Tracks: *bringing breakfast over to his wife and sparklets on the couch. Is calmer now that he knows that Denver's young alternate is out of danger. Still slightly tense as he waits for Raoul to report that she's wakened* *slight smile for Denver as he offers her the massive plate of scrambles, gummi cheese, gummi ham, and blitztoast with botter*
Denver: *didn't sleep very well, though she did try. Bleary blinking as she realizes that Tracks has brought over a plate of food*
Dion: *sleepy clickstorm, can smell the good noms, Mama!*
Rose: *reaches for Daddy and clicks. Wants picked up!*
Tracks: *soft tongue cluck as he settles the tray over Denver's lap. Then scoops Rose up and croons to her softly* Are you hungry darling, hmmm?
Rose: *happy clickstorm, snuggles*
Denver: *starts to eat, though she'll also poke bites of the fuel at Dion's mouth when he scoots closer and clicks*
Tracks: *ignores a gleeful Rain shooting past toward the door on her way to pummel her sister in a morning sparring session* I suppose we have to talk to Raoul today. *not very enthused about the idea*
Denver: *small nod*
Dion: *nomnomnom*
Wesson: *pings Denver's comm* //Boss, there's a crazy woman out here sayin' mean things about you.//
Denver: //...// *frown* //Wh't's she look lahk?//
Wesson: *databurst an image*
Denver: *groans as she realizes the 'crazy woman' is Matilda Lamont*
Wesson: //Havoc, shut it! You're makin' it worse.//
Tracks: *blinks and then turns a look of dismay to his mate* Here?
Denver: *quietly* 'T looks lahk 't.... *just lost her appetite*
Jean: //And the horse you rode in on, lady.//
Wesson: //Jean, $##@@#$ it, the line's live. The Lt. Col's hearin' all your slag.//
Tracks: o.O
Denver: *sigh* //Ah'll be up 'n a bit... Wesson, th't ain't even th' worst th'ng 'e c'ld say t' 'er.... She's an idiotic $*#^*^#$%$ wit'out a lick'a sense.// *moves to get up so she can put on her uniform and go deal with the unpleasant relative*
Wesson: //That's just what he spilled over the line.// *has his usual 'Jean is an idiot' growl going now*
Denver: //Good.// *reeeeealllly doesn't like her aunt*
Tracks: *grumbling under his breath as he scoops up Dion and moves to follow his mate* Of all the... I suppose this is about the birth announcements Hattie and Trevor sent out.
Dion: *finger in the air!* THRRPT!
Tracks: No. It's not Archie.
Denver: 'T's 'Tilda.
Dion: .... *thinking about this for a moment* *both fingers in the air* THRRRRRRRPT. BUTT!
Rose: Thrrrpt!
Tracks: 0_0 My word...
Denver: *faint thread of amusement mixed in with feelings of not wanting to deal with Matilda*
Tracks: *sets the sparklets down on the bed by the still solidly sleeping Will, and then holds out his arms to Denver, his red face eloquent with sympathy and affection*
Denver: *will move to put her arms around Tracks' waist, deep breaths. The past few days, with Dallas' disappearance, the arrival of her small alternate, and tying up the loose ends in regards to her father, have been almost more than she feels capable of handling at the moment*
Rose: *gonna poke at Will-bubby's chest now*
Wesson: //Oh no. You did not just say that Denver oughtta know better than to have a baby at her age, you old bag...// *seems to have forgotten he's live now*
Tracks: *wash of rage over the bond*
Denver: .... *barely contained rage of her own* *will hug Tracks once more, and then get dressed in her full dress uniform, including all of the honors that she's earned during her time in the service*
Jean: //She's just jealous because all her girl junk went out of order so long ago.// *wicked amusement*
Tracks: *sputter*
Denver: *over a private line to Jean* //Ah wish th't w's th' case, Jean. She's got four brats.//
Jean: //Yup, living proof of just how outta order it was even before it quit working and went flat. Gavin, are you laughing?//
Denver: *over the team line* *Authoritative Voice!* //ETA three minutes. Do NOT let that psycho %$&($#&% get past the gate.//
Wesson: *slight lack of infliction in his voice that hints at his roots* //Understood, sir.//
Denver: *even putting on her hat and the hated high heels of doom!*
Jean: //Aww, you're just jealous because none of the Lt. Col's kids have a record.//
Denver: *smug grin*
Jean: //Holy smokes, what a screech. I think she just woke Samuel up.//
Maria: //That (&%($# better be glad I don't want Kitty traumatized by her.// *has Kitty situated in one of the front-wear carriers so that one ear is against her chest, has covered the sparklet's other ear with her free hand*
Jean: //Uh, Chief? Johnny's actually starting to look kinda scary out here. I've never seen his face so blank.//
Denver: //I'm on my way up.// *quick peck on the cheek for Tracks, then she's PINpointing to the lift*
Grimlock: You, Aunty Denver, all dressed up again? *wriggling so he can peer between his legs at her from the elevator car*
Denver: I have to go scare someone, Grimlock.
Grimlock: Me help. *moves legs to give her room to come in and stand*
Denver: Wait in the barn, and I'll let you know when to come out so you can scare the person who needs scaring. *knows she's going to get a Look from Rachel at the very least, but thinks it will be worth it* Then you won't hear so much of her slag.
Grimlock: *snort* Me probably already know it all.
Denver: *snerk* Somehow, I'm not surprised... *stepping off the lift once it reaches the entrance level*
Grimlock: *extracts himself from the elevator with a scraping and an audible pop* Stupid elevator...
Denver: *patpat of a Grimlock leg, moves to head for the barn door*
Grimlock: *massive dog shake, and then lopes after her with his head down and his tail up*
Matilda: *can be heard long before she's seen, is screeching shrilly about the base being a commune, and about how it's not a real military base*
Grimlock: *mutter* Then what is it, stupid ugly woman?
Wesson: *terrifying blankness of face as they reach the gate*
Denver: *frowns at Matilda, is standing with her best posture and looking exactly like the Lt. Col she is* This area is off-limits to civilians.
Matilda: *went a bit pale upon spotting Grimlock, but her voice doesn't even quiver as she proceeds to inform Denver that Hattie needs to be locked away in a nursing home, that Denver herself is a wh-word, and that the attorney will see that things are set right*
Grimlock: *snorts, a lick of flame coming from his nostrils* Laaaaame. If you going to say insults, then should try to make them good. *glances at Samuel* Hey, boobie knight. School was good?
Samuel: It was good till the feminists tried to throw me outta the workshop.... *streeetches and frowns at Matilda* Who's this ditz?
Matilda: Shut up, y'u 'ooligan!
Denver: *calmly, in the tone of voice that makes Jean back up several steps* This area is off-limits to civilians. If you do not leave, you will be arrested for trespassing. You have one minute to leave. I suggest you start walking.
Matilda: *screeches another insult at Denver, calling her a harlot, a miscreant, and a thief, among other names*
Grimlock: That stinks. Them feminists idiots. Like this ugly old woman.
Denver: *to Grimlock* //Don't insult feminists by comparing them to this idiot, Grimlock. They're all smarter than her by a lot.//
Grimlock: No, me Grimlock hear some pretty stupid ones on TV. *looks at Matilda* It sign of mental illness to keep yelling when given legal warning.
Jean: *snerk*
Denver: *as Matilda tells Grimlock to shut up* I'm going to count to ten, and if you aren't halfway down the drive by the time I reach ten, I will personally arrest you. *is already calling Pietro and explaining the situation, no, it's not Sailor Eco, it's one of her bs-insane relatives who thinks she's got the right to tell other people what to do. Yes, bring pepper spray. It might actually get her to shut up*
Matilda: Y'u 'ave NO RIGHT T' DO TH'T T' ME! AH PAY MAH TAXES!
Denver: One.
Samuel: *on his feet, is ready to book it*
Matilda: *more insults*
Denver: Two.
Grimlock: *watching Matilda with amused incredulity* You just told fire breathing dinosaur to shut up. You insane. We need funny farm wagon.
Wesson: *even blanker in expression as the urge to kill rises*
Jean: *edging awaaaay from Wesson now*
Matilda: *more screeching*
Denver: *very slight eyebrow twitch* Know what? Forget counting to ten. I'm arresting you now for disturbing the peace. *hops the gate, earning more screeching of 'HARLOT!' from Matilda*
Laserbeak: *just happened to be flying over about then. Poop*
Grimlock: *mouth falls open with surprised delight*
Matilda: *SCREECH!!!*
Denver: *and now she and Matilda are tussling as the first cuff of the handcuffs Denver carries gets snapped onto Matilda's wrist* Stop resisting! You're only making this worse for yourself!
Gavin: *hops the gate and grabs Matilda in both strong hands* *still grinning because Matilda yelled at him and he had noooooo idea what she said*
Matilda: UN'AND ME!!! *will try and kick now!*
Pietro: *pulling up in a patrol car, is soon sprinting over to assist*
Matilda: Y'u imbeciles don' care 'bout keeping Hyacinth safe fr'm 'erself! *struggling and kicking at kneecaps*
Pietro: *quickly signs 'Let go. Pepper spray.' to Gavin, is reaching for the item in question on his belt*
Gavin: *steps aside, one brow lifted slightly*
Jean: Protect Hattie from herself? What a load of slag. *shakes his head and moves to talk to Samuel about the workshop*
Pietro: *will unload a round of police-issue pepper spray in Matilda's face, his aim dead-on*
Matilda: *SCREEEEEEEEEECH! Struggles against Denver and manages to bust the younger woman in her face*
Denver: *holding on like grim death, closed her intakes when she saw what Pietro signed to Gavin*
Grimlock: Okay, this getting boring. *lowers head, opens mouth, and cuts loose a bellow that moves Matilda's car and Pietro's cruiser over several feet*
Gavin: *awed. He heard that!*
Wesson: *duck and cover!*
Denver: *startles and lets go of Matilda*
Pietro: 0_0
Jean: *ducks and covers too* 0_0
Matilda: *just fainted*
Shade: *in the ringing silence afterward. In her cloak* Ouch... I wet myself.
Grimlock: Sorry.
Denver: *deep breaths. Deep breaths. Is shaking just a bit now*
Pietro: *moving to get handcuffs and ankle cuffs on Matilda, is just a bit spooked as he moves to put her in the back of his patrol car*
Samuel: ...Holy slag, Grimlock.... *sounds so amused*
Grimlock: *looks over and sees Jean on the ground* ...What his problem?
Denver: *PINpoints home. Needs to hide against mate now!*
Tracks: *is there to meet her, will divest her of hat, jacket, and shoes, then wrap her in a blanket and give her two sparklets before spooning with her on the couch and turning on the TV so they can see Deckerd holding his newborn son up over his head like any proud Japanese father*
Tokyo, the park near the precinct
crowd: *roaring joyfully as the press pushes closer to the stage on which the Brave Police officer and his wife are standing*
Mr. Toudou: *glances at Sora where they're standing behind the stage* You okay?
Sora: *holding onto Raj's arm and looking just a bit nervous* *quietly* I'll... be alright....
Raj: *has his other arm around Sora's shoulders, and has her held against his chest* *quiet* This is her first time dealing with crowds since her last concert on Cybertron....
Mr. Toudou: It'll be alright. The forcefield's strong, and the other Brave Police are patrolling. Except the new guy. I have no idea where he is.
excited businessman in the crowd: ~Let's hear Tomo cry!~
crowd: *roar of joyful agreement*
Sora: *flinches at the roar, wants to keep the crowd from scaring Tomo*
Mr. Toudou: *explaining* They want to hear him cry because a loud cry is supposed to mean a strong baby.
Deckerd: *up on the stage* ~Do you want to cry, Tomo?~
Tomo: *laughs!*
crowd: *cheers!*
Commissioner Saejima: ~Any further questions can be forwarded to *names off the PR phone number*~ *yup, press conference is over*
Mr. Toudou: ~Power Joe, will you bring in all the teddy bears and toys the people will leave? Hey, where's Dumpson? He's not still sulking, is he?~
Power Joe: *shrugs* ~He was sulking last I knew.... And I'll get the toys.~
McCrane: *moving to gently lift Sora, since she and Raj look like they need comforting*
Mr. Toudou: *will explain to Sora as he watches McCrane interact with her* Dumpson picked Tomo up this morning and did something that scared him and made him cry. Deckerd scolded him, and he walked off in a huff.
Sora: *frown* Where did he go?
Mr. Toudou: Last I saw him he was in his room. *shrugs, and then looks up as Deckerd comes over to proudly, gently, and shyly offer Tomo to Sora* *grins proudly himself*
Tomo: *is clickstorming and grinning at everything and everyone*
Sora: *will cradle Tomo close and click softly to the sparklet, her eyes shining*
Deckerd: *softly* Nancy will stay here with you and Tomo, Mother. I have to go with my brothers to try and find the crazy ninja.
Sora: *lips thin for a moment as she nods*
Xiaobei: *is that voice from the nearby tree* I'll come with you. *finally starting to accept that the area is safe enough*
Deckerd: *looks up* You don't need to, Mrs. Morimoto. This is just Brave Police business. Then startles and puts himself between his family and a large canine form that just loped up* What do you want, Shadowmaru? *frowwwn*
Xiaobei: *attention on the canine form, eyes narrowed*
Shadowmaru: *quick glance up in the tree before returning his attention to Deckerd* *simply* I saw Dumpson out on the road.
Deckerd: *surprised* ~What? What was he doing?~ *tries to ping brother*
Tomo: *squeal and laugh as he points to Shadowmaru* ~Neko!~
Sora: *very soft snerk*
Shadowmaru: *impression of ears down* ~No, wolf.~
Dumpson: *startled blurt, and then the comm line closes with a click*
Tomo: :o ~Woof?~
Dekerd: *deep frown and tries again* //~Dumpson, answer. Dumpson?~//
Dumpson: *no answer*
Shadowmaru: ~Yes. Wolf.~
Xiaobei: *frowning as she studies Shadowmaru*
Deckerd: ~Mr. Saejima, I think I need to go look for Dumpson instead of the ninja. He's not answering his radio.~
Saejima: *worried frown* ~Alright. Shadowmaru, where did you see Dumpson?~
Sora: ... *attention on Shadowmaru now, worry clear on her face*
Shadowmaru: *names the intersection where he saw the dump truck*
McCrane: *frowns* But we don't have any patrol routes in that area....
Deckerd: *deep frown. Will try calling Yuuta, who stayed in the new Brave Police quarters during the past night*
Mr. Toudou: *also frowning* ~And his girlfriend doesn't live out there either.~
Sora: ... ~Girlfriend?~
Mr. Toudou: *blinks, and then looks up at her* ~Ah. His friend, I should say.~ *sheepish*
Sora: ~Who is she?~ *is just curious, since her interactions with humans are usually limited to the children at the creche and Dr. House*
McCrane: ~Her name is Ayako Kimizuka. She's a journalist and wrote an article about the team recently.~
Mr. Toudou: *snort* ~And how they dealt with those insane clowns.~
Deckerd: ~Yuuta's not awake. McCrane, you should set Mother and Father down so that we can go find Dumpson and see what he's doing.~
Power Joe: *upset*
Deckerd: *looks toward yellow brother as Power Joe comes over* ~What's wrong?~
Power Joe: *wibble* ~Barbie's head....~
Deckerd: *blinks* ~What about it?~
Mr. Toudou: ~It doesn't hurt her to have it turned backward.~ *sounds like he's said this before*
Power Joe: *more wibble* ~It's not twisted around this time!~
Deckerd: *worried for Power Joe's sake now* ~What is it, Brother? Show me?~
Sora: *indicating she wants set down, please*
Raj: *would like to hold his grandson, plz*
Power Joe: *more wibble, will put the doll and its head in Deckerd's hands* ~She was fine when we got ready to introduce Tomo to everyone....~
Deckerd: *actually gapes with dismay, and then hunkers down to show the toy to Mr. Toudou* ~She's broken.~
Mr. Toudou: *surprised frown, but then smiles reassuringly* ~I can fix this easily. See?~ *takes the pieces and does so, then offers the big 'My Size' Barbie back to Power Joe*
Tomo: *head against Raj's chest as he sucks on a finger and watches Uncles*
Power Joe: *will cradle Barbie and click softly, relief clear on his face*
Sora: *gentle patpat for Power Joe's leg, will click softly and reassuringly*
Deckerd: *worried expression* ~We need to find Dumpson now.~ *looks around for Shadowmaru*
Shadowmaru: *gone*
Xiaobei: *also gone*
Deckerd: *frowns and gently takes Raj and Tomo from McCrane, then sets them down and heads for the street* ~Let's go.~
Sora: *firmly* ~I'm coming with you.~
McCrane: *hesitates*
Deckerd: This is police business, Mother. It might get too exciting for you.
Sora: *getting that stubborn expression that Destiny wears so much better* *firmly* I'm going with you.
Deckerd: *gentle patience* But...
Sora: *hands on hips, firmly, in a no-nonsense tone of voice* I am going with you. The longer we stay here and discuss this, the farther away Dumpson is getting.
Deckerd: *turns a troubled and questioning expression to Mr. Saejima*
Saejima: *looking a bit uneasy with the idea of arguing with Sora*
Deckerd: Sir?
Saejima: Er....
Sora: I'm not helpless.... *transforms to root mode to prove her point*
Deckerd: But you're not a police officer... *so much uncertainty*
Mr. Toudou: She's your mother. And that's your brother out there being strange.
Deckerd: *blinks and looks to McCrane and Power Joe*
Power Joe: *still clicking softly as he fusses over Barbie*
McCrane: *small nod of agreement with Mr. Toudou's words*
Deckerd: *falls back into his first language* ~Alright, let's go.~ Change!
McCrane: Change! *transforms*
Power Joe: *one last wibble, will move to gently set Barbie in Mr. Toudou's arms, and then he's transforming as well*
Sharpshot: *returns to alt mode*
McCrane: *opens his door so Sora can climb into his cab*
Power Joe: *will follow Deckerd out to the street*
Mr. Toudou: *absently but gently holds the doll as he waves to the BP detectives*
Meanwhile, back in Virginia....
Samuel: *heading inside after Jean dismisses him. Has had his fill of crazy for the day, thank you very much.... Will head down to the infirmary, since he's pretty sure Rachel will appreciate the warning about Denver's crazy aunt*
Rachel: *sitting near the desk and absently rocking the little Denver, who is still sleeping deeply*
Raoul: *perched on the side of the desk and keeping watch over his young aunt*
Samuel: *pauses when he sees the little, dark-haired scrap of a child* ....
little Denver: *sleeping peacefully, and looking a lot better now that she's been patched up and cleaned up*
Rachel: *looks up at Samuel* Your oldest son's looking for you.
Raoul: *brow quirk at Samuel, and then returns his attention to the little girl*
Samuel: 'Kay.... I just came down to warn you that Denver's crazy aunt was here and Pietro arrested her.
Rachel: I'll make sure to tell Melissa to send plenty of coffee with his lunch. *nose wrinkled* How's Denver?
Samuel: *slight shrug* She PINpointed home after Grimlock roared.
Rachel: *blink* ...Grimmy was there?
Raoul: *slipping off the desk* I'll go find 'im.
Samuel: The crazy lady told him to shut up. *snerk* And he suggested calling a funny farm van.
Rachel: *soft snort, and then hides her face against little Denver's raggedly cropped hair as she tries to keep from laughing out loud*
little Denver: *soft little sound as she dreams of home*
Samuel: *nods towards the little girl* *quieter* So what's her story?
Rachel: *softly, as she sits up* We don't know yet. *smooths that dark hair* Do you remember Sean's got a press conference today?
Samuel: *small nod, can take a hint* I'll stop by later then..... *will head for home*
Rachel: Sam, here. *will chuck a package of Junior Mints at him*
Samuel: *catches the package, will grin at Rachel, and then resume heading for home. Intends to give the candy to his children*
Sean: *pacing nervously as his father comes in. Seems to be the only one home at the moment*
Samuel: *will move to give the youngster a hug, and offer the candy*
Sean: *glad hug for dad, and then quiet clicks at sight of sweets* Thanks, Dad. *slightly shaky, but grateful grin*
Samuel: You'll be alright.... Remember, Optimus'll be there too....
Sean: *quietly* Yeah... *looks down* Nijika is too. But still...
Samuel: *quieter* Do you want me to come too?
Sean: *nods and looks up, trying to be brave but looking very young*
Samuel: Alright... *considering look at his own clothes* Should I change clothes?
Sean: If you want to. *noms some candy and purrs softly at the flavour*
Samuel: *headtilt as he thinks* *finally* Naaaah. *grin* Have you had breakfast yet?
Sean: *shakes his head* No. I'm too nervous to eat. Can I brush the grass off the back of your shirt?
Samuel: *turns so Sean can get the grass*
Sean: *dusts him off vigorously. Quietly* I... think I'm going to tell everyone what I am.
Samuel: *quietly* If you want to. *protective of the Seeklet*
Sean: It just... I think it's the only way I can shut up those people that are picketing around Mrs. Krieger's building. That other author said that she couldn't write anymore because I stole her ideas, and now they're all up in arms. I have to show them that I'm not stealing anything.
Samuel: Those people are almost as stupid as the lady that Prowl arrested earlier.
Sean: *small cluck* Dad, I only call Uncle Quinn and Uncle Wayne stupid.
Samuel: Quinn and Wayne are smart enough not to call Grimlock stupid.
Sean: Oh yeah?
Samuel: Well... They never did it after being threatened with legal action. And they never tell him to shut up, either.
Sean: Yeah, I guess. *sighs* You're clean.
Samuel: *more hugs for Sean*
Sean: *snug* I guess we should get going, huh? Mom took the others to the mess.
Samuel: Yeah.... Where're we meeting for the press conference?
Sean: It's in front of the building that has Mrs. Krieger's office.
Samuel: 'Kay.... We PINpointing or getting a ride?
Sean: The Chief's coming to get me. *looks at his wristwatch*
Patrick: *knocking on the door*
Sean: *startles and squeaks* 0.0
Samuel: *protective, will hold Sean close and scowl at the door*
In the hall
Nijika: *watches the door, and then looks up at Patrick, her brows rising questioningly when it fails to open*
Patrick: *not terribly worried* Sean might have gone to eat breakfast.... *will ping the youngster's comm*
Sean: *opens the door and looks up sheepishly, the entire box of Junior Mints rounding out one cheek* Mrp.
Nijika: *blink blink* *hands to face to hide her giggle*
Patrick: *soft chuckle, raised brow when he sees Samuel standing behind Sean*
Samuel: I'm coming too.
Sean: *nods* *quietly* Dad's coming too.
Nijika: Awww. Don't be afraid. We're here. *moves to give the Seeklet a hug*
Samuel: *soft clicks and gentle backrub for Sean*
Patrick: *gently* We'll go when you're ready, Sean.
Sean: *hugs Nijika and clicks a bit as he looks up at the Prime* I'm ready.
Patrick: *small nod* BJ's waiting for us at the lift.
Sean: *bit of a grin, and then takes Nijika's hand and turns toward the elevator* Chief... I think I know the only way to make those guys get off my back. Showing people that I'm too young to write X rated stuff will settle the other thing, but these protesters... I have to show them undeniable proof that I didn't steal any of my characters.
Patrick: *nods* I think I understand.... *to Samuel* No mooning people.
Samuel: Aww.
Sean: *as Nijika gives a shocked look to the tall frontliner* 0_0 Daaaaad.
Patrick: If I don't tell him no now, he'll try and do it once we prove your point.
Sean: *reproachful look for dad* You know what Mom thinks of that.
Samuel: She mooned people at the Black Dog...
Sean: That's different. She couldn't even remember what planet she was on.
Samuel: Still...
Patrick: Let's get going....
Nijika: *dances Sean around a little, and then laughs softly and leads him down the hall and into the elevator*
Patrick: *following after, as is Samuel*
Later, in Blacksburg
Sean: *standing tall and proud* Hi. My name is Sean Robertson, and I'm the author and artist of 'Shifters'. I don't write X rated material, and I don't write about vampires.
'Shifters' fans in the crowd: *so surprised to see how young their favourite writer is, but the semi-rowdy cheers show they approve of you, Sean!*
Sean: *slight grin as he raises his hands in response to the cheers, his Seeker pride very apparent to those who know what it is*
Nijika: *grinning cutely from where she's standing slightly to one side of Sean, is applauding the young author*
Samuel: *Proud Papa grin for his son*
Patrick: *also applauding Sean*
fans of the other writer: *grumbling for the moment. They're behaving very well, for now*
fans of the books that were being blamed on Sean: *trying to make sense of this and failing* *can you just see the smoke coming from their ears?*
Sean: *waits until the cheers die down, and then leans toward the microphone again. Very quietly and calmly* I'm also not human.
crowd: *stunned silence*
guy in the crowd: Prove it!
some of the others: *jeering*
Sean: *looks over at his dad and Patrick, and grins slightly at Nijika's thrown kiss. And then he stands tall and proud... and his wings catch the light of the morning sun* My name is Sundog. I'm a Cybertronian Seeker, and I'm three years old.
crowd: *more stunned silence. Even Mrs. Krieger is shocked as she learns her young client's true age*
Patrick: *to Sundog, over comms* //Should I transform as well?//
Sundog: //Not yet, sir.// *those big blue optics regard the crowd, asking them silently what they think of him* Yes. I'm a baby. Yes, I come in peace. No, I don't want to be taken to your leader, though President Pratt's a nice lady and lots of fun.
lady in the crowd: *stops being stunned* D'aww, he's so cute!
Sundog: *big, adorable blush as he ducks his head despite himself*
really rowdy fan of the other writer: You're still a thief!
Sundog: Actually, I'm not. I know Optimus Prime personally. He's my leader.
'Shifters' fan: Yeah! Sundog follows Optimus, you prat!
Samuel: *stinkeye of DOOM upon the other writer's fan*
Nijika: Oh, please don't call names. *little face crumples slightly*
'Shifters' fan: *apologizes, feels bad now*
other writer's fan that called Sundog a thief: *hunkering down, feels bad too*
Sundog: *quietly, in the silence that follows* Does anyone have any questions?
'Shifters' fan near the back: You know Optimus Prime personally? What's he like?
Sundog: *grins* He's not really as much of a soldier as I write him. He's quieter, and likes history.
'Shifters' fan near the back: Wow... So he's a nerd? That's so cool.
Patrick: *trying so hard not to blush*
Sundog: *quiet laugh* Well, not as nerdy as me. But he helped me get 'Shifters' and 'Lords of Haltair' out without disclosing how old I am.
other fans in the crowd: *surprised exclamations as he mentions the game, and then they're doing 'happy geek' dances*
Samuel: *so amused*
Sundog: *grinning now*
Nijika: *laughing and clapping her hands happily*
fan of the other writer: Can you prove that you really do know him then?
Sundog: *pulls a roll of paper out of his backpack and opens it out to show a poster size photo of him and Optimus... and his baby sister and brothers*
crowd: *surprised sounds*
Firebreak in photo: *pulling on one of Optimus' 'horns'*
Optimus in photo: o.O
Ember in photo: *nommin' on the other 'horn'*
Hotspot in photo: *kissying Sundog*
Patrick: *looks at the picture, resists the urge to facepalm*
Sundog: *goes to the edge of the stage and hands the poster to the nearest person* Please pass it around.
person in the crowd: Hey, whose thumb is that in the corner of the picture?
Sundog: My dad's. *grin* And those are my baby sister and brothers.
Samuel: ... Aww, I messed up the photo, didn't I?
people closest to the stage: O.o
Sundog: *sideways and slightly worried glance at Samuel* //I guess it's safe for you to shift, Dad. But Uncle Pat would have a lot more explaining to do.//
Samuel: //...Sucks to be him...// *will transform then*
crowd: *more surprised sounds*
Sunstreaker: O.o;;
Sundog: No, he's the breast cancer awareness knight. My friend Grimlock says so.
Sunstreaker: *nods in agreement with his son's words*
'Shifters' fan in the middle of the crowd: Are you going to be doing another fan-submission book anytime soon?
Sundog: *grins* Maybe. But stop sending stuff over my rating, okay? Optimus has to read all that.
'Shifters' fan in the middle of the crowd: *thumbs up* Gotcha!
Sundog: Does anyone want a spoiler?
'Shifters' fans: *hands up!*
Sundog: Anyone who doesn't want to hear, cover your ears, okay? *doesn't notice that he's hovering about a foot above the stage now in his effort to see everyone*
a few fans: *doing so, though a few are commenting on how cool it is to meet real Shifters*
Sundog: Optimus Prime and Elita One have a new daughter. Her name's Velocia, and she'll be in the next book. *excited grin*
fans that didn't cover their ears: *cheer!*
Sundog: *grin widens* Anymore questions?
panicky person in the crowd: Why are you here?!
Sundog: *startles and zips up a little higher, but then lowers himself again* *uncertainly* To answer questions?
Sunstreaker: *frowning slightly as he watches the panicky person* I think they mean Cybertronians as a whole.....
Nijika: We are here to stay for a little while. *sadness* The Cybertronian people are refugees.
panicky person: *freaks out royally*
Sundog: *looks slightly frightened himself* There's no danger. You're safe. *wibble* Please stop yelling.
Nijika: *hands to face, and then goes to the microphone and starts singing one of her songs*
Sunstreaker: *attention on Nijika, will sit and listen then*
crowd: *settling down, because even those who aren't fans of the little singer can hear the beauty and soothing sadness in this song*
Nijika: *singing her little spark out*
panicker: *going to clear out of Dodge, along with some others*
Patrick: *sadness in his eyes as he watches the frightened people leave*
Nijika: *finishes her song and looks at Sundog, who is also sadly watching the departures*
Sundog: *then squares his jaw with Seeker pride and looks toward the leader of the other author's fans* Do you have anymore questions?
leader of the other writer's fans: Er.... *headshake*
Sundog: *gives the woman a sweet smile that is full of baby charm* Are you sure?
leader of the other writer's fans: Er.... Who is Optimus Prime?
Sundog: *looks around* Guys? Who ganked the picture? Will you show it to this lady? *turns back to the woman* He's the leader of the Autobots, which is one faction of the Cybertronian refugees here on Earth. His wife is Elita One.
one of the other fans: *gives the woman the picture*
another other writer fan in the crowd: There's more than one faction?
Sundog: Well, we're people.
Sunstreaker: Yeah.... Humans aren't all one faction....
Sundog: Oh yeah, the Destrons listen to him, too.
other writer fan: Destrons?
Sundog: Autobots are the civilians. Destrons were the cops or soldiers. Some of us have joined the military here on Earth. Decepticons are just crazy aft slaggers that want to take over everything but aren't going to.
Nijika: 6_6 *at that language*
'Shifters' fans: *applauding*
one of the other fans: *slight frown as she studies Sundog and Sunstreaker* .... You're the people that were fighting out in the sticks.....
Sundog: *winces* Yeah... those weren't malfunctions of Army bots. The Autobots and Destrons were stopping Decepticons from being stupid. *quietly* I was there too.
some of the fans around parenting-age: *look horrified at the idea*
Sunstreaker: *frown* Destron kids aren't helpless.
Sundog: *proudly puffs out his thin chest* I've been able to keep up with the Wing for over a year now.
fan: You fly with Starscream's Wing? Wow.
another fan: His mom's Skywarp!
other writer's fan: ...Who's that?
'Shifters' fan: Skywarp's the one that can teleport!
owf: That doesn't tell me anything!
Sunstreaker: Skywarp's my wife.
Nijika: *hologram picture in the air!* :D
owfs: *startled*
'S'fs: *cheer*
Sundog: *looks up at the picture and grins* Yeah, that's her. Second strongest Seeker of the whole flock.
owf near the front: ...Who's the strongest?
'S'fs: *getting into a debate about that now!*
Sundog: *blinks and stares at them* Starscream, of course.
some of the 'Shifters' fans: *arguing about whether Starscream or Thundercracker is stronger*
Sundog: *gets the microphone* IT'S STARSCREAM!
fans: *startle* *collective 0_0*
Sundog: *huge blush and hiding his face with his hands*
Sunstreaker: *clicks and moves to rub Sundog's back*
some of the female fans: *squee-ing about the cute of Sundog's big optics and his general demeanor*
Col. Franklin: *pings Patrick's com just then*
Patrick: *hand to his ear* //Yes, Mike?//
Col. Franklin: *bit tense sounding* //We've got more news on Capt. MacKenzie's disappearance.//
Patrick: *expression sharpening* //What did you find?//
Col. Franklin: //The body of a badly burned but still intact Cybertronian femme in his garage. She's a flyer, and a big one.//
Patrick: //... Is there any paint left on her?// *has a baaaad feeling*
Col. Franklin: //No. Just bare metal, and it's a metal that none of my people have ever seen before. Not even the JD or Grey scientists.//
Patrick: *bad feeling increasing* //I'll send someone to get the shell... I have a feeling I may know who it is...//
Col. Franklin: //That and the list are all we've found.// *sounds frustrated and worried*
Primus: *gentle poke for Patrick*
Patrick: *listens for what Primus is saying*
Primus: *reassurance. Peace. A suggestion of sharing that with Patrick's friend*
Patrick: *quietly* //Dallas and Cosmos are both safe, wherever they are.//
Col. Franklin: //...What?//
Patrick: //Primus told me.... And Dallas has a PINpoint... If he or Cosmos was in danger, he'd PINpoint to base.//
Col. Franklin: *long silence*
Patrick: //Mike, I looked at Dallas' service record... Almost all of his medals came for saving the lives of the members of his units. He's not as reckless and battle-ready as Denver is.... He'll make sure Cosmos is out of harm's way, and if he's in danger, Cosmos will do the same.//
Col. Franklin: *transmits a clunk* //Those stinking PINpoints can bring them back from anywhere, can't they?//
Patrick: *quietly, thinking of a couple of the Autobots, namely Kup, Joe, and BJ* //Most anywhere.//
Col. Franklin: //That's why you and Denver have been so calm about this whole disappearance.// *slightly grumpy*
Patrick: //Denver's the one who suggested I look up Dallas' service records...// *which means Patrick was a lot more worried before*
Col. Franklin: *sighs* //So why aren't they back?//
Patrick: *quieter* //I wish I knew.//
Col. Franklin: *sighs again* //How's the press conference going?//
Sundog: *over at the edge of the stage, giving hugs*
Patrick: //I think it's going very well. Sundog's fans, and some of the fans of the writer who accused him of stealing her character, are quite excited to be interacting with him.//
Col. Franklin: //Is that cheering?//
Sundog: *just ate a credit card* ^_^
Patrick: *chuckles* //It is....//
Col. Franklin: //And I saw Tomo's introduction in Japan.// *more quietly* //We might be looking at a shorter timeline for introducing world leaders to the IGP than was first projected.//
Patrick: *quietly* //That could be a good thing, but it could also be troubling...///
Col. Franklin: //Well I know they won't push things. Ugh, my coffee. I have to go.//
Patrick: //Let me know if anything else is found...//
Col. Franklin: //Of course. Thanks for giving me the intel from your side. The body should be at the Ark by now. Franklin out.//
Patrick: //Stay safe. Patrick out.//
Rachel: //Hey, Chief, she's awake.//
Patrick: //How is she?//
Rachel: //Scared. But she's cuddling Hope and being tough. Hope's trying to give her a dolly.//
Patrick: //Aww.... Has she said anything yet?//
Rachel: //Yes, in French, Gaelic, and Huron. All dialects from the time of Marie Antoinette.//
Patrick: //...That would have been in the mid to late eighteenth century....//
Rachel: //Yeah?// *sound of humming* //Yup. You're right.//
Patrick: //Huron.... She would have been living in the northern part of the country, or in southern regions of Canada...//
Rachel: //So whoever dropped her off here didn't just do a direct reality jump.//
Patrick: //It's looking like that's the most likely scenario... I just wish I knew who it was who brought her here...//
Rachel: //Primus isn't talking?//
Patrick: *slight pause as he listens* *quietly* //He's not talking.... He's... humming...//
Rachel: //*snerk!*//
Patrick: //See if you can get someone who speaks French or her dialect of Gaelic, or someone with a translator....//
Rachel: *soft chuckle* //Chief, I'm not just a construction drone, you know.//
Patrick: //... Right... Sorry.... Did the shell that was in Dallas' garage arrive?//
Rachel: //...Arrive where?// *short silence* //EEEEK!//
Patrick: //Rachel?//
Rachel: //This isn't a Seeker...//
Patrick: //Mike says none of the JDs at NEST headquarters know what metal it is, and neither do the Greys or the humans....//
Rachel: //...Orly?// *sounds very thoughtful*
Patrick: //Badly burned, but mostly intact.... and nothing on this planet could damage it, likely...//
Rachel: *sends a picture of the body to Skylar*
Skylar: //....// *slips into Cybertronian* //[Slagging pit.... She really IS indestructible...]//
Patrick: *suspicions confirmed* //... Rachel, can you repair the damage?//
Rachel: //... I can't even make a mark on this.//
Patrick: //... We may have to get help from someone in your brother's reality....//
Rachel: //Yeah, I was just asking if we could borrow his Shockwave. He said no. So I'll have to bring the shell over there.// *sounding thoughtful*
Patrick: //... Shockwave?!//
Rachel: //Yeah, he's the guy that made Nightwish's shell, according to what Blaster just informed me of.//
Patrick: //But... Bringing a Shockwave here?!//
Rachel: //He said no. You want to come with when I go there?//
Patrick: //I do.//
Rachel: //Okay. Weekend, then. I'll talk to you later, Chief.//
Patrick: //Keep me updated on the little one... Patrick out.// *thinks of getting to work on time and ponders everything he's already learned this morning as he turns his attention back to the happy Seeklet who is busy making new friends*
((Co-written with