((Continued from
here Meanwhile, over in Trailbreaker's room.
Hattie: *has brought a box of cookies from the cafeteria*
Trailbreaker: *sleeping, his head turned to one side and a hand resting on his chest. Looks so human, despite being in root mode*
Hattie: *Will leave the box of cookies where he can get to it when he wakes up*
Trailbreaker: *snorts behind her* What... Hmmmmmm.
Hattie: *Jumps about a foot!*
Trailbreaker: *startles at the sound of her jump, and then lifts his head to give her a o.0?*
Hattie: *taking deep breaths and giving Trailbreaker a spooked look. She honestly hadn't expected him to wake up*
Trailbreaker: Are you alright? *props himself up on one elbow and turns toward her*
Hattie: Yeah... Ah will be....
Trailbreaker: *concern changes to a smile* Good. Hey... are you one of us? *trying to sit up now. Is going about it slowly and carefully*
Hattie: *headshake, moves to approach* Ah've got famileh in NEST, 'n s'me'a mah grandkids're Cybertronians.
Trailbreaker: *slight grin* The Dinobots? Swoop gave me some fish, but I think they got left behind.
Hattie: *Chuckle* Swoop's a darlin'... 'n so's Sludge... Grimlock, Snarl, 'n Slag remahnd me'a mah own children wh'n th'y were growin' up...
Trailbreaker: *chuckles* Grimlock's something else. The way he took out that heavy machinery back at the river site... *shakes his head*
Hattie: *Fondly* 'E's a tough kid... 'N y'u met two 'f mah otha grandkids 's well...
Trailbreaker: *quizzical look*
Hattie: Jake 'n Raoul.
Trailbreaker: *grins* Ohhhh. So you're part of Tracks' family?
Hattie: Yep... 'is wahf 's mah eldest granddaughtah.
Trailbreaker: *shakes his head slightly, his expression changing to disbelief*
Hattie: Nevah thought Denver'd meet a gah who ain't 'ntimidated bah 'er 'r wh't she's capable 'f doin'.... *chuckles* 'Course, Ah said th' same th'n' wh'n 'er ma met 'er pa...
Trailbreaker: *quietly* And I never thought I'd see the day when Tracks would take a mate, let alone a native organic one.
Hattie: *soft 'Hrmmm' as she considers something*
Trailbreaker: *reaches toward the interesting smelling box now*
Hattie: Th're 're 'CinnaSeekers' 'n th're... wh'tevah those 're... *Chuckles as she remembers how the little blonde gal insisted on putting the glowing plaster chunks into the box and how many words she used to say that the cookies would be good for Trailbreaker*
Trailbreaker: They smell great. *tries to sit up again, but stops and hangs his head instead*
Hattie: *sees the bed controls and moves to raise the head of the bed*
Trailbreaker: *startled* Well would you look at that. I never thought to look. ^_^;
Hattie: *patpats his hand*
Trailbreaker: *sheepish grin, and then he's reaching for the cookie box and having a look inside* That's... a funny looking Seeker.
Hattie: *looks* *Raised brow* Ah ain't evah seen anehth'n' th't looks lahk th't, t' be 'onest...
Trailbreaker: They must be based on some entertainment media I'm not familiar with. *bites one's head off* Oh!
Hattie: Hm?
Trailbreaker: *swallows and gasps slightly as his weary systems go weee at the energy* That's good.
Hattie: *Remembers the blonde gal's warning* Ah'd ask f'r a taste, but 'parently, th't sorta stuff c'n 'urt 'umans 'n otha organic bein's...
Trailbreaker: *nods, and then points to a cookie wrapped in plastic* I think that one's yours. *has to shut his optic band off for a moment*
Hattie: Huh... *Reaches for the plastic-wrapped cookie*
Trailbreaker: *goes to hand it to her, and then curiously gives her hand a gentle poke*
Hattie: Hm? *even though her hand does have some softness to it, the callouses show that she has spent most of her life working*
Trailbreaker: Sorry. It's just the first time I've ever touched an organic person's hand. I never realized it'd be that soft.
Hattie: *Soft snerk* Well, 'umans 're soft bein's... *a bit wryly* Mah 'ands c'ld've been softa, 'f Ah 'ad gotten remarried wh'n th't rich gah offahd yeahs 'go...
Trailbreaker: Rich guys. *snort*
Hattie: *shrug* 'E 'n all'a th' otha gents jes' wanted t' make sure th't th' kids 'n Ah w'ld be alrahght.
Trailbreaker: *thoughtful expression as he crunches the rest of the cinnaSeeker* Yeah, well, if Tracks is married to your granddaughter I guess you don't have any trouble getting along with rich guys.
Hattie: Jes' 's long 's th'y don' trah 'n force me int' th'n's... *Shrug and proceeds to unwrap the cookie*
Trailbreaker: *hand back to his chest after he's done the cookie. Lays and lets his systems process all the energy as he thinks, then looks at Hattie again* *quietly* Have you met Mirage?
Hattie: *nod* 'N 'is wahf.
Trailbreaker: How is he? *concern is evident in the bluff tracker's face and manner*
Hattie: 'E seemed fahn t' me... Sora seemed a tidge skittish though...
Trailbreaker: I don't blame her. But could you describe Mirage to me?
Hattie: *Describes Raj, or at least, his alt-mode* Ah di'n't git t' see 'is otha form....
Trailbreaker: No, I mean how does he act? What's he like?
Hattie: 'E's a smart-aleck. Keeps trah'n t' pull 'un ovah Tracks... *A bit more seriously* 'N fr'm wh't Ah saw... 'E's Sora's rock.
Trailbreaker: *slight frown* So he is different.
Hattie: Ah w'ldn't know...
Trailbreaker: Guess it's not surprising. It'd be stranger if someone came back from the dead and they hadn't changed.
Hattie: ... *blink blink* *didn't know that*
Trailbreaker: *notices her expression* Is something wrong?
Hattie: *Quietly* Di'n't know 'e 'ad c'me back fr'm th' dead....
Mirage: *From the doorway* Only because Primus said Springer and I were both needed here.
Trailbreaker: *startles and then gives the former spy a wan grin* Hey, Mirage.
Mirage: *enters the room, Sharpshot holding onto his hand* It's been awhile, Trailbreaker...
Trailbreaker: Yeah, I got kinda buried in my work.
Mirage: *soft chuckle* So I heard...
Sharpshot: *still holding onto Mirage's hand, but will move closer to Trailbreaker's bed*
Trailbreaker: *looks at her and gives that wan smile again, then holds his hand out to her* *softly* Sharpshot. Hey.
Hattie: *sees the thin cable linking the pair to one another, raised brow*
Sharpshot: *small smile* Hey...
Trailbreaker: What'd you wanna go and hook up with this Towers flunky for? *gentle teasing in his voice and expression*
Sharpshot: *innocently, though her optics sparkle with a bit of mischief* I need a reason besides being in love with him?
Trailbreaker: *tsk* And I thought you had taste. :D
Sharpshot: I do have taste... The social feeds thought I was courting a politician.
Trailbreaker: *chuckles* Yeah, that's true.
Mirage: At least she didn't try courting Sunstreaker or Sideswipe.
Trailbreaker: Oh shards, are they still around?
Mirage: *Dryly* Ask Optimus about standard cafeteria procedure and about the other uses for our lunch trays...
Hattie: *Snerks*
Sharpshot: They are, and they're both claimed... *Chuckles*
Trailbreaker: *face. Palm* What femme worth her energon would have wanted those misfires?
Mirage: *Shares a look with Sharpshot* Skywarp is Sunstreaker's mate...
Sharpshot: And a Dragon Elf by the name of Starpounder claimed Sideswipe as hers.
Hattie: Stahpoundah's friends wit' Jake... She's gotta good 'ead on 'er shouldahs.
Trailbreaker: *silent for a long moment as he stares at Mirage. Hasn't heard Hattie*
Mirage: *Databursts an image that Sideswipe sent him of Sky and Samuel snuggling on a couch* They're in alt-mode in this image... Skywarp goes by Sky Robertson, and Sunstreaker goes by Samuel Robertson.
Trailbreaker: So Screamer's triad's followed him?
Sharpshot: *nods* And so did Alpha Squadron.
Trailbreaker: *brain broken gape*
Mirage: *pokes Trailbreaker in a ticklish spot*
Trailbreaker: *gasps and flails slightly* The whole blasted squadron? But... I killed the dumbest one!
Hattie: Th' 'ole squadron's 'eah, 'cludin' th' itteh-bitteh 'un...
Sharpshot: Nullfire was brought back as well...
Trailbreaker: *slightly bitterly* Then why isn't First Aid in the main med ward helping Ratchet?
Sharpshot: *Quietly* For the same reason Hound isn't here.
Mirage: *gently squeezing his mate's hand* *Quietly* They chose to stay in the Well.
Trailbreaker: But... Beachcomber and his brothers need him!
Mirage: His fight is over... *no, he doesn't sound too pleased about that, but he will respect the young medic's choice*
Trailbreaker: :\ *turns his face to the wall as his optic band blinks with his version of tears*
Hattie: *Doing the first thing that comes to mind and gently rubbing Trailbreaker's shoulder*
Trailbreaker: *and then he's sobbing wearily. The quiet, gruff sobs of a strong man who is embarrassed to cry but who just can't help himself anymore*
Hattie: *Soothing murmur*
Sharpshot: *gently pats Trailbreaker's shoulder as well, but the crying is too much for her, so she and Mirage quietly slip away to go see Jack*
Hattie: *continues to gently rub Trailbreaker's shoulder, despite her concern for Sora and Raj*
Trailbreaker: *statics and shudders, seeming to gasp for air for a few more moments. Then his systems try to kick him into recharge in response to his weariness and he falls silent, though his visor is still lit dimly. He's shaking slightly too*
Hattie: *moving to gently cover him with a blanket, biting her lower lip a bit with concern*
Trailbreaker: *very quietly and rather tonelessly* Will it ever end?
Hattie: *Quietly* God wants it t'... 'E don' lahk 'is children 'urtin'....
Trailbreaker: *shudders, choking slightly on static as his visor flickers again*
Hattie: *gently pats his hand* *can't find the words to say to offer comfort*
Trailbreaker: *big fingers gently close around hers and hold on as he starts to quietly cry once more despite his body's best efforts to the contrary*
Hattie: *Gently* Git s'me rest...
Trailbreaker: *grip tightens just a little* *gruffly and staticked as he gasps at the thought of being all alone again* Don't leave me.
Hattie: Lemme grab a chair.
Trailbreaker: *turns slowly to look at her, wondering why she needs the chair. Then tugs on her hand gently to move her closer to his bed*
Hattie: *A bit confused, but moves closer to the bed*
Trailbreaker: *other hand goes out, and then Hattie will find herself lifted onto the bed, covered carefully with his blanket, and wrapped in his arms*
Hattie: *Surprised by this, but doesn't resist*
Trailbreaker: *gently nuzzles her hair, then rests his cheek against it and falls silent but for a soft whir from his systems, and an even softer sound like some sort of alien melody that comes from the broad chest that she's now pressed against*
Hattie: *puzzled by the soft sound coming from Trailbreaker's chest, but will curb her curiosity for now.* *Will call Denver to let her grandaughter know she won't be back when she said she'd be, no, she's fine, there's no need to come get her*
Tracks: //But whyever can't you come, Mrs. Lamont? Dion's been getting ready for you.//
Hattie: 'Cause Ah'm bein' snuggled.
Denver: //...Bein' snuggled? Bah who?//
Hattie: Trailbreakah.
Tracks: *startled sound, and then a slight chuckle* //I never pegged him for a fast worker.// *says it in a way that doesn't sound like he's making crude insinuation, but does sound very amused*
Hattie: *Soft razz for grandson-in-law* Anehways, Ah'mma be a bit late.... 'Les y'all wanna bring Dion 'ere...
Tracks: //Oh, snuggles are something Dion understands. He'll be alright now.// *more amused chuckles*
Denver: *soft chuckle* //Sh'ld we 'ave s'me'un bring y'all s'meth'n t' eat latah?//
Tracks: //Something other than what Javan's probably stinking up the mess hall with and trying to claim is dinner.//
Hattie: *Soft snerk* Ah'm fahn, th'nks...
Tracks: *still amused* //If you're sure.//
Hattie: Ah'm sure.
Tracks: *acks as Denver pokes him for teasing her grandma*
Denver: //We'll see y'u latah th'n, Gran'ma.// *more Tracks pokage*
Hattie: *chuckle* Alrahght. *moving to settle down and have a bit of a nap*
Jack's room
leggy white dog: *perks ears and looks toward the door as it opens. Does not, however, lift his chin from where it's laying on the belly of the funny smelling nice man who scratched his cheek for him*
Jack: *opening his eyes to see who's there*
dog: *soft sound. He's not sure if these guys are supposed to come in here or not*
Sora: *hesitates, clicking quietly as Raj gently ushers her into the room*
Jack: *Soft chuckle, wants to sit up but knows better than to try*
Ravage: *sits up and bittymews, see the cute say hi?*
Raj: *nods to Ravage as Sora clicks quietly*
Sora: *moving closer to the bed, holding her hand out for the dog to smell*
dog: *ears perked, looks friendly but wary, and tells the funny smelling lady with his body language that this man is his new alpha and that he will protect him*
Jack: *Quietly* Easy... She's family... *Sounds amused*
dog: *settles, and then turns his head as he realizes that the great big not-cat's got his tail again*
Steeljaw: *happy cat*
dog: *ears perk at the massively purring tailhugger*
Ravage: *amused little sound, and then beetles up Jack to kiss him gently on the cheek*
Jack: *reaching to offer ear scritchies with one hand, since the other one isn't cooperating as well as it used to*
Ravage: *likes scritchies. Will kiss the scritchie hand too*
Raj: How are you feeling, Jack?
Jack: Still a bit tired... Not like earlier though...
Raj: *Small nod, looks to Ravage* He hasn't tried to get up, has he?
Ravage: //Only once since Javan took sammich away.// *amused bitty kitty*
Raj: *Gives Jack a mild Look, is given a slightly uneven smile in return*
Ravage: //He was calling to Chinook.//
Raj: *attention going to the dog* And this is Chinook?
Ravage: *bitty nod as she lays down to cuddle against Jack's neck*
dog: *quizzical ears as he hears his name*
Raj: *Clicks quietly to Chinook and offers his hand for the dog's inspection*
Sora: *quiet humming and biting her lower lip*
Chinook: *polite sniff for the hand and then noses it away. He's busy right now. Chin back on Jack*
Raj: *Soft chuckle*
Steeljaw: //He's FLUFFY. *snickering*//
Ravage: //Not as fluffy as you.//
Steeljaw: *Quiet thunderpurr*
Ravage: ^_^ *more Jack snuggle*
Jack: *Soft chuckle, before his eyes are closing and he's thinking about finishing his nap*
Raj: *Quietly* We'll let you rest then, Jack... *moves to guide Sora out of the room*
Sora: *Very quiet clicks as she moves to cling to her husband*
Chinook: *watches the people go, and then resumes protecting the alpha and the not-cats*
Main Ward
Rachel: *lifts her head to watch Sora and Raj leave, then looks down at her work and finishes closing everything up before switching Smokescreen back on* Okay, buddy, lets see how that works.
Smokescreen: *optics flicker for a moment, before he's moving to try and sit up*
Rachel: Easy, sport. You had a lot of components that needed replacing besides your transformation cog and your leg. *nods to Russell as he comes in with a bulging bag on his shoulder*
Smokescreen: ... *confused* What components?
Russell: *nods to Rachel and puts the bag beside the kit he put together*
Rachel: *gives him a long list* The ones that weren't nearly worn out were cracked, or clogged with organic gunk. And don't think I didn't notice your glue and inner tube patch.
Smokescreen: *ducking his head a bit* It worked....
Rachel: *amused* For a definition of 'worked'. *looks at Russell* What's all that, buddy?
Russell: *names off the tools and parts he's got in the bag*
Rachel: *chuckles* Are you going to repair, or going to share? *knows her brother in law is worried for his sister*
Russell: *Thrrrpt* *is indeed very worried for Archiva, and is dreading having to break the news to her about Jack*
Rachel: Smokie, keep picking that and I'll tape your hands. *goes to hug Russell*
Smokescreen: *Meep*
Russell: *Deep breath as he's hugged*
Rachel: *softly* At least he's alive. And up to trying to push his luck.
Russell: *nods, but still looks a bit worried*
Rachel: I never really got to meet her. Is she going to lose it or something? *looks up at him without fully stopping the hug*
Russell: *small headshake* She was a scholar on Cybertron...
Rachel: *brow quirk* So what's the worry?
Russell: Just general anxiety, I guess....
Rachel: *pat pat* Don't make Rinny kick your aft. Oh yeah, Smokie. That's something else you owe me money for.
Smokescreen: *looks up from sneaky weld scratching* Huh?
Rachel: *points to Russell* Bonded and a creator.
Smokescreen: ... *looks at Russell with clear disbelief*
Russell: *Small smirk as he gives Serenity's true designation*
Smokescreen: *Boggling now*
Rachel: *rubs her nose and grins* Oh yeah, and Starscream's bonded too.
Smokescreen: 0_0
Rachel: And so is Fireflight. *grin widening*
Smokescreen: *Hear that dial tone? Yup. He's brain-broken*
Rachel: *grin reaches the widest* And Tracks has a native mate.
Smokescreen: *Brb, rebooting*
Russell: *To Rachel* Do you have to break the brain of everyone who wanders in from far-off lands? *Why no, he doesn't sound amused, not him...*
Rachel: Thrrpt. You're just miffed because I got to it before you did.
Russell: Thrrrpt.... Has Beta been informed?
Rachel: Probably, considering the Chief hauled her home to meet the kids. *starts tidying up the med ward, and then pauses and looks up* Dinobots incoming.
Russell: *attention going to the door*
Greg: Me Greg only chase stupid cows a little bit! How us Dinobots supposed to dig when stupid engineers move river if us sent back home?
Russell: *Snerk*
Sandra: Want to dig more! *Sulk*
Simon: ;_;
Sven: *Sulking because he couldn't stay and play with the dogs*
Sarah: *clings to Simon's back and clicks quietly*
Rachel: Chasing cows? Greg, what have I said about chasing things?
Greg: *tired and cranky flail* WAS ONLY A LITTLE BIT! *stops dead and stares warily at Smokescreen* ...Who you?
Smokescreen: *Blink blink* Er... I'm Smokescreen....
Russell: *chuckles* He's a friend.
Greg: *steps back a little and transforms, then sticks a very big muzzle into Smokescreen's face. Might have bumped into Sven and Sandra in the process*
Sven: *Grouches at Greg*
Sandra: *grouches as well, before scooting over to Mama*
Smokescreen: Ack!
Rachel: *already comforting Simon, offers Sandra a hug too* *calmly* Grimlock, heel.
Grimlock: *turns obediently and steps over to nuzzle her*
Rachel: Don't mind Grimlock, Smokie. He's only dangerous if you're a Decepticon. Or if you have his basketball.
Smokescreen: *Boggling a bit now*
Sarah: Her River staying with him Uncle Keller...
Rachel: Well he's her daddy. *gently tucks Sarah's hair behind her ear*
Sarah: Him Uncle Blaster feeling better?
Rachel: Yes, Aunty Tea is taking care of him. *gentle smile, and then a soft fist for a thump thump on Grimlock's muzzle as he nudges her affectionately*
Sven: Wanted to stay with doggy.... *Sulk*
Rachel: *sympathy and a slight smile* Why don't you go tell your dad about it, Sven?
Simon: *perk* Him Daddy is awake?
Sarah: *Also perks*
Sven: *Grump grump, will go see Daddy then*
Rachel: *winks at Simon and Sarah and waits to hear Sven's reaction to what he sees with Jack*
Sven: *Silent for a few moments, then* DOGGY!!!
Sandra: *Blink blink* Doggy?
Grimlock: *head UP, and then he's transformed and down the hall* Is MINE!
Rachel: *laughing* No, is yours and Sven's.
Sarah: *Clicks to Mama, puzzled*
Rachel: *softly* Someone decided that I needed a dog today. So I brought him home. He's been protecting Daddy and waiting for Greg and Sven to get home.
Sarah: *clicks quietly* Is big doggy?
Rachel: Remember the wolf you saw at the zoo who was watching us that time?
Sarah: *blink blink* Is big like wolf?
Rachel: He looks just like a wolf, only he's white and has blue eyes. *grin*
Sarah: Ooo, pretty doggy.... :3
Simon: That pet too big for me Simon. Me Simon like her Spot and her Speckles.
Sarah: *nodnod* But him Greg and him Sven need big pet.... *attention going to Sandra, who has decided she'd rather snuggle Mama for now*
Rachel: Yes. And they wanted a dog. *kisses Sandra's messy hair* Would you like a dog, princess?
Sandra: *sleepily* Want dog... But not like him Greg and him Sven dog....
Rachel: Russ, you want to hand me the dog that's behind the desk?
Russell: *Chuckles and moves to get the big canvas stuffed dog that's behind the desk*
Smokescreen: *Watching the youngsters with curiosity*
Sandra: *puzzled and sleepy look for Uncle Russ*
Rachel: *nods toward the big, floppy toy* How about that dog, Sandy?
Sandra: *blink blink, soft chirr as she reaches for the toy* Is biiig.....
Rachel: Yup. But he's strong. His fluff won't come out like little Jack's did.
Sandra: *Snuggadoggy* *Happy sparklet purrs*
Rachel: *big grin, and then sends Simon off to find Ryan at the creche* He's got the new pets I got for you and him.
Simon: *curious clicks as he goes*
Destiny: *peeks into the med ward once Simon and Sarah are down the hall, curious chirp*
Rachel: *big grin and holds out her arm* Did Rye show you his and Simon's frogs?
Destiny: *nod nod, scoots over to Sandra and Mama, clicking quietly*
Rachel: *gentle hand on the big sparklet's back* What did you think of them? Do you like 'Pocket Frogs'?
Destiny: Are okay....
Smokescreen: *Attention on the dark-haired woman, both brow ridges raising as he recognizes her voice*
Rachel: *slips her a data chip* *softly* Know the big screen in the living room of the place we've been staying here? The one by the wall?
Destiny: *nod nod, curious chirr as she turns the data chip over and over a few times*
Rachel: Do you know which end goes in the reader?
Destiny: *small nod, looks at Mama with a bit of puzzlement*
Rachel: Okay. Go put the chip into the screen. *grin* I think little Johnny will like it too.
Destiny: *another small nod, moves to head off for the room*
Rachel: *sighs and gently situates Sandra and her new friend on the table where she'd worked on Smokescreen, and then gives that mech a grin*
Smokescreen: *quietly* What happened to Sharpshot?
Russell: *Just as quietly* That wasn't Sharpshot... She and Mirage are in another part of the Ark....
Rachel: They were just here to see Jack and 'Breaker. But Russ is right, Smokie. That's Sharpshot's baby twin sister, Desinex.
Smokescreen: ... Baby twin sister?
Rachel: *quietly* Yup.
Smokescreen: *Frowns* What happened?
Rachel: *glances at Sandra* //Sharpshot was tortured till her personality matrix and spark fractured.//
Smokescreen: ... *sharp rush of air as his optics flash and he wobbles a bit*
Russell: *moving so he can catch Smokescreen should the mech need catching*
Smokescreen: //T-tortured?!//
Rachel: *nods, her lips thinning slightly. Then steps over and pats Smokescreen* //It doesn't just happen in the Congo, buddy.//
Smokescreen: *Shaky cycling of air, shuttering his optics so Rachel can't see how upset this has him*
Rachel: //The people who did it got their cans kicked. We've got people watching out for us just like you watch out for your people.//
Smokescreen: *quietly* Good...
Rachel: *knew that would comfort him. Also now knows just how much his people mean to him* So you're going to stay in Africa?
Smokescreen: *nods* *Quietly* They need me....
Rachel: *gently squeezes his shoulder* I never thought you'd turn ghost Prime, Smokie.
Smokescreen: *Softly* Thrrrpt....
Rachel: *gives him a hug* You know the Chief isn't going to want to let go of his Mom now?
Smokescreen: *Small frown* But she's part of the tribe....
Russell: If she insists on returning, he'll make sure she can come and go easily.... Probably by giving her his PINpoint....
Smokescreen: That teleporter thing?
Rachel: *nods* All the adult bots on base and a few of the younglings have one.
Smokescreen: *Considering look*
Rachel: *pokes through subspace and comes up with a small medallion style one* Here. I've got one of the simple ones. It's not the cheapest, but it can only remember two sets of coordinates.
Smokescreen: *As he accepts the offered device* I know what two sets I'm gonna use....
Rachel: *quizzical brow quirk* Which are those, Smokie?
Smokescreen: The village, and here.
Rachel: *grins* Need a hand programming it, or does your remote hookup still work alright?
Smokescreen: It still works... *is going to program the coordinates now*
Rachel: Okay. //Chief?//
Patrick: //Yes, Rachel?//
Rachel: //Smokie wants his lieutenant back now.//
Patrick: *quiet sigh* //Alright... Just let me make sure she's got a PINpoint...//
Rachel: //What did she think of the kids?// *curious look for Dirk and Mistglider as they come in* What's up?
Patrick: *Chuckles* //I'm honestly surprised she didn't get mobbed... Soli likes her....//
Dirk: We're goin' with that guy. *nods to Smokescreen*
Rachel: //You showed her the creche, huh?// *eyebrow* //Do you know anything about Dirk and Misty being here?//
Patrick: //I did... and the Aerialbots stopped by as well... and Dirk and Misty already got cleared by Skylar to go to the Congo.//
Rachel: *other eyebrow goes up* Looks like you're being sent some Seekers in exchange for Beta, Smokie. *amused as she transmits this over comms to Patrick too*
Smokescreen: ... *Raised brow ridge as he studies Dirk and Misty*
Rachel: *signs off from Patrick* *quietly* Dirge and Mistglider are ours now, Smokie.
Misty: *sees Smokescreen's look and slips behind her husband*
Dirk: *Scowls at Smokescreen and protects his wife*
Smokescreen: ... This has something to do with Screamer?
Rachel: We've got Alpha Squadron and all the known remaining Conehead Seekers stationed here now.
Smokescreen: ... Huh.... *Figures there's a good reason for it, would like to get going ASAP*
Rachel: //Beta? Are you coming or staying awhile longer? Smokie's got his pants in a knot to go.//
Beta: //Just let me talk to Smokescreen, Ratchet.// *pings her commander's comm*
Smokescreen: //You staying then?// *remembers how relieved Patrick looked when he recognized Beta*
Beta: //I've got a sparklet attached to my sweater who just nearly miscalibrated my audio sensors when I tried to put her down, and Optimus... *sigh* He needs me, Smokescreen. He said he'd send someone instead of me.//
Smokescreen: *slight wince at the idea of a sparklet yelling that loudly* //There're a couple of Conehead Seekers that're coming with me.... You'll stay in touch, right?//
Beta: //You still ask stupid questions.//
Smokescreen: *Chuckle* //Just making sure... One of Archiva's creche siblings is coming with us for a bit too...//
Beta: //I told her she wasn't the last one left of her batch.// *chuckle* //Don't be reckless, alright? Oh, and hold on a little. Optimus is sending something for the village.//
Smokescreen: *Surprised* //He didn't have to go to the trouble...//
Beta: *snort* //A big box of powdered milk, another of dried vegetables mixed with meat powder and dried broth, and another of vitamin pills. There are also two biosand water filters, and the NEST people are sending a medical kit.//
Smokescreen: //*surprised and pleased blurt of a cussword*//
Beta: *smile in her voice* //And a way to travel that the enemies can't track. Do you think that's a good enough trade for an old model femme?//
Smokescreen: //You'll always be welcome at the village, Beta.//
Beta: //I know that.// *quiet chuckle* //Get going before Archiva gets worried.//
Smokescreen: //Take care, Beta....// *Small nod*
Beta: //Beta out.//
Smokescreen: //Smokescreen out.//
Patrick: *Arriving in the main ward with a few good-sized boxes* This should be enough to last for a little while... And there's a business card for someone in the Nexus who sells food and delivers it...
Rachel: *chuckles* I thought you hit Swindle co.
Patrick: *one shoulder shrug*
Smokescreen: ... Swindle co.?
Rachel: They make nice stuff. *grin*
Smokescreen: ... Swindle... *looking a bit unsure now*
Patrick: The one that runs Swindle co. isn't the one from this reality, Smokescreen... He's a businessmech and a bit of a philanthropist...
Misty: ... *pulls out a scrap of cinnaSeeker and nibbles on it back there behind Dirk*
Rachel: *head pivot*
Smokescreen: *Attention going towards the scent*
Patrick: The cinnaSeekers are also produced by Swindle co.... *Chuckles at the look on Smokescreen's face* I put a box of those in there for you and Archiva...
Rachel: Hmmm. Excuse me, guys, I think I hear the mess hall calling my name. *hugs Russ and heads for the door*
Patrick: *Will help get everything organized and remind Smokescreen to stay in touch*
Misty: *peeks around her husband, chewing slowly as she watches Smokescreen, then steps forward with him when it's time to go, her hand going to her wrist where her PINpoint is strapped*
Smokescreen: *Gives Patrick a proper salute, and then he's nodding to Dirk and Misty* Let's go.
Dirk: *Soft snort, arm around Misty's waist while his other hand goes to the boxes he's got stacked in front of him*
Smokescreen: *Will bring Russell, Misty, and Dirk to the village*
Trach residence
Tracks: *sitting with an arm around Will's shoulders as the youngster works on schoolwork and chats to classmates online. Is also keeping an optic on Raoul, who is sleeping in the recliner chair*
Jake: *finally makes it back. Looks like he lost a fight with a mud pit, but the grin on his face shows he had an absolute blast, even if he does look a bit tired underneath his coating. He isn't tracking any of it in, at least*
Tracks: *looks toward the door, and goes o.0* That door to your left is the post workout bathroom.
Jake: *Small nod, goes to get cleaned up*
Will: *Blink blink, quiet, concerned click*
Tracks: He was digging in a river with Dinobots. There's nothing to worry about. *chuckles and turns his attention back to Will's laptop screen*
Will: *Quietly* Looks tired... *Attention going back to his laptop, curious sound as he gets to his e-mail, and sees one from his other island game*
Tracks: Yes, well. The Dinobots are rather tiring. *notes the email and is curious*
Will: *Clicking quietly to himself as he reads the e-mail... then he's frowning when he sees the reason for the e-mail*
Tracks: *frowns too* Well...
Will: *frowns more* Not fair to other kids that age....
Tracks: Sometimes the modern urge to protect children gets ridiculous instead of reassuring.
Will: Gotta find a way t' get word 'bout th' game Sean made out when it's ready....
Tracks: Did you have friends on this game who might like the new one?
Will: *nod*
Tracks: *thoughtfully scratches his cheek with a finger* I'll ask Blaster once he's feeling better.
Will: *Small nod, attention going to Denver as she moves on the couch*
Denver: *dreaming and remembering a challenging cross-country meet*
Tracks: *also looks over to his wife, and then offers a gentle love bomb to distract her from the energetic dream*
Denver: *distracted and starting to wake up*
Tracks: *comforts and sooths with thoughts of how nice it feels to sleep snuggled up in her blanket nest*
Denver: *Sleepy murmur of affection, snuggles down into her blanket nest even more as Dion patpats her cheek*
Tracks: *slight smile, and then glances toward the door as someone taps it very softly* Television, show door.
Vato: *is patiently waiting to be acknowledged*
Tracks: *turns the TV off again* //Yes, Ens. Falman?//
Vato: //How is Major Trach doing?// *Sounds concerned, tail twitching a bit*
Tracks: *shakes head slightly with a soft snort* //Why don't you come in and see? But don't be loud.//
Vato: //Understood.// *will duck slightly to enter the room*
Raoul: *twitches slightly as the door swishes open, then sighs and returns to his log impersonation*
Tracks: *turns on the sound system in the bathroom since he's pretty sure he can hear Jake singing in the shower*
Vato: *soft, curious sound, and then an amused ear flick as Jake's rich baritone comes across the sound system*
Dion: *Quiet, happy babblings*
Tracks: Yes, Dion. You love it when people sing, don't you? *smile for bitty brother and then a nod for Vato* Have a seat if you like. We still have a few chairs, and those beastly beanbags of Beau's.
Vato: *Soft chuckle as he moves to carefully sit in one of the beanbags* *Quietly, as he makes note of where Denver is* She's been resting a lot as of late.... *just observing, not making any judgemental comments*
Tracks: From what Red Alert's told us it can be a normal trait of Cybertronian pregnancy. *checks on what Will's doing on his computer*
Will: *working on more homework, is answering a classmate's question as well*
Vato: *Surprised, both ears perked as his attention goes firmly on Tracks* I was not aware that your family is going to be expanding soon....
Tracks: *surprised himself* Really? I thought the entire base knew by now.
Vato: *small headshake* We knew about Jake arriving, but that was all we knew about....
Tracks: Rose will be born around the end of September.
Vato: *Soft chuckle* Congratulations.
Tracks: *quietly* Thank you.
Raoul: *twitch! Scowwwwwl*
Tracks: *leans over and pats his foot through his afghan cocoon*
Raoul: *settles down*
Vato: *concerned* Is he alright?
Tracks: He will be. He's just had a very active day. *watches his eldest son for a moment more, and then settles back on the love seat by Will and puts his arm around his youngest son again*
Vato: Murrr.... *concerned*
Tracks: You didn't hear about that either? *quirks a brow plate*
Vato: Just that the Dinobots would be going to Texas....
Tracks: Ah. Well someone was there ahead of them. *lips thin*
Vato: ... *Scowl*
Tracks: *switches to comms so that he doesn't frighten Will* //They pulled guns on Colonel Franklin and on Trailbreaker. Apparently Raoul saved the Colonel's life.//
Vato: *ears up, eyes wide with shock*
Tracks: //But I'll leave it to Raoul to fill in the details, if he feels like it.// *absent scowl* //If I think about it too much I'll start flashing back, and Denver doesn't need that sort of nonsense right now.//
Vato: *Small nod, concerned glance*
Tracks: *and then quirks his brow plate again as he realizes that Vato's sporting a fresh mark in the same general area of Raoul's gunshot graze* Have you had someone look at that damage?
Vato: *blink blink, hand to his cheek* *Soft chuckle* Not yet... But I did make Wildrider think twice before he tries to tussle with any other NEST personnel from now on...
Tracks: *rolls optics behind their glass* Oh for the love of Primus. Didn't he learn after attacking Raoul?
Will: *Small grin* Raoul owned him....
Vato: *Soft snort*
Tracks: He nearly owned himself. *kisses Will on the head and then tousles his hair*
Vato: *more chuckle* *And then his attention goes to Jake when the teen emerges from the shower carrying his muddy clothes*
Tracks: *to Jake* So are you all done, then?
Jake: *Tips his head towards the shower and nods, before indicating his clothes and the mud as he shakes his head. His meaning may be a bit muddled*
Tracks: *confused* ...I was asking about the mission.
Jake: Oh... *small headshake* M-more digging t-tomorrow...
Tracks: *concerned slight frown* How deeply are they buried?
Jake: *Shrugs*
Tracks: Hmmm. Oh, and Grandma might not be joining us for supper tonight.
Jake: *blink blink, confused expression is a go*
Tracks: She's busy with... other things. *trying to keep his smirk from popping out*
Jake: ... *raised brow look*
Vato: *confused* What do you mean, Tracks?
Tracks: *slightly startled. He'd forgotten Vato was there* Ahhhh.
Denver: *sleepily* She's keepin' Trailbreakah company....
Jake: *blink blink, soft chuckle*
Vato: *Surprised*
Tracks: *nod* I'm thinking we should make supper tonight, since it's Javan's turn in the mess.
Jake: *small nod, moves to take his dirty clothes to the laundry room*
Tracks: *checks to see how social Denver is feeling before he invites Vato to join them*
Denver: *yawns and blinks a bit, chuckling when Dion starts clickstorming*
Tracks: *smiles and looks at Vato* You're welcome to stay and eat with us, ENS. Falman. *also pinging Beau to see where he is*
Beau: *on his way back from a study group*
Vato: While I appreciate the offer, I was planning on having dinner with Anne... *slight ear flick and a small smile*
Tracks: Oh alright.
Vato: *moves to get up, intending to head to the med ward to have his cheek tended to*
Denver: See ya 'round, Vato... *blinks and covers her mouth as another yawn escapes*
Vato: *nods, saluting before he heads out the door*
Tracks: *watches him go, and then leaves his spot by Will to join his mate on the couch* So what do you feel like eating, Darling?
Denver: *as she moves to lean against her mate, she thinks about what they have in the pantry. The thought of anything other than energon-based fuels makes her a bit queasy right now* Hrm.... We got th' stuff f'r sandwiches?
Tracks: *slight chuckle as he puts his arms around her* I'm told the energon version is actually known as 'sammich', and yes, we do.
Dion: Sammich! :D
Raoul: *blink blink* Where?
Tracks: *grins* Sandwiches and sammiches it is. *gets up to go start preparing dinner*
((Written with