Nexus, MBV. Near the Brownstones, /Ark/ Base. Reuniting With Teammates

Jan 05, 2012 00:58

Continued from here

Fire: *hovering by Five as he watches Destiny sleep*

Five: *gets a little impatient and turns a shoulder to him sharply*

Fire: *stumbles back* Ooof! What? Why did you do that, Five?

Three: *titters behind her hand and then peeks at Two*

Two: *shhhh*

Drift: *soft snerk, though he's also watching Destiny, just in case she wakes up. He knows how she can yell...*

Destiny: *absent clicks, snuggles close to Five and continues to sleep*

Four: Dorifuto? *stops to look down at him, her head tilted quizzically*

Drift: *looks up* *quietly* Yes, Four?

Four: *points* Dat way?

Fire: *looks around from rubbing his chest after a second Five rejection* That.

Four: *cheery eye roll effect even without eyes*

Drift: *nods* Yeah.... *will look, just to make sure nobody's going to try and LOL the group*

Fire: I wonder why the Christmas elf suggested that we should go this way. *steps forward, and then looks around with surprise as Two takes his arm* What is it, my lady? Is something wrong?

Two: *demure*

Drift: *shrug* No idea.... But we've got time before we're supposed to think about heading back, so why not do a bit of exploring? Last time I was here was before I met everyone...

Fire: You said there are dangerous things here? *patting Two's hand as he looks around, watchful and protective*

Four: Go! *titter*

Drift: I'm not actually sure what I saw was dangerous.... But it was definitely big.....

Fire: Yes, but I heard Dr. Ruteger warning you before we came.

Drift: Oh... Yeah... She said not to touch anything we don't recognize, no eating food from anywhere but the Black Dog, and to watch out for gas....

Four and Three: *look at Drift*

Five: *chuckle* Eccusu you.

Drift: *snerk* Not that kind of gas....

Aiders: *titter softly*

Fire: ... o.0 *so expressive even without a moving face*

Drift: *chuckles and looks around as he walks, taking things in*

husky guy: *looks up as they pass where he's standing with an arm around a frightened looking red-haired woman. Double take* Fire?? What the heck?

Fire: *stops short and looks at the man* ...Hello?

Drift: *blink blink* *headtilt*

Two: *softly, with her gentle Japanese trill* Drill.

Fire: *optics flash* Drill? But...

Drill: Yeah, it's me! And look at me! I'm as squishy as you're not dead!

Fire: Err... *looks at Drift*

Drift: *blink blink* Maybe this is why Aunt Rachel was talking about gas...

Drill: Who the heck are you? *slightly belligerent but not really rude as he peers narrowly at the teen*

Drift: *slight frown as he studies Drill* Dai Akihabara.... But everyone calls me Drift.

Fire: *lets go of Two and leans down. Softly* Is this really my old teammate, Drift-kun?

Drift: *quietly* It might be.... From what Autumn has told me, anything's possible in the Nexus.....

Destiny: *clicky conversation with someone in her dream*

Three: Pinpointo? Dorifuto?

Drift: *blink blink* Right.... *will check for coordinates*

Drill: Hey hey! What're you pointing at me? *arm up in a protective gesture in front of the woman and himself, though his eyes are wary and watchful rather than frightened or angry*

Drift: Coordinate scanner.... *checks the screen*

Fire: It isn't dangerous. He's only checking to see if you really do come from the same reality that I used to belong to.

Drill: *looks up and frowns at the sadness in the red and silver robo's voice* What're you talking about... 'used to belong to'?

Drift: *reads off the coordinates out loud*

Fire: *thinks, then looks at Drift* Check K-Boy's coordinates.

Drift: *nods and checks his jacket pockets* ...That'd probably be easier if K-Boy was still in my pocket....

Three: *soft titter* Dorifuto. *kneels in a ladylike way and offers something in both her cupped hands*

Wing: *snoozin' with K-Boy*

Drift: *very soft snerk* Figures.... *will carefully extract K-Boy, and gently smooth Wing's fur*

Wing: *chirps and rolls on his back*

K-Boy: *quizzical chirp as he unfolds and makes like rubbing his screen sleepily*

Drift: *chuckles and checks K-Boy for coordinates* I just need to check something real quick, K-Boy...

K-Boy: *happy little voice* Quick-quick!

Drift: *nods and then gently sets K-Boy back with Wing* *looks to Fire and Drill* *quietly* The reality coordinates are the same.... The location coordinates are the only differences.... and the differences are only slight....

Drill: *frown* So what does that mean, hey?

Drift: *lips thin for a moment* *quieter* That you and Fire are from the same reality....

Fire: *concerned* He's not dead?

Drill: Hey! What kind of question is that? Of course I'm not dead!

Drift: *headshake* He's still got location coordinates... *to Drill* Fire doesn't have location coordinates anymore, just reality ones....

Drill: *frowns deeply* ...So what's that mean?

Three: Dead...

Drill: *blink*

red-head: *soft whimper and hides her face on Drill's shoulder*

Drift: *small nod, then he's clicking gently for the red-head*

Drill: He's not dead. He's right there! Hey, and why do you have a K-Boy?

Fire: He's my robo master.

Drill: Oh no he's not. He's too old to be a robo master, for one thing. *then goes wide eyed with horror and turns his attention to the girl beside him as she starts to cry* Hey, hey, Five, don't be that way.

Drift: *slight frown that has no trace of anger in it* Fire's telling the truth.... *trying to figure out how to explain what happened, and drawing a blank*

Five: Houmu nau. *tilts head and smooths Destiny's bunny hat*

Destiny: *sleepy little sound, will purr softly as she naps*

Fire: *perks* That's a good idea. Perhaps one of the Commanders or Dr. Ruteger would be able to explain.

Drift: *nod* Yeah, or someone who's been to the Nexus more often....

Fire: I've heard the doctor say she comes here at least once a week. *and then he starts and stares at Drill* What are you doing?

Drill: *scowls up at him after kissing the red-head on the cheek* I'm comforting my girl. What's it look like I'm doing?

Fire: *optics flash* Your girl. *sounds so confused and shocked*

Aiders: *so much tittering behind hands now*

Drift: *blink blink* *soft chuckle. Has seen Professor Ruteger being mushy with Dr. Ruteger, so he kind of gets what's going on.... He thinks*

Fire: But... the only girls on the team were my ladies. And they're here with me.

Drill: *a bit belligerent in his defensiveness* So, you think you can just run off and let everyone think you're dead without getting replaced?

Fire: *flinches and hangs his head a bit. The subject of his Exile still hurts* ...I didn't run off. And I can't go back.

Drift: *frowning muchly at Drill now*

Drill: *catches Drift's look and frowns right back, though his eyes are suspiciously bright* Five here is Flame's support robo. Flame was built to replace Fire. And she and all her support robos are girls.

Aiders: *look up from pat patting Fire and outright giggle about that*

Drift: ... *raised brow* *looks to Fire*

Fire: *quietly* Please, Drift, can we go home now?

Drift: Yeah... *looks to the rest of the group* Everyone hold hands or touch shoulders....

Aiders: *doing so carefully*

Three: *cups her hand protectively over Wing and K-Boy*

Five: Houmu nau. *nods*

Drift: *will try and herd Drill and the other Five closer*

Drill: *comes along, though he's frowning* I have to get back to the hanger. I can't stay long.

Fire: *quietly* It doesn't matter how long you stay with us. Drift can get you back home in time.

Drift: Yeah. That's easy to do...

Drill: *frowns and looks from Drift to Fire, but doesn't speak further. Instead he just holds his girlfriend reassuringly close as she clings to him*

Drift: *will bring everyone back to the farm*

Motormaster: *is that massive black robot that just sent Drift flying!*

Drift: *startles and lands in a crouch, in root mode*

Drill: *crouched with arms protectively over the heads of himself and his girlfriend*

Four: Moto! *hose whip the Stunticon!*

Motormaster: *SUCH a glare that she levels at Four* Slag off!

Drift: I'm alright, Four. *to Motormaster* Next time, wait for me to explain stuff so visitors don't get freaked out?

Motormaster: *rude hand gesture*

Four: *turns the water on. Right at Motormaster's face*

Five: *serenely* Suragu dat.

Destiny: *soft, scoldy clicks, is soooo not awake. Not gonna wake up any time soon, either*

Fire: Ladies, ladies. Stop fighting, alright? Rescue complete.

Motormaster: *STOMPING off to sulk*

Drift: *headshake, will make sure Drill and his girl are alright*

Drill: *looks up and blinks* *looks around* Hey, where'd that Dai guy go?

Three: *titter* Dorifuto. *point*

Drift: Motormaster didn't get you, did she? *worried*

Drill: *teeth starting to chatter* N... no... *double take as his mouth falls open* Hey!

Fire: Yes. Drift is also a robo. Most of the people here are.

Drill: 0_0 *shiver*

Two: *snow in Fire's plating*


Drift: *looks* ... *facepalm*

Destiny: *awake now! And fussing!*

Five: *soft singing for Destiny as she cuddles the sparklet* Papa?

Destiny: *wibble, fuss* Want Papa....

Drift: Let's get inside where it's warm... *returns to alt mode*

Five: Houmu. *turns and trots into the barn*

Drill: *just bit himself due to shivering. And said a bad word*

Three: *amused by that! Has let Wing go to fly around, and now has a K-Boy sitting on her head*

Drift: *will try herding everyone inside* *will also call Kup and Rachel to let them know the group's back* *also lets Rachel know about Drill*

Rachel: //I'll be right there, buddy. Just let me finish checking on Jenny. Bring them to the mess and offer them cocoa, alright?//

Drift: //Alright.// There's hot cocoa in the mess hall.... Let's go there. *grin*

Drill: *slight perk as he goes into the elevator* Cocoa. I always kinda wondered what that tasted like.

Fire: *seems to smile as he finishes herding everyone into the elevator and looks down at his former teammate* Well now you can find out.

((written with random_xtras))


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