some clothes ready*

Col. Franklin: //What? Where are you?// *sounds very startled*

Patrick: //The Nexus... I got a call from someone here, because there was an incident with couch gas and Vato and Anne being in the wrong place at the wrong time....//

Col. Franklin: *quiet gasp* //The same person throwing the glass balls?//

Smallfoot: *frightened huddle, but then cuddles against Ravage as he goes to her*

Patrick: //No... Someone startled the couch.//

Col. Franklin: *bit of a growl* //Someone needs to contain that thing.//

Patrick: //I think the gas is a defense mechanism... And the couch is a Transformer... She seems pretty young...//

Ravage: *quietly* Excuse me, Optimus Prime.

Patrick: *looks to Ravage* Yes?

Ravage: You are being alright here? I should take Smallfoot and Mr. Mistang to the Sanctuary.

Patrick: *nods* We'll get Anne, Vato, and their daughter home safely.

Roy: *quietly, sounding a bit shell-shocked now that everything's started to sink in* It's Mustang...

Ravage: *looks up at the taller bot* Ah. Forgiveness, please. Bring the empty.

Roy: *small nod, moves to pick up what's left of Pride*

Col. Franklin: //Patrick?//

Patrick: *slight start* //Sorry... We'll need someone who can understand what the newcomer is saying... I've already got Ferdy on clothing duty...//

Col. Franklin: //Scan her for her reality coordinates, please. She's a Whisper, a female of the dominant race of the world that Grok was born on. They're rare, and worth four times their weight in gold to their people.//

Patrick: //Alright...// *will scan the rat with his PINpoint*

rat: *has no reality coordinates*

Patrick: //...She doesn't have reality coordinates...//

Col. Franklin: //... It looks like Lisa's not the only one who finds Exiles. Are you comfortable bringing her home? They're harmless, with the mental equivalent of a human baby.//

Patrick: *soft chuckle* //Why do you think I have one of my daughters getting clothes for her?//

Col. Franklin: //I had to make sure.// *answering chuckle in his voice* //When you bring her to base, take her to Grok's quarters.//

Patrick: //...Are you sure that's a good idea, Mike?// *concern in his voice now*

Col. Franklin: //Ask me again after you've done it.// *still the soft grin in his voice*

Patrick: //...Alright...// *attention going to the Whisper, soft clicks as he holds out his hand in an offer*

Whisper: *looks up at the clicks* *very softly* Sibby...

Col. Franklin: //I'll let you go now. If Ens. Falman asks tell him I'm working on the paperwork for his parental leave.//

Patrick: //I'll do that, once he's awake... He and Anne are pretty out of it right now.// *more soft clicks for the Whisper* *gently* We're going home...

Alex and Mia: *getting Anne, Vato, and their baby onto a blanket for the trip back to base as Ee-Chirr and Sunracer watch*

Whisper: *soft sound of dismay as she tries to understand why the baby is being taken away* *submissive gesture and big questions in her eyes*

Patrick: *soothing clicks, will offer an oatmeal raisin cookie*

Whisper: *sees that and perks slightly* Sibby?

Patrick: *holds the cookie out and clicks softly*

Whisper: *quiet murmur, and then takes the cookie and eats with great daintiness after sitting up on her haunches. Sitting so, she's taller than Patrick is*

Alex and Mia: *PINpoint with Vato and his family*

Patrick: *holds out his hand again* Let's go home....

Whisper: *frightened by that disappearance and drops her cookie as she cringes*

Patrick: *soothing clicks, offers another cookie*

Whisper: *looks toward where the baby was and cries softly, still cringing submissively*

Patrick: *gently touches Whisper's hand with the cookie*

Whisper: *startles and looks at him, so much confusion and sadness in those blue eyes*

Patrick: *gentle, reassuring clicks. Everything is alright*

Whisper: *will creep close after picking up the dropped cookie, looking for comfort* *is so not sure about this strange small person, but at least he kind of smells like a person, not like the two with tails*

Patrick: *gentle clicks, will wait for the Whisper to come to him, even though he wants to bring her back quickly*

Whisper: *presses against him and shivers a bit, the hand/paw with the cookie curled against her chest* *Patrick will be able to feel the amount of warmth coming right through her soft clothes. It's the same sort of warmth that, in infant humans, triggers sleeping baby magic*

Patrick: *surprised at the warmth, will bring the Whisper back to the Ark*

Whisper: *frightened out of her wits and curled in a ball now as she shakes*

Felicity: *scooting over with a soft towel, clicks gently*

Tea: *from the speaker overhead* Bossman... is that what I think it is?

Patrick: Yes... She was in the Nexus and approached us... She doesn't have reality coordinates....

Felicity: *gently loving on the Whisper*

Tea: ...So you brought home a giant rat.

Patrick: Yes, and Mike said to bring her to Grok... *not sure why that was suggested, and kind of worried about that*

Tea: To... Ferdy, you might not wanna get too attached to that.

Felicity: *with certainty* Corperal Grok won't hurt her....

Tea: Have you seen what that guy eats?

Felicity: Yeah, but he won't hurt her. *still with that gentle certainty that she has when she's sure she's right*

Tea: Hrrrm. Well he's sleepin', so I'll just let you guys in.

Whisper: *very very softly as she peeks at Felicity* Sibby.

Felicity: 'Kay... *attention back on the Whisper* *gently* Your name is Sibby?

Sibby: *moves whiskers softly and wonders what these sounds mean* *once more in her soft voice she says a few simple words and ends them with her name. Is asking where her master is*

Felicity: *soft clicks, will gently wrap Sibby in the towel and move to lead her into Grok's quarters*

Patrick: Ferdy, did you get her some clothes?

Felicity: Yeah, but right now, she needs snuggles. *gently guiding the frightened Whisper across Grok's tiny living room toward his bedroom door*

Patrick: *small frown, moves to follow, just in case*

Grok: *laying with his front toward the wall and his back toward the door on his bare vinyl mattress, is looking questioningly over his shoulder as the door opens. Eyes go automatically toward Patrick first, but then they blink and rivet themselves to Sibby*

Patrick: *concern for Sibby's safety grows, since he's never seen Grok focus so intensely on anything before*

Felicity: *will move to gently nudge Sibby towards Grok*

Sibby: *and now she's looked up and seen the big white being on the berth, and Felicity won't be able to keep up with her as she darts toward the bed, chattering softly and earnestly*

Grok: *lays on his back so that he can snag her by the scruff and pull her up onto the berth with him, then watches as she curls against his chest over his heart. Just stares with flat-footed astonishment*

Patrick: *blink blink blink* Er....

Felicity: *grin*

Grok: *turns his attention to Patrick and studies the mech closely with frowning scrutiny, absently saying a single word to Sibby that silences her soft chatter and triggers a quiet sigh from her of what sounds like relief*

Patrick: *about to say something, when Felicity moves to herd him back out to the hall*

Grok: Wait.

Felicity: *blink blink, stops trying to herd Patrick out into the hall*

Patrick: *looks to Grok*

Grok: You have given me a Whisssper.

Patrick: She found us in the Nexus... And she has no reality coordinates...

Grok: Sso you have no idea what sssort of gift you're giving.

Patrick: ...

Grok: My people value Wissspers more than yours once valued your cryssstal city.

Patrick: *surprised expression is a go*

Grok: *turns his gaze to Felicity as he remembers her attempts to befriend him and talk about family* We do not have familiess like you do. We don't need relationshipsss, sssave one. A Whisssper gives warmth when the temperature isss uncomfortable, and comfortsss uss so that we may sleep and grow stronger. Only the strong and important can have them.

Felicity: Ooooh.... *small grin*

Grok: *attention back to Patrick* I am bound to you now, by the weight of thisss gift.

Patrick: *very surprised, and not sure how to respond*

Grok: *eyelids blink drowsily, and then he shakes his head to try and clear it* Thank you.

Patrick: You're welcome... *soft chuckle as he sees how relaxed Grok is*

Grok: Isss there anything else, sssir?

Patrick: Not that I can think of at the moment... We'll let you rest...

Grok: *salutes, and then settles back to the bed and turns to face the wall, one brawny arm holding Sibby close. Is almost instantly breathing in the deep, slow rhythm of sleep*

Felicity: *herds Patrick out into the hall and moves to go get the laundry basket she filled with soft clothes and fabric*

Tea: Oh yeah, Mikey's in your office.

Patrick: Alright... *PINpoints there*

Col. Franklin: *looks up from the chair in front of the desk* How'd it go?

Patrick: He's sleeping....

Col. Franklin: *nods* Expect a growth spurt sometime soon. He'll be gifting old armour plates. *serious look in his eyes that isn't in keeping with the conversation*

Patrick: *blink blink* Er.... Okay?

Col. Franklin: They're a lot of fun for babies. *slight frown* Any update on Ensign Falman?

Patrick: *small nod* The Corporal said that Whispers are more precious to his people than the Crystal City was to Cybertronians.... And as for Ensign Falman... *checks with Russell* He's still asleep...

Col. Franklin: *slight nod* How's the baby?

Patrick: Healthy, and happy... But she hasn't opened her eyes, which has Russell worried...

Col. Franklin: A girl. And the eyes are a Mrrpt-Nyaah trait.

Patrick: ... *relays this to Russell* She looks human...

Col. Franklin: So does her mother.

Patrick: *small nod* I wonder which parent she'll resemble when she's older....

Col. Franklin: *very slight smile* We'll have to wait and see. And yes, Whispers are the most prized possession that a swampman or woman can own.

Patrick: Huh.....

Col. Franklin: Whispers are the women of the other race that inhabits Grok's homeworld. The men of that race are called Creepers, and they're the mortal enemies of the swampmen. When a Whisper is found on a raid the swampmen take them, render them sterile, and keep them as companions. Only the most important members of the society get to own one, and with the extra warmth they put out those leaders often wind up growing larger than the average.

Patrick: *blink blink blink, is having a hard time understanding*

Col. Franklin: *watches him and waits for questions*

Patrick: But.... Doesn't that go against policy?

Col. Franklin: It would. Except that one Whisper can have over a hundred children in her forty to fifty year lifespan. If the population weren't kept in check Creepers would take over the planet, and then eat and fight themselves into extinction within a hundred years. Unless they discovered space travel. *mouth goes into a grim line* And then Megatron's idiocy would seem like a Sunday school picnic.

Patrick: *wince* I see....

Col. Franklin: The swampmen believe that they were put there to keep the Creepers in check. *more quietly* They're not reptiles, despite their appearance. Grok started his life as around four pounds of big pink eyes and a tail.

Patrick: .... *very soft snerk*

Col. Franklin: Swampman babies are utterly helpless while they're in their eggs and for about twenty years after that. Then they get legs and jaws and the Creepers go looking for an easier meal.

Patrick: Sheesh....

Col. Franklin: And the Creepers are so persistent, and so tricky, that only about half of swampman children ever reach adulthood. *presses his lips together* They value cruelty and treachery. Stabbing your teacher in the back is cause for a promotion.

Patrick: *pinches the bridge of his nose*

Col. Franklin: *quietly, ashamed of the admission* If someone ate my kids and tried to wipe my people off the face of the planet I don't think I'd be loving and caring for their women. I'd be firing up the barbecue.

Patrick: *quietly* I'm inclined to agree.... *and he's also ashamed to admit this*

Col. Franklin: Besides, the JD definition of slavery is unwilling captivity and servitude, or brainwashing to induce willing servitude. How did the Whisper react to Grok?

Patrick: *soft chuckle* If she could have, she would've teleported up to his side.

Col. Franklin: *smile shows a bit* Would she?

Patrick: She was chattering away.... I think she said her name is Sibby.... *soft chuckle*

Col. Franklin: *surprised* She was talking? And she told you her name?

Patrick: I couldn't understand most of what she was saying, but she kept repeating 'Sibby'....

Col. Franklin: What did it sound like? What she was saying?

Patrick: Sibilant and a little abrupt.... *will try and imitate the sounds Sibby was making*

Col. Franklin: *even more surprised* Swampman. She was speaking the swamp peoples' language.

Patrick: *blink blink* She might have been with one in her old reality.....

Col. Franklin: *slight frown* Probably. But I've never heard of a Whisper speaking.

Patrick: *'Hrrmm's softly*

Col. Franklin: But we've got other things to concern us at the moment. *all trace of smile is gone*

Patrick: *questioning look*

Col. Franklin: Captain Dallas MacKenzie vanished sometime last night.

((written with random_xtras))
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