Dinobaby: *snoozing right on the bar as Rhinox steps around him to work*
mLumen: *Can has Dinobaby pillow*
Nemesis: *polishes around them without even pausing*
mEclipse: *Arguing in hushed tones with tDesinex, even as she works on repairing the smaller femme's worst injuries*
Mal: *pops up from under the bar and goes to join the bittypile*
Rhinox: *steps over her too as Lucky clicks without waking in the shield cradle on his back*
tgDinobot: *sitting quietly and contentedly in a dark corner as he watches over Rhinox for Spazz*
tShowtime: *Managed to get up to the rafters somehow, is enjoying her view of the entire bar*
Nemesis: *idly* Spazz could be gone another week. You gonna stay up that long?
Rhinox: *as he slides a cube down the bar* Yup.
hsvSunhalo: *catches cube, drinks*
hsvLumen: Aww, 'Halo, that was mine! *Sulk*
Tarantulus: *as he moves to get an order for one of the tables near the door* You're a braver mech than I am, Rhinox... Showtime would give me The Look if I tried anything like that, if little Oppy and Mira didn't....
Strange, feather-covered reptile-mech: *hissing slightly as his companion holds the door open for him*
mLumen: *ears twitch*
Rhinox: *looks toward the hissing, his brow ridges creasing in a frown* Spazz isn't here to give me any looks.
tgDinobot: *also looking toward the hissing, his red optics sharp but only mildly quizzical*
Tired-looking techno-organic mech: *arguing quietly with his companion, glances around for a few moments, before his golden-colored optics lock onto mLumen. His entire demenor changes in an instant as he smiles, which may make him look a bit like a certain missing mech...*
Feathery mech: *is quite wary of the differences in tech that he's seeing so far. It's clear though that he trusts his companion not to get him slagged*
Rhinox: .... //Mutt, your aft is slag.//
mWakeJumper: //*chuckle* I kinda figured....//
mLumen: *little nose wiggles as he catches a scent in his dreams that seems familiar*
Rhinox: *turns his optics from WakeJumper to the feathered mech* .... *seems to look elsewhere for a moment, and then turns and resumes mixing drinks*
mEclipse: *in a snark match with tKriti now, doesn't notice mWakeJumper till he approaches*
Nemesis: *pokes Eclipse* No fighting.
mEclipse: .... Not even shooting him in the aft?
Nemesis: Not in here.
mEclipse: Aww....
Feathery mech: *attention going to mWakeJumper* Hnn... I suppose you were not exaggerating on this account, Mongrel....
Dinobaby: *sits up and SCOWLS* Rrrrrrrrrrr.
Feathery mech: *studious headtilt* And perhaps on this account as well...
mWakeJumper: Aw, mute it... I'm prolly gonna get my hand chomped anyways.... *to Dinobaby* You been behaving, bratling?
mLumen: *watching the funny-looking mechs while pretending to still be asleep*
Dinobaby: ...You. *hissssssssss*
mWakeJumper: Glad to know I'm still remembered...
tKriti: Well if it isn't the Frag-Up Fairy...
Feathery mech: *Attention on tKriti now, slight scowl, or at least, as much as he can manage while in alt-mode*
Dinobaby: *is that tiny velociraptor attached to your hand now, Mutt*
mWakeJumper: *yelp! Tries to get his hand back, kthx*
Feathery mech: *and now he's got a decidedly smug look as he watches mWakeJumper* Hnn.... You should not have insulted him, Mongrel. *blinks and backs up a few steps when mEclipse points the business end of her screwdriver at him*
mEclipse: I dunno who you are, but nobody gets to insult Wake but me, Spazz, Mal, Dinobot, and Kriti. *Serious femme is serious!*
Rhinox: *walking past* He's Dinobot.
Dinobaby: *chews!*
fDinobot: *now has a spooked look as he glances to Rhinox*
mWakeJumper: Ow! Let go! *trying to get Dinobaby to let go of his hand* I can't give you any gifts if you don't!
mEclipse: ... *Raised brow ridge*
tKriti: ... And Rat's not even around to appreciate another Dinobot.... Shame....
Dinobaby: *growl snarl chomp!*
Rhinox: *sighs and comes over to catch hold of the angry chibi* Dinobot, let go. NOW.
Dinobaby: *stink eye*
Rhinox: I mean it.
Dinobaby: *lets go and then is an unhappy chibi crying as he cuddles in Rhinox's arms*
Rhinox: *turns and hops down to go to the nest with the little guy. Will let Lucky down to sleep in the nest while he's at it, too*
mWakeJumper: *Rubs at his hand a bit before getting a cloth doll out of subspace. It's got a rough resemblance to a certain rodent-mech, and is obviously hand-made* *Sets it on the counter where it won't be in the way, but will still be seen and grabbed. Then he's got a wiggly, excited Maximal puppy tackling him and giving him puppy kisses* Ack! Lumen! *laughs and cuddles his son*
fDinobot: *in a stare-off with mEclipse, is holding his own quite well against the Maximal femme*
Nemesis: *flips fDinobot with her bar rag in passing, then goes to mix a Chromia for that G1 Ironhide over there*
fDinobot: *startles, growling at Nemesis*
mWakeJumper: *attention going to his traveling companion* *Firmly* Chill. Nemesis is Alpha.
fDinobot: *low growl, but stands down*
tgDinobot: *has come up and gotten onto the bar behind them without being noticed* You... hrrrn... would do well to watch yourself... brother.
fDinobot: *Wary now, studies tgDinobot with first one eye, then the other*
mWakeJumper: *acks when Lumen transforms and gets him in a ticklish spot on accident*
tgDinobot: *quietly to his alternate, his red optics serious* I am as you might have been.
Dinobaby: *just got boosted back onto the upper counter. Crawly crawly wigglebutt! Sees big brother and is going to see him!*
Rhinox: *follows the chibi with a bound, and then settles to mixing drinks again*
Rag-Rat doll: *flopped on belly, button eyes shining in the lights of the bar*
fDinobot: *Softly* Hnnn.... Then it would appear that the mongrel was speaking the truth.... *considering something now*
mEclipse: *string of obscinities as tDesinex drops down on her from the rafters*
Dinobaby: *crawls over doll and goes sprawling, then turns onto his side to pick it up and investigate it* Vermin!
tgDinobot: *glances at the little one, his mouth quirking at one corner* I suppose everyone must at some point.
fDinobot: *Makes up his mind, will transform. In root mode, he stands close to seven feet tall, and is slender but still solidly-built*
mWakeJumper: *to Dinobaby* And this one can't sass ya... *chuckles as he's cuddled by his son. In the few minutes he's been here, he's relaxed considerably*
Dinobaby: *gonna ignore you, Mutt. He's busy chewing his new friend's eyes off*
tgDinobot: *scoops the little chibi up and tucks him into the crook of his arm* Hrrn, where is Yorick?
Dinobaby: Sleeping. *gnaw gnaw gnaw as he curls up against his bigger alt's chest*
tgDinobot: *gives his bit of a smile, and then looks back at his techno-organic alt*
Nemesis: *picks tDesinex up and drops her in a cube of singer*
tDesinex: *startled flail for a few moments before she hiccups*
Nemesis: *fishes her out and sets her on the floor* Go to bed.
tDesinex: Mmmmmkay.... *Wanders off in the general direction of the apartment*
Nemesis: *hand reaches for mEclipse*
mEclipse: *huffs and mutters about tiny menaces getting underfoot*
Nemesis: *gank! Set on Mutt's lap*
tgDinobot: *just watching all this*
mLumen: *Happy snuggles against Mama and Papa!*
fDinobot: *amused snort as mEclipse lightly boxes mWakeJumper's ear*
Nemesis: *grabs the whole little family and sets them on the floor, making sure that Mutt's got hold of the others* Go to bed.
mWakeJumper: Yes, Nemesis. *moves to take his family to the apartment, pausing only to grab tDesinex*
tKriti: Lemme guess, time for Show and me to go too?
Nemesis: You're not causing trouble yet. *resumes polishing the bar*
tKriti: *Smirk*
tShowtime: *From her perch in the rafters* Don't even think about it, Kriti.
fDinobot: *attention going to the rafters*
tgDinobot: They're, hrrn, harmless. *looking down at his sleepy-eyed tiny alternate*
fDinobot: *attention back on his alternates* It is a rare femme who is harmless....
tgDinobot: Only if you cross them.
Dinobaby: *sweeeeepy eyes*
fDinobot: *soft snort, thinking of a femme back on Cybertron*
tgDinobot: *quietly* You survived the attack on the valley.
fDinobot: *just as quietly* The vermin would not allow me to die with honor.... Though it came to pass that the greater battle was yet to come....
tgDinobot: Hrrrrn. Would not allow? *normal optic narrows slightly; quizzically*
fDinobot: I was informed that I would only be returning to the Matrix over his "cold, offline chassis".
tgDinobot: Did he reach the battle before the end?
fDinobot: *sighs* He followed me shortly after I left the Axalon....
tgDinobot: *nods* I battled alone.
Dinobaby: Not 'lone. Hrrrrn. Fought with honor.
fDinobot: *quietly* Honor alone is not enough to win battles... And asking for help is not a sign of weakness... *Sounds as though he's had that said to him several times*
Dinobaby: Everybody too far away. Did call. But couldn't wait.
fDinobot: Hnnn.....
tgDinobot: *growls* And then Megatron cloned me again. *spits*
fDinobot: ... *face.palm. mutters something about imbeciles*
tgDinobot: And used half of Rampage's spark to power this shell. >\
fDinobot: *Stiffens, a low growl escaping his vocalizer before he can stop it*
Dinobaby: *growls back, and then gnaws on Ratdolly's ear*
tgDinobot: And when that spark was... hrrrn... extinguished I returned.
fDinobot: Megatron is a fool... One who tried to purge his organic components....
Dinobaby: Purge for processor. *wicked giggle*
tgDinobot: *face palm*
fDinobot: *smirk* Indeed...
tKriti: Most Megatrons are idiots anyways....
tgDinobot: *to his tiny alternate* You spent too much time with the vermin.
Dinobaby: *Look* *resumes dolly nomming*
tKriti: *Cheeky grin* Are you sure Des and I didn't teach him some'a that?
tShowtime: *is that tiny clank overhead as she facepalms*
tgDinobot: *gives them the Look* Hrrrn. You learned it from him.
tKriti: Actually, I didn't. *smirk* I was already a PITA when I was alive back home.
tShowtime: *mutter* And how....
fDinobot: And the mongerel was a better influence? *raised brow ridge*
tgDinobot: *dismissive* The mongrel is an amateur.
fDinobot: *snerks*
tKriti: The mongrel's an idiot. *small scowl*
tgDinobot: *only snorts*
Dinobaby: *sbd*
tgDinobot: .>_<.
fDinobot: *The only hint that he noticed is a very slight cough*
Rhinox: *had been heading their way. Now abruptly turns and jumps down to fill snack bowls instead*
tKriti: *Abandon ship!*
tShowtime: *scampering to another part of the rafters*
Rhinox: //I really doubt the smell will get that high, Showtime.// *work work*
tShowtime: //No, but Kriti likes to share unpleasant experiences.//
Rhinox: *noncommittal rumble*
Dinobaby: *growls softly and snuggles and goes to sleep*
fDinobot: *considering heading out*
tgDinobot: *notices the look on his alternate's face* What are you doing?
fDinobot: There is much I need to learn...
tgDinobot: About this place?
fDinobot: *nod*
tgDinobot: I will show you. But not... hrrrn. Not tonight.
fDinobot: *Small nod*
tgDinobot: *looks over the edge of the bar to where Rhinox is leaning against a big bowl with a lost expression on his face* Tonight I need to sstay at my post.
fDinobot: *attention going that way as well, small nod* Very well.
tgDinobot: *quietly* He will not rest till his femme returns.
fDinobot: *soft hrrn of ackowledgement*
tgDinobot: *even more quietly* Do you know of Tankor?
fDinobot: *lips thin for a moment before he nods*
tgDinobot: *nods as well* The dreams haunt him.
fDinobot: *small nod*
Spazz: *from behind them* Yeah yeah, I knew he wasn't going to sleep. Stop standing around and gossiping about it like a pair of old hens. Gimme Dinobot and get out of here, D2. And you.... *tiny green bayformer femme cocks her head, blue optics quizzical* Who the flying sludge are you?
fDinobot: *narrows optics slightly as he studies Spazz before answering* I am Dinobot.... You are Mongrel's head-voice?
Spazz: ...So that's PsychoMegs era Dinobot. *head tilt as she cuddles Dinobaby* Why?
fDinobot: Hnnn..... Mongrel spoke of you often....
Spazz: You mean argued with me? Actually, technically, that Spazz is my sister. *pats Dinobaby's butt as he wriggles and snuggles*
fDinobot: *blink* ... *very soft snort as things that he saw begin to make sense*
Spazz: What?
fDinobot: *with a hint of amusement* Megatron was... unfortunate.... enough to contract a most unusual virus.... The Mongrel had a hand in that, I believe....
Spazz: *mouth plates twitching* Slaaaaag.
fDinobot: *not smirking, you can't prove it* It was most entertaining to witness Megatron arguing with his medical drone.....
Spazz: *slight snerk* She still around?
fDinobot: *dramatic sigh* Mongrel insisted upon bringing her with us.....
tKriti: *Snerks* Wow, Spazz. You managed to break a Megs.
tShowtime: *climbing down so she can head home with everyone else*
Spazz: *shrug* He's not the first one. So where is she?
fDinobot: Mongrel stowed her in his subspace.... *Has a feeling that that wasn't the smartest move*
Spazz: 0_0 You're.... Slag. I didn't realize he was that stupid.
fDinobot: *slight growl* If it were not for the Mongrel, I would not be alive.
Spazz: That doesn't mean he's not stupid. We're hackers, all of us. And we're also Sewercons.
tKriti: He's an idiot.
fDinobot: *growls a bit at tKriti, gets flipped off for his efforts*
tShowtime: Kriti doesn't like WakeJumper... She'll insult him no matter what anyone says.
Spazz: *starts to reply but then startles and squeaks as fDinobot suddenly gets pushed aside and burly green arms close around her. As she's bearhugged* Ack! Vern!
Rhinox: Spazz! *holding her close and shaking slightly* You're back!
Spazz: *all the smartaft is gone from her voice* Hey, Vern. Take it easy. People are watching. Shhhh. *plants a kiss on him that calms him considerably*
fDinobot: *directing his attention elsewhere, which is made easy as tShowtime moves to scale his side* Hnnn, what are you doing, little one?
tShowtime: Being your guide to the apartment.... And since it's not exactly safe for Kriti and me to be walking back with Des sharing her overcharge, you're helping me out...
tKriti: *moving to go and snuggle Lucky down in the nest under the bar*
Lucky: *quizzical little clicks. He heard Daddy shouting Mama's name!*
Spazz: *slightly distracted by the little clicks* Hey, big Dinobot, you wanna grab Lucky? Vern, you're squishing Dinobot.
fDinobot: ... Lucky? *confused. His packmate never mentioned anyone by that name....*
Rhinox: *gruffly, still holding his wife close* Our son.
fDinobot: *small flash of recognition of the word, moves towards the clicks*
Lucky: *is holding hands with tKriti, his bright blue optics shining in his tiny face as he kicks his feet and lets her know how happy he is to be with her*
Rhinox: *following, Spazz and Dinobaby still in his arms* I should say our other son.
Dinobaby: *sleepy little growl*
fDinobot: *moves to carefully climb down to the nest, inwardly musing on the changes that have apparently occurred for Rhinox to have become a creator*
tKriti: *clicks and snuggles Lucky, paying fDinobot no mind*
Lucky: *notices the new person and starts circulating air and flailing the little limbs that aren't holding onto tKriti. A new friend! Soo exciting! So wonderful!*
fDinobot: *moves to carefully grab Lucky and tKriti, studying the little mechlet curiously*
Lucky: *cuddles and clicks and squeaks, his little bayformer face all smiles as he makes cute for the new friend. Then he glances at tKriti, joyful that she got picked up too and also gets to talk to the new friend*
Rhinox: *smiling as he looks down and watches. He's relaxed and easygoing again, the Rhinox that fDinobot might remember from most days on Earth*
tKriti: *Going into Grump Mode now, kthx. She's decided she really doesn't care for fDinobot, and it shows*
fDinobot: *is careful as he moves to bring Lucky to Rhinox*
tShowtime: *carefully balanced on fDinobot's shoulders and watching everything around the bar*
Rhinox: *turns to offer tKriti his shoulder* Thanks, Dinobot. Catch my arm, will you? You're sleeping on our green couch tonight.
Spazz: *forehead against Rhinox's chest as she watches Dinobaby sleep*
fDinobot: Very well... *moves to catch Rhinox's arm*
tKriti: *scampers over to Rhinox and returns to her visor mode after razzing fDinobot*
tShowtime: ... *Sighs at her sister's behavior*
Spazz: *PINpoints everyone to her family's big cheery living room*
Hrafni: *shout of joy as she leaps off the green couch* Moeder!
mLumen: *Clickstorm and happy yips! And there's a distinct absence of a certain pair of Maximals* Spazz-Aunty! :3
fDinobot: *Raised brow ridge, was not expecting mWakeJumper and Eclipse to leave their offspring with non-pack members....*
Kouji: *Happy yips, Mama is home! He can see her up on the big green guy's head!*
Spazz: *hops down, leaving Dinobaby in Rhinox's arms so that she can hug her daughter and her nephew* Were you guys good?
Hrafni: Not alvays.... ^_^
Voice from the hallway: Define 'Good'.
Spazz: *laughs* These two.
Rhinox: *scooping the excited Kouji up into his arms*
Vi: *enters the room, hovering near eye-level* Oh, so basically, not being like us? *Gives the impression of a smirk*
tKriti: *And now she's climbing down to cuddle Kouji, giving Vi a stinkeye for a few moments as she does so*
Spazz: *snerk* You're as bad Mal, kid.
fDinobot: Dare I ask where the Mongrel went?
Rhinox: Nope. *happy with armload of tiny things. Helps himself to Lucky, too*
Mal: Whatever, loser. *thrrrpt sound from where she's standing under Vi*
Vi: *razzes*
mLumen: Was a flash'a light from Mama's room.... *nodnod*
Spazz: How do I keep making all these sourpusses? *snerk, and then blink* ...No way.
Vi: Way. Doofus spouted some slag about not wanting to lose Short-stuff again.
Rhinox: *mouth twitching as he lays his armload in the big chair* I'd better go check on them.
mLumen: *puppy kissies for Lucky and Dinobaby*
fDinobot: *expression somber as he nods*
Mal: *as she steps aside to let Rhinox by* Hey, don't knock it till you try it, floaty. If somebody can get all worked up over base Spazz there, then there's gotta be somebody dumbaft enough to go for us.
Spazz: Thrrpt. *grins as she watches Hrafni go talk to the bitties*
Vi: *also moves, but she moves to see who Rhinox left in the chair* So how long have you known Doofus and Short-stuff?
Spazz: *shrug* I met Mutt a couple times back before Vern and I wound up in the Nexus. 'Clipsie's lived here a few months now.
Lucky: *sees Vi, gets all excited again!*
Hrafni: *shyly, peeking from under the shadow of her bright red hair with eyes of the same colour* Hi.
Vi: Yeah, hi... *snerks as Kouji yips at her*
Spazz: That's my daughter Hrafni, and my sons, Dinobot and Lucky. And Kouji. He's Kriti's kid.
Vi: Gotcha. I already know Doofus and Featherbutt. Saw Tipsy almost run into a wall earlier... So which one's Kriti?
fDinobot: *growls at the 'Featherbutt' nickname*
tKriti: That'd be me. *Scowls at Vi* And you're target practice, right?
tShowtime: Kriti, be nice.
Spazz: So what do you call yourself? Flying globe? Bunny ears? *kisses Lumen on his fuzzy head*
Vi: *turns to face her older sister* Vituperation. Vi for short. *why yes, she chose her name herself, why do you ask?*
Spazz: *snort* So what happened to your sisters? *meaning the one in Meg's head and anywhere else they might have spread*
Vi: They're pestering the Maximals... *a bit quieter* 'Cept for the first one... Paranoia was good at what she did...
Spazz: Went down with Meggy, right? Did Op go too?
Vi: *dips a bit, her way of nodding* Yeah... It was a pretty epic fight though....
Spazz: *nod* I've seen it. Though in Rhinox's reality Op took Megs down while he was still in a bunny suit like yours.
fDinobot: *Quietly* Optimus died with honor.
Spazz: *gathers up her sons and calls softly to her nephew* They always do.
mLumen: *transforms and moves to cling to Hrafni, since he's had a few instances of accidentally knocking Spazz off her feet while going for cuddles*
Hrafni: *easily hefts the stocky sparklet into her arms, as though he weighs nothing* Do you vant me to carry you to Moeder und Vader's bed?
mLumen: *nods and snuggles against Big Sissy*
tShowtime: *moving to climb down off the chair, intends to check on her plants before she goes to recharge*
tKriti: *climbs down before helping Kouji down as well, then pup and femme are heading off to bed*
Spazz: Mal, Vi can hang out with you tonight, but leave big Dinobot the slag alone. Kapeesh?
Mal: *behind the orange couch* Whatever.
Hrafni: I vill protect Oom Dinobot vile he sleeps. *carries Lumen down the hall to where the exhausted Rhinox has gotten into his hammock and passed out after checking on the newlyweds. Will tuck Lumen in with him after giving the sparklet a kiss on the head* Sleep vell, kleins brother.
mLumen: *quiet clicks as he snuggles Rhinox*
Vi: Whatever...
fDinobot: *Watches Vi hover and move around the room*
Mal: Dinobots are no fun to bug anyway. Hey, Vi, you wanna play zaptrivia?
Vi: ... I may be new, but I'm not stupid, Mal.
Mal: It's a cheap and quick way to charge up. Don't be a glitch.
Vi: *soft hrmph* Alright, fine....
Spazz: Besides, if you're not stupid you have nothing to worry about.
Mal: Shaddup, loser. *turns and scoots down the hall, heading for her comfortable space on the top shelf of the hall closet* C'mon, Vi.
Vi: *Follows Mal after razzing Spazz again*
Spazz: *snerks, then looks up at fDinobot* There are blankets on the back of the couch if you want any. And the TV remote's right there. Don't mind Hrafni. She doesn't sleep, but she's quiet.
fDinobot: *nods, attention going to the hallway for a moment before he's moving to lay down on the couch*
Hrafni: *comes back and hugs Spazz and her little brothers, then settles in the purple chair to read her schoolbook after twitching her ears shyly at fDinobot*
Spazz: *grins and heads down the hall to go make a snuggle pile with her husband and the bitties*
fDinobot: *listens to the sounds of the apartment during a down cycle for a little while before he settles down to sleep*
((Written with