Pocket Reality. Herobots Home Base. Surprising News

Sep 19, 2011 21:10

Hound: *dozy watching of the sparklet that's laying on his chest and silently playing with a little doll made of a few knots in a bandanna. Is starting to be more aware of the world around him after his injury. Currently trying to remember his new son's name*

Desinex: *bringing fuel for mate and sparklet, is humming one of the songs she used to perform*

Hound: *slowly turns his head slightly toward the sound as the little one sits up and chirps excitedly* *faintly* Sky...

Desinex: *moves to sit down carefully so as not to jostle Hound too much* Hey.... Feeling better? *yes, that is a faint undercurrent of worry in her voice. It'll stay there till she's sure you've healed completely, Hound*

Hound: *optics sparkle* Made... new friend. *realizes that focusing on his vocalizer is taking too much concentration and energy* //He really seems to like me. But I can't even remember his name.//

Desinex: *soft chuckle as she moves to offer a bottle of fuel to Sekani* You were pretty out of it when Sekani arrived.... *will also re-adjust pillows as well as she can with one hand, intends to help Hound take in fuel*

Sekani: *happy chirping and clicking as he scoots over to tuck his dolly in a corner out of the way, then scoots back to take his bottle and try to help with the pillows*

Hound: //Never saw a youngster take to me that fast before, other than our boys.//

Desinex: *quietly* Well, he is made from another you and another me...

Hound: *optics flash with surprise as his mouth falls open slightly*

Sekani: *looks at Daddy's face* Chrrrr?

Desinex: *shares what Primus told her about the little one* *will click softly and finish adjusting pillows*

Hound: *looking sad and tired by the time she's done* //Buddy's brother. How could anyone...// *shutters optics and circulates as his shock and stress bring on a surge of pain*

Sekani: *flaily!*

Desinex: *quick to poke at specific wires in Hound's neck, intending to trigger pain relief*

Hound: *only flinches. It seems that the warned occurrence of rerouting has happened*

Sekani: *watching Mama, and then brightens and goes looking for the painblocker gun*

Desinex: *well, that didn't work... Time for plan B... aka, Kiss Hound Till He Doesn't Know Which Way Is Up*

Hound: *squeak of surprise, but then sighs as the pain fades into happy fuzziness* Hmmm....

Desinex: *will gently rest her forehead on Hound's and click softly*

Hound: *slight sigh as his attempts to kiss back only stir up a little alarm that informs him that his energy levels are low* //Already... can... I can already see the gauge... Where'd Sekani go?//

Desinex: *lifts her head to look for the sparklet, will also get Hound situated with a drinking tube in the sweet mid grade that she brought up*

Sekani: *sitting on the corner of the bed and looking down curiously*

Desinex: *quick check to make sure Hound will be able to take in fuel, and then she's moving to see what Sekani's looking at*

Hound: *is a quiet, fuzzy concentration on drinking*

Sekani: *watching that big old shiny Junebug walk across the floor* Trrrrl.

Desinex: *soft chuckle, will make sure Sekani won't topple off the bed, and then check for the pain override gun* *sees the item in question on the wicker chair by the window. Will move to retrieve said item, only to pause and STARE at what's going on outside*

Hound: *feels her reaction and turns his head slightly* //...Sky?//

Desinex: Tweedledee and Tweedledum are sitting on the back of the dinosaur that ran you over.... I'm pretty sure they're slag-faced.... *is trying so hard not to snicker*

Hound: ... ... ... o.O

Desinex: *databursts an image of the derps*

Hound: *tries to laugh, but winds up wincing and beeping softly instead* Rrrrr....

Sekani: *looks over his shoulder with a worried chirp*

Desinex: *grabs the pain override gun and brings it over. Will use it on Hound, clicking softly all the while*

Hound: *turns dark optics toward her, affection mingled with pain reaching over their bond*

Sekani: *gentle snug for Papa, soft churr*

Desinex: *moves to lay down and snuggle, gentle reassurances coming over the bond*

Showtime: *just started singing a sea shanty over comms.... is nowhere near any water*

Hound: //Show... it's desert.// *fuzzy and feeling himself once more sinking under the oblivion sands of sleep*

Showtime: //...Bhuh?//

Desinex: *nuzzle* -Show's prolly just as plastered as the twins... residual overcharge...-

Hound: //Sand...// *optic shutters droop*

little voice: //Tand!//

Hound: -??- *sleep*

Desinex: *looks to Sekani* Was that you just now?

Sekani: Buh?

Desinex: *slight headtilt, shutters her optics and listens for anyone who might be around*

cricket: *singing somewhere down the hall*

twins: *yelling and laughing as they sing the same song Show's singing*

Desinex: *tunes the twins out* *listens for anyone who might've come to visit with Primus' permission*

Primus: *amused and not talking*

little twitch: *comes from her spark, and her own comm once more kicks to life* //Woo!//

Desinex: .... *quietly* Oh....

Primus: *soft laughter*

Desinex: *pinches the bridge of her nose* *of all the times for the terrible trio to be plastered...* *will gently kiss Hound's forehead, and carefully get off the bed. Intends to see if Rhinox has time to scan her*

lightening: *strikes outside*


Sekani: *startled big optics toward the window*

Desinex: *well, in that case...* *pings Sunstreaker's comm* //Well, now that you three are sober again.... I need one of you to go get a medic in the Nexus.//

Sunstreaker: //Did we do something wrong? We weren't in the house making noise, right?// *slightly bewildered with the return of reason* //And what the heck are we doing on Barney's back?//

Desinex: //No, and I have no idea what possessed you to climb on the lug's back. But I'd appreciate it if someone goes within the next five minutes. If you can get Rhinox, great, if you have to bother a Ratchet, fine. I need a medic.//

Showtime: //...//

Sideswipe: *scared quaver* //What happened to Hound??//

Desinex: //Other than a nap attack? Nothing. The medic's for me.//

Sideswipe: *really worried now* //What happened to you?//

Desinex: //Going by how amused Primus is, and the little voice I heard using my comm, I'd say my spark budded.//

Showtime: *gone!* *went to get datachips!*

Sideswipe: //...//

newspark: //Bapu!//

Sekani: *laughs*

Desinex: *low growl. Picked up on Show's reason for going, and is glad, but since she hasn't heard anything from Sunstreaker yet...* //So is someone going or not?//

Sideswipe: *sound of sudden cackling and whooping* //Yeah, Streaker went already.//

newspark: *lets off Mama's horn!* //Eeee!//

Desinex: *startled curse*

Sekani: *big eyed look for Mama*

Desinex: *to the newspark* Don't do that. Hound needs sleep.

newspark: -Buh?-

Sunstreaker: *appears in the hallway outside the bedroom door* I could only get Hormah. Rhinox's Kriti's hurt.

Desinex: *up and pacing now* Alright... *pauses* Wait. How did that little pest get hurt? *worry*

Hormah: *looks in, yellow optics quizzical* *softly* Some big *deedle beep!* got 'er over in t' place by t' mall as has t' sketchy AV field.

Desinex: *wince wince wince* Sheesh....

Hormah: Greenie's ben carryin' 'er in 'is shield cradle wit' t' bitlets. *walks into the room, her attention going automatically to Hound*

Desinex: *small nod* Hound's sleeping... He was aware enough to interact with Sekani, and then take in some fuel...

Showtime: *back! Will peek around her mate now*

Hormah: *nods, and then touches the insensate mech. Soft shot of her strange energy*

Hound: *guns are bigger, tracking sensors are sharper... and he's a little less banged up looking*

Hormah: *turns back toward Desinex after handing Sekani a lolipop* So now...

newspark: *accidentally made Mama backfire*

Desinex: *facepalm*

Sunstreaker: *stares at Desinex* What the...

Showtime: *coughs to hide her snicker*

Desinex: *so embarrassed* *mutter* For the love of.... *to Hormah* How far along am I?

Hormah: What colour doe ye wants 'er?

Desinex: ... *blink blink blink. So surprised* Er.... Silver....

Hormah: *nods and takes a protoform out of her storage compartment, then lays it gently on the foot of the bed* Stunner'll be separatin' in t' next day 're two.

Desinex: ...She's even stealthier than Ravage was...

Hormah: *lifts browplates* Well lookit who's slaggin' kid it be, b'y.

Desinex: ...I didn't even know my spark had budded till she started using my comm....

Hormah: Ye gots yer data encrypted?

Desinex: Force of habit....

Hormah: T'en ye shouldn' 'o ben after teachin' 'er no bad habits. *hand toward Sekani*

Sekani: *sucks on candy, rubs optics, and fusses softly*

Desinex: *scoots to gently rub Sekani's back, will move to tuck him in with Hound*

Sekani: *clings to Mama and nuzzles against her chest as he chirs and clicks softly, like he's often done of late*

Stunner: *sleepy affection for Brother*

Desinex: *going to take a hint from the kids and lay down next to Hound then*

Sunstreaker: *is staring at Sekani* Uh... Desinex? I think he knows.

Desinex: *gives Sunstreaker a Look*

Sunstreaker: No, seriously. Think how long it's been since he started snuggling your chest and chirping.

Desinex: .... Right around the time I started feeling tired more often....

Sunstreaker: A couple days after we got him. ...Which means she was probably already there when he crawled into your spark compartment.

Hormah: *stares at the yellow mech* Ye feelin' alright, b'y?

Sunstreaker: *absently* Primus sobered me up.

Hormah: Ah, yeah, t'at'll do 'er. *looks back to Desinex*

Desinex: .... It certainly explains why I've been craving sweeter fuel....

Showtime: *soft snerk*

Hormah: *slight grin* Call me when ye feels t' pains start. *hands the femme on the bed a big handful of sweet, chalky tablets* Best be eatin' yerself some scrap till ye can't stand t' sight 'o it.

Desinex: *small nod, looks to her sister and brothers*

Sunstreaker: *serious look to his mate for ideas*

Showtime: *will set the datachips where they'll be easily reached when they're needed, and then PINpoint out. Intends to barter a bit with the tribe out on the Lost Highway*

Sunstreaker: *perks and nods* *to Desinex* Show's got it.

Desinex: Alright. *will get comfortable against Hound and have a bit of a nap then*

Hormah: *tells her to eat four of the tablets, and then PINpoints away*

Sideswipe: *clinging to Barney's neck as he peeks through the window*

Desinex: *making quick work of four of the tablets, will snuggle, and shutter her optics*

Sunstreaker: *over to talk quietly to his brother, and then is the sound of steps fading on the deep carpet*

Sideswipe: *is a thud and a soft yelp, then a grouching about being dino licked, before his voice moves toward the door and out of audio range*

Desinex: *soft sigh as she begins to slip into recharge*

Sekani: *snugga Mama, baby sissy, and Papa. Puts fist in mouth. Then purrs and puts out sleeping baby magic*

Desinex: *sleeps, and dreams* *even Showtime's return won't wake her now*

Showtime: *walking as silently as she can, will cover Desinex, Hound, and Sekani with a blanket, and then she's leaving the room, a good-sized pile of scrap stacked where it will be found easily*

Sunstreaker: *comes sneaking in and gets that scrap, then hauls it down to the kitchen so that he and Sideswipe can cut it into bite size pieces. Plan on covering it with warm grease gravy as soon as Desinex wakes up. Will be happily and quietly productive for the rest of the afternoon*

((Co-written with random_xtras))


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