mv. Residential Sector of Tokyo. Shadowmaru

Oct 29, 2011 21:35

Blitzwing: *zooming over Tokyo in jet mode, the Warlady firmly strapped into the seat he just hastily added*

Xiaobei: *cycling air and trying to calm down* *doesn't have the faintest clue as to where to look for Shadowmaru*

Blitzwing: *swoops low over a place where he sees some more jets, and then skins upward again and starts transmitting over a common Decepticon channel* //~Shadowmaru, report! This is Destron Enforcer unit Blitzwing. Report!~// *Japanese is flawless, but holds a heavy rural accent*

Xiaobei: *quietly* ~Kagerou.... Would have been perfect for the Destron forces...~

Blitzwing: *gruffly* ~I thought they said he was crazy.~ *transmits again, this time over Tokyo police band*

Xiaobei: *softer* ~He was young.... And so much like me when I was his age.... Untrained, but with so much potential...~

very faint ping: *responds on the Tokyo police band*

Blitzwing: *rough but sympathetic poke with his seat back for the Warlady, then replies to the ping* //~This is Blitzwing. Respond.~// *goes spinning out of the way of a passenger jet as he speaks*

ping: *comes again, from a residential sector*

Xiaobei: *attention going that way* ....

Blitzwing: //~Identify.~// *turns and heads toward the coordinates that the ping originated from*

male voice: *quietly* //~BP 501.~//

Blitzwing: ~Warlady, is BP 501 the unit we're looking for?

Xiaobei: *quietly* ~Yes.... He's in a residential sector....~

Blitzwing: *swoops down onto a street near the coordinates, twisting and transforming as he comes. It is a Sherman tank that rumbles down the unexpecting street* //~Report, BP 501. This is Destron Enforcer unit Blitzwing, nearing your position.~//

BP 501: *very quiet sigh and closes his comm with a click*

Xiaobei: *frowns*

Blitzwing: ... ~I'd say the kid knows about Kagerou.~ *continues on his way, using a well placed blast of water to rid himself of an annoying dog that decided to dance and yap in front of him*

Xiaobei: *small nod* *sitting a bit straighter as she studies the houses*

Blitzwing: *reaches the coordinates and scans the area, absently spraying another dog as he does so* *then chuckles and gives a gentler spray to a hopeful little kid in a swim suit* ~He's there. And that's not an Autobot reading.~

Xiaobei: *nod* *moves to unbuckle*

Blitzwing: *lets her go, and then folds an arm out to lift her out and set her on the street before transforming the rest and standing behind her to his full root mode height* ~Shadowmaru, we're coming in peacefully.~

Shadowmaru: *no response. Is either ignoring you or sulking*

Xiaobei: *moves to ring the doorbell, is soon explaining who she and Blitzwing are to the redheaded teenager that comes to the door. Is lead inside shortly thereafter* *over comms* //~He's in the backyard....~//

Blitzwing: //~Yeah, I know.~// *boosts over the house and sets down in the first open space he sees in that backyard. And then he's stooping automatically to gather a tiny puff of fur into his hand as it scoots over to greet him* ~Kitten! Awww.~

Shadowmaru: *is that purple canine shape over by the fence. Barely seems to glance at the other mechanical being before sighing softly and turning his attention back to staring off into the distance*

Xiaobei: *moves to approach the mech*

Blitzwing: *down on one knee, holding the kitten close to his chest as he watches the meeting of the Warlady and her surviving spark son* //[Kid's got your face.]//

Xiaobei: *very soft snerk over comms. Is well aware that Blitzwing has a spec scanner, and that his observation could be seen as insulting to anyone else* //[Any idea who else is mixed in his coding?]// *moves to put a gentle hand on Shadowmaru's head* *and now that she's here, she can't think of anything to say*

Blitzwing: *frowns at the youngbot, his optics absent as he studies the facial scan projected onto his inner screen from all angles. Then turns his attention to scans of the rest of his body* //...// *frowns more deeply*

Xiaobei: //[Blitzwing?]//

Blitzwing: //[Other than those planes of his face he's nearly a dead ringer for Six-Shot. And it's too close to just be protoform model likeness.]//

Xiaobei: //[...So Megatron used Six-Shot's coding and mine to make my sons... No wonder Kagerou was so confused...]//

Blitzwing: *quiet growl* //[Six-Shot was tinkered with himself. On a bad day he was more processor fragged than 'Train ever gets.]//

Xiaobei: *expression going dark* //[Astrotrain is harmless compared to Six-Shot.]//

Blitzwing: //[That's what I said, Warlady.]//

Xiaobei: *low, dangerous-sounding growl that manages to get Shadowmaru's attention*

Shadowmaru: .... *looking back and forth between the tiny Chinese-looking woman and the massive bulk that is Blitzwing*

Blitzwing: *Uranyan still held to his chest, he gives the younger mech a direct look* ~This is your mother. She was with your brother when the rain came.~

Shadowmaru: ... *head down on his paws again*

Xiaobei: *quietly* ~You don't believe him....~

Blitzwing: *frowning again* ~Do you even care? Or are you giving in to stupid questions about where she was when you were new?~ *nonplussed look at the big container the red haired girl just offered him*

Shadowmaru: *quietly* ~Does it matter?~

Xiaobei: *frowns and then....*

Shadowmaru: *startled yelp, transforms on reflex as Xiaobei wallops him* o_o

Blitzwing: *looks up from bowing and saying polite words to Azuki* ~@$##$@# yeah, it matters, you dumb whelp.~

Shadowmaru: *BOGGLING now*

Xiaobei: *calmly, eyes narrowing ever so slightly* ~Quit wallowing in self-pity. You're not doing anyone any favors.~

Blitzwing: *snorts agreement with the Warlady, and then tastes the fuel he's been given and chokes* ~Err. Would I please be able to have tea instead, Miss?~

Azuki: *blink blink, is quite surprised, but she nods and moves to get the tea kettle*

Shadowmaru: .... *impression of a raised brow ridge at you, Blitzwing*

Blitzwing: *gently sets down the container of fuel, and then peeks over the fence before spitting and wiping his mouth* ~Gah. Herk!~

Xiaobei: *raised brow at Blitzwing* ~Is it really that foul-tasting?~

Blitzwing: *rueful expression on his gruff old face as he picks up the container and tips it just slightly for her to taste* ~See for yourself.~

Xiaobei: *has a taste, and then she's coughing and gagging*

Shadowmaru: *STARES*

Blitzwing: *sets down the container and wipes his mouth again, then sets Uranyan down for a moment as he takes on his human alt mode so that he can wipe its mouth too*

Uranyan: Myaaaow! *nuzzle, purr r*

Shadowmaru: *so confused now*

Blitzwing: *picks the kitten up again, murmuring to him softly. Then looks up and sees Shadowmaru's expression* ~What is it?~

Shadowmaru: ~How....~

Blitzwing: *slight frown. Then face clears* ~You mean this alt mode?~

Shadowmaru: *nods*

Xiaobei: ~Most of the Cybertronians on Earth have human alternate modes, as well as modifications that allow us to consume organic fuels.~

Blitzwing: ~It makes interacting with the locals a lot easier.~ *glances down at the kitten in the crook of his arm by way of explanation*

Uranyan: *is one happeh fuzzbutt*

Azuki: *back with tea! And cookies!* *pauses as she sees the grey-haired soldier instead of the old bot that was here earlier* ~Er... Pardon me....~

Blitzwing: *looks up from the kitten* ~It's me, Miss. This is one of my alt modes.~

Azuki: *relief! Offers tea and cookies* ~Oh....~ *small smile*

Blitzwing: *smiles, that craggy, scarred face brightening as he sees the cookies* ~Green tea sugar cookies with red bean filling! My older granddaughter makes these.~

Azuki: ~Oh? What recipe does she use?~ *curious, since she likes to cook and is actually pretty good at it when she doesn't get distracted*

Blitzwing: *kindly smile* ~I can tell you later, Miss. But right now my Commander and I need to settle things with this youngster.~

Azuki: *small nod* *will go to offer Xiaobei some tea and cookies as well, only to be politely declined*

Xiaobei: *moves so she can transform. Will crouch by Shadowmaru and talk to him quietly*

Shadowmaru: *slight 'urk' sound as his chin is grabbed in one hand by Nightbird*

Blitzwing: *gently sets the kitten free as he watches the interaction between Nightbird and her son. Absently enjoys his tea and cookies as he does so*

Nightbird: *holding Shadowmaru's chin firmly, so he has to look at her while she speaks* *softly explaining about the Autobots and Destrons, as well as the Decepticons, including Six-Shot*

Blitzwing: *absently gives a dab of red bean filling to silence a tiny sad meow. Still watching the mother and son*

Shadowmaru: *quiet after the explanations are through, though he is shaking almost unnoticeably* *softly* ~Then there was no hope for Kagerou?~ *afraid to hear the answer*

Blitzwing: ~It's hard to tell. With the things and people we know now...~ *shrugs* ~But Primus's got him. Nothing will bother him again.~

Shadowmaru: *shaky intakes*

Nightbird: *quietly* ~I saw the potential for being a strong protector that he had.... I see that same potential in you, Shadowmaru.~

Blitzwing: *silently sharing the last of the red bean filling with the kitten, but then goes into a protective crouch as a sonic boom heralds the appearance of a sleek little needle of a jet* ~What? Wasp?~

Nightbird: *looks up as the jet transforms and pounce-clings* *soothing clicks as she rubs the distressed femme's helm* *gently* [I'm here, Wasp. Everything is alright.]

Wasp: *shivers and clickstorms softly. Woke up from her nap and Mama was gone!*

Shadowmaru: *startled at the sonic boom and the sudden arrival of the femme, but now he's hesitantly moving to offer comfort as well*

Wasp: *looks up at him with her big optics darkening into a curious frown, then puts her head to his chest* ...Sissy?

Nightbird: *softly* [Brother.]

Shadowmaru: *blink blink blink* ~Brother.~

Wasp: *looks from Mama's face to the other face* Niisan?

Blitzwing: *is grinning slightly now as he watches*

Shadowmaru: *nods* *gently touches Wasp's head* ~Little sister.~

Wasp: *again that unangry frown* *must correct!* Wasp.

Nightbird: *soothingly* [You are his younger sister. 'Imotou' means younger sister.]

Wasp: *clickstorm and snuggles* Niisan... *and then looks at the hand that usually holds her doll's arm* *FROWWWWWWWWWWN!*

Nightbird: *looks as well* ... Oh, no... Her doll...

Blitzwing: ... ~Are we going to be in trouble?~

Nightbird: *soothing clicks as she puts in a call* Comet's getting it.

Blitzwing: ~Ah, good.~ *watching the youngster closely*

Wasp: *trying to work this out. Where did dolly go? Startles as another wingthing arrives, and then she's clickstorming excitedly as she sees what it's holding in its hands*

Comet: It was right where she dropped it when she took off.... *so amused as she gives Wasp the ragSeeker*

Wasp: *talks to dolly and shakes it a bit, then looks up at Niisan and shows him the errant toy*

Shadowmaru: Er.... *not sure what to do. HALP*

Blitzwing: *chuckle* ~She's looking to you as a senior. Seniors are in charge of discipline in the ranks.~ *transforms and slips an arm around Comet's waist as he speaks*

Comet: *leans against Blitzwing just a bit*

Shadowmaru: .... *hesitantly baps the dolly*

Wasp: *satisfied and loses interest in dolly other than to hold its hand. Looks around and leans against Mama and Niisan*

Nightbird: *letting Autumn and Kia know that Wasp is safe*

Blitzwing: *to Shadowmaru* ~You have two sisters, young one. And six brothers. Though four of the brothers are barely worth salvage.~

Shadowmaru: *puzzled expression is a go* ~I don't understand....~

Blitzwing: *brow quirk and Comet squeeze* ~What part?~ *such patience with the young the old Enforcer shows*

Shadowmaru: ~Barely worth salvage?~

Blitzwing: ~Oh.~ *switches to English* When they passed out brains, those four thought they were offering rains, and stayed home.

Nightbird: ~They don't use their processors before doing things.~

Shadowmaru: ... *snerk* *facepalm*

Comet: *bland grin as she projects an image of a pale man with long black hair laying in what appears to be a roadway of some sort, his arm over his eyes*

Blitzwing: *groans* Dead End's trying to be roadkill again?

Nightbird: .... *sighs* ~And he's too far away to yell at over comms.~

Shadowmaru: .... ~He's done this before?~

Blitzwing: *facepalming and grouching* ~It's the slagger's hobby.~

Shadowmaru: *dryly* ~He needs a better hobby.~

Darian in the image: *suddenly blocked from sight as a large black semi truck goes over him*

Shadowmaru: !!!

Blitzwing: *blink* *to Comet* [You're slagging me.]

Comet: [Keep watching.]

Blitzwing: *scowls and watches* *wondering what's going to have to be replaced now*

semi: *stops, and starts laughing*

Darian in the image: *Dead End now as he sits up and shakes his fist at it*

semi: *transforms and then there's Motormaster charging at Dead End to wallop him for laughs*

Nightbird: .... *facepalm*

Shadowmaru: 0_0

Blitzwing: ~Let me guess. He's mad because she put his cigarette out.~ *shaking his head*

Comet: [Probably. Or 'cause she laughed.]

Nightbird: *to Shadowmaru* ~Motormaster and Dead End. Two of your siblings.... Former Decepticons who became Destrons.~

Blitzwing: ~Motormaster's your other sister.~

Wasp: *sees those guys in the picture. SCOWL*

Shadowmaru: ... *pinches the bridge of his nose* ~Great.~

Comet: *image continues to show a white bot who swoops down on the two brawlers, scattering them like chaff as he grins broadly and twirls twin swords*

Blitzwing: ~And there's the youngest brother other than you. Drift.~

Shadowmaru: .... *studying the white bot for a few moments, nodding his understanding*

Blitzwing: ~Show him the last brother.~

Comet: *snerks, knowing the file he's talking about. Shows an image of Fire Robo having a nervous breakdown because Destiny is up in the atrium rafters and he's in full blown rescue mode*

Nightbird: *calmly, as she also watches the image* ~Fire Robo has strong protective instincts, and hasn't fully grasped that Destiny's programming is identical to that of her sniper sister's.... High places are no challenge to her, as long as there's enough room to sit or cling to.~

Blitzwing: ~Cruddy human programming job.~ *gruff sympathy for the young bot in his voice*

Shadowmaru: ... *frowns at Blitzwing, confusion in his optics*

Blitzwing: ~Fire is human made. Like you.~ *looks at Nightbird*

Wasp: *pointing to Fire Robo in the image and clicking*

Nightbird: ~Since Destiny is a sparklet...~ *pauses, looking up the right word* ~A baby.... Fire Robo worries for her safety more than is necessary.~ *reaches to gently touch Wasp*

Shadowmaru: ... *boggles* ~A baby?!~

Blitzwing: ~Yeah. She's just big.~

Nightbird: *anticipating the next question* ~She'll likely be an Autobot, when she's old enough to choose....~ *soft chuckle* ~Though I would not object to her being a Destron if that is what she wants to do...~

Blitzwing: *snort* ~She's too attached to Ratchet to want to wear any other badge.~

Destiny in the image: *vociferous razzing of Fire Robo, and then a flying leap into the arms of the white femmebot that just walked over. Snuggles and razzes some more as the image fades out*

Comet: *grin*

Shadowmaru: *so confused now* ~ Is that white bot Ratchet?~

Nightbird: *headshake, amused* ~No.... Ratchet is Autobot-sized. The white femme that Destiny jumped to is one of the Aider Robos who work with Fire Robo....~

Blitzwing: ~Yeah. It's Five. She's always taking care of the young one.~

Shadowmaru: ~...What kind of name is 'Five'?~

Blitzwing: *gruffly* ~A good name for a drone.~

Nightbird: *nods* ~She and her sisters are only human made drones....~

Shadowmaru: .... ~Oh....~

Comet: *and then shows an image of Alicia bouncing up to Patrick and informing him that Scarlet pierced her belly button. Shows Patrick's reaction, and then shows a transformed Slingshot taking a swing at Air Raid*

Shadowmaru: *blink blink blink, attention lingering on Slingshot* ....

Blitzwing: 0_o ~You can hang stuff from those things?~

Nightbird: ... ~Apparently.~

Wasp: *talking up a storm to Slingshot in the image*

Nightbird: *stretches and pokes Shadowmaru*

Shadowmaru: *startles*

Wasp: *confused as the image vanishes* *frowns and looks for it as she clickstorms*

Nightbird: *soothing clicks for Wasp, will gently touch the youngster's helm and suggest that she go scold her brother and sister for being bad*

Wasp: *headtilty, trying to figure out what Mama wants her to do* *clicks*

Blitzwing: Bring her back with the PINpoint, Comet. If she warps with that doll it won't stay in one piece.

Comet: *nods and gives Blitzwing a quick squeeze before moving to bring Wasp back home*

Wasp: *clickstorms till she and Comet vanish in a flash and swish*

Shadowmaru: *looks like he wants to follow after the pair*

Blitzwing: *sees that, and his old optics flicker* //[That touched him, Warlady. Look at him.]//

Nightbird: *very slight nod, a bit of a smile coming to her face* //[Then perhaps he hasn't given up after all...]//

Blitzwing: //[Would've shocked me if he had. There's a reason Megatron used you to make the Dragonflies.]//

Nightbird: *very quiet sigh as she nods in agreement*

Blitzwing: //[Are we bringing him back now?]//

Nightbird: *quietly* //[They'll be worried about him...]// *wants to bring her son home with her, but knows he has a job to do*

Blitzwing: *nods* //[Let's take leave of our hostess. Oh, and you better have a cookie.]// *slight, gruff old smile*

Shadowmaru: *sighs, and then knocks back the fuel they'd both been gagging over*

Nightbird: *razz over comms, and then she's returning to alt mode*

Blitzwing: *distracted. Face showing his amazement* ~Was that your fuel tank that you just poured that into, boy?~

Shadowmaru: *puzzled expression as he nods*

Blitzwing: [Slagall...] *shakes his head, and then pulls a flask of sweet bio diesel out of subspace* ~Purge it back into the bucket and drink that instead.~

Shadowmaru: *pulls a face at the idea of purging, but does as he's instructed*

Blitzwing: *hands him the flask* ~Drink it with your mouth.~

Shadowmaru: *hesitant sip, before he's working on drinking the good tasting fuel*

Blitzwing: *grinning now. Turns his head to look down at Xiaobei as she comes out of the house after taking leave of their hostess*

Xiaobei: ~They're probably waiting for us at the precinct...~ *pauses as she sees what Shadowmaru is doing, soft chuckle*

Blitzwing: Hai. *turns back to the younger bot and winces* ~Slow down, you're going to get hiccups.~

Shadowmaru: *just proved you right, Blitzwing* *hiccups and winces*

Blitzwing: *facepalms as he reaches for Xiaobei* ~Transform and rise up.~ *leaps into the air, transforms and then zips higher as he waits for the younger mech*

Shadowmaru: *transforms to jet mode and takes off.... still hiccuping* *will probably spend the rest of the afternoon amusing Tomo and Drill Boy with his hiccups*

((written with random_xtras))
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