mbv, Dixie's House, A Surprise for Tracks

Oct 10, 2010 23:14

Fluffy: *gives his loudest morning yell from where he's standing right under Hattie's window*

Hattie: *Awake!*

Fluffy: *crows again, flapping his wings noisily. And then there's a whistle, and a soft clang followed by indignant cackling*

Hattie: *getting out of bed to see what's going on outside*

space under her window: *empty but for a hubcap off her old truck and some chicken feathers*

Hattie: *Snerks, shakes her head, and goes to get dressed for the day with the intention of going on a walk*

Raoul: *is that butt sticking out from under her truck's hood when she comes out*

Beau: *From up on top of the house* Mornin', Gran'ma.

Freddy: *sitting next to Beau* Purkpurkpurk!

Will: *peeks at Hattie from over the tailgate of the truck*

Hattie: *Snorts and shakes her head at Beau* Y'all ate breakfast alreadeh, rahght?

Raoul: *without emerging* Nah, the kitchen just smells like eggs 'n dinoham all the time.

Hattie: *blinks* Dahnoham?

Raoul: *slight pause in the sound of a bolt being ratcheted out, but then it resumes*

Hattie: *raised brow as Will bites his lip a bit*

Will: *pings Raoul's earbud* //Will we get in trouble f'r tellin' her 'bout the Nexus? She knows 'bout NEST already....//

Raoul: *mutters so only his little brother can hear him* I ain't tellin' her.

Will: //'Kay...// *continues to watch Hattie*

Hattie: *has a feeling something's up, but won't press the matter right now. Instead, she'll pet the head of the massive Mastiff that just came out of the barn to say 'Hello' to her* Wha'cha think, 'Azard?

Hazard: *Wags his tail and moves to lay down near Raoul, but not where he'll be stepped on by accident*

Will: *headtilt at the dog*

Raoul: Make sure he don't get Goldie. *finishes loosening the nut and puts it in his pocket*

clothesline: *squeaks as it's pulled over around the side of the house*

Hattie: 'E w'ldn't 'urt 'er. She c'ld clamber all over 'im 'n 'e w'ldn't mahnd 'n th' least.

Hazard: *ears perk at the squeaky clothesline, but that's all the reaction he does. He can smell the new people, and it's clear he doesn't think they're anything to be worried about*

Raoul: *starts removing another nut, grumbling under his breath in Spanish at the recalcitrant bit of metal*

Hattie: *and there's a bit of a grin tugging at her mouth now. She'll go and get some WD-40 out of the workshop in the barn and be back a few minutes later. Before she offers Raoul the blue and yellow can, she's peeking into the bed of the truck and chuckling when she sees Goldie on Will's chest*

Raoul: *eyes the spray can and then turns his gaze toward Hattie, his expression wary and distrustful* Thanks. Set it there.

Hattie: *Sets the can where Raoul told her, attention going to the house when Darcy and her sister come out to gather duck eggs*

ducks: *hear the voices of their keepers and get noisy with quackings and wing flappings*

Fluffy: *makes his warning sound from where he's hiding under a corner of the porch*

Goldie: *scoots into Will's shirt, her leash trailing after her!*

Will: *Acks and squirms* Goldie! That tickles!

Goldie: *izzahidin!*

Hattie: *chuckles and shakes her head before heading off on a walk*

Half hour later

Tracks: *humming to himself as he hangs up a pair of worn jeans*

Hattie: *chuckles when she realizes that not only has Tracks hung up jeans that clearly belong to some of Dixie's kids, there's also some of Dixie's clothes, Matt's workshirts, Jake's coveralls, and Chrissy's jeans, as well as some of her own pairs of jeans, one of which is currently being hung up*

Tracks: *blinks and glances over toward the chuckle* Oh, good morning, Mrs. Lamont.

Dion: *happy babbling from his carrier on Bubby's back!*

Hattie: Good mornin' t' y'u too, Tracks... Denver's still sleepin'?

Tracks: She and Beau are training. Parkour.

Hattie: *soft snerk* Whah 'm Ah not s'rprahsed th't those two've picked th't up?

Tracks: *pulls another pair of jeans out of the basket and pins them to the line* Well it's all the rage to have a hobby back at the base, so they decided on one they could share. *reaches for another pair of jeans*

Hattie: *small nod* 'N wh't's y'ur 'obby?

Tracks: *Wryly* Collecting hooligans.

Hattie: *Snerk*

Tracks: Oh, I found these in these pants. *offers her a handful of pretty rocks* Darcy says they aren't hers or her sister's.

Hattie: *chuckles* 'Cause those're mah pants.

Tracks: Ah, then they're yours. *slight smile*

Hattie: *as she holds out her hand to grab the rocks* Yep... Ah git those New Age 'ippeh tahps fr'm tahm t' tahm want'n t' bah s'me 'f th' more interestin' rocks 'n crystals fr'm me... 'N Ah also git s'me'a mah friends who lahk t' trade fr'm tahm t' tahm....

Tracks: *bit of a sniff as he stoops to get another pair of jeans, but then cocks his head in response to some sound Hattie can't detect* There's the washer. Excuse me for a moment, Mrs. Lamont. *snags basket and turns toward the back door*

Hattie: ... *raised brow*

Tracks: *sees her expression and pauses* ...You didn't hear that, did you?

Hattie: Nope....

Tracks: *hasty glance around, his sensors seeking for anyone else that might have seen his mistake*

Farmhouse yard: *empty aside from the ducks, a big, fluffy sheepdog, and a few barn swallows*

Dixie: *is upstairs, getting ready to go shopping with Matilda*

Matthew: *eating breakfast in the kitchen, as is Jake*

Tracks: *relaxes, though he grimaces slightly* Well, I'd better go check the washer. I'll be right back, Mrs. Lamont.

Dion: Thrrrrrrrrppppppt!!! *Giggle*

Hattie: *Snerks* Cheeky li'l goober....

Hazard: *is going to bark at Matilda's van now, kthx*

Tracks: *slips inside through the back door and then over to the laundry room. Empties the washer into the laundry basket, and then glances around quickly before snagging the bottle of flower-scented fabric softener and taking a long pull at it. Sigh of satisfaction, this is the best breakfast he's had in days*

Dion: *smells something nommy, hear his asking chirrup, Bubby?*

Matilda: *is that terrified shriek from outside as Hazard moves to say 'hello' to her like he does everyone*

Tracks: *pours a bit into the cap and reaches over his shoulder to give a sip to his baby brother* Shhh, Dion. Remember what we spoke... *looks toward the shriek* about. What the deuce?

Dixie: *hollering out the kitchen door* 'Tilda, quit bein' a git! 'Azard won't 'urtcha! 'Ow maneh tahms do Ah gotta tell ya th't 'fore 't sinks in?!

Dion: *happy sounds as he sips at the fabric softener*

Tracks: *sighs* There went the neighborhood. *murmurs to Dion and then takes the cap back and tips it up to drink the rest*

Hattie: *pauses as she walks into the laundry room* ... Yanno, Ah don' approve 'a drink'n fr'm th't sort'a th'ng, Tracks...

Tracks: *nearly leaps right out of his skin, and spittakes fabric softener all over the wall he's facing*

Dion: *babbling!*

Hattie: *giving Tracks and Dion a studious look as she realizes that he was actually drinking fabric softener, and not just something else from the cap* Y'all ain't lahk 'umans 'n th' least, 'r ya? *doesn't sound the least bit frightened, but rather, she's curious*

Tracks: *swallows and presses his lips together, his expression showing his chagrin and dismay at being the one caught doing something improper* *quietly* Close the door, please.

Hattie: *moves to do so*

Tracks: *settles on the chair that's in the room, his troubled blue eyes watching her*

Dion: *Chirrups curiously. Why's Gramma doing that?*

Hattie: *Door closed, she'll now lean against it and study you, Tracks. Those blue-green eyes, despite being surrounded by years of laugh lines and crow's feet, don't miss much*

Tracks: We're like humans in a lot of ways, Mrs. Lamont. But physiology isn't one of them. *glances back at Dion, and then checks for Denver over their bond*

Denver: *on her way back, is currently chasing Beau for noogying her*

Hattie: *small nod, will indicate that Tracks should continue to explain*

Tracks: *being careful now, making sure no one else will be able to overhear him as he considers his best course of action. Finally unties the baby carrier and slips Dion off his back before offering his little brother to Hattie*

Hattie: *Will hold Dion against her chest as the little one babbles happily*

Tracks: I suppose I'd better show you. *stands and transforms to his root mode*

Hattie: *and now both brows are up* 'N Will's lahk y'u?

Tracks: *nods* Dion is as well. *lifts his chin proudly as he adds quietly* I was in my and Denver's wedding picture, even though I was too sedated to even remember my name.

Hattie: ... *realizing he overheard Dixie saying what a shame it was that he wasn't in the wedding picture* Th' 'Cuda 'r th' Cobra?

Dion: Vrrroom! *Giggle*

Tracks: *sniffs* Oh the Cobra, of course. I'd never wear something so uncouth as a Barracuda.

Denver: *in a bit of a grumbly mood since Beau managed to get away from her, is going to have some breakfast*

Tracks: -The cat's out of the bag, darling.- *sheepish feelings with the thoughts, though it doesn't show on his faceplates*

Denver: -...Who knows?- *is starting to feel a bit ill*

Tracks: -Your grandmother... darling, are you alright?- *haughty brow changes to an expression of concern as he optics go unfocused*

Hattie: Ah'm guess'n' th't y'all managed t' fahnd a 'Cuda th't looks lahk th' 'un Denver restored?

Denver: -Ah... no.- *is that sound of someone running for the bathroom now*

Hattie: ... *Moves to touch Tracks' shoulder*

Tracks: *startles and looks at Hattie, then swiftly transforms* No, that is her Barracuda. *quick kiss for Dion's tiny head* Be good for Grandma, alright, darling? *gone to check on his wife!*

Denver: *feeling all kinds of miserable, didn't even have time to close the bathroom door before she urked into the toilet*

Hattie: *confused, will bring Dion to the kitchen then*

Raoul: *wanders into the kitchen with Will in tow, gets out the frozen bamboo shoots again and applies both sets of knuckles to it this time*

Dion: Ool! *Reaching for Bubby!*

Hattie: *concerned by the way Will's hiding behind Raoul*

Raoul: Hey, Dion. Will, you wanna grab the runt? *examines one knuckle and scowls, then puts it back on the frozen veggie bag*

Will: *small nod, moves to grab Dion*

Hattie: 'Ow bad off's BJ th's tahm?

Raoul: *doesn't look up* He's out.

Hattie: *Snerks* 'T's 'is own darn fault.

Will: *Quietly* BJ 'n his brothers jumped Raoul.....

Hattie: ... 'S th't so? *frowning* Ah knew th'y di'nt 'ave much sense...

Raoul: *scowls as somebody starts screaming and wailing outside*

Hattie: ... *sighs, grabs the first aid kit, and heads outside*

Tracks: *responding to the noise as well as he comes barrelling out of the bathroom, snags Dion in passing, and follows Hattie out the front door* What happened?

Hattie: Raoul got jumped bah BJ 'n 'is brothahs. *nods to where Chrissy's got one by the ankles and is threatening to give him a good shake, BJ's out cold on the ground, Kyle's up a tree to get away from Lizzy, and the other two boys are being held by their wrists, courtesy of Beau*

Dion: Thrrrrrpt! Thrrrrrpt! Thrrrrrpt!

Tracks: *stops when he sees that the wailing is only Matilda's youngest again. Snorts* What is that lot of little cretins' problem?

Hattie: 'Tilda.

Chrissy: *to Tracks* Aunt 'Tilda don' discipline 'em, 'cause she nevah got 't as a bratl'n'. *is scowling and looking like she's seriously considering giving the boy she's caught that good shake*

Tracks: Oh for the love of... people like her should be locked away where they can't hurt anyone, or themselves. *rubs Dion's back*

Dion: Thrrrrpt... *Snuggles Bubby*

Beau: 'Ow's Sis? She w's lookin' a bit peckish earliah....

Tracks: *swaying softly on his feet* She's treating Raoul's knuckles so they can do their morning training.

Beau: *nods, concerned* 'Re y'u feelin' 'kay, Tracks?

Hattie: *Tending to cuts and scrapes, and giving the boys their punishments, no complaining, don't make that face or it'll stick like that, don't argue with me*

Tracks: *quizzical look for Beau, but then understands and smirks slightly* I'm baby dancing, Beau.

Beau: *snerks* Dork... *laughs as Dion razzes him* Y'u're a dork too, Dion...

Dion: XP

Tracks: Yes, well, I have it on excellent authority that it takes one to know one. Right, Dion?

Dion: *Razzes Bubby too*

Hattie: *trying not to snicker*

Lizzy: *Finally lets Kyle out of the tree, then socks him one for something he just said*

Kyle: *Just got owned by a girl, yells like one*

Tracks: *winces at the 10 year old's shrill scream and holds Dion protectively* Oh put a sock in it.

Raoul: *rambles down the steps and over to an empty spot on the lawn. Checks it over for bird presents and then kicks off his sneakers and socks*

Chrissy: *As she drops Chris onto his butt* Kyle jes' got owned bah a girl a whole yeah younger th'n 'im... *attention going to Raoul* Huh?

Denver: *Sauntering out with Jake and Will trailing after her, will move to get her own shoes and socks off before moving to stretch out a bit*

Dion: *happy flails* :D

Lizzy: *saunters over to stand by Jake, who is currently sporting a Will backpack*

Denver: *finishes stretching, then gets into a ready stance*

Raoul: *hunkers down to look under the porch for the rooster instead of at his sparring partner*

Denver: *Watches Raoul for a few moments, before making a feint at him. She'll stay just outside of his striking range, which she's learned through many mornings of sparring*

Raoul: *watches the chicken. Sees no mother!*

Denver: *watching Raoul, will move to poke him in the ribs before backing off quickly*

Raoul: *leaps up and right over her just before her finger connects. Pokes her in the lower back and dances away*

Tracks: *snorts at the showoff from where he's baby dancing*

Dion: Bubby! Mama! :D

Hattie: *watching, even as she works on waking BJ up from his nerve poke induced slumber*

Will: *peeking over Jake's shoulder*

Denver: *laughs and moves to circle Raoul, keeping her midsection protected but still ready to attack at any moment*

Raoul: *flaps hand and finger sore from being bashed against BJ's teeth, then decides he's not using his hands this morning. Leaps up again, and there's a flurry of strike and counter strike that's nearly too fast to see as he and Denver engage*

Hattie: *low, impressed whistle as she watches the combatants*

BJ and his brothers: *A bit sullen as they realize how badly they're outclassed by the "City Slicker"*

Tracks: Raoul, what have I said about showing off?

Raoul: *whirls and headbutts Denver lightly in the shoulder* Can it, old man.

Denver: *grunts a bit as she's headbutted, before she's trying to knock her knee into Raoul's midsection*

Raoul: *sucks his gut in and falls on his rear, then rolls quickly to try and get out of range*

Denver: *pressing the attack for a few moments more before she mis-steps as her vision swims*

Hattie: *Frowns as she sees this*

Raoul: *sees her stagger and thinks it's a sneaky move, uses the split instant of time to regain his feet and lower his head for a feint*

Tracks: Denver!

Raoul: *skid!*

Denver: *is now sitting down and wondering if maybe something is wrong with her*

Beau: *Concerned, moves to approach* Sis?

Tracks: *down on one knee, holding Dion close and shaking his head woozily* No... no more sparring, darling.

Dion: *Fuss!*

Denver: Y-yeah...

Raoul: *crouched by Denver and studying her eyes as he scowls with concern*

Denver: *Is a bit dizzy, and her eyes are looking just a bit unfocused*

Hattie: *Sending the girls off to wait for the bus with their cousins*

Will: *biting his lip* //Papa, is Mama hurt?//

Tracks: //No, darling. Mama's not hurt. Mama... is just a little strained. Please come get Dion?//

Will: //'Kay...//

Jake: *Will move to bring Will over, and then he'll cradle Dion as the little guy fusses*

Hattie: Jake, whah don' y'u, Beau, Will, 'n Raoul 'ead 'nsahd 'n Tracks 'n Ah'll 'elp Denver 'nt' th' 'ouse?

Raoul: *sullen and rebellious look for Hattie*

Tracks: *slipping his arms around Denver to try and help her up* Shhh, darling. Let's get you into a nice warm bath.

Denver: Y-yeah.... *leaning against Tracks and trying to make things stop spinning*

Hattie: Raoul, Ah ain't got a clue whether Denver's got anehth'n' th't'll 'elp 'er feel bettah...

Raoul: *shortly, as he points to Tracks* He's right there.

Hattie: 'Sahds Tracks... Blanket, stuffeh, anehth'n' else?

Raoul: *quietly* She don't need nothin' else. *turns to Beau* Which pocket's her rose bath stuff in?

Beau: Bottom pocket 'f 'er suitcase...

Raoul: Okay. *turns and runs inside, his bare feet light on the path and the porch*

Tracks: *murmuring softly to Denver as he holds her and transmits affection to try and help her calm down and feel better*

Beau: *going to head inside with Will and Jake now*

Denver: *Quietly apologizing for raising a ruckus*

Tracks: Shhh, darling. Nonsense. *gentle kiss for her cheek as he smooths her hair* Shhh.

Hattie: *Will hold the door open, a considering look in her eyes*

Denver: *taking a few deep breaths and laying her head against Tracks' shoulder. She has no idea why she's been feeling so cruddy today, and it frightens her a bit*

Tracks: *continues the gentle stroking of her hair* -We've all been under stress, darling. This is probably my fault.- *transmits his feelings for her*

Hattie: *Gently ushering the couple into the house*

Denver: *Quiet sigh, is glad Tracks is here*

Tracks: *absent frown for Hattie and it's plain that his mind is on other things, but then he gently scoops his wife into his arms and allows himself to be herded inside*

Raoul: *from upstairs* Hey, Dion, don't bite the soap!

Hattie: *soft snerk*

Denver: *Thrill of alarm that does nothing for her dizzy and ill feelings*

Beau: *Bites his lower lip and goes to help Raoul*

Tracks: Shhh. That glycerin soap won't hurt him. *starts slowly up the stairs, leaning against the wall so that Denver's dizziness doesn't send them back to the bottom*

Denver: A-Alrahght.... *focuses on breathing*

Tracks: *gets her to the top and brings her to the guest room, then closes the door to let her get ready for the bath. His voice may be heard murmuring about rest and a little cuddle time, and feeling all better*

Raoul: *has made the entire upstairs smell like roses*

Hattie: *Will get started on cleaning up the kitchen from breakfast then, chuckling when she smells the rose scent*

An hour and a half or so later...

Denver: *waking up. She's cuddled in Tracks' arms on the couch in the living room, and for a few moments she's not sure why she's waking up.... then it sinks in that she's thirsty. Carefully getting up, she'll head to the kitchen to get a drink. For a little while, she and Hattie are engaged in conversation about various and sundry topics, until Hattie mentions something that has Denver pausing and transforming. Moments later, there's a jolt of surprise from her*

Tracks: *scrambles to his feet and hurries into the kitchen* Denver? Darling, what happened?

Hattie: *amused* Even now, she lahks t' streak...

Denver: *has her chestplating open, and as she turns to show Tracks what's got her so surprised the little femme spark that's nestled next to hers becomes visible*

Tracks: *stops dead as his eyes go wide with shock and his mouth falls open*

Denver: *Quietly, sounding a bit awed* Mah spark budded....

Tracks: *sucks in a gulp of air, and then bites his lip and comes to put his arms around her as tears run down his cheeks. Denver will be able to feel his maelstrom of emotion*

Denver: *is feeling a bit overwhelmed all of a sudden, her own emotions fighting with the maelstrom of Tracks'*

Tracks: *dimly aware that he's shaking, and strongly aware that he wants to protect that tiny bright light. Gently pushes Denver's chest panel closed even as he sends a slightly garbled message to Russell*

Russell: *concerned* //Tracks? What's wrong?//

Tracks: *tries again, transmits some static at the end, and then databursts an image*

Russell: //Congratulations, Tracks... I'll see what I can do about coming down to do a checkup, and we'll make sure there's a protoform available.//

Tracks: //We have to come back. It's not safe here.// *circulates deeply as his emotions steady, and then tries to mask his concern from Denver*

Russell: //Understood... When will you be leaving Alabama, so I know when to schedule the checkup?//

Tracks: //As soon as I can get the boys packed.//

Denver: *disagreeing with that* *quietly* -Th' reunion....-

Tracks: *aloud* Blast the reunion, Denver. I need to make sure you're safe.

Denver: *getting that stubborn set to her jaw* Th' new NEST recruit'll be th're, Tracks.

Tracks: We can meet them another time.

Denver: *giving him a Look*

Tracks: *Looks back*

Hattie: *as she moves to finish washing dishes* Y'u sh'ld tell th' boys.

Tracks: *glances at her with irritation, but then turns back to his wife*

Denver: Ah ain't th' onleh MacKenzie gal who's 'spectin', Tracks. 'Sahds, Ah ain't got no interest 'n startin' a famileh feud f'r not show'n up.

Tracks: *clenches his jaw and tries not to show/feel too strongly lest he influence her unfairly* *finally, after several moments* Oh... the pit with petty feuds! Alright. //Russell, we won't be coming back after all. Denver has her spark set on the reunion.//

Russell: //Should I PINpoint down to give her a checkup?//

Tracks: *lifts his eyes back to Denver's* Russell's wondering if he should come down to give you a checkup.

Denver: *concerned* Not 'f 't'd leave th' Rutegers 'lone f'r too long....

Tracks: *softly* Remember how PINpoints work.

Denver: ... *small nod. Truth be told, she's a bit scared*

Tracks: *gentle kiss for her forehead as he tries to squash his own fears and push away flashbacks* //How soon can you get here?//

Russell: //ETA three minutes... Meryl, let go of my hair please...//

Tracks: *gives him the coordinates to the back of the shed near the road, and tells him about the dogs and the turkey*

Russell: //I'll be there soon. Russell out.//

Tracks: //Alright.// *focuses on wife again, doesn't realize that he's shaking* *softly* You should change back to your alt mode, darling.

Denver: *Small nod, moves to do so*

Hattie: *looks out the window as Hazard barks to announce a visitor* Huh... Ah don' see aneh cars sahds y'all's 'n mah truck....

Tracks: *absently, as he steps back from Denver so she can change* It's our medic, Mrs. Lamont. He's coming to check on Denver and... *sucks in air and goes nearly blind with worry* The baby.

Hattie: Ah'll git s'me lemonade stahted th'n...

Russell: *moving to approach the house, is being followed by Hazard and the sheepdog, both of whom are happily wagging their tails*

Tiger: *slinking 'just out of range', her green eyes focused on the funny guy that appeared out of nowhere and scared her pigeon nom*

Freddy: *purking and following the new guy*

Russell: *knocks on the door once he's on the porch*

Hattie: Jes' a minute! *moves to get the door* *Raised brow* *Even though she knows this guy may very well be the medic Tracks mentioned, she's not about to let him into the house till he proves who he is* 'Ow c'n Ah 'elp y'u?

Russell: I'd like to speak to Tracks and Denver, ma'm.

Denver: *leans against Tracks* -Gran'Ma won' let 'im 'n till she knows 'e's who 'e says 'e 's... She did th't t' th' Col. too....-

Tracks: *still shaking and circulating deeply as he wraps Denver protectively in his arms. Can't think of anything to say right now*

Dion: *From the playpen in the living room* 'Uss! Uss! :-D

Russell: *chuckles softly, before he's getting out a set of dog tags to show Hattie. One of them has the Autobrand on them, and apparently that's good enough for her, as she lets him into the house*

Hattie: Th'y're 'n th' kitchen... *will go get Dion*

Tracks: *eyes closed and face hidden in Denver's hair as he leans against the wall*

Russell: *gently* Tracks? *will scan Denver*

Tracks: *brb silent panic attack*

Denver: *taking deep breaths and trying to stay calm*

Russell: *will put a gentle hand on Tracks' shoulder* //They're both healthy. Denver's got another three weeks or so before your daughter will be ready to go into her own shell.//

Tracks: *tightens his grip but doesn't open his eyes. He doesn't want Russell to see the expression in them*

Russell: *Quietly* Jack's steadied.

Tracks: *lifts his head and looks at the medic*

Russell: *looks like he's a bit worn down, but he's relaxed* He was having a nap with Rachel when I left, and he had a smile on his face.

Tracks: *quietly* Oh of course he would. She's probably got his head spinning so hard that he doesn't know his own name.

Denver: *Very soft snerk*

Hattie: *bringing Dion in now*

Dion: Bubby! Mama! Sissy!

Tracks: *blinks as past events register in his processor. Turns his head and looks at baby brother* You knew.

Dion: Thrrpt. *giggle*

Russell: *chuckles* Sparklets tend to be able to hear that sort of thing, Tracks...

Hattie: *raised brow* Sparklets?

Tracks: *sighs* Cybertronian babies, Mrs. Lamont. I'm sure you can see where we got the term.

Hattie: Huh...

Russell: *to Tracks* We'll get a protoform ready for your daughter.

Tracks: Yes, thank you, Russell. Hadn't you better be getting back to the med ward now?

Russell: Teach your code donor's carrier to suck oil. *Gone*

Denver: *Snerk*

Hattie: ... Th' #&%@ w's th't?!

Tracks: *startles at Hattie's response* Ah... that would be a PINpoint. Teleportation.

Denver: ... Speakin' 'a PINpoints... 'S too quiet....

Tracks: *blinks and looks at her* What do you mean?

Denver: Th' boys... Ah can't 'ear aneh saghn 'f 'em....

Hattie: Th'y said th'y w're goin' f'r a walk....

Tracks: *frowns* //Beau?//

Beau: //Yessir?//

Tracks: //Where have the four of you gotten to?//

Beau: //... *A bit sheepishly* We brought Jake t' meet th' otha Beau 'n Raoul 't th' Black Dog...//

Tracks: *face. palm* *mutters about hooligans*

Hattie: Wh're 're th'y?

Tracks: *looks at Denver, wondering what he should say*

Denver: Th'y went t' a pub f'r food....

Hattie: *Snorts and looks at Tracks* Y'u weren't jokin' wh'n y'u said y'ur 'obbeh's collectin' 'ooligans....

Tracks: //So... whose idea was this, hmmm?//

Beau: //Promise y'u won' git mad 't 'im?//

Tracks: //Beau, just tell me.// *stern expression*

Beau: //'T w's Will's ahdeah...//

Tracks: *slight wince* *aloud as well as over comms* He wanted a Cybertron Sunrise, didn't he?

Beau: //Yessir... but 'e shared our plate'a poutine 'nstead....//

Tracks: *weary sigh, and then unstraps his watch* Mrs. Lamont, would you be a dear and go make sure they don't get into trouble? I think Denver and Dion are ready for another nap.

Hattie: Alrahght...

Denver: *quietly, from where she's resting her head on Tracks' shoulder* 'F Will w'nts a Cybertron Sunrise, make sure Jake knows not t' say noth'n 'bout 't....

Tracks: *offers the watch* Just press the green button. It's already set.

Hattie: Alrahght... *takes the watch* Wh't's a Cybertron Sunrise?

Tracks: *slight smile* Candy. Only it's good for us.

Dion: Omnumnum.....

Hattie: *Snerks*

Tracks: *kisses Dion's hair* Yes, darling. Om nom nom. *moves to guide Denver back to the living room and the couch* Oh... don't be alarmed at the size of some of the pub patrons, Mrs. Lamont.

Hattie: ... Alrahght, but 'f Ah git stepped on, Ah'm comin' back t' hauntcha.

Denver: *Faint thread of amusement mixed in with tired feelings*

Tracks: *pauses and gives Hattie a curious look* How did you know I meant something that big?

Hattie: Anehth'n' th't warrents a "don' be 'larmed at th' sahze 'f" warnin's gotta be bigger th'n a bull....

Denver: -She's gotta point....-

Tracks: ...True. Though I must admit I have no idea how big a bull is. *resumes family guiding*

Hattie: 'Pendin' 'n th' breed, pretteh darn big.... *And now she'll go and check on her grandsons*

Tracks: *and Tracks will settle with Denver and Dion on the couch and have a peaceful rest*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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