Felicity: ... *is a bit sad because she got banned from Dragcave, for something she didn't even do*
Sean: *gives her two hundred dollars*
Felicity: *Blink blink* Huh?
Sean: That's what I charged the Fat Girls for two custom Fluffybutts. Right before I banned them from the game.
Felicity: *wibble*
Sean: *gives her a big hug* I talked to the Dragcave guy.
Felicity: *Perks up* Oh?
Sean: I explained to him that you never went into the forums, so you weren't the one that started that drama. And I also proved that you never use that nursery site that he's outlawed. *gently* But, Ferdy? There are games with nicer mods, you know.
Felicity: I don't really care about mods... I just like the little sprites.....
Sean: And those are the only ones you like?
Felicity: Well... I do like the little egg Will gave me... and I like the girly game....
Sean: *grins, but then he's curious* Will gave you an egg?
Felicity: *nodnod, quick glance around since she's not supposed to get things out of subspace while out in public, then she's making it look like she's digging in her Hello Kitty backpack as she withdraws an egg about the size of a chocolate rabbit*
Sean: *curiosity growing as he watches*
Felicity: Will said Uncle Jack made it... But I dunno... I mean, he was kinda busy, it seems like.... *small wibble*
Sean: What does it do? *puts a tentative finger toward the egg*
Felicity: *blink blink* I dunno... I guess it'll hatch? *careful shrug, offers the egg to Sean so he can hold it too*
Sean: *cradles the egg gently* Hey, is this a button?
Felicity: *blink blink, look* Oh... Huh... Wonder what that's for....
Sean: Well... I guess you usually click on eggs. *presses the button and watches it turn green and make a nice chirp sound* o.0
Felicity: *Blink blink!* Aww! :D
Sean: *tries again, but no light or chirp happens* Huh...?
Felicity: Huh... *headtilt*
Sean: How do clicky eggs usually work?
Felicity: Oh... they only let one IP address click once per day....
Sean: *offers the egg back* You try pressing it.
Felicity: 'Kay! *takes the egg back and presses the button*
Sean: *grins as the light and the chirp happen* I think you're supposed to hatch it.
Felicity: Oooooo!
Sean: *offers her the two hundred dollars again* Here. I have to get to my next class.
Felicity: *small nod as she carefully stashes both egg and cash in subspace*
Sean: And don't worry. I'll probably let them back in on those accounts. And go on pretending I don't know about their other ones. They pay a lot for their ugly designs, and ENS. Jackson wants to buy his mom something nice.
Felicity: *nodnod* 'Kay...
Sean: *uncertain look* Would it make you feel better if I kicked them off completely?
Felicity: *headshake* I'm just glad I can keep my dragon eggs...
Sean: Okay. *big hug and a snuggle, and then he's running away toward his class*
Felicity: *Watches Sean go, then returns her attention to her book for class*
Far away, in the Tannehill, AL area
Tracks: *is sleeping as Beau pulls the sedan up the driveway of their destination*
Raoul: *sleeping too. He's utterly limp in his seatbelt*
Beau: *parking the sedan and reaching to gently shake Raoul's shoulder*
Dion: *starting to wake up and fuss a bit, is hungry!*
Will: *awake and clicking quietly as he sees people watching the car*
Denver: *asleep and holding Tracks' hand*
Raoul: Whaaaat. Oh. *lifts head and blinks blearily, then frowns at the watchers*
Beau: 'S jes' Jake, 'n th' gahs... *unbuckling to try and gently wake Denver so she doesn't wake up swinging*
Will: *bites his lower lip and hides his face against Raoul*
Dion: *Fusses louder!*
Raoul: *arm around Will, and then unbuckles so he can twist and reach for baby brother* Hey, man. Shhhh.
Denver: Nn... Wh't.... *bleary-eyed, and then she's clicking quietly to Dion and moving to try and wake Tracks*
Dion: *wiggling and fussing in his car seat*
Raoul: *as he unfastens Dion he pauses to give Tracks a smack upside the head*
Tracks: *jerk! Awake! And then grumbling softly as he rubs his eyes* Raoul....
Raoul: *shortly* Save it. *got a bitty, got bitty's towel and dolly, will leave car with bitty and little brother*
Beau: We're 'eah... Y'all mahght wanna unplug... *moving to get out*
Denver: *Blink blink* Oh... *carefully unplugging her link cable and storing it*
Tracks: *slight gasp at loss of contact with Denver's mind. His face creases with discomfort as he rubs his wrist and covers the port, and as he does so he looks through the car window at their new surroundings* ...Interesting.
Denver: *stretching a bit once her cable is tucked out of sight, before she reaches for his hand to gently squeeze it* We're neah Tannehill State Park...
Beau: *is that startled yelp as one of the burlier cousins picks him up for a bear-hug*
Tracks: *slight nod* I suppose we'd better get out there. Oh. And give a good reason for sitting here to begin with. *leans over and kisses her before smiling in a way that would fool anyone that doesn't know him and slipping out of the car*
Denver: *pleased sound, moves to get out of the car. Will come around to stand by Tracks, and slip a hand into one of his back pockets* -Mahght 's well give 'em s'meth'n' t' talk 'bout...-
Tracks: *very genuine smirk as he eyes the welcoming committee from the corner of his eyes and thinks that they've probably never seen so gorgeous a pair before* -...I think Raoul is going to be in a fight before the end of the day. How lovely.-
Denver: *leans against him a bit* -W'ldn't s'prahse me... Bet Bubba-Joe'll be 'n f'r a shock...-
Tracks: *smirk takes on a wicked cast, though the look in his eyes is still grim* -Serves him right for having such an atrocious name.- *snuzzle*
Denver: -Ah di'n't name 'im.... Oooh, 'ere we go...- *Watching as a young man even burlier than the one that has Beau in a bear hug makes a feint at Raoul*
Raoul: *gives Bubba-Joe a calmly scornful Look for trying something like that while he's holding Dion and has an arm around Will's shoulders*
Dion: *Fuss, is hungry, bubby!*
Will: *wants to hide behind Raoul, plz*
One of the girl cousins: *going to fuss over the baby now!*
Raoul: *smile for the girl* You guys got any milk? We kinda left in a hurry 'n he's ben livin' on Cheerios.
Jess: Yeah... C'mon... Ah'll show ya wh're th' fridge 's... *Holding the door open* Y'u're Denver's kid, rahght?
Raoul: *grins as he enters* Yeah. Major Mac's my mom now. 'N the black-haired jerk's my old man.
Jess: *Laughs and shakes her head* Who'da thunk 't... *moves to show Raoul where the fridge is, even as some of the younger girls outside the house giggle and comment about how handsome Denver's boyfriend is*
Raoul: *turns his head as he overhears that through the screen door* *snerk* Oh man. Nobody here knows yet?
Tiny, gray-haired lady with eyes like Denver's: 'Bout 'er bein' hitched? None'a th' young'uns do...
Jess: Yeah.... Aun't Matilda di'nt th'nk 't w's propah f'r th' middle schoolahs t' know... *Snorts and rolls her eyes before ducking her head into the fridge to get milk for Dion* Ah don' th'nk we've got aneh babeh bottles, but Ah c'n run t' Walmart 'n grab a couple f'r ya...
Raoul: *stops giving the grey-haired lady a wary look to frown at Jess* ...What ain't proper 'bout bein' married? She thinks it's better that they think they're shacked up?
grey-haired lady: 'Tilda don' th'nk. Th't's th' problem.
Jess: Gran'ma said 't, not me... *chuckles*
Raoul: *rolls his eyes* Well I'm glad Major Mac has some brains anyway. *pulls a sippy cup out of his jacket pocket* If you got any bakin' soda I can clean this up.
Jess: *nods and sets the milk carton on the table before going to get the baking soda out of the pantry*
Gran'Ma: She gits 't fr'm th Lamont sahd 'f th' family... 'Tilda's a MacDermont. Th'y ain't gotta lick'a sense... *goes to holler out the door* Bubba-Joe! You best letcher cousins be 'r Ah'll tan yer hahd!
BJ: *Meeps and goes to do chores like he was supposed to do*
Raoul: *offer Dion to Will, then opens the fridge again and pulls out something he saw there. Gives Will two wrapped cheese slices and an encouraging grin that's totally out of character with the wary lip that he just put out to to the granny* Here. Go sit 'n let him eat some of this, and you eat too, okay?
Will: *nod, carefully holding Dion and moving to sit on one of the benches*
Dion: *Doood, cheese!*
Hattie: *As she watches Dion nibble on the cheese slice* 'Ow old 's 'e?
Raoul: *as he takes the soda with a nod and dumps his jacket before setting to work scrubbing the slightly stinky cup* He's four months. *doesn't look at the grey-haired woman and is a bit abrupt with his answer*
Gran'Ma: 'E c'n 'ave sandwiches 'f th'y're soft 'nough? *moving to get bread and all the fixin's for grilled cheese sandwiches out*
Jess: *Frowning at Raoul now*
Raoul: He don't reach for the stuff he can't have. *still brusque*
Gran'Ma: Th't don' answer mah question, Raoul.
Raoul: *scowls at the cup as he scrubs* Yeah, he eats 'em all the time.
Denver; *is currently telling Bubba-Joe off for something, and getting a bit loud*
Dion: Mama! :D
Gran'Ma: *chuckles and nods, before moving to get started on making grilled cheese sandwiches*
Will: *watching the door warily*
Raoul: *cup now nice and sweet, he goes and puts the milk back in the fridge, then selects the chocolate soy milk instead*
Jess: Oy! Th't ain't th' best th'ng f'r babehs...
Raoul: *shortly* It's organic. *fills cup*
Beau: *Bringing in some of the luggage, while the burly cousin that picked him up is carrying the rest of the luggage*
Dion: *Happy sounds! Doood, he can see his sippy cup!*
Jess: *about to get herself worked up into having a conniption fit*
Gran'Ma: Let 't go, Jess. *cooking*
Raoul: *finishes filling cup. Puts carton back where he got it from and then closes fridge and puts the lid on the cup as he turns and brings it to baby brother* Hey, Dion, man. You know whose this is? I jes' found it layin' around.... *grin for baby brother that's nothing like his sullen manner toward the others*
Dion: *reaches for his cup* Cup! Cup!
Gran'Ma: *pauses and looks over her shoulder*
Jess: *Jaw about to hit the floor*
Beau: *used to this, has already gone to take bags upstairs*
burly cousin: ... 'Is f'rst words?
Will: *Wants nothing more than to click and hide against Raoul, but remembers that he's not supposed to be clicking around humans*
Raoul: *as he takes Dion and cradles him so that the disguised sparklet can drink* Nah. He talks alla time. Right, Dion, dude?
Dion: *Dooood, sippy cup!* 'Ool! *laughs happily and settles to drink*
Raoul: *tender grin as he hooks a chair with his foot and drags it across the floor so he can sit by Will* Yeah, that's me. Dion, you da man.
Younger girl cousins: *gigglefits and squeals*
Denver: *Telling them to get back to their chores or homework, whatever*
Tracks: *enters the farmhouse then, his fingers interlaced with Denver's and his other arm around her waist*
Raoul: *snorts at him and then ignores him*
Denver: Gran'ma Hattie! *grins and moves to give the petite woman a hug*
Hattie: *amused* None'a th't f'r now, Denver... Ah'm cook'n... *patpats her granddaughter's hand before going back to work making sandwiches*
Dion: *Sputters his drink everywhere in his excitement at seeing Big Bubby again!*
Tracks: *comes over to gently relieve Raoul of Dion, but then curls his lip slightly as he catches the scent of what's being cooked and looks toward the stove with a scornful expression that masks the loops his tank is doing* My, isn't that just greasy.
Hattie: *Calmly stacks a couple of sandwiches on a plate, turns to face Tracks, chin tipping up as she looks him in the eye... and then she's shoving the plate at him, aimed at his stomach* Deal wit' 't.
Beau: *Back down in time to see that* *Snerk*
Tracks: *steps back from the plate and turns away* I'd rather not.
Beau: *Gonna snag one of the sandwiches then* C'mon, Jake, th' bags won' put th'mselves upstaihs...
Jake: *Blink blink, small nod, moves to carry the bags in his hands upstairs, will watch everyone over his shoulder till he heads through the door that leads to the stairway*
Denver: *trying to hide the slight flinch she did at Hattie's actions*
Tracks: *settles in the chair in the corner and turns his attention to gently crooning to Dion as the sparklet drinks*
Jess: *Snagging the other sandwich and watching her older cousin, and said cousin's husband, with a bit of concern*
Raoul: *hops up and heads out to get his MP3 player out of the car*
sound: *a few thuds and a grunt*
Raoul: *comes back licking skinned knuckles and sorting through his tunes*
Tracks: *face palm*
Denver: *out the door to give a proper dressing down to the responsible party, aka Bubba-Joe*
Jess: *Facepalming* BJ nevah learns... Y'u'd th'nk bein' th' top wrestler 'n th' area'd give 'im a bit'a common sense...
Hattie: Th't idjit don' got no sense, Jess. 'E's jes' lahk 'is ma. *huffs and goes back to making sandwiches*
Raoul: *nose back in the fridge, then shifts his attention to the freezer and takes out a bag of frozen food to put his knuckles on* Top wrestler my aft, he did that pin like a weenie.
Hattie: *Setting a plate with more sandwiches on the table where hungry kids can grab them easily*
Jess look-alike: *hurries into the house, nabs a sandwich or two off the plate, dashes up the stairs*
Will: *gonna hide against Tracks now*
Tracks: Language, Raoul. *lifts the elbow of the arm that's holding Dion's cup so that Will can duck underneath*
Beau: *coming back downstairs, Jake following closely behind* 'N Jean 'n Rose're engaged now....
Jake: *Small nod, listening attentively to what his cousin's telling him*
Dion: Jean-doof! *Giggle*
Raoul: Heyyyyy. What'd I tell you about callin' him that?
Dion: *Cheeky little grin* Unca Jean-doof! :3
Hattie: *Snerks and works on making more sandwiches* Th't man.... Rose's keepin' 'im 'n lahn?
Tracks: *sniff* When he's not dropping her on the mess-hall floor.
Hattie: *headshake* Th't idjit... 'N 'ow're Vato 'n Gavin doin'? Denver di'nt say a word 'bout 'em 'n 'er last lettah...
Tracks: *shrugs as he offers Dion the sippy cup again* Oh, they're their usual selves.
Raoul: Hey, Beau, you make sure Goldie's cage's safe up there?
Beau: Yup. *reaches for a sandwich*
Raoul: Good. Don't want anythin' to happen to her. *bit of a grin on his face as he talks about the family pet*
Jake: *Quietly* I s-shut all the s-screens t-to the ups-stairs...
Raoul: *sudden sharp glance for the taller boy even as he reaches for a sandwich* Hey, you. What's your name?
Jake: 'M Jake.
Beau: *in between bites* Jake double-checked all'a th' windows twahce 'fore 'e w's satisfahed th't Goldie'd be safe.
Raoul: *grins at Jake, his face finally losing its scowl* We got any good hot sauce?
Jake: *nods and goes to get some out of a cupboard near the microwave. He barely has to stretch to reach the hot sauce on the top shelf* Mom lahks s-spahceh food... *will offer the bottle to Raoul*
Raoul: How 'bout you? *sudden facepalm and turns to Tracks. Demands* Did we bring that ham we bought?
Tracks: I suppose so. I thought I saw the cooler somewhere there. *doesn't look up from Dion*
Dion: *hiccups*
Jake: *nods and goes to get the cooler from the car as Beau tags along*
Tracks: *soothing murmur for the baby and puts him to his shoulder to pat his back a little*
Dion: *more hiccups, burps*
Hattie: *glances over her shoulder, and once Dion's hiccups cease she returns her attention to cooking*
Jess look-alike: *Back downstairs for more sandwiches!*
Raoul: *so used to Greg, Simon, and Sven that he doesn't even blink or look up from drowning a grilled cheese sandwich in hot sauce* This is the good stuff. You guys have taste.
Jess look-alike: Y'u're gonna give y'urself 'n ulcer...
Raoul: Girl, I'm Latino. My gut could probably digest iron. *bows his head before taking a big bite*
Jess look-alike: ...
Hattie: 'E di'nt mean th't literally, Chrissy. Go 'n finish y'ur 'omework.
Chrissy: Yes, Gran'ma. *gonna take a couple more sandwiches back upstairs with her*
Tracks: You'd be surprised what that boy means literally, Mrs. Lamont. *stands to walk Dion back and forth*
Dion: *sleepy sounds now that his tummy's full*
Raoul: *stink eye for Tracks, and then sits with his back to him*
Will: *scoots over to hide against Raoul, and possibly steal a few nibbles of sandwich*
Jake and Beau: *Back with the cooler!*
Raoul: *scowl's gone again as he shares with little brother*
Tracks: Set it on the table, if you don't mind, Jake. *doing a slight baby dance*
Jake: *small nod* Yessir... *Proceeds to do so*
Beau: *Raiding the cooler now!*
Denver: *Back inside*
Tracks: *slight grin as he reaches inside himself, and then he's pulling out the bag of rind chips and setting it on the table so he can get it open*
Hattie: *Sees the bag* Wh't on earth 's th't?
Denver: 'S a fanceh stahl 'f ham, Gran'ma... *Will gank Dion from Tracks now*
Tracks: *soft sound of protest, but then kisses his wife and sets down Dion's cup so that he can use both hands to open the treat bag* Actually, Beau has the ham. This package of disgusting dead animal parts... is snack food. *offers Hattie a chip of rind*
Dion: *Beeeeg yawn, listens to Mama's spark, and that little spark he can hear as he sucks on his fist*
Hattie: *reaches for the chip of rind, sniffs it curiously before she has a taste*
Denver: *Amused snerk as she watches Hattie's eyes widen with surprise at the wonderful flavor of the rind*
Tracks: *and there's that insufferably smug smirk as he too watches Hattie's reaction*
Hattie: *After she finishes the rind chip* Wh're d y'all git th't?
Tracks: *airily, as he offers a chip to Jake* Oh, this place we know.
Jake: *Thanks Tracks for the chip and moves to sit down on one of the benches after snagging a sandwich as well*
Hattie: Y'all'll 'afta get me 'n ordah f'rm 'r s'meth'n....
Raoul: *finishes his sandwich and then jumps to his feet and runs upstairs, leaving the veggies on the table*
Tracks: I'm sure I could arrange for delivery if you phone me your order. *distracted by a good smell. Realizes he's seeing lavender growing as he glances through the window. Slight smile*
Hattie: Ah c'n manage th't... *smile*
Beau: *will now give Hattie a whole ham*
Hattie: *Surprised*
Raoul: *back down and over to Jake, a wide-ish cross section of bamboo held under his arm. Finishes prying off the wax and paper cap and then lifts out a dollop of some shredded and slightly slimy looking white stuff* Here, try that.
Jake: Wh't 's 't? *curious*
Raoul: Pickles! *grins, his eyes dancing as he offers the treat*
Jake: *thanks Raoul as he grabs some of the pickles and has a taste* 'Ey, th'se're good... *small smile*
Beau: *over to snag some of the slimy keenie*
Will: *biting his lower lip a bit, wants to click, but Hattie and Jake are humans, and he's not supposed to be clicking around strangers...*
Tracks: *watching the older boys now, but he's aware of Hattie starting to bustle and plan concerning the ham. Glances down at Will. Softly* Do you want some zucchini, Will?
Will: *small nod*
Tracks: *will lead the youngling over and get him some of the pickle, despite being shoulder checked by Raoul. He's actually glad for the sign of affection* Raoul, must you prove your hooliganism so constantly?
Raoul: Thrrpt >D
Hattie: *Chuckles from where she's slicing the ham into thin slices* Boys'll be boys....
Denver: 'N s'me'll be smarter th'n othas... *rocks Dion as he falls asleep*
Raoul: Hey, where'd those girls go? They need some'a this.
Hattie: ... *Sighs and goes to holler out the door for Lizzy to round up her siblings and cousins and come eat*
BJ: *going to stay on the other side of the kitchen once he's inside the house*
Raoul: 'N we need some fried eggs. *gives Jake the pickle container and heads for the fridge* Or soft boiled ones. *doesn't even notice BJ in his quest to *gasp* cook in Hattie's kitchen*
Hattie: *Doesn't mind, since it's technically Dixie's kitchen*
Tracks: *backing away from all the organic bleah. He's intending to retreat back to the chair in the corner*
Dixie: *Speaking of, there she is, her husband following shortly thereafter* Whose cah 's th't out.... *trails off when she sees Denver, and then she's grinning, green eyes sparkling as she moves to give her eldest niece a hug* Denver!
Denver: *Small grin* Aunt Dixie! *Gives her aunt a one-armed hug, since she's got Dion*
Will: *hiding against Tracks even more as Jake moves to offer some of the pickles to his mother and father*
Tracks: *takes his son on his lap, not caring that twelve year old human boys are generally too old to use their fathers for seat cushions* Shhh. Will. It's alright. I have you.
Raoul: *big grin for Dixie, totally unlike his reaction to Hattie* Hey, lady, can I use these duck eggs? *holds up the small basket of eggs*
Dixie: *Attention on Raoul* Go 'head, hon. *smiles and then she's returning her attention to gently fussing over Dion and insisting that Denver and John sleep in the big bedroom upstairs*
Matilda: *Entering the house through the front door and complaining to her husband about how the parent-teacher conferences have gotten more and more disorganized every single year*
Raoul: *found cast iron frying pan and a big clean plate. Starts churning out perfectly skinned fried eggs with lovely runny and unbroken yolks* *sings as he does so*
Tracks: *giving Matilda an absent stink eye*
Matthew: *asking Jake about the pickles, even as he has some*
Jake: *tips his head towards Raoul*
Raoul: ...Beau, those tomatoes're green. *glancing at what his brother's slicing up*
Beau: Yeah, Ah know... We're gonna 'ave frahed green t'matoes. *grin*
Hattie: 'N s'me 'a th' 'am.
Raoul: o.0 I thought green tomatoes weren't good for you.
Beau: Th'se're s'posed t' be green.
Raoul: *blink blink. Puts another egg on the plate and dumps a replacement in the pan*
Dixie: *Asking Jake if he finished his homework, and getting an affirmative answer* Good... We'll start on the next chapter tomorrow, alright?
Jake: Yes'm... *watches as his dad gets a bowl out of a cupboard, a small smile tugging at his mouth*
Matthew: *Going to snag one of the eggs now, pardon him*
Tracks: *watching the man as he snuggles Will*
Will: *snuggling, is a bit sleepy now*
Matthew: *Will take a fork and crack the egg into the bowl and beat the egg till it's mixed up. Then he'll move to approach Raoul, a hopeful look on his face as he holds both bowl and a grilled cheese sandwich out*
Raoul: *gives Mathew a quizzical look as he puts the last fried egg on a plate* What's this for, Mister?
Hattie: *sees that and chuckles* Matt's 'opin' y'u c'n frah up 'is sandwich after 't's been coated 'n egg...
Raoul: Ohhhhh. I can do that. Just never saw it done with a cheese sandwich before. *puts down the fork and takes the bowl and sandwich* Just one?
Matt: *nod* P-please.
Raoul: *cheerfully dips and soaks just slightly the sandwich, then sets it in the pan and puts the bowl aside* Okay, tell me when it's brown enough.
Matthew: *nods and watches like a hawk. After a few moments, he nods* T-turn, p-please.
Raoul: *skillful flip* You want anythin' else on it? *looks in the egg bowl and sniffs to see what's there already*
bowl: *just has egg in it*
Jake: *offering pickles to dad again*
Matthew: *considering look, takes some of the offered pickles and holds them out to Raoul*
Raoul: *looks* No. You don't want to add that till it's outta the pan. Heatin' it up too much makes the flavor fainter.
Chrissy: *Back downstairs!*
Matthew: *blink blink* Oh... Okay.
Raoul: Grab the plate, Uncle Matt. *grinning from ear to ear as he scoops the sandwich out of the pan*
Matthew: *Smiles and grabs a plate off the counter, before he's depositing the pickles onto it as well*
Raoul: *serves up the noms and then looks around for further orders*
Denver: *Attention lingering on Matilda and Hattie as Matilda gets a very sugary cereal out of the pantry for the youngest of her sons*
boy1: *Whining that he's hungry*
Will: *Making gagging faces as he catches sight of that box. Sugary sweet junk, ewwwwwww*
Matilda: *snidely speaking about Raoul* He's just sucking up, Hattie.
Hattie: 'T least 'e knows 'ow t' make 'imself useful, 'Tilda. *Frowning at her daughter-in-law*
Tracks: *looks at boy 1* Well you're enough to turn any stomach, aren't you now?
Matilda: *GLARES at Tracks*
Hattie: *coughs to hide her snicker*
Dixie: *bites her lip to keep from laughing*
Tracks: *oblivious to glares* *languidly* You do realize that human beings are only capable of moving so fast, and that bursting eardrums with that wretched caterwauling is only going to make people think you're revolting? Really, what is your mother thinking?
boy1: *blinkblinkbuh?*
Denver: *rocks Dion, even though he's already asleep* -Tracks, Ah know 't's entertainin' t' bait 'Tilda... ... Ah ain't gotta reason t' tell ya t' stop...- *amused*
Tracks: *sighs and shares just a tiny bit of the illness the shrill sound was causing him* -I'd imagine Will isn't enjoying it either, darling.-
Matilda: *Indignantly* Don't talk like you're any better. You're spoiling that child by indulging him.
Denver: *a bit sharply* 'Is name 's Will. 'N 'is brothas' names 'r Raoul, 'n Dion.
Will: *hiding a bit more. He doesn't like the aunt who feeds her kid sugary blech-stuff*
Tracks: *looks Matilda right in the eye* Oh shut up.
Matilda: *Expression darkening, is gearing up for what promises to be an epic scold-fest*
Marcus: *Quietly* Matilda, dear, don't we have to be getting home so BJ, Chris, Devon and Kyle can get ready for bed?
Kyle: *Pooooout, doesn't wanna go to bed!*
Tracks: *aside, to Denver* It's positively abusive to be feeding that much refined sugar to a child anyway. No wonder he acts so defective.
Raoul: *frying a few more tomatoes and talking about fried strawberries*
Jake: *looks intrigued by this notion, is paying Aunt Matilda no mind*
Matilda: *Coldly, to Tracks* This isn't over.
Dixie: Let 't go, 'Tilda. Th' kids're tahred, 'n y'u 'n Ah w're gonna go shoppin' t'morrah, r'member?
Tracks: *oblivious to Matilda. Is busy turning green as one of the little girls offers him a plate heaped with food* Ahh... no thank you, darling. I couldn't, really.
Denver: *moving to help with that* John's feelin' a bit cah-sick still, Lizzy... Whah don'cha shah th't wit' y'ur ma?
Lizzy: 'Kay. *smiles and goes to give Dixie the plate of food before coming back over to gently patpat Will on the shoulder as Matilda takes her family home*
Dixie: *As soon as Matilda's van pulls out of the driveway* Ah c'n't stand th't woman. *Scowl*
Will: *peeking at Lizzy now*
Lizzy: 'Re y'u not feelin' good eitha', Will? *yep. She paid attention to what Denver said about the names*
Tracks: *gently, as he hugs his youngest son reassuringly* Will's been through a war, Lizzy. So he's a bit shy.
Lizzy: Oh... *moves to offer more hug to the older boy* *Quietly* 'T'll be 'kay... Denver's brave 'n strong, 'n she won' let nothin' bad 'appen t' y'u. Promise.
Tracks: *moves to pull Lizzy close to his side so that she can reach Will more easily, then puts his arm around her as a wan smile appears on his face*
Raoul: *putting pans in the sink and reaching for the soap* Hey, don't eat it all before I get there!
Jake: *Will set the pickle container down where everyone can reach it easily and come help wash pans*
Raoul: *grins and starts scrubbing, but there's a troubled look in his eyes*
Matthew: *As he moves to help with pan cleaning* S-s'meth'n' wrong, Raoul? *concerned*
Raoul: *blinks and looks up, the grin fading from his face* *quietly* I just don't really wanna be here.
Matthew: *blink blink* *Quietly* T-trouble?
Raoul: *looks back to the pan he's scrubbing with a metal scrubby* My best friend's dad had a stroke yesterday. I feel like I should be with him 'n the other kids.
Matthew: *pauses in drying a pan to offer a one-armed hug*
Raoul: Yeah. Thanks. *scrubs harder* I don't think they'll understand why I'm gone. They're just kids.
Jake: *quietly* D-don't underestimate 'em... *Scrubbing*
Raoul: *slight snerk* Underestimate those guys? I ain't that dumb. *just trying not to cry now*
Jake: *reaches for one of the wet dishrags, lobs it at Beau*
Beau: Ack!
Denver: *coughs to hide her snerk*
Raoul: *blinks and then gives a just slightly shaky snerk* Hey! Man, I was usin' that.
Jake: *grin* B-Beau c'n 'elp wit' th' d-dishes, too.
Beau: *Razzes cousin, but comes over anyways*
Raoul: *aims a kick at his brother's shin*
Beau: Ack! 'Ey! *reaches to tug on brother's ponytail*
Raoul: That ain't no talkin' string, you dork.
Beau: Go 'n eat, ya doof. *Will gently hip-shove Raoul out of the way*
Hattie and Dixie: *heading out the door and talking about picking lavender*
Raoul: *thumb in Beau's ribs, but he goes. Even sadness can't shut his appetite down, and he's soon filling his hollow leg, though he glances over to where Tracks is sitting with his arms around the two children and his head tipped back*
Lizzy: *Quietly telling Will about all the fun things they can do while he's here, including riding the 4-wheelers with Chrissy and Jess, picking berries, playing in the hay up in the hay loft, watching meteor showers on the roof, and checking for baby guinea hens*
Will: *Half-listening to Lizzy, snuggles Tracks*
Tracks: *quietly conversational as he interrupts Lizzy* There's a turkey looking in the window.
Lizzy: *nods* Th't's Freddy. 'E's our pet. *smile*
Tracks: Ah. The turkey that belongs to Denver's squad's name is Nosebiter. *staring contest with the turkey*
Lizzy: *Blink blink* Y'all 'ave a turkey too?
Freddy: *hopeful purk. You has food?*
Chrissy: *goes out to check whether Freddy's gone and tipped his feed bowl again*
Tracks: Us? Oh heavens no. Lt. Wesson is the monster's caretaker, darling.
Lizzy: *smiles more* Big Uncle John's nahce...
Darcy: *pipes up from where she's eating a sandwich* Aunty Maria lahks 'im! *Giggle*
Tracks: *sees chance for good gossip* Aunty Maria is engaged to him. *smirk*
Darcy: *Blink blink, wide-eyed now* *pout* Awwww....
Megan: *finishes the bite she's chewing* Wh't's Nosebahtah look lahk?
Tracks: Well, Gunsmoke thinks he looks like his worst nightmare.
Megan: *Blinkblink* Does Nosebahtah baht Gunsmoke?
Tracks: He did indeed.
Megan: Aww... Poor Gunsmoke...
Tracks: *takes his arms from the children to take out his wallet and sort through it. Then shows the girls a picture of Will sitting and holding the massive white turkey in his arms*
Megan and Darcy: Awww!!!
Lizzy: 'E looks lahk Freddy's brotha... *amused*
Will: *Quietly* He's not mean 'r anything...
Tracks: *just a bit of cheerful sarcasm* No. He's just a rough kisser.
Megan: Silleh turkeh....
Denver: *soft chuckle as she looks out the window* Ah th'nk Aunt Dixie 'n Gran'ma 'r plannin' on makin' lemonade....
Tracks: *looks at her, a glimmer of interest in his tired blue eyes. Lemonade is still organic, but it's much better than all these dead animal parts*
Denver: 'N 'f Ah'm guessin' rahght, 't'll be th' lavender kahnd th't Gran'ma lahks t' make f'r company....
Lizzy: *makes an 'ew' face* *doesn't really like lemons*
Raoul: *suddenly jumps up from his chair and races up the stairs* Aw maaan! *back and puts his laptop on the table by his plate. Begins to one handed type as he eats*
Jake: *Blink blink* Th-th' table's s-s'posed t' be f'r food....
Raoul: Yeah, well, this is due tonight, but I didn' get no time to work on it because somebody decided to stick my aft in the car 'n drive for ten hours.
Jake: Oh... *finishes washing pans and moves to go wash his face, since he's done with his homework for the night*
Darcy: *To Will* Wh't grade're y'u 'n? *is curious*
Tracks: Oh, he's a freshman at Virginia Tech.
Darcy: ... *Blink blink* 'Sn't th't a universiteh? *confused now*
Lizzy: Woooow, Will! *impressed*
Will: *Ducking his head a bit*
Tracks: *quietly, as he rubs Will's back* Yes, it is.
Raoul: Him 'n our friend Sean're brains. *doesn't look away from his work*
Matthew: J-Jake w-will b-be g-going t-to c-college s-soon...
Raoul: *work work work* Yeah? Which one?
Tracks: *listening quietly. Also hugging Will and Lizzy again*
Matthew: Ole M-Miss... G-Got a s-scholars-ship.... F-full r-ride... *Proud of his eldest*
Raoul: Sweet. I ain't gonna go to college.
Matthew: *blinks and shrugs a bit*
Lizzy: *blinkblink at Raoul* 'Ow come? *isn't judging him, is just curious*
Raoul: I already got a full time job. *gasps then and opens up an instant message window to make sure Rodney and Lisa know where he went*
Lizzy: Doin' wh't?
Lisa: *sent a message asking if everything was okay*
Raoul: *as he reports to his boss what happened* Fixin' high end cars. I got a good client base, too.
Lizzy: Oooo, cool!
Raoul: *grins a bit as he types and then signs off with Lisa* I'm just in it for the cars.
Denver: *is that soft snerk*
Tracks: *shudders just slightly as he sighs. Denver will be able to feel his weariness leaking past his attempts to keep it from her*
Denver: *wordless reassurance*
Hattie and Dixie: *Coming back in with fresh-picked lavender and talking about lemonade and pillow sprays*
Lizzy: *Quietly* Uncle John? 'Re y'u 'kay?
Tracks: *lowers his head to look at the little girl, his arm tightening around her slightly in reassurance* Tracks, darling. Please call me Uncle Tracks. *sigh* And I will be soon. -I hope.-
Lizzy: *Hugs*
Tracks: *rubs her back and bites his cheek to stop himself from clicking* Thank you, Lizzy.
Hattie: *from where she's dumping lavender buds into a pot* Whah don' y'u, Denver, 'n th' boys all 'ead up t' bed? Y'all've 'ad a long day...
Tracks: No. I don't believe I could sleep yet, Mrs. Lamont. Will, are you tired?
Will: *small headshake* //Not sleepy....//
Hattie: *chuckles and fills another pot with water, which gets set to boil* Don' gotta be so formal...
Denver: *bites her lip to keep from snickering, remembers a time not that long ago when she said something similar*
Tracks: *looks over at her as he feels that amusement, and his mouth twitches in a slight smile* Yes, ma'am.
Raoul: *snorts at that*
Hattie: *Gives Tracks an amused Look*
Dixie: *snickering and moving to shoo Darcy and Megan off towards the bathroom, since they have school in the morning*
Tracks: *now considering baby gankage as he watches Dion sleep*
Will: *Sees Hattie slicing up lemons, is curious* *indicates that he'd like down, please*
Tracks: *lets Will go, and loosens his arm on Lizzy slightly to see if she wants to go too*
Raoul: *finishes assignment and sends it, then shuts his computer and brings his dishes to the sink*
Lizzy: *one last hug, then she's going to help Grandma by getting the sugar out of the baking pantry*
Beau: *excuses himself after he finishes washing dishes, intends to go and get ready for bed*
Raoul: Don't hog the whole thing, huh? I need to sleep too tonight. *wash wash wash* Hey, Jake, you ever play computer games?
Jake: J-jes wh'n mah 'omew'rk 'n chores're d-done...
Tracks: *reaches a hand over and tries to coax his wife into his lap*
Denver: *moving to sit on Tracks' lap and rest her head on his shoulder*
Raoul: *glances over at parents and baby brother cuddling and feels a little better* Well yeah. I didn't mean to sluff off with.
Jake: I p-play 'Lords of Haltair'... *small, proud grin* M-my dragon's 'b-bout 's good 's m-my friend, Lord S-Sideswipe's...
Denver: -...Did Ah 'ear 'im rahght?- *still has her head down on Tracks' shoulder*
Raoul: *sputter. He can't help it*
Jake: *blink blink*
Raoul: It's okay, man. I just know that guy. He lives on the base.
Jake: Oh... 'S 'e 's nahce 'n p-person?
Tracks: *face against Denver to hide his amusement*
Denver: *bites her lip to keep from saying "Define 'nice'."*
Raoul: Well... he's kinda a dork. But his babies love 'im. :D
Will: *From where he's helping with the lemonade* Seamus 's a doof...
Jake: *small nod*
Raoul: *finishes washing up and gets his computer, then calls up a picture of Seamus the Shark Attack Victim* Here he is.
Jake: ... *soft snerk* 'E s-said 'e 'ad th't.... Ah thought 'e w's jokin'....
Dixie: *looking at the picture* ... *to Denver* Th's 's Skah's brothah-'n-law?
Denver: *nod*
Raoul: *changes to the next picture, which is Simon holding the shark head up and peeking into it past Seamus' feet*
Dixie: Who's th't? *points to Simon*
Raoul: *sobers* That's Simon. He's kinda my best friend besides the blond bimbo.
Dixie: *small nod* 'E looks lahk a nahce boy.
Raoul: He's a great guy. *next picture. Greg giving Seamus a noogie*
Dixie: 'S th't Simon's brothah?
Raoul: Yeah. One've 'em. That's Greg. I don't got no pictures of Sven yet. *selects a certain picture from the menu, and there is Seamus passed out on the couch with two tiny blanket wrapped forms on his chest*
Dixie: Awwww..... *moves closer to try and get a better look*
Jake: *Quietly* M-Mom likes b-babies...
Raoul: Heh. Babies're cool. *selects another picture, and behold! Raoul under a heap of little people, including a little dark-haired girl baby who is sitting on his head while she sticks her finger up her nose*
Jake: Whossat? *points to the dark-haired girl baby*
Raoul: *grin* That's Firebreak. These two guys, and that set of legs behind us, are her brothers from.... *remembers and corrects* Her brothers.
Jake: *blink blink* F-Firebreak?
Raoul: Her mom's name's Sky. 'N her aunties're Rain 'n Storm.
Denver: *Pings Raoul's earbud* //Dixie 'n Matt know 'bout NEST... 'N Matt's gotta JD penpal...//
Jake: *Comprehension dawns on his face as he nods* D-Denver's friends.
Raoul: *glances at Denver, then turns back to Jake* Yeah. Seamus' Sky's brother in law.
Denver: *snuggling against Tracks and looking perfectly content with the world*
Hattie: *finishing up with making the lemonade*
Jake: B-Beau m-mentioned S-Skah 'n Rain 'n 'is e-mail.....
Dixie: *has gotten quite good at recognizing when someone is in need of sleep* Jake, whah don' y'u go 'n make sure th't th' guest room's got 'nough pillows 'n blankets f'r ev'ry'un?
Jake: *Small nod* Yes'm... *glad for the excuse to go upstairs and go to bed. Doesn't want Raoul to think he's a wuss*
Raoul: See you, man. *grins at the bigger boy. Doesn't think Jake's a wuss. Thinks he himself will be claiming bed space from Beau soon*
Lizzy: *Tells Will goodnight, gives him a hug, and scoots off to get ready for bed as well*
Will: *Scoots back over to Mama and Papa*
Tracks: *puts out an arm and draws him close to Denver's back*
Raoul: *pulls up a picture of Denver and four tall women, once of whom is a blond with a serious face, and the others all have dark hair and strong features*
Dixie: Which 'un's Skah?
Raoul: *slight grin* The one with hippy hair.
Hattie: *Snerks as she sets glasses of lavender lemonade on the table*
Dixie: Ah... Gotcha... *Waits till she hears Lizzy and Jake's footsteps upstairs* *a bit quieter* Y'all met through NEST?
Raoul: *glances over at Denver* Major Mac?
Denver: 'S okay... Ev'ry'un 'ere sahgned 'n NDA....
Raoul: *nods* *quick glance around the room, his eyes checking windows and the staircase with a street child's wariness* Tracks 'n I met Major Mac when her squad was assigned to take care of Tracks' people. 'N then they found Will while we were at the temporary base 'n he chose us.
Will: *peeks at the grownups, before glancing up at Tracks, wordlessly asking if it's okay for him to click or not*
Hattie: Y'all ain't Greys 'r JDs... Ah c'n see th't much....
Matthew: *Slight headtilt, curious now*
Tracks: //Shhh. Not yet.//
Raoul: *slight grin* I'm human.
Hattie: 'N wh't're y'all? *nods to Tracks and Will as she brings over glasses of lemonade
Tracks: Will, Dion, and I are Cybertronians. *tiredly, after taking a glass and thanking her* Refugees.
Hattie: *Surprised to learn that the baby Denver's holding isn't human either* *concerned* Refugees?
Denver: *Quietly* Th'y've been run off'a th'r 'omew'rld, Gran'Ma....
Raoul: *as he closes his computer and reaches for lemonade* Though now some of the guys that did it are with us now.
Dixie: *Small frown* 'S allahs?
Raoul: Some of 'em. Some just took our colours.
Tracks: *snorts* It's a badge, Raoul.
Raoul: Whatever.
Hattie: Colahs? *Raised brow*
Tracks: You'll have to forgive Raoul, darling. He's spent a little too much time on the streets of New York city. Raoul, no handsigns.
Raoul: *is pulling a face instead*
Hattie: *chuckles* Ah thought 'e meant clan colahs...
Tracks: No. He's nowhere near that sophisticated. *tastes lemonade and then signs and drains the glass*
Hattie: S'phistication ain't got nothin' t' do wit' clan prahd.
Raoul: *reaches down the front of his shirt and pulls out a little leather medallion with an Autobadge unsteadily tooled onto it*
Hattie: *Raised brow*
Denver: *Small smile, remembers quite clearly the day Will gave Raoul that medallion*
Tracks: *also gives a slight smile at sight of the badge, but then turns back to Hattie* Would I be able to get another glass of that lemonade?
Hattie: 'Course. *moves to go grab the pitcher and refill Tracks' glass*
Tracks: Thank you so much, darling. *drinks again*
Raoul: *mighty yawn*
Denver: *Gently, to Raoul* Whah doncha go 'n make sure Will's tucked in?
Raoul: Yeah, sure, Major Mac. G'night. G'night Aunt Dixie 'n Uncle Matt. *pauses and looks at Hattie, then picks up his computer and heads for the stairs* G'night.... *gone*
Hattie: *Raised brow as she watches Raoul go*
Tracks: *sighs and leans against Denver, his arms tightening around her and Dion* Don't take it personally, Mrs. Lamont.
Hattie: Gotcha.... *And then she, Dixie, and Matthew are working on cleaning up what's left to clean up*
Denver: *snuggles against Tracks*
Tracks: *watches them in silence, his head once more leaning against the wall. Then he winces as Russell pings his private channel* //What do you want, Red Alert?//
Russell: //Two questions... Where did you go, and will you be alright?//
Tracks: *sullenly* //We're at Denver's aunt and uncle's house.//
Russell: //Dixie and Matthew, correct?// *Sounds relieved*
Tracks: //Of course. I'd be laying on the railroad tracks if it were the other pair I met today.//
Russell: //That bad, huh? Well, as long as you're all safe...// *and now he's starting to sound amused* //The other reason I called was to let you know that you've got another sister now.//
Tracks: *dry and unsurprised* //Well that saves me the trouble of locking them up, then.//
Russell: //How are the boys?//
Tracks: *transmits the sound of a thud and muffled laughter from upstairs*
Russell: *Snerks over the comm* //I'll let you go then... Go snuggle with your wife and baby.//
Tracks: //Yes, I'd surely fail to do that if you hadn't told me, Russell. I'm eternally indebted to you.// *click*
Denver: -Th't doof....- *Snuggle*
Dion: *soft burp as he sleeps*
Tracks: *kisses the baby's hair* //Raoul, don't make me come up there.//
Raoul: *finger in ear from where he just walked into the other dresser too* //Bite me.//
Denver: //Wh're 't?//
Raoul: //.... Thrrrp!//
Denver: *snicker*
Tracks: *amused smirk*
Hattie: ... Wh't th' 'eck's so funneh?
Tracks: *eyes widen, and then his shoulders shake and he hides his face against Denver*
Hattie: *Raised brow*
Denver: *bites her lower lip*
Dion: *Snuggles and laughs in his sleep*
Dixie: ... Y'all're dorks. *Said fondly*
Tracks: *as another thud comes from upstairs* I'm sure you must have us mistaken for someone else, Dixie, darling.
Hattie: *looks up* ...
Raoul: *from the air vent* Holy slag, how much stuff does one room need?
Tracks: *shoulders shaking again*
Matthew: *Snerk*
Dixie: *Gives Tracks an "I told you so" look*
Denver: *shoulders shaking as well*
Dion: *Awake!*
Raoul: *thud!* Awwww beans.
Tracks: *cracks up*
Dion: *poke poke pokeaBubby!*
Denver: *laughing so hard that tears are starting to fall down her cheeks*
Hattie: *going up to see if Raoul needs the first aid kit*
Tracks: That hoodlum. *snork snerf laugh*
Dixie: *fondly* All boys're hoodlums.
Tracks: *shakes his head and wipes his eyes, then reaches up and gently wipes at Denver's* Yes, but Raoul has it to a science. *as roars and a startled yell from Hattie echo down the stairs* See?
Dixie: *Laughs*
Tracks: *dryly* //Beau, do I want to know what just happened up there?//
Beau: //We w're 'spect'n' y'u 'r Sis....//
Tracks: //What did you do?//
Beau: //Will pounced 'n Gran'ma...//
Tracks: *face palm* *calls* Mrs. Lamont, are you alright?
Hattie: *From upstairs* Yeah.... Jes' w'sn't 'spect'n' t' git hug-attacked.
Denver: *Cackles*
Tracks: *slowly shaking his head* Hoodlums....
Dion: *Squeak!*
Tracks: Ah. Hello, Dion. Your older brothers are incorrigible miscreants.
Dion: Thrrrrpt.... *Giggles*
Tracks: *chuckles and kisses the little guy on the forehead*
Dion: *happy sounds*
Denver: We sh'ld prolly git t' bed...
Tracks: Ah... yes. Maybe after that little escapade they'll be willing to settle down. *shifts his weight, and then easily rises to his feet with wife and little brother in his arms*
Denver: *leans against Tracks and sighs happily*
Dixie: Ah stand bah wh't Ah said earliah. Y'all're dorks. *moves to lean against her husband*
Matthew: *Small smile*
Tracks: *striding toward the stairs, and as he and his passengers pass out of sight his voice comes back* Yes, Dixie, but you know what they say about knowing one....
Several hours later
House: *quiet, peaceful. No dogs are barking. No ducks are quacking. Even the cows are silent.* *and then*
Hattie: *Up and crossing the hall to check on everyone*
Will: *doesn't realize Hattie's in the doorway, is clicking up a storm*
Tracks: My word.... Beau? Are you alright? *turns over sleepily, trying to get his eyes open and focused*
Raoul: *is just a lump in the blankets against Denver's back*
Beau: Yessir... Jes' landed on mah butt...
Will: *Peeking at Beau and clicking rapidly*
Dion: *Sleepy clicks*
Denver: *half-awake* Wh't 'appened?
Tracks: Oh Beau just fell out of bed again. *yawwwn. And then blink at the people in the doorway*
Jess: *not very awake herself* Whah th' 'eck w's Beau doin' on y'all's bed?
Beau: *As he gets up and moves to get back on the bed* Sleepin'.
Will: *Hiding against Tracks now*
Tracks: *settles on his back, gently rubbing his son's shoulder* It's called attachment parenting, Jess. *yawwn*
Jess: ...Huh... 'Kay....
Hattie: ... *Considering* D' y'all need aneh more blankets?
Tracks: I think we're fine, Mrs. Lamont. *eyes closed again* Thank you.
Raoul: *absent grumble as he turns over, thus giving away his position*
Denver: *Murmurs something as she reaches to smooth his hair a bit before she goes back to sleep*
Jess: *Wanders back to bed*
Tracks: Beau, that's my foot.
Beau: Sorreh... *moves so he's not laying on Tracks' foot*
Tracks: *peaceful sigh. Thinks he should say something else to Hattie, but falls asleep first*
Hattie: *Watches till everyone falls asleep, then she's moving to return to her bed as well*
((Written with