Carter: *comes in with an armload of clean laundry. Looks over Beau's shoulder* What t'e heck...?
Beau: Uncle Blastah sent th' link.... *trying to figure out whether he should play or not*
Carter: *looks at the screen, and then goes and gets her laptop to find that page* T'is's kinda fun.
laundry: *all over the (clean) floor*
Beau: ... *that settles it. Makes an account*
Carter: *lining up orbs to whale on Lord Wander Magic* Bahaha, nailed t' derp.
Beau: *snickering as 'Blueberry Cuddle Lady' wins her battle*
Carter: Die, Blue Cupcake Friendship!
Beau: Take th't, Magic Fluffy Marshmallow!
Carter: Ooo, level two.
Beau: Th's game.... *snickering*
Carter: Guess I was wrong 'n you were right. Computer games can be fun. *play more!*
Beau: *chuckles*
classmate: *raps on the window in passing* Hey, Carter, thought it was against your religion to shack up!
Carter: *ignore*
Beau: *also ignores. Is too busy walloping a foe*
Carter: *small snerk* Gonna bejewel your butt to t' wall.
Beau: *snickerfit*
Carter: *then pauses as she gets an email alert. Will minimize the game window and have a look at what's in her inbox* *blinks. Reads it again, and then reads it out loud* "Dear students, he may not be Nijika, but Westwood College is proud to be welcoming their very own extra terrestrial student tomorrow! We're trusting everyone to give Murphy Smith a warm welcome and to show him just how friendly the people of Earth can be."
Beau: *blink blink blink* Bhuh?
Carter: It's on the school news. Have a look.
Beau: *navigates to the school news* Murphy Smith? 'S th't a JD? *headtilting ever so slightly*
Carter: Is t'at a JD name?
Beau: 'T mahght be... *slight frown*
Carter: I wonder if t'ere's any way to find out where he lives or anyt'ing. *frowning as she absently taps her nose with a finger*
Beau: *shrug* Mebbeh we'll see 'im 'r 'er 'n class t'morrah...
Carter: *points out* T'ey call him a 'he' in t'e announcement.
Beau: Ah... *'hrm's softly*
Carter: Could your uncle find out anyt'ing?
Beau: Lemme check... *emailing Blaster now*
Blaster: *says he's putting his sneaky ears on*
Beau: *to Carter* 'E's check'n'...
Ratbat: *swoops past the window, screeking happily!*
Laserbeak: *issa grok grok grok in the distance*
Buzzsaw: *is that faintly heard 'keeek'-ing*
Beau: ... Great. 'E sent th' derp brigade.
Carter: *blinks* *nervously* Was t'at a bat?
Beau: Th't w's Ratbat... 'E's on th' same sahd 's Sis.
Carter: Oh. He's a 'Bot?
Beau: Naw... 'E's jes' on th' same sahd.
Carter: *then gives a little shriek as male voices bellow with terror just to the right of the window*
Ratbat: //Perverts! Peepers! JERKS!//
Beau: *on his feet* Wh't th?!
feet: *run past the window!*
Ratbat: *lands and chitters irately after the fleeing teens*
Beau: .... *approaches the window* Wh't w's th't 'bout?
Ratbat: *looks at him* //Hiding out here with baseball bat!//
Beau: ... Whah? *so confused*
Carter: *shaking and crying silently*
Beau: *attention on Carter, is soon holding her close and clicking softly*
Carter: T'ose... t'ose were the boys t'at've ben yellin' at me. *soaks the front of Beau's shirt with tears as she clings and shakes with fright*
Beau: ... *frowns and rubs her back* Whah? Y'u ain't done noth'n' t' 'em.....
Carter: T'ey were calling me a whore today in class. Said I was shacked up wit' you and t'reatening to tell my pastor.
Beau: ... *more frown* *mutters something very impolite about the boys in Scottish*
Carter: *more tears, so upset and scared*
Beau: *soothing murmurs* *quietly* Ah c'n ask Ratbat, Lasahbeak, 'r Buzzsaw t' 'elp out.... 'N th' meantahm, mebbeh we sh'ld call th' cops 'n those gahs, 'cause th'y w're h'rass'n y'u.
Carter: *nods, still holding onto him*
Blaster: *voice from Beau's laptop* //Eureka!//
Carter: *startled squeak*
Beau: *backrub* *to his laptop* Wh't'd y'u fahnd, Uncle Blastah?
Blaster: //Blastin' you an addy. And showin' the police where to find your nice neighbours.// *snerk*
Beau: Alrahght... Those boys've been h'rass'n Carter, 'n say'n stuff th't aint true....
Blaster: //Yeah. I heard.// *sounds a little grim* //You'll be safe with the birdbrain brigade in the 'hood.//
Buzzsaw: *thrrpts over comms*
Beau: *attention going back to Carter* D' y'u wanna go check th' address?
Carter: *glistening grey eyes peek up at him uncertainly*
Beau: Lasahbeak, Buzzsaw, 'n Ratbat'll keep 'n ah on us, 'n Ah'm guess'n Eject's eah too.
Carter: Oh. Alright. *startles as someone knocks on the door*
Beau: *looks up* Er....
male voice: Police. Are you guys alright?
Beau: Yessir.
cop: *gently* May I come in?
Beau: *looks to Carter, asking for permission to let the officer in*
Carter: *nods, reluctantly prying her hands loose from his shirt. Has hurt one of them, and now Beau's got a red spot on that shirt*
Beau: *moves to let the officer in, and then he's moving to fuss over Carter and gently bandage her hand with a hankie*
cop: *big burly guy comes in and looks around quickly, then turns his attention to the teens* Do you guys want to make a statement about those guys that were harassing Carter?
Carter: *softly* Can we do it tomorrow before school?
Beau: *still gently fussing over Carter and making sure the hankie's not too tight*
cop: *shakes his head apologetically* It won't take too long. *has paper and pen all ready!* *is also watching that little octopus over there in the tank with a slight grin of amazed wonder*
Beau: *quietly* Th' first Ah'd 'eard 'f 'em h'rass'n Carter w's fr'm 'er.... 'N earliah, 'un 'f 'em w's knock'n 'n th' wind'ah 'n ask'n 'f "shack'n up" w's 'gainst Carter's religion...
cop: *writing* And how'd you find out they were waiting outside the window?
Beau: Th'y went runn'n past th' window, scream'n lahk th'y w's bein' chased bah a monstah.
cop: *goes over to look at the window, then jumps back slightly as a tapping comes from it* A raven. Well, pretty close. *writes more*
Laserbeak: *tap tap. Tap tap tap*
Beau: ... *looks over to the window* *snerk*
Laserbeak: *yells through the glass* I was framed! It was my brother! Officer, you gotta believe me!
cop: *watching that little octopus as it plays with a cat toy*
Beau: *snerk*
Buzzsaw: *divebomb attempt!*
cop: *looks up with surprise at the sudden flood of vituperation from the other side of the window. Actually pulls the curtain*
Carter: *softly* Please don't do t'at. I always leave it open when Beau's here.
Beau: *studying the cop warily now, since he didn't even seem fazed by Laserbeak talking*
cop: *startles at the sound of a thud from the window and peeks through the curtains* o_O?
Beau: .... Buzzsaw's okay. 'E di'nt bust nuth'n 'e w'sn't us'n' anehways...
Buzzsaw: *cussing and tapping at the window now*
cop: *frowning* Buzzsaw?
Beau: Th' derp th't 'it th' window jes' now.
cop: *and then startles away from the window as Laserbeak opens it* Whoa, #@$#@! Uh... you know it's a bad idea to feed wild animals, right?
Beau: Th'y ain't wahld animals.... Th'y's just nutters.
cop: *so very confused, and it shows. Tries to focus on what made sense last* I better get Carter's statement and let you guys be for the night.
Buzzsaw: *calling his sister all manner of rude names*
cop: *realizes that it's not the Raven that's talking. Stares, and then makes a little sound of distress before turning and walking out of the apartment*
Carter: *watches him go with wide eyes*
Beau: ... Wh't th' slag 's goin' on 'eah? *frowning muchly now*
Laserbeak: Good job, loser, you broke the cop. *bites brother*
Buzzsaw: *cuss!*
Beau: *sigh*
cop 2: *comes and looks in through the open door, frowning deeply* What did you do to Justin?
Beau: *honest sincerity* W'sn't me...
cop 2: Someone want to explain how that falcon is talkin'?
Carter: *turns white*
Beau: Er....
Carter: He's a robot! He belongs to Beau's uncle. *>_<*
cop 2: *frowns at Beau* A robot.
Beau: *rolling with it* Yeah... 'Un 'f mah uncles 's 'n 'nventor, 'n Buzzsaw's 'un 'f 'is more succesful 'nventions. *telling a partial truth, but only 'cause he's not really sure WHERE Buzzsaw and his siblings came from*
cop 2: *picks up the notepad his partner dropped* And the raven?
Laserbeak: Nevermore! *gone with rush of wings*
Beau: 'S mah Uncle John's pet.
Blaster: //Brandon. My name's Brandon. Hi, Corporal... Fanzone? Really?//
Beau: ... *wants to facepalm at the sheer absurdity of this situation, but isn't sure that's the right thing to do right now*
cop 2: *gives the guy on the computer screen a stink eye* You're the owner of this bird?
Blaster: *looks* //Oh. No, that is Johnny's.// *grin*
cop 2: *mutters at him, but then gets Carter's statement, asks Beau if there's anything he forgot, gets Blaster's statement, mutters about hating machines as Buzzsaw bites his shoe lace, and then leaves*
Blaster: //Sa-weet!// :D :D
Beau: *to Blaster* Y'u're a derp.
Buzzsaw: Derp.
Blaster: *cheesy grin* //You oughtta get your aft in gear and marry that girl. Blaster out.// *screen blank*
Beau: ....
Carter: *back with his jacket* *quizzical look*
Beau: Uncle Blastah's bein' a real derp th's tahm.... *will lock his computer with a sigh*
Carter: *offers jacket and a sympathetic expression* I hear t'ere's an uncle like t'at in every family. *wan grin*
Beau: Wh't's worse 's th't Aunt Tea's JES' lahk 'im. *reaches for the jacket and moves to put it on*
Carter: *as she closes her own computer, makes sure that Betsy's tank is closed, and then picks Buzzsaw up carefully in her cotton-gloved hands and tucks him under her arm* Aren't t'ey t'e same person? Okay, I'm ready.
Beau: Yup... *arm around Carter's shoulders, will PINpoint to a spot near the address that is out of sight of the road*
address: *looks like another basement apartment, though a three bedroom in this case. Living room window is lit, and people are inside moving around*
Carter: *lets Buzzsaw go, and then leans against Beau*
Beau: *moves to bring Carter over to the front door, pauses as he sees Eject, soft chuckle* 'N th're's Eject...
Carter: *slight smile for the white bird, but then frowns* I don't t'ink a JD would fit in t'at apartment. The ceiling's lower t'an mine is.
Eject: Smells like roses...
Beau: Huh.... *will ring the doorbell*
buzzer: *woman's voice* //Yes?//
Beau: 'Lo... 'S Murphy Smith 'ome?
woman: //No, he had to run some errands. Who is this?//
squeaky sound: *in the background, just let off a sneeze*
Carter: We're not idiots wit' baseball bats. Or rubberneckers. We really just want to say hi and welcome.
Eject: *ducks as Ratbat swoops over and drops something at Beau*
Beau: *acks and ducks*
Carter: *catches what was dropped* ...Donuts?
woman: //...Donuts?// *sounds a bit confused*
Beau: Fresh 'uns.... *moving to stand up again*
Carter: *happily* And some are chocolate. Our friend just made them. *gently pinches Eject's beak between the gloved fingers of the hand not holding the donut bag*
Eject: *mrmph*
another female voice: *soft and quiet* //Let them come in, McKinna.//
woman: *muted, as she talks over her shoulder* //Murphy will be back with the food soon.//
other voice: *gentle wistfulness* //It's been awhile since I've had fresh donuts, and new friends would be nice.//
woman: //I don't know...//
third voice: //Let them in. I'll hide behind the door with the baseball bat.//
woman: //Shannon!//
Beau: ... Wh't 's wit' people 'n want'n t' 'it us wit' baseball bats t'day?
McKinna: *louder as she turns back to the speaker* //Uh, what?//
Beau: We jes' got done talk'n t' th' police 'bout s'me gahs th't were gonna 'it us wit' baseball bats not too long 'go...
McKinna: //Why were they going to hit you?// *sounds exasperated and miffed*
other voice: //Let them in where it's safe.// *sounds worried now*
Beau: *answering McKinna's question* 'Cause th'y're bullies who th'nk th't th'y c'n tell people wh't t' do... Th' police've dealt wit' 'em, so 'opefulleh, th'y'll learn th'r lesson, 'n leave people who ain't got a quarrel wit' 'em 'lone.
McKinna: *hrrrms and presses the buzzer, causing Ratbat to go floof where he's hanging by the porch awning over Beau and Carter's heads*
Beau: *will move to hold the door open for Carter*
Carter: *had startled at the buzz herself, and is now giggling silently as she gives Beau her usual Look for his old fashioned manners. Does, however, go through. The foyer of an unknown walkup isn't a good place to be lifted up off your feet and hauled inside* *runs lightly up the steps to the main floor*
Beau: *closes the door behind him and slips off the canvas shoes he was wearing before following Carter*
Carter: *down the hall a bit, and then stops and grins hopefully at the tall redhead who is frowning through the first door on the right at her. Offers bag of donuts!*
Shannon: *looks at them, and then looks at Beau... and looks up to see his face* *bemused slight grin at his height*
Beau: *polite nod* 'Lo... 'M Beau MacKenzie. *offers a hand for a handshake* *other hand gestures to Carter* Th's 's Carter McKenzie.
Shannon: Hi. I'm Shannon, Murphy's roommate. *lets go the door knob to shake the hand. In the process discloses the fact that she's holding a rolling pin in the other hand*
Carter: *face. Palm as she sees that rolling pin*
Beau: *bemused and amused smile*
Shannon: *bit of a scowl* There's a new baby in the house. We can't be too careful. Especially with the stupid school putting out that... *bites off a cussword with a guilty look over her shoulder*
Beau: *nods* Ah undahstand 'ntahrleh...
Carter: *bouncing on her feet now softly* Baby?
Shannon: *looks at her for a moment, then smiles slightly* Yeah. She's three days old.
Carter: *looks up at Beau with shining eyes*
Beau: *soft* D'awwwww
Shannon: *a bit challengingly* Yes, she's adorable. But she's not human.
Carter: *still bouncing*
Beau: So? Bebehs're cute, regahdless 'f race.
Shannon: *frowns at him, and then at Carter*
Carter: *stops bouncing. Very softly* Neither am I.
Shannon: *blinks*
Beau: *arm around Carter's waist in an affectionate and protective manner*
Shannon: *frowns thoughtfully and steps aside so that they can come in*
Beau: *will move to gently guide Carter through the door*
Carter: *goes in, and then heads straight toward the kitchen, where she can hear that little squeaky sound and a soft chirping in reply to it*
Beau: *staying close to Carter, slight, thoughtful headtilt as he hears the chirping*
Shannon: *puts a hand out to stop him as Carter continues* You're not human?
Beau: Ah 'm, but Ah've got famileh 'n friends who ain't...
Shannon: So she was serious? But she looks as squishy as you and me.
Beau: Y'u've seen th' stuff 'bout th' big battle th't 'appened outsahd 'f Blacksburg, rahght?
Shannon: *stops short* And the stuff in Japan, and the other places. Yeah...
Beau: *nods towards Carter* 'Er Ma's related t' th' people th't're 'n the base 'n Blacksburg... She's 'alf 'uman....
Shannon: Wait... Half human? How'd that work?
Beau: She w's born 'uman, but wit' a spark.
Shannon: *brows doing funny quirks* ...Spark?
Carter: Beau, come see. Ohhh. She's soooo cuuute.
baby voice: *bitty squeaky talk*
Beau: *as he moves to see the baby* 'Er soul, so t' speak.... Ah can't realleh explain wh't a spark 's exactleh... But Ah know s'me'un who c'n....
Carter: *standing next to a sky blue girl with golden eyes who looks like she could be a twin to Little Sister who lives with Patrick and Emilia. In her arms is a blanket bundle from which is visible the face of a baby who looks like nothing so much as an utterly adorable minky orange grub with big, half lit, blue eyes* *crooning as the baby squeaks back*
Beau: D'aww.... *will start sparklet clicking softly, mostly saying 'hello'*
Carter: *softly* Lindsy says her name's Mara.
Lindsy: *smiles around a big mouthful of donut*
Mara: *loooooking at that clicking, her eyes brightening slightly with curiosity*
Beau: *turned into a total sap, pay him no mind*
Shannon: *laughing now as she turns to Lindsy and shares with her that these guys not only know other extra terrestrials, but that Carter is only half human*
Lindsy: *nods and manages to swallow without choking* I can smell it.
Carter: Wait, what. Really? *slightly distracted from grinning at sweetheart turning to mush about baby*
Beau: *distracted from the cute that is Mara* *blink blink blink*
Lindsy: *nods* My people have really strong senses of smell. It's how we tell a lot about each other. *smells of chocolate and cinnamon herself, with a hint of burnt toast and vinegar*
Mara: *issa chocolate smellin' babby. Also a happy and sleepy babby*
Beau: Huh....
Lindsy: *smiles, but just crammed half a donut into her mouth*
Shannon: *worried* We weren't out of food for you for that long.
Lindsy: *sheepish expression as she chews*
Beau: *concerned frown* 'F y'all need 'elp wit' gett'n food, Ah c'n gitcha th' numbah f'r NEST....
Lindsy: *swallows* Nest?
Beau: *nod* Th'y 'elp people who're new t' Earth.
Shannon: She can eat our food. She's just vegan with a liking for baked stuff. Wait... they really do it? It's not just an excuse to cut visitors up?
Lindsy: *looks faint at the thought*
Beau: *seriously* NEST ain't lahk th' Stahk company. F'r 'un th'ng, th're's a unit 'f Cahbertronians, Mrrpt-Nyaah, 'n 'umans... 'N th't's jes' 'un unit... Th'y know th' Greys, 'n th' JDs. NEST also works wit' th' IGP.... 'Un 'f mah uncles 's a Constable wit' th' IGP...
Shannon: *confused, but can see that Lindsy understands at least some of what Beau has said*
Lindsy: *quietly* We weren't sure if we would get in trouble for being here. Murphy said that the IGP had Earth designated as a protected planet.
Beau: Fr'm wh't Sis said th' othah day, Earth's jes' staht'n t' be open f'r offworlder int'raction... Th't's paht 'f wah Miss Nijika 's 'eah....
Shannon: Wait... she really is from somewhere else? That's not just a publicity gag?
Carter: *soft laugh* She's half t'e same race as my grandpa Seaspray.
Beau: *nod* Miss Nijika's 'alf-Zamojin... *slight grin* Pr'fessor Percia 't Virginia Tech's 'er Pa....
Shannon: What's Zamojin mean?
Beau: 'S a native 'f th' planet Zamojin. Th'y're lahk 'umans, but th'y's built sturdiah, 'n tallah... 'N th'y's strongah too. *yes, he listened to Merlin's and Russell's discussion about the people that one time*
Shannon: So Nijika's so runty because of this Percia guy? *looks at Carter, evidently thinking that the race they have in common is a small one*
Beau: Naw... Nijika w's 'riginalleh built t' pahlot a small ship 'bout fahv thousand yeahs 'go bah a gent named Niko Don.... Since 'e w's forbidden fr'm pahlot'n 'it 'imself....
Shannon: *face goes blank* Did you just say 'five thousand'?
Beau: *nod* 'S wh't Uncle Merlin said, 'n 'e 'eard 't fr'm a gent named Katsu Don, who w's Niko Don's descendent....
Carter: *softly, as she gently touches Mara's little face with a gloved finger* Cybertronians live a long time.
Mara: *mouth moves slightly as she sleeps with the utter contented collapse of the newborn*
Beau: *nods in agreement with Carter* Mah fahthah's gotta couple million'a yeahs undah 'is belt....
Shannon: *totally forgets herself* You're @#$#@@ing me.
Lindsy: 0.0
Beau: Ah ain't do'n no such th'ng....
Carter: Are you supposed to be talking like t'at around t'e baby?
McKinna: *is that average looking, slightly overweight young woman that just came out of the bathroom to buzz somebody else in* No, she's not.
Shannon: *face redder than her hair as she scowls*
Beau: Tracks 'sn't even 's old 's s'me 'f th' otha Autobots 'n Destrons....
male voice: *quiet baritone* Autobots and Destrons?
Shannon: Murph! *tells the newcomer everything that's been said so far, since Lindsy's got another half donut in the works at the moment*
Murphy: *average height guy with milk chocolate coloured skin and hazel green eyes that study Beau and Carter quietly while he listens*
Beau: Two 'f th' tahps 'f Cahbertronians th're ah 'eah 'n Earth... Th' Autobots're th' more civvie sahd 'f th'ngs, 'n Destrons 're th' police 'n militareh sahd 'f th'ngs....
Carter: The Klingon side of things... *nuzzles sleeping baby*
Murphy: *chuckles at that comment*
Beau: *soft snerk* Well, th't's 'un way 'f look'n 't 't....
Shannon: These guys know the IGP. They say Nijika's really an ET, and that Earth is opening up.
Murphy: *turns to Beau with sudden interest even as he sets a bag of rolled oats and a couple loaves of bread by his wife*
Beau: *nods and offers him the number for NEST...*
back in Blacksburg
Tracks: *parked in Shelby mode outside the building that houses the local branch of Social Services, absently giving a stink eye to a young hippy type that is zoned out staring at him*
Denver: *doing her best to keep calm. Just signed the paperwork that means that Jethro MacKenzie will be transferred to a mental hospital, since he's not only a danger to others, he's a danger to himself. Even after almost a year and then some, the memory of his attack still bothers her...* *rubs at the back of her neck as she heads for the door, wondering who will be picking her up since she got a ride in with Jean when he was on the mail run, and the meeting ran longer than she was anticipating*
Tracks: I am not a muscle car, thank you very much.
hippy: Man, you totally are.
Tracks: *snort!*
Denver: ... *snerk* *as she approaches* Muscle cahs ain't neahleh 's fahn 's th's gent...
hippy: *blink blink* Wait... you can hear him too?
Denver: 'Course Ah c'n. *like it's not absurd*
hippy: *tries to think of what to say about this* *finally* Whoa... heavy. *gets up and wanders off*
Tracks: *snorts again, and then pops his driver's door* *archly* Going my way?
Denver: *chuckles and moves to sit in the driver's seat* Aneh way y'u're go'n 's th' way Ah'm go'n. *so glad that you're here, Tracks! Will lean back against the seat and kick off her heels*
Tracks: *kneads her shoulders with the back of the seat* *softly* I'm afraid there's been a bit of drama back at home, darling.
Denver: ... Wh't sort'a drama? 'Cause Ah 'm NOT separat'n Sahdswahp fr'm Whiplash 'gain....
Tracks: Raoul got into a shouting match with Rodney over whether or not he was learning to drive, and then quit. He walked home, and has been sulking in his room ever since. *pulls out of the parking lot as he speaks*
Denver: *soft sigh, concern for the teen coming across the bond* Ah wish Ah knew wh't 'as 'im so spooked 'bout drahv'n.....
Tracks: *quietly, as he continues along the route that will lead them out of town* So do I. This is most unlike him.
Denver: *quieter* Yeah.... Mebbeh s'meth'n 'appened th't 'e don' wan' us know'n 'bout... *soft sigh, turns her attention to the scenery for now, a bit lost in her own thoughts*
Tracks: Darling, even Mr. Rogers can't enlighten me as to what the problem might be. *stops at a light and ignores the hopeful revvings of the engine of the beautiful new mustang in the lane next to him*
Denver: *absently* Mahght be s'meth'n moah recent....
Tracks: Mr. Rogers has been Raoul's worker since he was a toddler, Denver. *still ignoring the guy in the mustang as it roars off the starting line*
Denver: Yeah, but s'me 'f th' stuff th't's 'appened 'n base, we don' talk 'bout wit' 'im... 'N 't w'ldn't s'prahs me 'f Raoul 'as stuff 'e don' talk 'bout eithah....
Tracks: True. Though I know whatever this is happened before I met Raoul. *absently stops to let a cat scoot across the street, then continues*
Denver: *absent sound, leans back against the seat even more and shuts her eyes. Just wants to go home and relax*
Tracks: *quietly, hoping to amuse her* Samuel is in school.
Denver: .... Th't... terrifahs me... *yet she sounds so amused at the idea*
Tracks: It's actually a breast cancer awareness workshop. *thoughtfully* He looked so serious. I'm starting to wonder if he's chosen himself a safe battle for a hobby. He is one of the few of us that were actually built for combat, so it's pretty much hardwired into his systems.
Denver: *quietly* Th't makes sense.... 'N Ah th'nk 't's a good th'ng th't 'e's th're.... Breast cancer ain't jes' a women's disease..... 'T c'n affect men too....
Tracks: Yes... and not just humans. *turns and leaves town* I knew a lovely Nebulan grandmother once who had lost both her daughters to it.
Denver: *slight wince*
Tracks: I just have to wonder, though, what all those women think of that uncooth hippy sitting in their midst.
Denver: *quietly* Ah jes' 'ope th'y c'n be open-mahnded 'bout 'im....
Tracks: *soberly* So do I. He's ridiculous, but I can't help but find myself rooting for him. Oh, that reminds me. He's left something in my glove compartment for you.
Denver: Th' moah people work'n t' fahnd a cure, th' bettah.... ... 'N Ah'm almost afraid t' ask wh't 'e left....
Tracks: It looked like some sort of silver jewellery.
Denver: *will lean over to look in the glove compartment then*
little pendant: *tucked into a 'weed baggie' in there*
Denver: *slight quirk of a grin as she studies the pendant*
pendant: *pretty little thing that says, 'Kick Cancer's @#$@#' and has a pink ribbon dangle*
Denver: *soft chuckle, thinks her brother-in-law is a doof, but she appreciates the sentiment* *will work to put the necklace on*
Tracks: He said something about Sky saying you needed it.
Denver: *quietly* Yeah....
Tracks: *gently cuddles her with his seat* *softly* Sora and Raj are going to Japan tomorrow to meet Tomo.
Denver: Wh'n w's th' li'l bit born? *glad for the change in topic*
Tracks: About an hour ago. Rachel says he's currently meeting the Tokyo police force as his mother rests. And that she thought that Mr. Toudou was going to explode as he gave her the news.
Denver: *soft snerk* Fr'm wh't Ah remembah, Mr. Toudou's th' calm 'un....
Tracks: He also seems to consider himself Tomo's grandfather. *lifts a panel to show a photo on his screen. Photo shows a green and blue sparklet with wide, sleepy golden optics who is wrapped in a knitted blanket and wearing a soft shirt and a little toque with the TPD logo on it*
Denver: D'awww.... 'E ain't much biggah th'n Dion..... *sends a congratulations email to Mr. Toudou, Deckerd, and Nancy*
Tracks: *quiet chuckle* Oh yes, I also found out that our Kup isn't the only one to have been bested by hurricane Irene.
Denver: ...Huh?
Tracks: Though the Kup from that hideous yellow Ratchet's reality did more than just get himself pockmarked in a hailstorm. He caught a tree when a levee broke, and then took a trip down a river.
Denver: *wince* Poor gah.... 'S 'e okay?
Tracks: Rachel says he's healing, but that their Springer and Hot Rod might not survive the experience. *scanning for animals now that they're in the country. Doesn't want to ruin his lovely finish*
Denver: Good grief.... *headshake*
Tracks: *sudden gasp as his engine dies, glides to a stop on the shoulder of the highway and starts shaking*
Denver: Tracks?
Tracks: *choked* Denver... that was a child! There's a child bleeding in the ditch!
Denver: *unbuckled and out to investigate, scanning, and then she's gasping and shucking her jacket. Moments later, she's got the skinny little thing in her arms and is applying pressure to the wound* Tracks, git us t' th' infirmary.
Tracks: *transforms, puts his arms around them, and PINpoints to right in front of the desk in which Russel was sitting and arguing with Bea about video games vs. rare comic books, then collapses*
Russell: *startles, but then he's scrambling over to get the little child that Denver has a grip on*
Denver: *once Russell has relieved her of the child, she's moving to hug Tracks and talk softly to him*
child: *very softly, as Russell works to stop the bleeding* #P-Papa....# *whimpers*
Bea: *grabbing supplies and readying a table* Tracks, Denver, you have to leave. We're going to need to operate.
Tracks: *lifts his head, his expression stunned and blank*
Denver: *just went a bit pale*
child: #P-Papa.... N-No....#
Bea: *comes to offer Russel a pair of scissors, but then looks at the little girl and gasps* Denver!
Denver: *flinches and hides her face against Tracks. Is trying not to think about what happened to her.... and failing*
little Denver: *biting her lip and trying to keep quiet, soft gasp of pain when Russell moves to cut the threadbare fabric of her dress and has to peel away the parts of it that have gotten stuck in her wound*
Tracks: *pushes himself up unsteadily, and then PINpoints his wife to the safety of the giant bed in their bedroom. Once they're there he starts gathering together blankets and pillows to surround her with. His blue optics are nearly white with shock, and his expression is still blank*
Denver: *cycling air rapidly and then she's transforming and moving to cling to Tracks*
Tracks: *startles slightly, but then lays down beside her and holds her close* Shhh, darling. I have you. I'm here.
Raoul: *from the door* Hey... what? Tracks? Major Mac? What's wrong?
Denver: *soft clicks, shuttering her optics as she hides her face against Tracks*
Raoul: *scowls and studies his parents for a moment more, but then goes and lays down on Denver's other side* Shhh. It's gonna be alright, Major Mac. We're here.
Denver: *intakes hitching* *softly* Sh-She's j-jes a chahld....
Tracks: Shhhh. *pulls the blankets up over her, protecting her*
Raoul: *softly as he nestles against Denver's back* Child? Where?
Denver: *softly* R-Russ 'n B-Bea 're w-work'n 'n 'er....
Raoul: Who is she?
Denver: *quieter* 'Notha me...
Raoul: *eyes widen* What? What happened?
Denver: *intakes hitch as she tries to say what the little alternate of her seemed to have been hurt by*
Tracks: *softly* Jethro did it, Raoul.
Raoul: *sits up, and then goes stormy faced as he hops off the bed and runs out of the room*
Denver: *trying so hard not to think about when her own father attacked her. Is, instead, trying to think about what the little girl will need once she's able to be up and about*
Tracks: *soft squeak and moves back slightly as strong, warm small hands tuck two little forms between him and Denver*
Naomi: Shhh, Oom and Tantie. Here are Dion and Rosie.
Dion: *snuggles Mama and Bubby, clickstorms*
Rose: *no has sad, Mama, Papa!* *snuggles*
Tracks: *soft clicks for the sparklets as he settles them in the nest between his and Denver's bodies and then pulls the blankets up to protect them*
Naomi: *helps him with that, also clicking softly as she does so*
Denver: *clicks softly and curls around her family protectively*
Tracks: *holds them all*
Naomi: *snuggles and protects*
Raoul: *sitting opposite the door and watching it, quiet anger and determination on his face. Is going to sit here and guard the door till he can sit and guard the young aunt instead*
((written with