mbv, Various Locations, Family Life and Reunions Part 2

Jan 14, 2011 18:40

Continued from here

Later, and in another state

Tracks: *arms folded across his chest as he gives a large beefy man the Look for mocking his kilt as he came in to buy a cookie for Dion while Beau and Raoul used the rest room*

Beau: *emerging from the bathroom after washing his hands, pauses when he sees the beefy man* *Slight look of puzzlement, feels like he's seen the man before*

Tracks: *with icy chill* It's called a kilt. *sniff* Not that you'll be able to understand with your intelligence so crushed. *yes, now he's making a slightly rude and nasty comment about the way the beefy guy's jeans fit*

Beau: *will come over now to diffuse a potential family feud* *To Tracks* Sh'ld we git s'me lemonade f'r th' rest 'a th' drahve?

Tracks: *without taking his eyes from the beefy guy* If you like. Have you got the money?

Beau: Yessir... *Recognizes one of his distant cousins, from a different branch of the MacKenzie clan, but won't give the guy the time of day* 'N Ah've got 'nough t' git Dion s'me juice too...

Tracks: That's good, he'll be adorably hyper by the time we get to the reunion. *still staring beefy guy down*

Beau: *Chuckles as the beefy MacKenzie cousin loses the stare-down* Th'nk Sis'd lahk s'me tea 'r lemonade 's well?

Tracks: Denver does like lemon. *waits till the beefy guy turns away, and then looks at his son*

Beau: *Small nod, will move up to the counter to order a couple medium lemonades, and a box of apple juice*

Raoul: *growls at the beefy guy as the other turns, is wearing a clan plaid hankie tied around his thigh*

beefy guy: *seems to have just clicked on 'Denver' and that plaid. Is hustling now*

Raoul: *snerk*

Tracks: *rolls his eyes* Hoodlum.

Beau: *Snicker*

Tracks: Honestly, the nerve of some people. *gets Raoul by the back of the neck and steers him toward the door* Now you are going to behave.

Raoul: *happy laughing* Bite me, old man.

Denver: *Out in the parking lot, baby dancing with Dion, who is happily babbling away*

Tracks: Look at the sort of people they let into that place, darling! *pushes forward son, who makes a face*

Denver: *Snerk* 'T least 'e's 'ouse-broken... *Yes, she saw the MacKenzie cousin as the man left, no, she's not happy about seeing him... No, she doesn't like that particular cousin. and no, she won't say why.*

Dion: *Happy squee!* Bubby!!!

Tracks: *grins at his baby brother* Which one of us? *jacket clad arm around Raoul's neck*

Raoul: *hands on arm, cowkicks*

Denver: *As she's said at least once a day* Y'all knock th't off... Y'u're settin' a bad example f'r Will 'n Dion... *Chuckle*

Will: *Still conked out in the middle seat, cuddling Mutt*

Tracks: *pokes Raoul in the side a few times and then comes over to offer a kiss to Denver and a hug to Dion*

Raoul: *eyes dancing* You wanna see a bad example?

Denver: *kiss for Tracks, and then she's giving Raoul a warning Look* Don' y'u dare.

Beau: *has paid for the drinks, and is emerging from the restaraunt* 'Ey, Dion, lookit... *Will offer the juicebox and straw*

Dion: *Dooood, juicebox! Happy babbling*

Raoul: *gives his mom a dirty rotten half grin, and then yips and elbows Beau as the other whaps him* You...

Beau: *innocently* Wh't?

Tracks: Anyone not in the sedan in five minutes can walk to the reunion.

Raoul: *pauses in mid scoot and dives into the car instead*

Beau: *scoots for the car!*

Denver: *Chuckle*

Tracks: *smirks and gives her another kiss, then gently takes Dion and brings him over to the sedan as well* Raoul, it terrifies people when you look that innocent.

Raoul: *halo!*

Dion: *too busy drinking from his juicebox to razz Bubby*

Denver: *Moving to get situated in the sedan again, thanks Beau when he gives her one of the lemonades he bought*

Tracks: *plants a knee on Raoul's legs because he wouldn't move. Parks bitty in car seat and proceeds to fasten it despite being pounded in the side and called all sorts of non curses in Spanish*

Will: *sleepy sound, opens his eyes enough to ask* 'Re we there yet?

Tracks: *chuckles and pokes Raoul as he backs out of the sedan* Nearly.

Denver: Jes' 'bout 'nothah 'alf 'our 'r so 'f drahvin' fr'm 'eah... *gently patpats Will's knee*

Tracks: *smiles at his youngest son as he gets into the sedan, and then reaches back and slaps Raoul's leg as the teen plants a foot against the back of his seat*

Denver: *rolls her eyes a bit, before having a sip of lemonade*

Tracks: *whack whack whack!*

Raoul: *snerks and puts his foot down, then reaches across Dion and pulls Beau's hair*

Tracks: *looks at Denver* Should we make them drive? It seems they need something to do.

Denver: *As Beau reaches to yank on Raoul's ponytail in retaliation* Ah th'nk th't's a great adhea.

Tracks: *gets out again and chucks the keys into Raoul's lap*

Raoul: Ahhh! What? No way, man! I can't drive!

Beau: *Sighs as Denver gets out, will reach over and nab the keys* Ah c'n...

Tracks: You really do need to start learning, Raoul. *voice holds no mockery as he opens the door for his first son*

Raoul: *just ducks his head and jumps out to go to the shotgun seat and hold open the door for Denver*

Beau: *As he moves around to the driver's side* Wh'n we git 'ome, we c'n ask Uncle Vato 'r Uncle Johnneh t' teach ya, Raoul...

Denver: *Thanks Raoul and gets situated in the back seat, clicks to Dion as she buckles up*

Raoul: *doesn't answer Beau. Just shuts the door after he gets in his own place*

Tracks: *frowning slightly as he says to himself that now he's sure Raoul must have some hangup about driving, because this is how the boy always reacts to the suggestion*

Beau: *Checking everything the way he learned to once everyone's in the car and buckled up* *Will carefully back out of the parking space and get back onto the road*

Denver: *Reaching for Tracks' hand, concern in her eyes as she picks up on what he's thinking*

Tracks: *looks over at her* -He does it every time. The idea plainly upsets him even more than grandmothers do.-

Denver: *Small frown* -Wonder wah...-

Tracks: -I have no idea. But I intend to find out, if I can.- *gently squeezes her hand*

Denver: *nod, gentle hand squeeze*

Raoul: *holds a little instant camera up over his shoulder and gives them both a flash in the face*

Tracks: Ah! Raoul!

Denver: *Startles, wincing when Rose protests the startlement*

Raoul: *takes the camera back, and then pulls out the picture and offers it back to them* Don't peel it yet or it won't develop.

Tracks: *rubbing his eyes with one hand, is growling softly*

Denver: *Taking deep, slow breaths to try and get Rose to calm down*

Raoul: *jiggles the picture enticingly*

Tracks: *blink blink squint. Rubs eyes some more*

Denver: *reaches for the picture, grumbling about spots in front of her eyes*

Raoul: You guys were gettin' mushy again. *wan version of his usual grin*

Denver: *Soft razz, leans back against the seat and continues to try and calm Rose down*

Raoul: *turns and peeks past Will* ...I got the baby mad again, didn' I?

Tracks: *snort*

Denver: *Quietly* 'S gonna be interestin' wh'n she's in 'er own shell....

Raoul: At least she'll just hurt our ears, then. *frown of concern for his mom* Tracks, she's as b-wordy as you are.

Tracks: ...>_>

Denver: *Very soft snort*

Beau: Deeah.

Raoul: *whips around, wide-eyed* Where?

Denver: *More snort, quiet sigh as Rose finally settles down*

Beau: Look t' y'ur rahght, Raoul. 'S a Mule Deeah....

Raoul: *looks and blinks* Oh... grazing in the field. Okay. *surreptitiously takes a deep breath*

Tracks: *dryly, as he tries to see if Dion can see the deer and then sends the sparklet an image* I'm so glad we don't have Javan along. *scowls at a car as it honks while passing them*

Denver: *reaching for Tracks' hand again*

Tracks: *squeezes Denver's hand and smiles at her, honk forgotten*

Beau: *Biting his lower lip to keep from muttering his opinion at the honking car*

Denver: *small smile, is glad the reunion's just one day*

Tracks: *picks up on their reactions* ...Someone we'll be meeting later?

Beau: Knowin' our luck, prolleh...

Raoul: Thrrpt.

Denver: Beau's goin' th' speed limit... C'ld be jes' 'n impatient drahver...

Tracks: *ducks his head to look after the car as it vanishes into the distance* Hmm. Seems to be a hurry to get to his funeral. *slight smirk as he sees if he can't nab some lemonade*

Denver: *Chuckles and shares her lemonade* 'S a fact 'a th' road no mattah wh're y'u drahve...

Tracks: True. *has a small sip of the juice and then lifts an eyebrow as the next person to overtake waves at them* ...Long haired fellow with a rather vapid grin?

Beau: *Groan* Cousin Archie.

Denver: Moah moneh th'n brains.

Tracks: Someone we want to avoid? *watching the car with a noncommittal expression*

Denver: 'Less y'u wanna be bored t' teahs bah golfin' stories....

Tracks: Yech...

Dion: Yech. *giggle*

Raoul: ...Dude, he just pulled ahead of us, and now he's driving the limit.

Beau: Let 'im... 'E ain't worth dealin' wit'... *mutter* Can't even git a girl t' lookit 'im.

Denver: *Soft cough to hide her snicker*

Tracks: ...Let's not go there in our insults.

Raoul: *snort*

Denver: 'E's th' joke 'f th' clan... All'a th' women who w'ld'a looked 't 'im f'r 'is moneh found moah interestin' men t' git 'itched t'...

Raoul: Hey, Tracks, at least you didn't go without because you bored 'em all to death. *grin*

Tracks: *rolls his eyes*

Denver: *reaches for Tracks' hand to give it a gentle squeeze. She thinks he's perfect just the way he is*

Tracks: *smiles at her, his eyes showing his feelings*

Raoul: ...Is he watching the road, or us? *watches car swerve toward the shoulder*

Beau: *Focusing on avoiding an accident caused by cousin stupidity, kthx*

Denver: *Soft sigh* Ah'll ask Dallas t' trah 'n knock s'me moah sense int' 'is thick 'ead....

Tracks: *watching Archie's car* Will it work?

Denver: A girl c'n dream, rahght?

Beau: *Resisting the urge to mutter impolite words in Scottish*

Raoul: *gripping the dash* Try honkin' at 'im.

Beau: Ah w'ld, but Ah'd be tempted t' give 'im th' 'un-finger salute 's well... *Which goes to show just how irritating Cousin Archie really is*

Raoul: *dead serious* Would it help?

Beau: Nope.

Dion: *little pointer finger in the air* Thrrpt!

Denver: *Overcome by a fit of snorting laughter*

Tracks: o.0 ...Raoul...

Raoul: Oh sheesh. *scrunches small* XD

Beau: Th't ain't nearleh 's rude 's th' 'un-finger salute, Tracks... *Chuckles as Will also razzes Archie's car*

Tracks: *dryly* Beau, the only thing different from this and the one finger salute was the finger.

Denver: *laughing so hard she's given herself hiccups*

Dion: *repeats the maneuver!*

Tracks: //Magnus, I have living proof that this child is your twin.//

Magnus: //...Which kid?//

Tracks: *databursts him the image* //That one.//

Magnus: //...//

Raj: //Tracks, what the pit did you just say to Magnus?// *And in the background, Magnus is cracking up*

Tracks: *sighs and transmits again*

Raj: //... *Sigh* He is certainly Magnus' twin...//

Dion: BUTT!

Beau: *Snickering and trying to focus on driving*

Denver: *laughing harder and hiccuping even more*

Dion: *thinks* Butt! Thrrpt!

Raoul: Ewwwwwww.

Tracks: *face palm*

Denver: *wincing and cycling air as she continues to hiccup, since Rose decided she didn't like the hiccupping very much either*

Tracks: *to baby brother* Maybe you better save the jokes till there are more people to share them with.

Dion: Bhuh? *Blink blink*

Tracks: *offers him Mr. Snail*

Dion: *Happy squeal, clickstorm!*

Raoul: I didn't teach him that last bit. *peeks at baby brother with a bit of shock*

Will: *Snorting giggles*

Tracks: *shakes head, then looks at his watch*

Denver: .>_o *Cycling air, finally manages to stop hiccupping, but Rose is still protesting*

Tracks: *reaches over and gently pats his wife's chest* We're nearly there. Is this the turn?

Denver: *small nod* Y-yeah....

Raoul: *sits up and looks*

Beau: *turning the sedan onto the rural route that will lead to the large plantation house that the reunion is being held at*

Raoul: Wow, man, those are some hairy trees. *looking up at the beards of Spanish moss hanging from the heavy old oaks*

Beau: Th' 'airy-lookin' stuff 's Spanish moss... *Sees the sign for the turn onto the private drive, slows down as he takes it* Few moah minutes'a relative saniteh...

Raoul: I could fix that, if you want. *eyes starting to twinkle*

Beau: Save 't f'r th' real nutjobs.

Raoul: Awwww.

Tracks: *being pensive*

Denver: *sees a familiar shock of red hair, soft chuckle* Looks lahk Dallas 's 'elpin t' direct traffic th's yeah...

Beau: *Soft snort, is quite fond of that particular cousin* Guess 'e got roped int' 't th's tahm... *Will park the sedan where directed, chuckling when the tall redhead approaches*

Dion: *Loving on Mr. Snail!*

Tracks: *watching the redhead warily, his hand holding Denver's as his arm protects Dion*

Denver: -Dallas 's th' new NEST recruit. 'E's gotta good 'ead on 'is shoulders.-

Dallas: *Waiting till the sedan's turned off to open doors, will get tackle-hugged by Beau and laugh about it, before play-tussling with the blond teen till he's put into a headlock and calls Uncle*

Tracks: *steps out, and then goes around to let Denver out, his sensors on high*

Will: *is going to scoot around so he can hide behind you for a bit, Tracks*

Dallas: *Sees that, and once Beau's let him go with a noogie, he's moving to a spot that's a bit closer, but still far enough away to let Will decide to come to him on his own, and crouching down so he's not looming over everyone* *Gently* 'Lo there...

Dion: *is being helped out of his car seat by Denver, will try and kilthat again*

Tracks: *snerk and facepalm* Oh, Dion.

Dallas: *Attention going that way, and then he's chuckling* He's not th' first MacKenzie boy t' do that... 'N he won't be th' last...

Will: *peeking at Dallas, and resisting the urge to click. This guy kinda reminds him of Uncle Jean...*

Denver: *Soft 'heh'* Yeah... *Will move to gently herd Tracks towards Dallas* John, th's 's Beau 'n mah cousin, Captain Dallas MacKenzie... Dallas, Ah'd lahk y'u t' meet mah 'usband, John Trach.

Dallas: *moves to get to his feet, holding his hand out and smiling* 'S a pleasure t' meet you, John.

Tracks: *gives the hand a firm grip, his icy eyes showing a bit of a smile* Tracks. And it's nice to be able to finally put a face on all the stories.

Dallas: *nod* Denver mentioned you 'n 'er Christmas letter last year... How long have y'all been married, 'f you don' mind me askin'?

Tracks: Oh about three months. *lets go the hand and pokes the bitty belly under the kilt*

Dion: *squeak!*

Dallas: C'ngratulations. *Smiles and returns his attention to Beau, since the teen just tried to get him into a headlock again*

Raoul: *finally steps out of the sedan, unconscious of the fact that he's making an entrance. Shuts the door and then slouches around the front of it to stand by his parents with his hands in the pockets of his jeans*

Will: *Has decided that since Beau's playing with the guy, he must be okay... and now Dallas has a twelve-year old boy clinging to his leg*

Dallas: *Laughing* Aaah, they're gangin' up on me!

Raoul: *snort, and then looks over to where he sees a group of young people gathered*

Little red-haired Latina: *over with a basket full of different colored ribbons* *Slightly confused look* Er... 'Scuse me... Which part of the MacKenzie clan do all of you belong to?

Tracks: *turns his attention from the tussle to the girl* Actually, Denver and Beau are our token MacKenzies.

Girl: ... I have no idea who those two are...

Denver: *Taking pity on the girl, since this is clearly her first reunion* Beau's th' blond th't's got Mason's son inna 'eadlock, 'n Ah'm Denver... We's part'a Mason's group.

Girl: *relieved look* Okay. *quick headcount, pulls out the correct number of grey ribbons* You can either pin these on, or tie 'em 'round your wrist or something... Just as long as you're with the right color group for the picture....

Dallas: *Just got 'killed' by Beau and Will* *Cue overly dramatic death, complete with "Blarrgh" sound effects*

Tracks: *as he hands out the ones he took* Colour coding? Just how many people are here?

Raoul: *ties his on his leg with his 'colours'*

Girl: Enough t' make my head spin... 'N most of 'em are from this area... *Attention going to another tall blond* Allen! [Denver and Beau are here with their part of the family!]

Allen: *coming over to greet Denver and to laugh at Dallas' 'death'* *looks to be about the same age as Denver and Dallas are* Alright, Ophi... Go and let Jeb know. *Yup. That's a New Hampshire accent right there*

Raoul: *perked at the Spanish, but now he's got the wary and guarded look again. Looks like he's watching Tracks' back*

Tracks: *takes Dion and tries to distract him from kilthatting by showing him his towel*


Allen: *Attention going to Dallas* *Fondly* First time in ten years he's been to a reunion, and he's still an overgrown kid...

Tracks: Well, I happen to know people even older than he is who are even less viewable in public.

Allen: *snerk* You mean Archibald?

Dion: Thrrpt! *hits self in elbow and sticks little pointer finger up!*

Tracks: .>_<.

Allen: *Snerk* That about sums up the general opinion of him...

Raoul: *hiding face on Tracks' back to try and muffle the snorting giggles*

Tracks: *heavy sigh* Yes, well, it's easy to see who Dion's related to.

Allen: I feel sorry for Dallas... Archibald's his older brother... And for a long time, the poor guy was thought to be similar in personality...

Dallas: *being 'killed' again, will get back to you shortly*

Tracks: *looks at the 'corpse'* Now how on Epsilon Delta did they get that idea?

Allen: *Chuckle* Dallas may be a doof around kids, but he's a good person to have at your back...

Tracks: Hmm, I suppose that goes for the people I was referring to as well. Raoul, will you stop using me for a kleenex?

Raoul: *worse snorting giggles*

Allen: *Soft chuckle as Dallas finally convinces Beau and Will to let him up* I'd better go rescue Ophi before my mother decides that she needs makeup... Mason and Jeb will be calling everyone to get to their places for the picture in ten minutes...

Tracks: *quirks a brow* *elbows Raoul* Alright.

Denver: *chuckles and watches Allen head off* 'E said th't jes' so 'e'd 'ave 'n excuse t' go 'n cuddle wit' 'er 'fore th' pictures...

Dallas: *Having grass and dirt knocked off of the back of his jacket and kilt*

Tracks: *now has Raoul's head in the crook of his arm even as he holds Dion in the crook of the other* *quick look at wife and a snerk* Oh really.

Denver: *Nod* Ophi 'as 'n engagement ring on, 'n so does Allen.

Dion: *has towel corner in teefs!*

Tracks: *starts to say something, but changes it to* Beauregard MacKenzie, feet are not dusting tools.

Denver: *Facepalm, snicker*



Beau: ACK!

Tracks: *shakes head* So is there somewhere we should be?

Denver: 'N ten minutes, we need t' be out front'a th' 'ouse... 'Til th'n, we sh'ld prolleh let th' organahzers know we's 'eah... *Still hates that she has to wear a skirt*

Tracks: *lets Raoul go and offers that elbow crook to his wife* Lead the way, darling. I'm sure the hoodlums can find their own way.

Dion: *trying to blow his bunny towel up*

Denver: *Chuckles as she slips her arm through, then she's moving to lead Tracks over to where a pair of older men are standing out front of the house and talking* Uncle Mason, Uncle Jeb, we's 'eah...

Mason: *The taller of the pair, looks a lot like an older version of Dallas, and just a bit like an older version of Beau* *Chuckles when he sees Denver* W's wond'rin 'f y'u 'n Beau'd be 'eah 'r 'f we'd 'aft'a send a search parteh... *Moves to greet his niece* Darla's in th' kitchen wit' th' fussier ladehs, 'f 'n y'all're wantin' t' pop 'n 'n say 'lo...

Tracks: *moves his arm from his wife's to her waist* No, I don't think Denver cares for fussy company right now.

Jeb: *Both brows up behind his glasses* *is surprised that Denver's allowing her male companion to be bossy and make decisions for her*

Mason: *more chuckle, eyes sparkling a bit* Can't say Ah blame y'all f'r wantin' t' stay 'way fr'm th' fussy 'uns...

Denver: Beau's wit' Dallas rahght now... We gonna be 'n th' usual spot f'r pictures?

Mason: *Nod* Yep...

Jeb: *Quietly* Gran'ma Lila's gonna be goin' back t' th' nursin' 'ome aftah th' picture's taken... Ah'll show y'all wh're y'u c'n change clothes aftah all's said 'n done...

Dion: *kilthat! :D *

Mason: *Chuckles, amused by baby antics*

Denver: *Soft snerk as she reaches to fix the kilthat*

Tracks: Really, Dion, it's not like anyone can see your tummy with your diaper shirt on.

Dion: *Looks for tummy!* Thrrrpt.

Tracks: Only a few more minutes. Do you want some cereal?

Raoul: *over there, by himself, scratching the ears of an orange kitten*

kitten: *doood, ear scritchies!*

Dion: Nom?

Mason: *chuckles* C'n 'e 'ave stuff lahk carrot sticks?

Tracks: Do you want carrots, Dion? *mouth twitching as he looks at baby brother*

Dion: *hopeful* Nom? *makes with the cute*

Denver: *Chuckle*

Jeb: *Small smile, will go get one of the veggie plates that the womenfolk have prepared*

Tracks: *will offer Denver a gentle kiss on the cheek while Jeb is getting the plate. Seems to have tuned Mason out*

Mason: *Not the least bit bothered by this, will go and get chairs set up like he was supposed to earlier*

Denver: *leans against Tracks a bit* *Quietly* Ah jes' 'ope th't th' picture won' take seven retakes lahk th' last 'un did...

Tracks: *lifts his head and looks at her disbelievingly*

Denver: People kept movin', 'n Gran'ma Lila 'ad a coniption fit 'bout 't.... *Small shudder at the memory*

Tracks: *lips thin* I see. Well we'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen today. I won't have you and Rose stressed.

Denver: *Small nod, snuggles close*

MacKenzie cousin wearing a blue ribbon in her hair: *Gently* Excuse me... May I take your picture?

Tracks: *gives the woman a wary look, then glances at Denver for her opinion as Dion moons the newcomer with his diaper shirt covered tummy*

Denver: *looks to see who's speaking, soft chuckle* 'Ey, Debbie... 'S f'r y'ur photography class, rahght?

Debbie: *Small nod, is a tiny little waif of a woman* *A bit nervously* I-I'm the photographer this year.... The professor s-said as long as the pictures are of my usual work, he'd let me use 'em for my final project....

Tracks: Oh, alright then. *pauses and looks to one side as catcalls and cheers sound* ...Now I know why Beau wanted his blue shorts so badly.

Debbie: *small, shy smile* Thank you... *Will gently show Tracks and Denver where she'd like them to stand, which is actually only a few steps to the left, near some hydrangea bushes* *makes quick work of taking the photo, which she then shows to the couple for their approval*

Tracks: *chuckles at what Dion is doing in the picture*

Dion: *Babbles and points, was totally belly mooning the camera*

Denver: *Chuckle*

Debbie: I-I can retake if you'd like...

Tracks: No, that's alright. Denver likes this one. *smiles at wife*

Denver: *nods* 'Sahds, Dion's sneakeh 'nough t' git 'notha belleh moon 'n 'f y'u retake... *Amused*

Debbie: *Reassured* Alright... I'll mail you the prints in a couple of days...

Tracks: Speaking of sneaky, do you see Raoul? *turns his head and looks around* Will's with Beau...

Debbie: I... I saw someone go up to the porch roof earlier...

Tracks: *looks that way and ups his sensors* Ah yes, there he is.

Dion: *gonna kissa Debbie. Jump!*

Debbie: *soft ack, will quickly spin her camera strap so the camera's on her back as she catches Dion*

Tracks: Whoops!

Dion: *KISSIES!!!*

Debbie: *Squeaks as she's baby kissed*

Tracks: *dryly* Yes, he's Magnus all over again.

Denver: *Snickering and moving to rescue her cousin from the kissmonster that is Dion* *Is also trying to hide her slight sadness regarding Debbie's behavior*

Tracks: *can feel that sadness and helps dissuade Dion from kissing* I wonder where that old man is with the carrots?

Debbie: J-Jeb's probably being held up by his wife... *Politely excuses herself and hurries to get her tripod so she can have everything set up for the big family picture*

Jeb: *is indeed being held up by his wife, who is insisting on trying to give him a plate of cookies as well as veggies*

Mason: *ducking into the house once he's finished setting up chairs, emerges with a police-issue bullhorn, will nod to Tracks and Denver before going a ways away and announcing that everyone needs to meet in front of the house for the family picture*

Dion: :o *hands on ears*

Denver: *Glad that Uncle Mason went a ways away before making the announcement*

Raoul: *is that soft thump right behind you, Mason. Discovered that he could reach a tree from the roof, and another tree from that...*

Mason: *nods to the teen as people make their way towards the house. Then he's moving to help an elderly MacKenzie woman to her spot at the front center, agreeing with her complaints about everything from the weather to the "uppity children", though it's clear he's only doing so to keep the peace*

Denver: *Deep breaths. Is VERY glad that her branch of the family always winds up in the back for pictures, due to nearly everyone being taller than average*

Raoul: *wanders over toward his family, a fuzzy little orange head poking out of his T-shirt collar*

Lila: *looks absolutely horrified at sight of the boy, will launch into a steady stream of offended ranting and grousing*

Dallas: *Arriving with Will gleefully tucked under one arm* Oh, sheesh...

Beau: *Sooooo hiding his face in shame now*

Raoul: *head turns toward angry grandmother sounds, and he sidesteps like a skittish horse before moving to continue on his way. Has nooo idea what the old woman is raving about*

Tracks: What the devil is she yelling about?

Jeb: *over with a plate of veggies for Dion* *Quietly* Y'ur son's bandana placement, prolleh... *Even quieter* Ol' git ain't 'appeh 'less she c'n grahp 'bout s'meth'n...

Tracks: *facepalms and looks at Raoul*

Raoul: *shrugs and takes the napkin off his leg, then twists it up with the ribbon and ties it on for a headband*

Lila: *More raving, is SOOOO offended*

Mason: *is sooooo ignoring the raving in favor of getting everyone sorted out and in their proper places*

Lila: *HARUMPHs and will be offended all throughout the picture taking*

several perfect pictures later

Dion: *bored bebeh! Finger up!* THRRPT!

Raoul: o.0

Debbie: *trying not to snicker as the other adults who realize what Dion's up to start laughing*

Lila: *Grouse grouse grouse!*

Dion: *belly moon!*

nearby boy cousin: *whirls and shows the camera his blue boxers!*

Debbie: *Taking a picture of the mass Bravehearting that results, and threatening to use it as the Christmas Card picture, which gets more laughter and more Lila-grousing*

Denver: *Facepalming, but is being good and resisting the urge to push the end of her nose up the way Dallas is doing*

Tracks: *is at one with his facepalm*

Debbie: *Moving to reassure Lila that she got more than enough pictures of everyone behaving, and soon Lila is being wheeled to the van that will bring her back to the nursing home*

Raoul: *watching everyone scatter, his expression bemused* Man... and you were worried about me being a hoodlum?

Denver: Oh, thrrrpt... *Will go inside to change clothes*

Beau: *Shucks his jacket and vest*

Dallas: *is amongst the people going inside to change clothes*

Tracks: Beau, would you go grab me a pair of under shorts from our bag? *taking kilt and bitty jacket off Dion*

Beau: Yessir. *goes to get!*

Dion: Bubby! :3

Beau: *Back a few moments later, snickering just a bit*

Tracks: *ruefully* You should hear your sister laughing. *exchanges diaper clad sparklet for underpants and vanishes to find a place to put them on*

Dion: *issa happy bebeh, has diaper and his towel on. NEEDS NO OTHA CLOTHES*

Beau: *more snicker* Ah c'n imagine... *Yep. He figured out why you needed the underpants brought to you, Tracks*

Tracks: *soft snort and a Look for Beau, then vanishes behind the wisteria*

Dallas: *got 'ambushed' by Will on his way out the door, is giving a piggyback ride to the youngster now*

Will: *Happy laughter, is clad in jeans and a T-shirt now that he doesn't have to dress fancy*

Denver: *Eventually makes it downstairs, having changed her outfit to one of the blouses the boys gave her for Mother's Day, a pair of black slacks, and her black combat boots*

Dion: Mama! :3

Tracks: *out of hiding, now dressed in his white undershirt, the kilt, and his hose and shoes. Jacket, vest, and dress shirt over his arm* Do you need me to take anything to the car, darling?

Denver: Yeah.. *Will offer her neatly folded formal clothes*

Tracks: *takes them carefully, then gives both her and Dion a kiss on the cheek before bringing the stuff to the sedan and putting it nicely into the giant suitcase* *pauses to remember that they're supposed to stay overnight, and then just pulls the suitcase out and brings it to the house. Carrying it, not rolling it*

Mason: *finding out who is agreeable to taking a casual picture, will soon have a much smaller group, made up of the people around Denver's age*

Tracks: *calls over* Denver, darling, do you know where we'll be sleeping?

Denver: *nod* Th' left 'and room 't th' end'a th' 'all, second floor, neah th' stairs... 'n th' boys're 'n th' rahght 'and room.

Tracks: Officially, anyway. *up the steps and inside*

Dallas: *has a Will backpack* *moving to approach* Want some 'elp with that?

Tracks: *blinks and looks at him, then down at the suitcase. Chagrin and sets it down hastily* Ah, I suppose I can just wheel it along now that I have it up the stairs.

Dallas: *Reaches to gently patpat Tracks' shoulder* Chin up... We'll be takin' one more picture, 'n then people'll be goin' for dinner... There're a couple'a nice restaraunts 'round 'ere, or there's whatever Ma 'n the Aunts'll be cooking....

Tracks: *looks around and finds them alone* *very quietly as he pulls the suitcase along* So you're going to work for NEST.

Dallas: *Attention sharpening, quick glance around to verify no unauthorized personnel are around* *Quietly* I am... But 'ow'd you know 'bout that?

Tracks: Denver mentioned it. *looks into the bedroom and then brings the bag in*

Dallas: ... *Raised brow as he puts two and two together* So she's part'a NEST too?

Tracks: *sets the bag in the corner* Yes. So am I.

Dallas: *soft 'heh'* Glad to know I'll get t' see familiar faces then... *Yes, he was worried about that*

Tracks: From what I hear you're being assigned to our base. So you'll be seeing the hoodlums too.

Dallas: *Amused snerk* So Johnny and Jean're still around? *Yes, he knows who you mean, Tracks, he's trying to lighten the serious mood*

Tracks: *snerks as well* Old married men.

Dallas: ... You're pullin' my leg.

Tracks: *opens a side pocket on the bag and takes out his wallet, then pulls out small snapshots* I'm doing no such thing.

Dallas: ... Rosie finally said 'Shut up and get off the ground, numbskull'?

Tracks: I can't remember the details, I was busy with more important matters at the time. *shows him the picture of Wesson with Maria on his back and grinning over his shoulder... and an orange floofster peeking alertly over his other shoulder*

Dallas: ... Wow... I never figured Maria'd get Johnny to settle down.... *Sounds just slightly hurt.... seems Maria had someone looking at her from afar*

Tracks: *blinks and facepalms* Oh for the love of... You people need to learn to talk.

Dallas: And be slapped with fraternization charges?

Tracks: Wesson and Maria are part of the same squad.

Dallas: ... *sigh, facepalm*

Tracks: *gentler* Though Wesson isn't really part of the normal NEST branch. He's part of mine.

Dallas: ... *Raised brow*

Tracks: Let me guess, they're leaving it to us to debrief you.

Dallas: I was told I'd be debriefed upon arrival.

Tracks: *shakes head and rolls eyes* Why don't you come with Denver, Dion, Will and me and get some sort of picnic lunch. Then we can talk.

Dallas: Alright... But won't Raoul 'n Beau feel left out?

Tracks: I doubt it. And we've only got so much space in the sedan.

Dallas: Alright....

Tracks: Let's go make arrangements. Do you know of any good places for getting take out? *heads for door*

Dallas: *Names off several, including a little Japanese take-out place that does really good sushi*

Tracks: *relays this to Denver, asking her what she'd like*

Denver: *Sounding a bit surprised at the selection* -'Aven't 'ad sushi 'n ages...-

Tracks: -You're up to that?-

Denver: -Ain't gonna be up t' much th't ain't cooked... C'ld do avacado rolls 'r cucumber rolls...-

Tracks: -Are you sure that's what you want, then?- *stops on the porch and looks around*

Denver: -Ah th'nk Ah'll be alrahght wit' jes' veggies.- *is siting next to Allen and Ophi, shooting the breeze with them*

Tracks: *no visible consultation with wife* Well, lets go for sushi. -Are you ready, darling?-

Dallas: Alright... *Will go round up Will again, since the youngster slipped off of his back to chase chickens*

Denver: *patpats Ophi's knee and moves to get up, Dion babbling happily all the while* -Yeah...-

Tracks: *has already let the older boys know via radio, but now he's going to look around and see what they're doing*

Raoul: *sitting with the kitten in his shirt, making a big aft braided yarn doll for a little kid*

Beau: *talking to Debbie, gives Tracks a small nod*

Will: *Is that fit of giggles as he's hauled over, via fireman's carry, courtesy of Dallas*

Tracks: *smiles at his youngest son* Yes, I think it's a good thing that we're going to get to keep you, Dallas.

Dallas: *Chuckles, and then he's acking as Will decides to give him a wet willie*

Tracks: *pretends he doesn't see that. Instead offers to take Dion*

Denver: *will transfer Dion over to Tracks*

Dion: *Gleee! KISSIES!*

Tracks: Ack! Pptooi. Yes, darling, I love you too. *turning face and squinting*

Denver: *Snicker, will move to head for the sedan*

Tracks: *turns bitty brother to face away from him. Wipes his face* Dion, it's easy to see that you're a firm believer in brotherly love. But then you love nearly everyone.

Archie: *comes into sight over there*


Dallas: *Snickering*

Tracks: Like I said. Nearly everyone. *heads for the sedan to tuck bitty brother into his car seat* Will, you get to ride in the back this time.

Will: 'Kay... *And now Dallas will bring him over as well*

Tracks: *finishes strapping baby in, then gives him Mr. Snail and moves out of the way so that Dallas and Will can get in*

Will: *moves to sit behind where Papa will sit, while Dallas moves to sit on the passenger's side*

Dallas: *Points to Tracks while looking at Dion* Is thatcher daddy?

Dion: Bubby! :3 *knows who his bubbies are.*

Dallas: ... *looks to Tracks for confirmation*

Tracks: Yes. Dion is my brother. It's... probably part of what we should explain to you while we eat.

Dallas: Okay... *will move to buckle up*

Will: *Buckled up, is being good and not kicking the back of the seat*

Tracks: *closes his door and checks on Denver, then clicks to her very softly before pulling out of the parking space and heading for the road*

Raoul: *watches the sedan pull out of the yard, and then finishes tying the last leg on the doll before offering it to the little kid* There you go. Just don't hit anybody with it, or I'll take it back.

little kid: 'Kay! ^^ *Cuddles the doll* Thank ya....

Raoul: *grins, careful of his cheek* You should thank the lady that let me have her yarn.

little kid: 'Kay... *Will give you a hug now, Raoul, and scamper off to find the lady who let Raoul have the yarn*

Raoul: *more careful grin, figures that the little guy's dad can't be shocked about him having that doll*

big, burly MacKenzie cousin: *Over there, showing off and generally making an idiot of himself*

Raoul: *looks toward the motion and snorts, then checks for Beau*

Beau: *Still talking to Debbie, looks like he wants to put a hand on her shoulder, but isn't doing that for some reason*

Raoul: *frowns, but figures he better keep away. Goes over under a curtain of Spanish moss to look in the water he can see just over there instead* *sets the kitten on the ground as he does*

Kitten: *Will follow after you, scritchie-giver!*

Raoul: *walking around the water, interested in this deep-seeming, plant covered water hole*

burly MacKenzie cousin: *Notices Raoul, decides to have a bit of fun... intends to knock the City-Slicker into the pond*

Raoul: *looking down into the water... and sidesteps*

burly MacKenzie cousin: *Stumbles and lands in the water*

kitten: *looks at the cousin with a "Y u do dat foar?" look*

Raoul: You need a hand out of there? I guess the bank's kinda slippery.

Other cousins: *pointing and laughing at the burly cousin, since he got owned by the so-called "City-Slicker"*

burly cousin: *Trying to get out on his own*

Raoul: *shrugs and walks off a ways, figuring that one of the others will help the big guy out. Sees fish and hunkers down to look closer* *Can hear some of the older guys over by the house talking about a 'caber toss in the 'gater hole', but has nooo idea what they're talking about*

burly cousin: *eventually gets out under his own power*

Raoul: *looks over at him, is waiting for someone else to make a move, though it doesn't show*

rest of the cousins of a similar age to the burly cousin: *Aren't too interested in starting things they can't finish*

Raoul: *quirks a brow and then scoops the kitten up so he can meander back toward the house and that smell of fried chicken*

cousins: *migrating towards the smell of good food as well*

Allen and Ophi: *Conversing in Spanish about whether to eat at the house or do like Denver and Tracks, and go someplace else*

Raoul: *recognizes the Puerto Rican Spanish and stops to comment* [Why go anyplace else? This smells good.]

Ophi: *Shrugs a shoulder* [I like knowing what options there are for the area, and for the road...]

Raoul: *lists off the list that Tracks sent to him when he asked what else he could maybe eat instead of what is here*

Ophi: *Considering the options*

Allen: *gently teasing Ophi* [You have to eat dinner with the family sometime... You are going to be part of it soon...]

Ophi: *Gives Allen a Look* Thrrrrpt. *chuckle*

Raoul: *snerk* [Says who, man?]

Allen: [Well, I would like to try and prove that not all of us are nutcases, but Denver and Dallas are elsewhere...] *fond chuckle*

Raoul: *quirks a brow* [Dude, Major Mac married Tracks. Of course she's a nutcase.] *affection in his voice for the Major*

Allen: [She's still less of one than the majority of the family, and Dallas isn't as insane as the rest of his siblings... Beau's not as nuts either, because Denver's the one who raised him... And from what I see, you're not a nutcase either.]

Raoul: *snigger* [Man, Beau's glitched.] *snickerfit*

Allen: [Trust me, he's nowhere near as bad as some of the family. For one thing, he doesn't need to be beat over the head to realize he's being a jerk.]

Beau: *still talking to Debbie, sneeze*

Raoul: *sudden wide and ebil grin* [Neither do the others, if you watch how you step.]

Allen: *Soft snerk, before he notices someone a short ways away that warrents a scowl* [True... though the cousins I was thinking of did require a bit of being knocked about...]

Ophi: *looks to see what's got Allen all scowly, brows lifting a bit as she recognizes one of the older cousins he mentioned in a story*

Raoul: *looks over that way too, a watchful look coming into his dark eyes though his grin remains*

Allen: *Quietly* [Those three were nothing but trouble when we were about William's age...] *looks at Raoul, seriousness in his eyes* [Do not let Denver know that I'm the one who told you about this... but those three used to chase her around with bull snakes and garter snakes and corner her... Every single year, despite her best attempts at avoiding them, one of the adults would have to carry her back to the house, because she'd hunker down out of fear...]

Raoul: *eyes just got very hard*

Allen: [They stopped about a year before Aunt Miranda passed away, because Denver managed to knock one of them out when she panicked and started swinging with her fists...]

Raoul: *tersely, anger hiding in the back of his voice* [Figures.]

Allen: [They used to bully Dallas as well, since he was more of a quiet kid who liked to keep to himself... You wouldn't know it by looking at him now, or in his high school yearbooks... Once he got into wrestling, he became more outgoing.]

Raoul: [Hmm. Hey, I'll talk to you later. I think I see something over there in the trees that I wanna see.]

Allen: [Alright... Just don't leave incriminating weapon marks.] *Yes, he has a good hunch that those cousins will be getting dealt with*

Raoul: *absent hand to his cheek as he wanders off in a direction different from the one the cousins are in*

kitten: *bouncing after friend, wants to see what's being hunted*

Ophi: *To Raoul* [Want me to get a plate of chicken for you?]

Raoul: *without turning* [Sure. And some cheese, and some macaroni salad. But none of that cabbage slag.] *vanishes behind a car*

Ophi: [Gotcha.] *And then she and Allen are heading in to get plates of food*

Several minutes later

Raoul: *appears, kitten tucked under arm like a doll. Uses free hand to jab brother in the side as Beau is drinking sun tea*

Beau: *Acks*

Ophi: *offers Raoul a plate with fried chicken and the rest of his requested food items*

Raoul: *takes plate with hand of the arm that has kitten, then looks at it curiously* Is this chicken deep fried?

Ophi: Yeah....

Raoul: *snerk* Tracks would have a cow. *bows head for a moment and then has a big bite of cheese*

oak tree over by those three cousins: *starts making rustling noises*

Cousins: *look up*

tree: *rustle rustle. Click*

Raoul: *horking down his macaroni salad. Is a hungry boy!*

Beau: *going to get noms*

Kitten: *makes cute, can see you nomming, friend*

Raoul: *looks at kitten, then bites his chicken thigh and takes a piece of meat out of his mouth. Holds it for the baby cat, clicking softly*

kitten: *Purrrrrr, nommachicken!*

cousins: *confusion abounds, want to see what that click was*

Ophi: *raised brow at Raoul's kitten feeding method*

Raoul: *grins and clicks a little more, then uses his other hand to feed himself*

tree: *click!*

cousins: *definitely confused, will move to try and see what that click is*

tree: *CLICK!*

box of hognose snakes: *tips out right on the cousins' heads*

cousins: *Startled cursing, scatter*

paper: *flutters down after the snakes* 'Payback, beeeotches.'

Raoul: *continues to vacuum down food*

Ophi: *Saw the box of snakes, snerk* *Quietly, to Raoul* [Nice...] *Will set her plate down and go pick up one of the snakes*

Raoul: *also quietly* [Thanks.] *looks over there calmly, as though he knows nothing about it*

some of the other cousins: *Giving the three grown men heck for running from harmless snakes*

Ophi: [I never really understood why people don't like snakes... Guess I'm just weird...]

one of the uncles: *Finds the note, and then he's giving the trio even more heckling and pointing out that they got owned*

Ophi: *Bringing one of the snakes over*

Beau: *Soft chuckle, nods to Raoul as he comes back with his own heaping plate*

Kitten: *moar cute*

Raoul: *feeds kitty, and then gently touches the snake* [Is he gonna be able to find where he was sleeping with the others before?]

Ophi: [Should be able to... If not, I have a terrarium he can live in....]

Raoul: *big grin* [You don't need a license for that?] *looks at the snake, who is content where he is* [Man, that must be a big terrarium.]

Ophi: [I have a license, and a pretty good-sized terrarium... Was gonna get a constrictor...]

Raoul: [Constrictors are okay, especially sand boas. But that guy's cute. ...Just make sure you have him out of sight if we ever come over.]

Ophi: [Will do.]

Allen: *Conversationally* Do you have any pets?

Raoul: *swallows his mouthful and offers more chicken to kitten* Yeah. A little golden gerbil. Her name's Goldie.

Allen: *A bit surprised at the seemingly out-of-place pet, but nods* Ah...

Raoul: We got her from Warrent Officer Caine.

Allen: *blink blink* Someone Denver works with?

Raoul: One of her squad. He's pretty cool.

Allen: Alright...

Raoul: *grins at him, but then winces and puts a hand to his cheek* Slag...

Allen: *concerned* Are you alright?

Raoul: Yeah. I just keep forgetting about this stupid thing. *shrug and eat more*

Allen: Do you want some ibuprofin or an ice pack?

Raoul: *glances at Beau* It swelling again?

Beau: Naw, Ah th'nk Allen's jes' trah'n' t' be c'nsiderate... *reaches to pat Allen's knee, giving the man a small smile*

Raoul: Ah. *to Allen* Nah, I'm okay. Thanks.

Allen: *Not reassured, but will let the matter drop for now, chuckling as the kitten bounces around Raoul*

Mason: *coming out to sit on the porch* *To Raoul* Ah gotta admit, Ah'm a bit curious 's t' 'ow y'u, Beau, 'n Denver're related...

Raoul: *looks up, his eyes holding a slightly wary light, then shrugs and looks back to his food* Major Mac's my mom. Tracks is my dad. And ugly's my brother.

Beau: *Razzes Raoul*

Mason: *Chuckle, nod* 'N Ah'm guessin' William 'n Dion're y'ur brothas?

Raoul: Yup. I mean, yessir.

Mason: *more chuckle* *To Beau* 'N Tracks 's y'ur brotha-'n-law?

Beau: *Small headshake* Nosir... Tracks 's mah dad.

Mason: *Surprised, but nods his approval before digging into his lunch*

Younger MacKenzie cousin: *coming over, curious about the bandage on Raoul's cheek* *shyly, as she cuddles her rag doll* Didja get hurt?

Raoul: *looks up, the wariness vanished completely as his eyes smile at the little girl* Yeah, a little bit. It mostly missed though.

little cousin: *small wibble, and then she's moving to give Raoul a hug*

Raoul: Awwww. *hugs her back and then sits her on his knee as he gives the kitten his very last bit of food, which is a bite of greens*

kitten: *nommmpurrrrr*

little cousin: *Makes a face as she watches the kitten eat greens*

Raoul: Hey, he knows what's good. *chuckle* My friend Ravage'd get a kick outta him.

Mason: *Listening without seeming to*

little cousin: Ravage? *Headtilt*

Raoul: Yup. Hey, Beau, you think Simon'd like 'im too?

Beau: Yeah... 'N so w'ld Sarah 'n Desti....

Raoul: *chuckles* Think Ravage would let them have him?

Beau: Mebbeh... 'F she 'n Steeljaw di'n' decahd t' keep 'im....

Mason: She?

Beau: *nods, chuckling* Ravage 's a li'l furball... moah fur th'n cat....

Raoul: *arm around the little cousin now, cups his hands to show a size that doesn't seem a whole lot bigger than the orange kitten* She's Steeljaw's lady, and his boss.

little cousin: Awww.... Steeljaw's 'notha kitty?

Raoul: *laughs out loud and uses his hands to show Maine Coon size*

little cousin: *Big eyes are a go* Wow....

Beau: 'E's a doof... W'ld ratha lay 'n th' sunshahn 'r 'n Doc Ruteger's lap th'n anehth'n else... *Chuckle*

Raoul: No no. He likes eating Mr. Del Sol's cooking better than that.

Beau: Th't too... *Chuckle*

Mason: Mr. Del Sol's a good cook th'n?

Raoul: *cracks up*

Beau: D'fahn 'good'...

Raoul: *laughs harder, hugging the cousin so he doesn't dump her*

Mason: *Befuddled look until Beau explains what Javan's specialty is, then he's nodding his understanding*

Raoul: Fatties. *snerk* Quickest way to get rid of Tracks is to wave that stuff around.

Mason: *soft snort*

Raoul: *then yawns and groans, his arms tightening around the little one in a way that only big brothers who are used to baby cuddling do*

little cousin: *Snuggle*

Beau: Mebbeh y'u'd bettah go 'n rest.... We's 'n th' rahght-'and room 't th' end'a th' 'all, 'cross fr'm th' room Tracks 'n Sis're gonna be 'n....

Raoul: *another yawn, which he muffles on his arm, and then frowns at brother* Whadd're you gonna do?

Beau: *Shrug* Prolleh jes' gonna sit 'n chat wit' Allen...

Raoul: Okay. *nods to Mason and the others, and then gets up and heads inside with kitten attached to the seat of his pants and little cousin in his arms*

little cousin: *looking like she's ready for a nap too*

Raoul: *a moment later someone will notice him sacked out on a living room couch among a heap of jackets, kitten and cousin cuddled close*


Tracks: *settling on the nice grass of the area they've decided to picnic in. Will open his box of beancurd and veggies on rice after bowing his head, and then feed Dion instead of himself*

Dion: *Happy baby, nommaveggies!*

Denver: *Sharing rice and veggies with Will*

Tracks: *makes sure that Dion has a nice cooled piece of bean curd in one bitty hand, and that Mr. Snail is out of reach and out of food flinging range, then looks up at Dallas* So what would you like to know?

Dallas: *As he moves to get situated* Fer starters, what'd you mean by Johnny bein' part'a your part of NEST?

Tracks: *glances at his wife* -Do you want to explain that, darling?-

Denver: *Quietly* D'spaht all 'pearances... Tracks ain't 'zactleh a local....

Dallas: ... *Raised brow*

Tracks: *quirks one back as he holds broccoli with chopsticks for Dion*

Dion: *Babbles and noms!*

Dallas: Meanin'...

Denver: *Even quieter* 'E's a Cahbertronian...

Tracks: No no, Dion, darling, don't razz with broccoli... Hmmm interesting spatter design.

Dion: *Surprised to have lost his nom with the razz, hear his confused chirr?*

Tracks: I'm afraid you blew it away. *offers baby brother another bite*

Dion: *Nom!*

Dallas: ... And I'm guessin' that Dion's the same kinda bein'? *Yes, he's realized that he's sitting arm's length from an alien... but really, he doesn't seem terribly worried*

Tracks: *at Denver's unvoiced prompting* Yes, he's the baby twin of my creche brother, Magnus. *gentle tousle for Will's hair* Will's one of us too.

Will: *offers rice to Papa*

Dallas: *a bit surprised by that, but then he's thinking back to how he noticed Will was a bit heavier than he was expecting for such a skinny kid* *Small nod* I see....

Tracks: *eats the rice and grins at Will, then straightens and looks back to Dallas as he offers Dion beancurd* The Ark base was built around our ship.

Dallas: *Surprised expression is a go*

Denver: *soft chuckle, is already imagining what Dallas' reaction will be to getting sassed by either Teletraan or Blaster over the PA system*

Tracks: Oh, and I should mention that I was in Denver and my wedding picture, though I was too drugged to remember my own name.

Dallas: ... *Soft chuckle* Y'all have good taste in cars....

Tracks: *sniffs* Well of course. If I'm going to wear something alien, it might as well be the most attractive.

Devner: *SMUG. Her mate looks good no matter what*

Dallas: *Chuckle*

Tracks: -I take it he's not one of the ones that used to joke that you were married to your car.-

Denver: -Nope. 'E's gotta 'Arleh th't's 'is bebeh.-

Tracks: *chuckles and offers Dion cooked leaf cabbage* Is there anything else you want to know, Dallas?

Dallas: *Considering look as Dion babbles and noms on the offered cabbage* Well... 'S there anehthing else y'all think I should know?

Tracks: *glances at Denver* -Should he know about you, darling?-

Denver: *considering look* -Mahght be a good ahdea t' let 'im know...-

Tracks: *turns back to Dallas* Have you ever heard of the theory of the Multiverse?

Dallas: Er... No...

Tracks: *surprised* Don't watch much TV, I take it.

Dallas: *Wrinkles his nose a bit* Most'a what's on TV nowadays is slop.

Tracks: Well I'm told that a popular plot device in a lot of modern television is visits from one's self from an alternate reality.

Dallas: ... Huh... *looks a bit intrigued by that*

Tracks: *quietly* And one of NEST's biggest secrets is access to a Nexus that opens to all realities.

Dion: Back DOG!!

Dallas: *Blink blink*

Tracks: Yes, darling, that's where the Black Dog is. But we've already got fuel for you. *offers bitty brother some rice*

Dion: *Babble, was meaning Pooka, but will nom on rice*

Tracks: *back to Dallas and quirks a brow, waiting for the human man to speak*

Dallas: Isn't that'a hazard 'a sorts?

Tracks: Not really. Unless you manage to get yourself hit with an LOL.

Dallas: ... LOL?

Denver: *Explains about LOLs, including the ones she's heard the most about*

Dallas: *Boggling by the end of the explanation*

Tracks: Thankfully, all except the Nexus babies seem to wear off in a week or so.

Dion: *big grin* Silas. Danny. Awww.

Dallas: ... That... Wow....

Tracks: And not all realities run the same way. Some don't have Cybertronians, for example. And others are like something you'd see on TV or read in a book. *slight smirk* Oh, and by the way, Edward Cullen is a wimp.

Dallas: ... *Sneerrrrrrk*

Denver: *Snickerfit*

Will: Scared the sparkles outta 'im... *grin*

Tracks: *smug smirk as he feeds baby brother*

Dallas: I'm guessin' that I need to know 'bout LOLs for my own safety?

Tracks: Considering you'll probably have your turn at errand running. But what I was getting to is that there are things besides the LOLs that can't be explained by any way that we understand, except to say that they're miracles.

Dallas: ... *Raised brow* Oh?

Tracks: *quietly* Which is why one day a few months ago two men with severe concussions were healed, a sick baby was made strong, and a woman became something other than human.

Dallas: ... *glancing to Denver*

Tracks: *softly* Our daughter is due at the end of the month.

Dion: SISSY! *food all over*

Will: *startled squeak as he catches some of Dion's food*

Dallas: *Surprised* Congratulations.

Denver: Th'nk y'u... *small smile*

Tracks: *smiles at his wife, and then snags baby brother and distracts him from trying to go and nom on Will's shirt*

Dion: *Squeak squeak squeak!*

Tracks: *cuddles bitty brother and offers Will a wet wipe, then gives Denver a concerned look* -You need to get some rest.- *to Dallas* Anything else?

Dallas: I can't think'a anythin' right now...

Denver: *Small nod, will focus on finishing her meal*

Tracks: Then I guess we'd better get this organic goop finished so Denver can have her nap.

Dallas: *Raised brow* Are ya always this bossy?

Tracks: *looks up from Dion with a very blank expression* I beg your pardon?

Dallas: ... Never mind... *Will focus on eating his lunch*

Tracks: What the d... oh. *snerk* Oh you haven't seen bossy yet, Dallas. But I wasn't being anything of the sort this time. Denver and I have a bond.

Dallas: ...Bond?

Tracks: *peeks sideways at his mate, wondering if she'll explain*

Denver: Tracks 'n Ah're c'nnected 'nna way th't 'e c'n tell wh't Ah'm feelin', 'n vahsa-versa...

Dion: *wants to feed Will bubby*

Tracks: *gently extracting mushed veggies and bean curd from a tiny hand and offering it to the tiny mouth* Yes, what Denver said.

Dallas: ... Huh... Must be nice...

Denver: *Soft chuckle as Dion noms mushed veggies and bean curd*

Tracks: *quietly* I prefer this past few months of sharing my processor to the nine or so million years that I had it all to myself.

Dallas: ... *Boggling at you now, Tracks*

Denver: *Reaches for her mate's hand to give it a gentle squeeze*

Tracks: Well, it wasn't quite nine. *kisses Denver's fingers, and then offers her hand to Dion as the bitty crows and bounces* I'm not nearly as old as Rachel.

Dion: *Kissies Mama's hand!*

Dallas: *Still boggling* Million....

Denver: So 'elp me, 'f y'u make a cradle-robbin' joke, Ah'mma deck ya.

Will: *Quietly says how old he is, which is actually older than the cantankerous grandmother from earlier in the day*

Dallas: .... *needs to pick his jaw up off the ground, excuse him*

Tracks: *offers Denver the wriggly Dion* Cybernetic beings don't wear out as fast as the organic type.

Denver: *Acks as Dion goes into kissie overdrive*

Dallas: Still.... Y'all're older than humanity by a long shot.... *Humbled by this*

Tracks: *sober* That doesn't make humanity any less important. You are the people that the Greatest Creator chose as His favorites.

Dallas: *Seriously* Don't let the rest'a humanity know that... the collective egos of most people are enough to outweigh the sun.

Tracks: *snort* Most humanity has heard the story. And laughed at it.

Dallas: *Small nod*

Tracks: *looks in his food box, and then offers it to Dallas, since he can tell that Dion is more interested in playing and cuddling before having a nap than eating anymore* We should be getting back. There's no telling what those older hoodlums are up to.

Dallas: *another small nod, will quickly finish what's left in the box*

Dion: *Chatter, squeak, babble, sneeze, squeak about the sneeze!*

Tracks: *chuckles at baby brother, and then turns to check on Will*

Will: *finishing up his noms as well, will also eat what Mama doesn't want, which is only a couple pieces of veggies*

Dallas: You mentioned some'un named Magnus... 'S there a reason he's not here?

Tracks: *snerks* Whatever would we want to drag that numbskull along for?

Dallas: ... Is he really that bad?

Denver: Raj 's worse.

Tracks: *to Denver* Oh no he's not. Just wait till Magnus is walking again.

Denver: Magnus di'n't 'old back th' first tahm we sparred.

Tracks: Oh I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about his so-called sense of humor. Raj is an insufferable snob, but Magnus... he's nearly as uncooth as Samuel and Seamus, only much more intelligent.

Dallas: ... *completely and utterly baffled, but has a feeling asking about how Magnus and Dion can be twins, when it clearly seems like Magnus is an adult, would only make his head hurt at this point*

Denver: *Soft snort* Ah'll take y'ur word f'r 't th'n....

Tracks: *as he gathers up the detritus of lunch* And now that he's bonded to a Seeker it could get worse. *gentle feeling of affection over their bond*

Denver: *soft chuckle* Rain ain't so bad... *looking forward to a nap, hopeful that Tracks will join her*

Dion: 'Ain? *Looks skyward, clicking hopefully*

Tracks: *softly as he puts everything into the reusable shopping bag that the little hole in the wall 'healthy Chinese' takeout eatery had included with their order* Dion, we're going back out with the humans again. Remember to be careful, alright?

Dion: *Small pout when he doesn't see Aunty flying overhead, will move to look for Mr. Snail*

Tracks: *quick check for baby cleanliness and then will offer both the snail and the bunny towel before standing and offering Denver a hand up* Are you ready, Dallas?

Dallas: *Nods as he helps Will to his feet* Yeah...

Dion: *Happy babbles, has towel and Mr. Snail!*

Denver: *Glad for the help up*

Tracks: Then lets get back so Denver and Dion can have their naps. *arm around wife's waist as he kisses her on the cheek*

Dallas: *Nods, wondering whether he went nuts overseas, to have gladly accepted the offer at NEST*

Dion: *Will jump to Dallas, babbling away happily*

Dallas: *Quick to catch, will hold the little guy carefully* 'Ey now....

Tracks: *chuckles* Welcome to the family.

Dallas: *Surprised expression is a go*

Denver: *Soft chuckle, rests her head against her mate's shoulder*

Tracks: *cuddles Denver and then turns to bring her to the sedan, his other hand with the bag going out to Will*

Will: *Scoots over to Papa*

Tracks: *gets family transported back. Chuckles at Raoul sleeping on the couch, and is soon himself settled on the guest bed with Denver, Dion, and Will*

Denver: *snuggles close to Tracks, even as Dion is cuddled between them* *Quiet, contented sigh*

Will: *curled up around Mutt, is already asleep*

Tracks: *will protect mate and youngsters as they sleep*

((Co-written with random_xtras))
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