Dr. House: //Blaster, you have a new son-in-law.//
Blaster: *sitting on his bed in a Frankfurt hotel, is helping NEST plan the route they'll take to try and track down a certain red prop plane that Col Franklin suspects may be a disguised Cybertronian* //...Who bonded with who?//
Dr. House: //I've been instructed to get a solemn promise of non violence from you first.//
Brandon: //I didn't get violent when Steeljaw and Ravage bonded, Dr. House.//
Dr. House: //Yes. But that was a different circumstance.//
Brandon: //...Fine... No violence... Besides, it's kinda hard to get violent at someone when I'm seven hours ahead of 'em, and across an ocean without a PINpoint...//
Dr. House: //Rewind bonded with Rumble in the middle of Seamus and Starpounder's living room floor about a quarter of an hour ago.//
Brandon: //...// *Face.Palm* //I swear, if Seamus tries to sharpie tag 'em, I'm paintballing him the next time I see him.//
Dr. House: //They're in a recovery room here in the med ward now. But Alice was convinced you'd go on the warpath when you found out Rumble and Frenzy had joined your family.//
Brandon: //Just as long as none of the others wake up pink down the road.... It's gonna be an interesting time of things though...//
Dr. House: //...Wake up pink?//
Brandon: //I wouldn't put it past Rumble to paint Eject or Ramhorn pink.//
Dr. House: //Why would being bonded make him any more inclined to do that?//
Brandon: //Easier access.//
Dr. House: //You don't know about the regular snuggle piles, huh?//
Brandon: //... Please tell me you've got pictures?//
Dr. House: //I'm sure some of the ladies do. Frenzy, go back to bed. No. I'm not talking to a bartender, and I'm not telling him to call for Seymour Butts. Go back to bed. Now.// *yes, Blaster, guess which of your nightmares has come true?*
Brandon: //...//
Frenzy: *loopy as all get out* //Heya, Blaster! Swiper has farts on his butt!//
Brandon: //...Soundwave removed the shell program, didn't he?//
Dr. House: //Sometime earlier this evening.//
Brandon: //Joy.// *Can't you just hear the sarcasm dripping from that single word?*
Dr. House: //I take it there's a reason for the no violence clause?//
Frenzy: //Thrrrp, thrrp, thrrrp!// *cackle*
Brandon: //Ask Xiaobei how many times people on the 'Con side of things have tried punting Rumble or Frenzy for being obnoxious slaggers.//
Dr. House: //Considering his own older brother refers to him as an obnoxious punk? But he's linked to Rewind now.//
Brandon: //That could be a good thing or a bad thing... Depends on whether Rewind picks up their bad habits or not.//
Frenzy: *gleefully plays Rewind's contribution to the Seamus hazing earlier in the evening*
Brandon: //... *sigh*//
Dr. House: //Blaster?// *sympathy and concern in his voice, though he doesn't know the whole story*
Brandon: //I just hope Rewind can teach those two better habits...//
Dr. House: //It can't be that bad.//
Frenzy: //Thrrp!//
Brandon: //Care to correct yourself?//
Dr. House: //Frenzy! GET OUT OF THAT!// *line goes dead*
Brandon: *Sighs and finishes up what he was working on before he conks out for the night. Being disconnected from Teletraan-1 is making him a bit more inclined to recharge, it seems.*
The next morning, in a tiny cafe in the same area in Poland that the pictures of the fight between the prop plane and Insecticon were taken...
Brandon: *Groggy, and having a staring contest with his coffee*
TC: *frowns at his own coffee and sniffs it, then glances at Brandon* It's coffee.
Maj. McHale: *eyeing Brandon* Are you sure you guys don't get jet-lag?
Brandon: I'll be fine...
TC: *shoves the plate of pastry over toward Brandon*
Brandon: *Blinks a bit before it registers that he's being given food* Thanks... *proceeds to eat*
TC: Are you going to be any good? *wary and uneasy about questioning the Autobot while they're out on a mission. Brandon is in charge here.*
Brandon: Yeah... Just find me a broadband connection and we'll be peachy....
TC: *frowns and tries to do so*
Maj. McHale: Closest one's in *names the nearest big city*
Brandon: *Soft sigh*
TC: *frown deepens* I can hear the common frequency. Aren't you open?
Brandon: Patch me through?
TC: Storm's got me connected. *works a bit and then there is the constant background buzz of snarking, talking, and thinking out loud that Cybertronians are born to*
Sunstreaker: *is singing*
Brandon: *Grumbles about Sunstreaker not being able to carry a tune in a bucket*
TC: *thoughtful expression as he sips at his cup and listens to the faint caterwauling* I don't really hear it anymore.
Brandon: You're used to it... *sigh*
TC: *frowns at him* Don't you listen to the common channel?
Brandon: Not usually... Too busy keeping tabs on the important stuff....
TC: ...Oh. *awkward silence falls as he glances at Maj. MacHale*
Maj. McHale: *conferring with one of the Polish NEST members, small nod* *To TC and Brandon* We've got a ride to the area shown in the pictures...
TC: *unfazed by how bumpy some of the ride was the day before* Great. *slight grin*
Brandon: *Small nod, works on finishing his breakfast*
TC: *gets the sausage and eggs he asked for, along with all the rest of a traditional Polish breakfast. Eyes wide, and he is a very happy man*
Porucznik Kowalski: *Asking for someone to pass the black pudding, please and thank you*
TC: *slides the plate over and then tucks into the scrambled eggs and curd cheese. Forget putting some on a separate plate*
Kapitan Nowicki: *laughing at a joke one of McHale's men told, even though she doesn't quite get it*
TC: *eats in silence but for clinking cutlery for several minutes as the rest of the team does the same. Then glances up at McHale* It's too quiet.
McHale: *small frown, nods* Yeah....
Brandon: ... *attention going skyward*
TC: Nobody's afraid. *eats more* I'm not hearing any monster stories.
Brandon: *quiet for a few moments* ... But apparently, there's someone missing a shipment or whatever 'Gdzie jest mój pakunek?' means...
Por. Kowalski: *nods* Package is late.... *eyeing Brandon*
TC: *hand goes still as he hears an engine. Cocks his head, the open comm channel fading away as he turns all his focus onto that tiny thread of sound*
Brandon: ... *trying to focus so he can try and figure out what has TC's attention*
Por. Kowalksi: *more frown, attention on TC now*
Kpt. Nowicki: *frown, looks skyward, as she has a hunch that that's where the action's going to be shortly*
TC: *pats Kpt. Nowicki* Let me out please.
Kpt. Nowicki: *nods and gets out of TC's way*
Brandon: ... Single engine, prop plane? *looks to TC for confirmation*
TC: *abandons the rest of his food without a second glance as he exits the little eating place and hurries into the empty street. Turns toward the sound and squints*
Kpt. Nowicki: *frowning more and ordering her squadron to provide backup for Mr. Watson*
Por. Kowalksi: *on his feet and following a few feet behind TC* Jest to co wy szukacie? (Is that what you were searching for?)
TC: *scowls as that other sound he caught becomes clearer to his sensitive Seeker audio receivers; a soft but very ominous chittering that seems nearly a part of the wind* *very quietly* He slagged 'em off.
Por. Kowalksi: Zmartwienie przybywa? (Trouble coming?) *hand on his weapon*
TC: *shouts in Cybertronian to Brandon, and then races between two buildings and heads out of town. As soon as he's out of sight of humans he PINpoints toward the sounds*
Brandon: Let's move! The Insecticons are using their clone ambush! *Translates into Polish and German for the soldiers he's not familiar with*
*And then McHale, Nowicki, and Ehrlichmann's squadrons are mobilizing to provide support*
A couple miles from town
Powerglide: *enjoying the good flying weather, is playing some music for Moonracer* [Nothing like a good day to lift your spirits, right, Moonracer?]
Moonracer: *chuckles and pats his steering yoke* [You're just feeling good because you got in that fight the other day. But we don't know if it's a good day till we know if Mr. Kosier will pay us for bringing his package when it's three days la... what was that?] *frowning out the side window of her mate's cockpit, and then glancing at the monitors that are hooked to Powerglide's sensors* [I thought I saw a flash of colour. Like Kickback.]
Powerglide: *scanning, will begin to bank a bit to try and get a better look* [Not sure... I did whup those guys pretty good the other day... Maybe it's another plane...] *not that he's really buying that theory, but hey, won't hurt to check, right?*
Moonracer: *doesn't share her mate's confidence in the air, and the face of her human alt mode pales* [Oh. Be careful, Powerglide.]
Powerglide: *As soothingly as he can manage* [Relax... Ol' Powerglide's the best flier the Autobots have. We'll be perfectly fine.]
Thundercracker: *flies up out of the trees right in front of him*
Powerglide: *Startled string of obscenities as he banks hard to avoid a mid-air collision*
Thundercracker: *somersaults in the air in a way impossible for an Earth-made jet, and then dives back into the tree cover, strafing as he goes* [Get out of here, Powerglide. It's a clone ambush. Head for the town.]
Moonracer: *mouth open as she grips her seat* [What...? What did he say?]
Powerglide: *To TC* [Why should I believe you, ya slaggin' 'Con?] *Why no, he hasn't gotten the memo, why do you ask?* *to Moonracer* [He says it's a clone ambush...] *grouchy mood now*
Thundercracker: [Just go!] *up again and spins, then back down*
Powerglide: *A bit reluctant to leave a potential fight*
Brandon: //[Just do what he says, for the love of all things holy, Powerglide!]//
Moonracer: *gasp!* //[Blaster??]// *eyes wide at the familiar voice of her old flame*
Powerglide: *A bit stunned, but that only lasts long enough for him to turn and head for the town*
Brandon: //[Blastin' atcha, Moonracer. Everything'll be explained soon enough.]//
Moonracer: *soft yelp as she sees several Insecticons break from the tree cover, then covers her ears as they dissolve under the assault of an intense, focused burst of sound*
Powerglide: *Would be wincing if he were in root mode. As it is, he grumbles about needing audial repairs after this*
NEST Soldiers: *Shooting at the clones, don't seem the least bit fazed by the burst of sound. The reason for this is due to the sound-blocking ear protection each and every one of them is wearing*
Thundercracker: *shoots just overhead, and then comes back and hovers* Watch out to the East! *and gone again, still behaving in a most unjetlike way*
German NEST soldiers: *Concentrate their efforts to the East*
Powerglide: *looking for a place to land now, kthx*
Moonracer: [Blaster said to go to town.] *tries to raise her mate by lifting on the steering yoke*
Powerglide: *Yet again, he's amazed by how calm and level-headed Moonracer is once a battle is well under way* *Complies and gains altitude, heading for the town* [This'd better not get either of us slagged...]
Thundercracker: [You lose, Blaster. He actually listened and is heading your way.] *back to their small, frail allies, and transforms to root mode as he hovers over the humans and lets rip with both guns at the oncoming horde of monstrous robot bugs, thus giving the German and Polish NEST members their first glimpse of a Seeker in his true form*
Blaster: [Whatever, Thundercracker... Just focus on the Insecticons!] *Is also in root mode, and letting rip, though his smaller size has him at a slight disadvantage*
Thundercracker: [What do you think I'm looking at, groundpounder?] *has called for backup and given coordinates*
German NEST soldiers: *are all saying variations of the same startled obscenities at sight of the Seeker*
Kpt. Nowicki: *Shouting orders to her troops, and then she's letting out a very startled squeak when two more Cybertronians the same size and shape as Thundercracker show up*
Maj. McHale: *manning one of the heavy, vehicle-mounted guns, is keeping an eye out for the red plane that's supposed to be heading this way*
Starscream: *in a relatively good mood for someone who just woke up from snuggling with his mate to come squish Insecticons* [So, how badly is Powerglide gonna owe us for this?]
Thundercracker: *crooks a thumb in the direction of the departing plane, then looks to his wingleader for orders*
Skywarp: *cracking her knuckles and grinning as she hovers on the other side of Starscream*
Starscream: *Smirk* [Time to have some fun then.]
Skywarp and Thundercracker: *open up with guns and sonics*
Starscream: *Bringing the rain on the Insecticons*
Por. Kowalski: *awe-struck as exploding Insect bots fill the sky and forest with fire* One przynosza deszcz.... (They're bringing the rain...)
Stabshauptmann Ehrlichmann: *Shouting crudely-worded encouragements to the Seekers*
Skywarp: *is here! No HERE! No over here!!* *pounces on Kickback and gets kicked in the chops for her pains*
Starscream: *Tearing the wings off of what he thinks is a clone, but is actually Bombshell*
Shrapnel: .>_<. *calls a retreat and then calls down lightening from that tiny cloud up there!*
Starscream: *Startled screech, lets go of Bombshell*
Shrapnel: *snags teammate and burns out of there, Kickback at his heels*
Thundercracker: *sends a boom after them that sends the three of them aft over honesty*
Skywarp: Screamer, are you alright?
Starscream: *slight twitch* Nerves're jangly.... Would've been worse f'r groundpounders...
Skywarp: He's drunk.
Thundercracker: *herding abandoned and confused clones together*
Starscream: 'M not drunk.... *Yes he is*
Skywarp: Yes you are.
clones: [Eeet? Eeet? Eeet!]
Blaster: *why no, he's not taking blackmail video of Starscream...*
Starscream: *attention on the clones* ...Someone shut them up...
Thundercracker: What do you want us to do with them?
Blaster: Wasn't Doc-bot wanting to study one of the Insecticons?
Thundercracker: ...They're kind of helpless right now.
Blaster: See if you can put 'em into stasis lock so we can get 'em back to the Ark...
Skywarp: ....Do you see how many we have here?
Blaster: ... Good point... *Frown*
Thundercracker: The bugs'll be back for them. They're protective of their clones.
Starscream: *Poking at one of the clones with the business end of his gun*
Kickback clone: [Eeet?] B3
Starscream: No. Mine. >/
Blaster: So we find a way to pen these guys in, and use 'em as bait.
Skywarp: ...Want me to see if I can go get a doc?
Blaster: Get Red or Percy.
Skywarp: Okay. Keep Screamer from doing something stupid while I'm gone, TC.
Thundercracker: *looks up from pushing a clone back into the herd* Huh?
Skywarp: *shakes head and goes*
Starscream: *Poke, poke, poke a clone*
clone: :3 [Eeeet?]
Starscream: ... *considering look, gets a box of cookies out and tosses it into the herd*
Blaster: ... *Face.Palm*
NEST soldiers: *Doing likewise*
Thundercracker: *watches the resultant stampede with wide optics* What the frag, Screamer?
Starscream: They're hungry.
clone: *crying. Someone eeted his leg*
Thundercracker: Yeah, well look at what happened. *goes to lift the injured one out of the heap*
Starscream: *Razzes till he's tagged with a sedative, courtesy of Blaster*
Blaster: *moving to trigger Starscream's transform* He can sleep off his overcharge.
Skywarp: *back with a medic!* Hey... are they crying?
Thundercracker: *trying to sort out the mess* Screamer gave them a box of cookies.
Skylar: *Sound asleep and dreaming of snuggling with Melissa*
Red Alert: ... *cycles air for a moment and remembers that he's not allowed to shoot teammates for being stupid. Then he's getting a couple more boxes of cookies out, which get offered to Skywarp* Space these out so not so many of the clones are trying to get to them at the same time.
Skywarp: Okay. *does so*
clones: [Eeeet! Eeeet!] :3 B3
Red Alert: *sighs* We're going to be going broke keeping these fed with cookies...
Thundercracker: Can't you reformat them or something?
Red Alert: *considering look* Let me see what I'd be working with first... *Scanning the clones now, kthx*
Shrapnel: *lets out a sudden call!*
clones: *rise en mass and depart!*
Thundercracker: *still holding one*
other clone: *still trying to figure Screamer out, misses the call*
rest of clones: *GAWN*
Skywarp: *blink* Well slag.
Red Alert: ... They have fragments of the Insecticons' sparks....
Skywarp and Thundercracker: *both blink and look at him quickly*
Kpt. Nowicki: What is 'sparks'?
Maj. McHale: They're what make our Cybertronian allies alive... Sorta like souls...
Kpt. Nowicki: *blink blink*
Skywarp: *snerks and flashes the humans*
Thundercracker: *slaps her in the head*
Kickback clone: *wriggles legs and whimpers*
Red Alert: *Soothing clicks as he gently sedates the clone. Is ignoring the Seekers, since doing so means less of a headache*
other clone: *noms on Skylar's hair*
Blaster: *moving to discourage this by giving the clone a CinnaSeeker*
other clone: [Eeeeet!] *noms* :3
Thundercracker: *looks to Blaster since Starscream's unavailable* What now?
Blaster: Now we need to think about maybe putting these guys into sparklet shells and reprogramming them.
Thundercracker: *blinks and looks at the one he's holding* Sparklet?
Blaster: It'll be easier to keep an optic on 'em while Percy studies their shells to see if there's some weakness we can use to our advantage.
Thundercracker: .... *glances at his unconscious wing leader, then over at his oblivious wing sister, before turning to Red Alert* This one's mine.
Red Alert: *soft snerk, nods* Very well.
Thundercracker: *happy Seeker. Hugs the sleeping grasshopper bot*
other clone: [Eeeet!] :3
Skywarp: *looks up from the humans' conversation* ...What are you up to, TC?
Thundercracker: *shrug*
Red Alert: He's helping me keep this clone quiet and calm.
Skywarp: *giving her trine brother a Look that says she knows he's up to something*
Thundercracker: *ignores her with his usual stolidness*
Red Alert: I've notified Perceptor, and he's gone to get a couple of sparklet protoforms.... Once we get these two clones back and transferred, we can begin studying their original shells.
Skywarp: *reaches down to pick up Skylar* So home, then?
Red Alert: For you, Skylar, and myself, as well as the two clones, yes. *why no, he's not smirking* Blaster and Thundercracker still have to rendevous with our mystery mech.
Thundercracker: *frowns and tightens his grip on his clone*
Blaster: We don't have to wait too long... *tips his head towards the red, single-engine prop plane that's coming in for a landing nearby*
Thundercracker: *frowns and strides over there, his loot tucked safely under his arm* We told you to go to town.
Red Alert: *to Skywarp* We can wait a little longer to go back then... *amused*
Powerglide: *Transforming and giving the impression of frowning at Thundercracker* JA nie rozumiem. Co sa wy mówienie? (I do not understand. What are you saying?)
Thundercracker: .>_> Dork. *turns and reaches a careful hand toward McHale*
Maj. McHale: *trusting Thundercracker not to hurt him or let him get hurt* Maybe you'd better get someone who speaks the language better than me... *attention going to Kpt. Nowicki*
Kpt. Nowicki: *moving to translate what Thundercracker said earlier*
Powerglide: *perks up a bit. Someone understands!* *And then hes' giving Thundercracker a Look* Opuszczam {Moonracer} gdzie to jest bezpieczne.
Kpt. Nowicki: He says he left {Moonracer} where it's safe... *Attention fully on Thundercracker now* Who is {Moonracer}?
Thundercracker: Uhh. *looks at Blaster and Red Alert* Some Autobot femme?
Blaster: *chuckles as he helps Red Alert sedate the other clone* Yeah... His mate... Haven't seen her in awhile...
Thundercracker: *back to Powerglide* That's not what we told you to do.
Kpt. Nowicki: *Translates*
Powerglide: *bristling a bit* JA potrzebny walczyc!
Kpt. Nowicki: He wanted to fight as well.
Thundercracker: Yeah. Easy to see he's an Autobot, with the way he follows orders. *turns to go back to where Blaster and Red Alert are standing*
Kpt. Nowicki: *Unsure she should translate that* ... *asks Powerglide where he left Moonracer, then she's telling some of the soldiers under her command to go and get Moonracer*
Por. Kowalski: *crisp salute, goes to get one of the motorcycles with a sidecar, is soon heading to town*
Skywarp: *has caught onto what her brother did. Is whaling on him with the hand not holding Skylar*
Stabshauptmann Ehrlichmann: *Boggling at this*
Maj. McHale: *is used to Seeker antics, as are his squadron. He's more concerned with trying to convince Powerglide to download an English language packet*
Skylar: *Awake... sort of* *Grumble* Knock it off, you two.... *And now he's back to sleeping and dreaming of snuggling with Melissa*
Skywarp: *pauses and looks at him, then turns and offers him to Red Alert*
Red Alert: So what happened? *will hold onto Skylar*
Skywarp: *blinks* Happened?
Red Alert: Did he get hit with lightening?
Skywarp: Oh. Yeah. Shrapnel did it because he was ripping a Bombshell's wings off. *turns and belts Thundercracker again*
Thundercracker: *arm up to protect his optics, side turned to protect the clone. Otherwise ignores sister*
Red Alert: *Sigh* On second thought. Thundercracker, Skywarp, take Skylar and the clones home. I'll stay here till we get everything sorted out.
Thundercracker: Yessir. *PINs away*
Skywarp: *grumbles something rude in Seeker, then leaps into the air and follows via warp*
Thundercracker: *back for the other clone* She's gotta quit kissing that dork so much. It's affecting her processor. *gone again*
Red Alert: *will focus on talking to Powerglide then...*
In town...
Moonracer: *finds the address on the package and knocks on the door, her eyes straying back to the forest as she frowns and worries about her mate*
Por. Kowalski: *is that guy on the motorcycle with the sidecar. Will slow to a stop* Wybaczaja mnie, Przepuszczaja, sa wy {Moonracer}? (Excuse me, Miss, are you {Moonracer}?)
Moonracer: *startles and looks at the soldier warily* Kto pyta? (Who is asking?)
Por Kowalski: Porucznik Kowalski. (Liutenant Kowalski.) *Parks his bike so he can show her his NEST insignia* Jestem z organizacja zawolana nazwany NEST. Robi wy poznajecie {Blaster}? (I am with an organization called NEST. Do you know {Blaster}?)
Moonracer: *still wary* //[Blaster, can you hear me?]//
Blaster: //[Better than I can the guys overseas, Moonracer.]//
Moonracer: *hugging the package to her chest* //[There's a human here who says that he knows you.]//
Blaster: //[Kowalski? He's cool. He's part of the organization that's helping all the Cybertronians here on Earth.]//
Moonracer: *quietly* //[Oh.... Alright.]//
Blaster: //[Did he mention NEST and show you an insignia? It'll look like *Describe's NEST's insignia*]//
Moonracer: //[Yes, he did. But I have to deliver this package. We need the euros.]//
Por. Kowalski: *waiting patiently, like a good soldier*
Mr. Kosier: *At the door now, was about to go for a walk. Perks at the sight of Moonracer, a bit of a grin on his face* Ah, mój pakunek jest tutaj. (Ah, my package is here.)
Blaster: //[Part of what NEST does is help us have money for food and fuel...]//
Moonracer: *quietly* //[Mr. Kosier still needs his package.]// *offers it to the human man and speaks to him softly, apologizing for the lateness of the delivery and explaining that she thinks that she won't be able to make anymore deliveries*
Mr. Kosier: *getting out his billfold and nodding, before paying Moonracer* Dbaja. (Take care.)
Blaster: //[It'll be okay, Moonracer. You'll see.]//
Moonracer: *softly* Dziekuja. (Thank you.) *smile for the human, and then turns to walk toward the bike* //[Alright, Blaster. I'm coming.]//
Blaster: //[I've got a language packet for the country where most of us are living, but I'll give that to you when you're here...] *And then he's snickering over comms* [Red Alert's arguing with Powerglide about something...] *Sounds far too amused*//
Por Kowalski: *will offer to help Moonracer into the sidecar*
Moonracer: *shy, and still not totally sure about this man in uniform after some of the experiences she's had with uniformed people here* Dziekuja. //[I'm angry at Powerglide.]//
Blaster: //[He was only trying to make sure you were safe.]//
Por. Kowalski: Wy jestescie pozadani. (You're welcome.) *Will start the bike up and head back to where his squadron leader is.*
Moonracer: *quietly, as she settles herself into the car more comfortably* //[I know.]// *also knows her mate is no match for Seekers, let alone an army of Insecticons*
Por. Kowalski: *Doing his best to avoid the potholes in the road*
Blaster: //[You can scold him when you get here...]//
A little later, where the NEST soldiers are gathered...
Por. Kowalski: *Slows the bike to a stop* My przybywal. (We have arrived.)
Moonracer: Dziekuja. *climbs out of the car and then goes to her mate*
Red Alert: *calling Powerglide something in Welsh Gaelic*
Powerglide: *In Russian* {Yeah? You're another!}
Blaster: *is ignoring the argumentative mechs in favor of laying on the hood of one of the vehicles and having a bit of a doze*
Moonracer: *puts one thin pale hand on Powerglide's arm and says very very softly* [I'm angry at you.]
Powerglide: *Shoulders slump a bit* [Just wanted to keep you safe...]
Moonracer: *quietly* [You know you're no match for Seekers. And there were a lot of Insecticons out here, weren't there?] *looks around at the ones that were killed*
Powerglide: [The Seekers were fighting the Insecticons...]
Moonracer: [But we didn't know that.] *gives him a sad look*
Powerglide: *hunkering down a bit more*
Red Alert: [Let's get home... Showtime says Meryl and Liadán are missing me....]
Moonracer: *attention goes to the medic* Meryl and Liadán? *stumbles over the unfamiliar words*
Red Alert: *nods* [My daughters.]
Moonracer: *blink blink blink*
Blaster: *from where he's laying* [Red's a creator.]
Moonracer: [But Vector Sigma's still on Cybertron.] *very confused*
Red Alert: [There are other ways of creating new life.]
Powerglide: *looking up at that, confusion clear on his face*
Moonracer: [I... don't understand.]
Red Alert: [Let's get to the Ark, so I can show you what I mean...]
Blaster: *off the hood! Aaand faceplanting on the ground*
Maj. McHale: *there to help the Autobot up*
Moonracer: *startled eeek!* [Blaster?]
Blaster: ['M fine...]
Powerglide: [That doesn't look like you're fine, Blaster...] *Frowns behind his mask*
Red Alert: *Frowns and scans the Communications Specialist*
Moonracer: *quiet fretting as she moves a step toward her former boyfriend*
Red Alert: ... *Raised brow* [Let's get you home, Blaster...] *and out comes his PINpoint*
Powerglide: *Protective of mate, will gently pull her back in case whatever's wrong with Blaster is contagious*
Moonracer: *wibbles but lets herself be pulled back. Her eyes remain on Blaster though even as she turns and puts her arms around Powerglide in quest for reassurance*
Red Alert: [It's not anything contagious, if that's what you're worried about, Powerglide.]
Powerglide: *As he holds Moonracer close and rubs her back* [Then what's wrong with him?]
Red Alert: [It looks like a strained bond, but to my knowledge, he doesn't have anyone he's courting.]
Moonracer: *blinks* [But he wouldn't be courting with a bond. He'd be bonded.]
Blaster: *Quietly* [Just wanna go home... 'n back t' Teletraan-1...]
Moonracer: *hides again at the ache in his voice*
Red Alert: [We'll get you home, Blaster...] *glances to Moonracer and Powerglide* [If you wouldn't mind approaching so I can bring you to the Ark, please?]
Powerglide: *soothing sounds as he moves to gently lead Moonracer over to Red Alert*
Moonracer: *lets herself be lead. She's feeling a bit overwhelmed at suddenly being around so many other Cybertronians again*
Powerglide: *More reassurances, blinks a bit as Red Alert puts a hand on his shoulder*
Moonracer: *looks up at the medic quizzically*
Red Alert: [Everything will be alright.] *is also touching his foot to Powerglide's, which means that he now has a hand free to bring everyone to a repair bay just off the main med ward*
Serenity: *Is there, holding two dark-haired baby girls, who both begin clicking and chirruping when they see Red Alert*
Moonracer: *in Cybertronian* [Eeee! Sparklets!] *away from mate and over to reach for the closest baby*
Meryl: *Curious chirrup as she reaches for Moonracer. Who is pretty lady?*
Liadán: *nomming her fist now. Nummy fist*
Serenity: *in an accent very similar to Red Alert's* [Yes... They're Red Alert's and my daughters. Meryl is the one reaching for you, and Liadán is the one who is nomming her own fist...] *Small, proud smile*
Powerglide: *Boggling a bit, not only because of the babies, but also because of the fact that Red Alert's mate sounds familiar in a way*
Blaster: *looking better already, is trying to sneak off*
Moonracer: *takes the little reacher and greets her softly in Cybertronian, her face alight with smiles* [Ohhhhh!] <3
Meryl: *Chirrup, clickstorm, snuggle!*
Red Alert: *Trying to stop Blaster from slipping off*
Powerglide: *curious, comes over to see the little one*
Serenity: *will offer him Liadán*
Liadán: *Wiggle, fuss*
Moonracer: [But... how?] *cuddling Meryl close as she gives Serenity a bewildered look*
Serenity: [My spark budded almost a week after Red Alert and I bonded... I carried both of the girls' sparks beside my own...] *soothing Liadán's fussiness by offering her a cookie to chew on*
Powerglide: *blink blink* [What's that?]
Serenity: [It's a cookie.] *Will offer Powerglide and Moonracer cookies as well while her mate chases down Blaster*
Teletraan 1: *calling softly* //Brandon, your energy levels are low, you should return to your berth so that I can correct that.//
Brandon: //Working on it!// *Dodges another attempt at capture* //Stall Red or trip him up or something!//
Teletraan: //Implementing distraction subterfuge protocol.//
Frenzy: *lured out here with promise of round noms. Trips the medic in his search*
Red Alert: *Startled yelp, faceplants*
Brandon: *PINpoints down to what used to be the bridge, and then slips into the room where his berth is* //See? We're unstoppable when we work together!// *Amused chuckle as he transforms to root mode and moves to settle on his berth* //Found Powerglide and Moonracer, T...//
Teletraan: *voice comes from the berth itself as she shuts the lid on him* Noted. They have heightened interest in sparklets.
Blaster: *as he gets comfortable* Yeah... Moonracer's a sucker for cute things... And Red and Show's daughters are cute... Bet 'Racer'll think Frenzy, Rumble, and Rewind are cute too... *soft chuckle*
Teletraan: *softly, as she starts to gently feed him energy* Will you define 'cute' for me, Brandon?
Blaster: *gently pats the berth in an affectionate manner before he begins defining 'cute'* Most anything small, and having big optics helps.... Or being a charmer like Steeljaw is...
Teletraan: *soft hum as she processes this* ...Then you are an example of cute?
Blaster: *Soft snerk* Well, back when she and I were courting, Moonracer seemed to think so.... But I dunno... *small shrug*
Teletraan: I have heard you described as a charmer.
Blaster: Maybe when I was younger, T....
Teletraan: ...According to the data I have just researched you are.
Blaster: Oh? And what data would that be?
Teletraan: The data that came up when I inserted the word 'cute' into the google search engine.
Blaster: *Soft snerk, more gentle patpat for the berth* Remember though, you can't always believe what you read on the internet...
Teletraan: So 'cute' is not appealing?
Blaster: It is... depending on who you talk to... *chuckles, thinking of what Greg's reaction to being called 'Cute' might be*
Teletraan: You are very appealing.
Blaster: ... *and now his faceplates are starting to heat up a bit as he blushes* *Quietly* Thanks, T....
Teletraan: For what are you thanking me, Blaster? *small sound of static* Intruders have breached the bridge!
Blaster: *Moving to get up!*
Teletraan: *opens the berth and withdraws to a watchful feeling in the back of his processor*
Wesson: *frowning and looking around* ...The heck is this, Blaster?
Lt. Ross: *sticking close to Wesson, even as she takes everything she's seeing in*
Blaster: *Small scowl as he comes out of the recharge room* This is where I recharge, Wesson... It's also where I do most of my duties...
Wesson: ...This's the bridge. *slight frown*
Blaster: And I'm the Communications Officer. Most of the comm equipment's here, except for personal comm links.
Wesson: ...That don't mean you have to sleep here.
Blaster: I have a berth here. *sticking his chin out a bit*
Wesson: *frowns at him*
Teletraan: *speaks up then, her screen making the soft monitor pattern that moves with her voice modulation* Unit Blaster uses recharge time to complete monitoring tasks.
Wesson: ....!
Lt. Ross: *Attention going to the screen* ... Er... Okay?
Wesson: ...Since when does a mainframe talk without being asked something directly? *moves a step toward the console, frowning with curiosity*
Blaster: *low growl, moves to get between Wesson and the console*
Teletraan: Unit Blaster wishes you to leave.
Wesson: *blinks and looks at Blaster* Hey... what's wrong? What's goin' on here, man?
Blaster: I'm tired, I had to fight off Insecticons, and I spent almost a day and a half trying to deal with shoddy wi-fi over in Germany. I want to get some recharge in.
Lt. Ross: *biting her lower lip a bit, is feeling just a touch uneasy. She's never seen Blaster behave like this, and it's a bit unsettling, truth be told*
Wesson: *frowning with concern at the other mech's behavior himself* Man... Dr. Anderson thinks you need some time in the med ward. And I think he's right.
Blaster: I was almost in recharge when Teletraan alerted me to intruders on the bridge. >:/
Wesson: *shakes his head slightly* You're acting weird.
Blaster: I'm fine. Just let me recharge in peace.
Wesson: *quiet and determined* I have orders.
Teletraan: Blaster wishes to remain here. Optimum health levels are achieved with positive surroundings and emotion.
Wesson: *attention back to the console* Okay... that's getting really weird.
Blaster: Besides... 'Jack needs quiet...
Wesson: The Rutegers've been moved to a private room. *gets past him and puts a hand on the console*
Teletraan: Scanning unappreciated.
Wesson: *small gasp and takes his hand away, though his eyes pan over the buttons and the screen with quizzical wonder*
Blaster: *more growl* Out.
Wesson: *just sent a report of this to Patrick* *braces his feet and doesn't move*
Lt. Ross: *Okay, this is starting to get a bit scary... Will move so she's behind Wesson*
Patrick: //Has he shown any aggression other than growling at you and Lt. Ross?//
Wesson: //No, sir. Not yet. But he's really not acting what I've seen as normal for him.//
Patrick: //I'm sending Red Alert to your location. Don't do anything that might cause Blaster to become physically agressive.//
Wesson: //Understood.// *steps back from the console and goes to parade rest, one hand sneaking back toward Maria in offer of reassurance*
Blaster: *Frowwwwwn.... Really wants Wesson and Lt. Ross away from this room, so he can get some recharge in*
Red Alert: *PINpoints in nearby*
Blaster: *scowls at the medic*
Teletraan: Red Alert, presence unnecessary. Also undesired.
Wesson: *eyebrows up*
Red Alert: ... *Scans Blaster as well as Teletraan* Well, that confirms my suspicions...
Wesson: *hand still looking for Maria* Sir?
Teletraan: Exit immediately. Continual presence will negatively influence Blaster's energy and function levels.
Lt. Ross: *reaching for your hand, Wesson*
Red Alert: *To Wesson and Lt. Ross, over a private channel* //I'll explain in a short while... For now, we should let Blaster rest.//
Wesson: //Yessir.// *squeezes Maria's hand gently, and then lets it go as he goes to slight attention before heading for the door*
Lt. Ross: *moves to follow Wesson, as does Red Alert*
Teletraan: *opens the door for them, and then closes it behind them* *softly, in Blaster's mind* -Rest and recharge now. You need it.-
Blaster: *small nod, moves to lay back down on the berth*
Teletraan: *closes the lid and surrounds him with soft music*
Wesson: *turns and gives Red Alert a quizzical look* That was weird.
Red Alert: They're behaving like a bonded pair... but that's not possible, because Teletraan doesn't have a spark...
Wesson: *deep frown* Hardwired?
Lt. Ross: ... Hardwired? *Looking to Wesson for clarification*
Red Alert: Considering the fact that Blaster and Teletraan were working together well before the war even began, it's likely....
Lt. Ross: ... Okay, pretend not all of us are Cybertronian.... What are you two meaning?
Wesson: *to Maria* Their processors're linked up in a way that makes 'em nearly one thing.
Lt. Ross: ... Wouldn't that hurt them though?
Red Alert: At the worst, if they're apart for too long, they'd both slip into a state similar to stasis-lock...
Wesson: *winces* I was wrong. They are one thing.
Red Alert: *attention on Wesson now* ?
Wesson: From what I remember learning. If they're that firmly connected the only way they could be closer is if they were both Cybertronian 'n were fully fused.
Red Alert: *small frown, nods* I remember when we first landed here... I found Blaster in the woods, in stasis-lock... I thought it was due to lack of fuel, but obviously, it wasn't....
Wesson: *Serious* He was too far from Teletraan 1 for too long.
Red Alert: *Quieter* [And he had been forcefully disconnected... Slaggit... I should have realized... I would have never insisted on bringing him to one of the escape pods...]
Wesson: *looks around, his expression thoughtful* Wonder if the Ark would've landed better with him on board.
Red Alert: It might have... Even with her considerable skill as a pilot, Bluestreak is somewhat limited....
Lt. Ross: ... Bluestreak?
Wesson: Lisa. *turns back to Red Alert, frowning more deeply* This explains a lot of things Soundwave's mentioned. But if they're that close.... That's dangerous, ain't it?
Red Alert: It can be.... *Frown* We'll have to keep an eye on them... Even though Teletraan may seem to be alive, it is only an AI program... There's no telling what could happen if something put Blaster out of commission for an extended period of time...
Teletraan: Damage to Blaster unanticipated.
Wesson: *jumps!*
Lt. Ross: *Startled "Eep!"
Red Alert: *Startled blurt of static*
Teletraan: ...Actions not understood.
Red Alert: You startled us....
Teletraan: Startlement: halted fight or flight activity in response to unexpected stimuli.
Lt. Ross: *Murmuring a quiet prayer in Portugese and willing her heart to slow down*
Wesson: *hand on her shoulder. Red Alert will probably notice the new protective note in his stance in regards to his squadmate*
Red Alert: *makes note of this, will scan Lt. Ross to make sure she's alright. Small nod when the results come back and are acceptable to him* *to Teletraan* Is Blaster resting now?
Teletraan: Affirmative. Blaster is resting and restoring energy levels.
Red Alert: *nods, turns his attention to Wesson and Lt. Ross* Why don't you two head on back to the med ward?
Wesson: Yessir. *salutes and turns to go*
Lt. Ross: *moves to follow Wesson*
Red Alert: *watches them go before he heads off to talk to Patrick about what's going on*
((co-written with