Nexus and SV, Black Dog and The Warehouse, Poker Face...

Sep 09, 2010 22:22

Scatters-Fox: *Manages to look absolutely pathetic*

tgSmokescreen:  *shakes his head at the bright pink fennec fox* Don't give me that.  You get a couple weeks of cuddles and being cooed over by everything female in existence.

hsvLumen: *snicker* dude... fail...

tgSmokescreen:  We told him it was high stakes when he wanted in.  *shrugs and starts shuffling again*

Scattor:  *chuckles and takes his cards*

hsvLumen: I know. *is secretly glad he takes more after his dad in that he doesn't have earlights like Grandpa and Ma*

asRatchet:  Don't just sit there and whine.  *pokes the pink fox*

Scatters-Fox: *snaps at the poke*

hsvLumen: *To tgSmokescreen as he re-arranges his hand a bit so the cards are in some semblance of order* I take it you've never met his mate?

tgSmokescreen:  Mistfire?  *looks at his cards and grins*  Sure I have.

hsvLumen: Okay... If she comes after you, I'm not rescuing you.

tgSmokescreen:  *still looks cheerful as he throws down some chips and buys another card*

hsvLumen: *puts some more chips in and buys another card as well*

asRatchet:  *gets one for himself*

Scattor:  *looks at Scatters-Fox*  Still talk.

tgSmokescreen:  You know, for the strong silent type you pick the darndest times to open your trap, Scattor.

asRatchet:  *snorts*

Scatters-Fox: *curls up in his chair, is sooooo going to sulk right now.*

hsvLumen: Just let him sulk.

tgSmokescreen:  Yeah, this is a family friendly table, and he'd probably just cuss anyway.  *grins and buys another card*

Scattor:  *deliberates.  Then buys card*

Scatters-Fox: *sulk sulk sulk*

hsvLumen: *considering look* *lays out his hand on the table*

asRatchet:  *snerks and puts his down to show a killer hand*

tgSmokescreen:  *still grinning as he lays his out with a flourish*

Scattor:  *rumble and put.  Has a kinda good hand*

hsvLumen: ... Aw man....

tgSmokescreen:  *stands on the table and hits him upside the head with the LOL paddle*

hsvLumen: *Yelps and holds his head.... before frowning and eyeing his hands* ... Great... Lennox and Epps are going to try and drag me to a strip club now... *has been LOL'd human.*

tgSmokescreen:  *points and laughs because now he's taller than Lu*

asRatchet:  It could be worse, kid.

Scattor:  Could be girl.  *picking up cards and shuffling*

hsvLumen: ... *looks mildly horrified*

Scatters-Fox: *huffs a bit and rolls his eyes at hsvLumen*

hsvLumen: *Razzes Scatters-Fox*

Another round later

Scattor:  *twitching blue bunny nose*

tgSmokescreen:  *laughing aft off*

asRatchet:  >)

hsvLumen: Ratchet, you're a freaking card shark.

asRatchet:  *just grins and deals*

End of round....

tgSmokescreen:  *tries to bolt!*

hsvLumen: Oh no you don't! *scaling tgSmokescreen to wallop the mech with the LOL paddle*

tgSmokescreen:  Ow!  No!  Leggo!

asRatchet:  *grin of pure wickedness as he rakes in his winnings*  You've got to learn to take your lumps if you want to play with the big boys, Smokescreen.

tgSmokescreen:  *fluffy cat with smooshy face*  >|

hsvLumen: *Cackling as he holds tgSmokescreen*

tgSmokescreen:  *trying to figure out how to pee on you, Lumen.  He's heard that's a cat thing....*

asRatchet: *smirrrk*

hsvLumen: *quietly, to tgSmokescreen* We'll get him at some point...

tgSmokescreen:  Let the old rustbucket enjoy his victory.  He needs it.

hsvLumen: *chuckles and moves to set tgSmokescreen on the table* Okay... I'd better get back before I get in trouble for not answering my comms....

asRatchet:  Keep your nose clean, kid.

Scattor:  *bounce bounce, bunny buck!  Yup, he's enjoying himself*

tgSmokescreen:  *sharpens claws on Luleg*

hsvLumen: *YELP*

tgSmokescreen:  *PINs away!*

Scatters-Fox: *snort*

asRatchet:  *chuckling as he stands.  To the fox*  You need a hand getting home?

Scatters-Fox: Might...

asRatchet:  *offers a hand at the edge of the table*  Give me the coordinates.

Scatters-Fox: *recites the coordinates*

asRatchet:  *last nod to Lu and Scattorbunny and then PINs to the coordinates*

svRatchet: *startled blurt of static as he nearly runs into himself*

asRatchet:  *quick step back*  Ahh!

dRumrunner:  o.0  *turns and books for Mistfire and Scattershot's berth room to hide on the berth with Mistfire*

Wheelie: *HIDING*

Scatters-Fox: *sigh, jumps down and trots into the room he and Mistfire share*

svRatchet: The pit?!

asRatchet:  Don't look at me!  >|  I'm just bringing the kid home.

svRatchet: ... Do I even want to know?

asRatchet:  He insisted on joining a high stakes poker game.  And lost.

svRatchet: ... *Facepalm*

asRatchet:  *smirk*

svRatchet: What other geniuses were playing with you?

asRatchet:  A big bot named Scattor, some shyster called Smokescreen, and a dumb kid named Lumen.

svRatchet: ... Well, no wonder Scattershot lost...

asRatchet:  *more smirk*  Yup.

svRatchet: *considering look* *Quietly* When's the next game?

asRatchet:  Next Thursday.  *smug*  Better come prepared for a means of getting home that doesn't require opposable thumbs.

svRatchet: You should do likewise, mech.

asRatchet:  *snark*  Of course.

svRatchet: *snerks and moves to go check on Mistfire*

asRatchet:  *heads for home, plans on taking his mate out on the town*
((Co-written with random_xtras and aw_sludge))
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