mbv, Various Locations, Happenings

Jan 17, 2011 18:38

Tracks: *laying on an air mattress in the back of someone's pickup truck, soaking up warm night air and cuddling Denver*

Denver: *in a near-doze state, content with the weather and the company*

Raoul: *sitting by the fire with a bunch of the younger cousins, watching them make marshmallow torches*

Beau: *laughs as one of the girl cousins says she wants her marshmallow well-done before sticking it nearly into the coals of the fire*

Will: *not quite sure why that's funny*

Raoul: *shakes his head and then looks over toward the pond, where fireflies are still flitting despite a bright flashlight and some earnest uncle and older cousin discussion or other* *then looks down and offers Will an untorched marshmallow*

Will: *Small smile, nom*

Raoul: *grins and one arm hugs younger brother*

Dion: *Snuggled between Mama and Bubby, is sucking on his thumb as he sleeps*

Tracks: *softly* I do like this. *watches a firefly go over*

Denver: *Soft sound of agreement, snuggles close*

Tracks: *smooths her hair and sinks into a doze*

Raoul: *made an excursion into the forest after his nap. Couldn't really believe what he found there, but thinks the tree must've been planted and not be a native. Starts pulling chestnuts out of his pockets....*

Will: *Soft, curious sound*

Dallas: *Looks over, soft chuckle* Nice...

Will: *more confused*

Raoul: *offers a handful to the tall, redhaired cousin* They're grownin' out in the forest. It's just a little tree.

Dallas: *Blink blink* Really? Huh... I thought American Chestnuts were extinct... *Will carefully skewer a couple of the nuts before sticking the skewer into the fire*

Raoul: I figured they must be some other kind somebody planted. I know they aren't horse chestnuts. *offers another cousin a couple of them before grabbing a stick and digging a potato out of the ashes for Will* So what're we supposed ta be doing here anyway?

Dallas: 'Round the fire? Or with the spuds?

Raoul: Just, why's everybody outside in the dark? What's the big thing? *glances over at the full rocking chairs and quiet talk on the porch*

Dallas: *shrug* We're jes' chill'n...

Raoul: Ah. *watches somebody get their marshmallow torch too close to their polyester shirt* *facepalm*

Dallas: I'm just glad there're no beer cans and bug spray around...

Raoul: The guy over by the pond wants to chuck something called an M-80 in with the fish.

Dallas: ... *Facepalm*

Raoul: *turns head* ...Hey, ain't that your dad? *anoints the flaming cousin with his overly sweet ice tea*

Dallas: *Not looking* Yep. Dad likes blowin' the heck outta stuff when he thinks he c'n get away with it...

Raoul: ...He'd like this guy I know at home.

Dallas: *Raised brow behind his hand* Oh?

Raoul: Yeah. Only he does it in the name of engineering.

Dallas: ... *Snerk*

Raoul: *tests potato and finds it cool enough to touch. Rips it open and pours melted butter from the can by the fire into it, then offers it to smaller brother*

Will: *thanks Raoul, before carefully taking the 'tater and digging in*

Raoul: *startles as a chestnut pops, his eyes widening*

Dallas: *checks his chestnuts, grinning at the one that popped*

Raoul: Sheeeesh, man.

Dallas: *as he carefully tests his chestnut for done-ness* So, you thinking about college?

Raoul: *nabs a smokie sausage from the bowl as it comes around* Nah. I ain't goin'.

Dallas: *Blink blink, curious* Any reason why not?

Raoul: I'm already workin' at a good job. I don't need any college for it. *sausage on roasting fork and then into fire*

Dallas: Huh... *Small shrug* Whatever makes you happy.

Raoul: Hey, there's good money in body work.

Dallas: *small nod* As long as it's your choice, that's the important thing.

Raoul: *grins and gets a bit of burning marshmallow on his smokie, then gives Debbie a startled glance as he overhears her shyly mention that she bought a computer game that she's trying and that the game is called 'Clan Hunter'* ...Hopeful Angel?

Debbie: *Startles and looks to Raoul with wide eyes*

Raoul: *gently* Hey, I was helping you track a Lyecat the other day.

Debbie: *Quietly* You're First Hunter?

Raoul: *nods* Yeah.

cousin: *from the other side of the fire* Aw, that's the stupidest game I ever tried. I brought it back and got a refund.

Debbie: *lips thin, looks at the cousin* *Quietly* Y-you d-didn't get the pet you were wanting, did you?

cousin: I didn't get anything. It was just stupid and nothing to do.

Debbie: *gives the cousin a slightly stern look* Th-then you didn't bother trying.

cousin: Aw, I don't play stupid pet games anyway. Those're for girls. I got a real game.

Dallas: *looks up from nomming chestnuts* Lemme guess, 'Lords of Haltair'?

cousin: ...What's that?

Dallas: A really good game. Better than World of Warcraft and the other games in the same genre. *Dorky grin*

Raoul: *gives Dallas an interested look even as he offers Debbie a space by him and Will* You know Jake?

Dallas: *As Debbie moves to sit down next to Raoul and Will* Depends... The one I know's head of my squadron, and we're allied with Lord Keith and Lord Sideswipe....

Will: *Snerk*

Raoul: *snigger* That's Jake Lamont, dude.

Dallas: ... *slight look of confusion*

Beau: Th' cool cousin fr'm th' otha sahd 'f Denver's 'n mah family.

Dallas: Oh... *Soft chuckle* Gotcha.

Raoul: *grin* I can't believe you never got to meet that guy. He's somethin' else. *to Beau* And Lizzy and the girls're cool too.

Beau: *Chuckle* Yeah.

cousin: I got 'Half-Life 3'.

Dallas: *gives the cousin an amused look* Big whoop.

Raoul: Ain't that kinda old?

cousin: At least there's something to do in it!

Debbie: *Softly* Didn't put any effort into 'Clan Hunter'...

cousin: I don't play games to work. I play them to have fun.

Raoul: *makes headcrab zombie sounds*

cousin: ...The $##$?

Debbie, Dallas, Beau, and Will: *Overcome by snickerfits*

girl cousin: *wants to diffuse the situation* Oh oh! Ah jes' started playin' this game on mah cellphone, 'n it's a lotta fun!

Will: *looks to the girl cousin, slight headtilt, even as he tries to curb his snickering*

girl cousin: Ah've onleh ben playin' a day 'n Ah'm a level ten hairdresseh.

Raoul: *groans and laughs*

Beau: *and he's down for the count*

girl cousin: *hurt expression* Well! Ah don' make funn'a y'r games!

Will: *Quietly* Same person made Dallas' game 'n Debbie's game too....

girl cousin: *pauses in mid feather fluff, her brows lifting with surprise*

Raoul: Beau, don't you even have an account on that game?

Beau: *Trying to catch his breath* N-Nevah thought th't Sean's games'd be so popular so quickleh...

Raoul: *chuckles* That one's ben on the cover of the game magazines.

cousin: What? Which one is it?

Will: *Quietly, as he nods at the girl cousin* Her game....

cousin: ... *looks at Beau* You play 'The Girly Game'?

Beau: *Headshake* Naw, but Will's friend, Susana, does...

cousin: Oh. *loses interest*

Raoul: *just managed to make a hot chestnut pop... and ricochet* Whoa! *cackle*

Dallas: *Laughs at that*

Tracks: *lifts his voice* Do I want to know what just whistled and bounced off the side of this truck?

Dallas: Nothin' t' be worryin' 'bout, unless you're allergic to flying chestnuts.

Tracks: *is the sound of a facepalm*

Raoul: :D :D :D

Dallas: *Snicker*

Raoul: *and then throws a rock at a cousin who wants to try and duplicate the move* Hey, stupido, what if you hit somebody?

Dallas: *soft sigh*

startled cousin: *decides to just eat his roasted chestnut instead*

Dion: *Sleepy* Fweee.... *Snuggles Mama*

Raoul: Good. *grins, but then ducks and throws himself over Will and Debbie as a dull 'whump!' comes from the direction of the 'gater hole'*

Dallas: *on his feet and RUNNING that way now*

Denver: *awake! and groaning softly*

Tracks: *sitting up, tense and watchful*

Raoul: What the fraggin' slag was that? *looking around, but not moving from his protective cover of brother and cousin*

Will: *Clinging to Raoul now, eyes shut tightly*

Dallas: *Giving his dad a stern talking to for the M-80*

Mason's wife: *comes down the front steps and calls out that nobody better think they're bringing gator mud into the house!*

Mason: *Sheepish as he and some of the other guys are herded towards the house*

Raoul: *looks over there and finally understands what happened, and then he's suddenly on his feet and over in front of the elderly man* You. Are. An $##@#@#@$.

Mason: *A bit surprised to be called that by someone so young*

Raoul: *low and intense, his dark eyes flashing* Will just came outta a $##@$#@ war! And he has enough bad dreams. And if Tracks starts flashin' back... *trails off and scowls*

Mason: *And now he's looking quite ashamed of himself*

Raoul: *scowls a bit more, but then just shakes his head and turns on his heel to go herd Will, and Debbie, into the house and up to his room*

Beau and Dallas: *Will go see if Tracks and Denver need help*

Tracks: *isn't flashing back. Is talking softly to Denver's chest/belly area as he lays his head against her*

Denver: *taking deep breaths and holding onto Tracks' hand*

Dallas: *Gently* Should we bring y'all into the house?

Tracks: *glances at the young man and then snuggles his head against Denver again* -Do you want to go inside, darling? This seems like a lovely place besides the idiots.-

Denver: *still taking deep breaths* -First th'n' 'n th' mornin, c'n we go 'ome?-

Tracks: *softly* -Do you want to go now?- *still murmuring to Rose*

Denver: *Trying not to wibble as she squeezes Tracks' hand* -Please?-

Tracks: *aloud* Beau, get your brothers. Denver needs to go home now. Dallas, will you pass our regrets on to your mother?

Dallas: *nods, will very gently pat Denver on the shoulder before heading for the house to let his mother know what's going on*

Beau: *Booking it for the house*

Raoul: *is in NO mood to leave either Will or Debbie*

Beau: *Quietly* We's goin' 'ome, Raoul... Tracks sent me t' c'me git y'u 'n Will...

Raoul: *arms around brother and cousin* I can't leave Angel right now.

Debbie: *Quietly* I'll be okay... My big brother'll stay with me... He's a good person...

Raoul: *quick look* Your big brother?

Debbie: *small nod* Dallas... He's good at protecting people...

Raoul: ... *blush* Sorry for calling your dad what I did.

Debbie: *Small headshake* He wasn't thinking... Denver didn't mention much about y'all's pasts.... *Quieter* Or the fact that she's expectin'....

Raoul: *quiet nod, and then a hug* Okay...

Debbie: *will gently rub Will's back, before her attention goes to the doorway where Dallas is just now entering the room*

Raoul: *nods to Dallas, and then murmurs softly to Will, asking if it's okay if he helps Beau make sure they have everything in the bag*

Will: *Small nod, will cling to Debbie for the moment*

Raoul: *kisses smaller brother's hair, and then hops down to nod to Beau before he scours the rooms and checks the bag to be sure nothing will be overlooked*

Dallas: *moves to carefully sit down next to his sister and Will*

Beau: *checking everything carefully, will bring Mutt to Will*

Raoul: *checks, double checks, and is sure that Dion's ducky is in the bag. Zips it up and rolls it out* //Okay, Beau, you wanna grab Will?//

Beau: *will gently lift Will and carry both boy and bulldog stuffie that the youngster is curled around over to Raoul*

Raoul: *grins at little brother and then heads down the stairs with the bag. A yelp and the sound of an over rapid descent follow*

Beau: *Would facepalm, but has his hands full*

Will: *peeks worriedly as Beau brings him down the stairs as well*

Several MacKenzie Aunts: *At the bottom of the stairs, fussing over Raoul now*

Raoul: *KOed himself this time, and made his cheek bleed too*

Beau: *carefully shifting Will to his back, pokes himself in the ear* Umm... Tracks? We's gotta bit 'f a problem...

Tracks: *sharply* //What is it?//

Beau: *wince* Raoul kahnda got owned bah th' stairs..

Tracks: //What?//

Beau: *is checking his brother for serious injuries* He tripped 'n 's out cold... *Sounds pretty worried*

Will: *hiding against Beau as well as he can*

Tracks: *out by the sedan, waiting by the open driver door, he now ducks his head to look inside at Denver* The boys need a hand with something, darling. Will you be alright till I get back?

Denver: *Small nod, leans back in her seat a bit and closes her eyes, is trying to get Rose to calm down more*

Tracks: *soft clicks to Dion, who is encased in bunny towel, then turns and jogs toward the house* //I'm coming, Beau.//

Beau: We's moving 'im t' a couch... Aunt Cassie's 'n LPN...

Tracks: //Tell her to be careful!//

Raoul: *soft groan as he's lifted*

Cassie: *gentle reassurances as she and Beau carefully transfer the injured teen to the nearest couch, then she's gently checking his vitals and reflexes*

Raoul: *becomes aware of what happened* Slag! Don't tell Tracks.

Beau: *Quietly* Too late... *carefully brings Will around to his front so he can cuddle the frightened youngster*

Raoul: *groans and cusses himself quietly but fervently* I'm... I'm okay. Really. *yelps as his wrist is bent*

Tracks: Raoul??? *pushes over*

Cassie: Minor concussion, possible broken wrist...

Will: *Silent and still, is very scared right now*

Raoul: *turns his head and blinks, unaware that he just got blood on a couch throw pillow* Tracks... *wince* I'm okay.

Tracks: *the man who calls his sons hoodlums and who has twice in this single day been scolded by his wife for fighting with this particular son is pale now as he goes to one knee by the couch* You most certainly aren't. Lay still and let Mrs. MacKenzie take care of you.

Cassie: *goes to get the first-aid kit* *As she does, she'll suggest to Tracks that he bring Raoul to the nearest hospital ASAP to get x-rays of the boy's wrist*

Tracks: Oh yes. We'll be doing that as soon as we leave. *smooths Raoul's mussed hair, his concern plain*

Raoul: *eyes squeezed shut now as his head aches*

Beau: *Soothing murmurs for Will as he reaches to gently pat Raoul's hand*

Tracks: *also talking to Will over comms as he uses his shirt to stop the blood from Raoul's cheek* *softly* Will, darling, will you bring the bag and put it in the trunk? I'll bring Raoul out soon.

Will: *Very slight nod, reaches for the bag*

Tracks: *thanks Will and then looks up as Cassie comes back*

Beau: *takes Will and the bag out to the car*

Cassie: *has a wrist brace, gauze, tape, and antiseptic wipes, as well as latex gloves* Now the brace is only till y'all can get to a hospital..

Tracks: *absent nod* We'll send it back.

Cassie: *nods and carefully gets Raoul's wrist tended before she cleans up the cut on his cheek and applies clean gauze*

Raoul: *winces but doesn't move. Is busy keeping his eyes open*

Cassie: *Will help the teen sit up once she's done*

Tracks: Here, let me. *gently scoops Raoul up* //Red Alert, can you hear me?//

Russell: //Is something wrong, Tracks?//

Tracks: //Who's on duty tonight? Do they have human experience?//

Russell: //I'm the on-call medic tonight.... Which one of the boys got hurt?//

Tracks: *thanking the ladies and making his way to the door* //Raoul's fallen down the stairs and broken his wrist.//

Russell: //How soon can you PINpoint here?//

Tracks: *gives him an estimate* //We'll need to drive out of sight of the family first.//

Russell: //I'll have the medbay ready.//

Tracks: //Thank you. Tracks out.// *calls Mathew and Dixie's number*

Dixie: *Answers after the second ring* //Lamont residence, th's 's Dixie.//

Tracks: //Dixie, darling, I'm afraid we won't be stopping by tomorrow after all.// *down the front steps and heading toward the sedan*

Dixie: *Concerned* //'S s'meth'n' wrong?//

Tracks: //Mr. MacKenzie decided to blow up his 'gator hole' and upset the baby, and then Raoul fell down the stairs.//

Dixie: *Yes, she just facepalmed* //'S Raoul gonna be alrahght?//

Tracks: //Ask me again after he discovers how hard it is to work on cars with a broken wrist.// *over to the sedan* -Denver, darling, I think we'd better let this hoodlum ride in the front. Will you be alright in back with Beau and Dion?-

Denver: -Sh'ld be...- *Concerned*

Dixie: //Remahnd me latah...//

Denver: *has moved to the back seat*

Tracks: *as he gently sets Raoul into the front passenger seat and reclines it* //Remind you...?//

Dixie: //'R Ah'll f'rget t' ask y'u...// *is trying to lighten the mood a bit*

Tracks: *understands and chuckles slightly as he belts his injured son into the seat* //Will you give our apologies to Jake? I think he was looking forward to seeing the boys again.//

Dixie: //Ah will. Y'all be careful.//

Tracks: //We will. And we'll care for Jake's birds. I'm still not certain why he didn't want to bring them home.//

Dixie: *Quieter* //We'll d'scuss 't latah....//

Tracks: //Very well. Tracks out.//

Dixie: //Bah...// *hangs up*

Tracks: *blinks and looks into the back at Denver* ...Dixie just told me 'bah'.

Denver: *Soft chuckle* Sh' w's say'n th' short version'a 'goodbah'...

Tracks: *facepalm* Oh of course. *around the front of the car and into the driver's seat*

Will: *clinging to Mutt and clicking quietly*

Tracks: *gentle clicks back as he pulls out of the yard. Only to stop as he sees Mason running toward the car*

Mason: *indicates that Tracks should roll down the window, has a little orange furball held close to his chest with one hand, and a bag of kitty essentials in the other hand*

Tracks: *surprised as he rolls the window down* A kitten? But...

Mason: Th's li'l gah w's follow'n Raoul 'round all day... 'n w's lookin' f'r 'im jes' a bit ago... *Watches as the kitten wiggles and jumps into Tracks' lap before moving to curl up in Raoul's lap*

kitten: *itty bitty thunderpurr*

Tracks: *frowns as he watches the baby cat's progress, but then takes the other things from Mason* I don't know what our gerbil will think... *and the thought of cat hair all over the apartment has him wincing*

Raoul: *slight smile as he hears the purring* He's for Steeljaw 'n Ravage.

Denver: *Soft 'heh'*

Mason: *Soft chuckle* Ah th'nk th'se two'll lahk 'im... *Quieter* 'N Ah'm sorreh f'r spookin' y'all lahk th't...

Tracks: Ah well. We'll be alright. *brows lift slightly*

Raoul: *good hand on kitty*

Kitten: *loves on hurt person*

Mason: Y'all drahve careful...

Tracks: Oh I always do.

Raoul: Except when you're on the set.

Tracks: *looks at him* Especially when I'm on the set.

Denver: *tips her head back against the headrest and closes her eyes*

Mason: *pats the door of the sedan before heading for the house*

Tracks: *bit of a sigh and continues out of the yard, slowing slightly so as to preserve the life of one of the kitten's older relatives as it trots across the drive* Now let's get home.

Denver: *Soft sound of agreement as Beau and Will nod*

Dion: *muffled due to towel-gnawing* Butt! Thrrrpt!

Raoul: *too woozy to even snort, but he gives a wan grin*

Denver: *Very soft snerk, just wants to get home ASAP*

Tracks: *drives till he's out of sight of any houses or other buildings, and then PINpoints the entire sedan into the living room at home*

Trailbreaker: *just got the 'You break her heart and I'll break your legs' spiel from Dixie. Is bewildered. And then the car appears and he's startled and protective*

Hattie: *Startled cuss as Dixie and Jake both jump back*

Tracks: *blinks as he catches sight of Dixie and Jake* What the deuce...

Beau: ... *Snerk* Ah f'rgot Jake's gotta PINpoint too...

Hattie: *up off the couch and hurrying to the sedan to see what's going on*

Raoul: *blinks at her as she opens his door* ...Abuela?

Hattie: *concerned when she sees the brace on his wrist* Wh't 'appened?

Tracks: Oh, he just fell down another flight of stairs. *lets himself out of the sedan after shutting off the engine, then flips his seat forward and comes around to the passenger side to try and gently nudge Hattie aside* Dixie? I didn't expect to see you here.

Dixie: Jake 'nsisted 'n bring'n me 'eah... Ah put a squash 'n zuchini casserole in y'all's fridge...

Denver: *Very soft chuckle as Dion squees at Jake when the teen moves to get him out of his car seat*

Tracks: *sidelong look for Dixie as she names the one dish she made during their visit that didn't make him turn green* *carefully gets Raoul out of the car and steps out of the way so that the seat can be flipped forward and Denver can get out*

kitten: *issa poof! Did not like the travel method*

Goldie: *over on the sideboard, being all excited about her family being home*

Tracks: *clicks to the kitten and Raoul, then glances toward the diggy sounds from the gerbil cage* Beau, will you tend to Goldie? I'm bringing Raoul to the med ward now.

Beau: *nods and moves to take care of the gerbil*

Raoul: *manages to poke self in ear* *softly* Steeljaw...

Will: *is going to cling to Jake while Mama gets out of the sedan*

Steeljaw: //I didn't do it!//

Raoul: Med ward.

Tracks: *as he carries the teen out of the apartment* Shhh, Raoul.

Steelljaw: //...Bhuh?// *is going to meet you there then*

Tracks: *PINpoints himself and Raoul from the hallway outside the apartment right to the main room of the med ward*

Raoul: *groans and holds kitten*

kitten: *more poof!*

Steeljaw: Mrrrrrpt?

Tracks: *looks for Russell*

Russell: *coming over from where he's gotten everything set up to take care of Raoul's injuries to tell Steeljaw to go home* *again*

Tracks: Where do you want me to put him? Oh, and this little fuzzball is supposed to be for Steeljaw, it seems.

Russell: *Will show where he wants Raoul brought, which is one of the nice, mattress-padded tables*

Steeljaw: *Ears perked* Mrrrpt? Mrrrow?

kitten: *mew!*

Tracks: *gently lays his son down, then takes the kitten from him and sets the little scrap on the floor*

kitten: *poof as the beeeeg cat-that-doesn't-smell-like-a-cat comes over to gently touch noses*

Russell: *Scanning Raoul now*

Raoul: *wincing and making small sounds of discomfort as the concussion that Tracks didn't mention to Russell makes itself known more forcefully along with the pain from his swelling cheek*

Russell: *Soothing clicks as he gets what he needs to make a cast for the teen's wrist* The good news is that your wrist is just sprained... The bad news, depending on whom you ask, is that I'm going to have to put a cast on it... Please try to refrain from using it to apply blunt force to heads...

Raoul: *'not amused' look*

Russell: *Quieter* And you'll have to stay up for part of the night, I'm afraid... *works on getting Raoul's wrist in a cast* *is also checking a couple patient monitors via wifi, and e-mailing Rachel to ask her for her opinion on the portable generator for Kriti*

Tracks: We'll take care of that. *looks down to see how the kitten's getting along*

kitten: *purring as Steeljaw gently carries him out of the room*

Steeljaw: *Can't 'talk', as he's got the kitten by the scruff of the neck* *is playing at being Mamacat, hush*

Rachel: *thinks she's comfortably asleep on a poofy mat in her living room, thanks*

Tracks: *slight chuckle* //You might want to make sure Steeljaw can get in right away. He's got something with him that isn't used to cold and snow.//

Rachel: //Buh? *growl*//

Steeljaw: *to Ravage* //We can has kitten!//

Ravage: //Hmmm? Did you steal Pete?//

Steeljaw: //Nope. Raoul had a kitten with him and gave the little guy to us!//

Ravage: //Ohhhh! OUR baby??//

Steeljaw: //Yep!// *hurrying the kitten home*

kitten: *issapurrin', hey what's that funny white st-* *FURPOOF*

Samuel: //Oh, joy.//

Ravage: *bitty thrrpt*

Steeljaw: *Rickrolls Samuel*

Tracks: *chuckles* //There you have it, Samuel.// *gently squeezes Raoul's good hand and gets the teen's nose wrinkled at him*

Russell: *conversationally* You missed the excitement here....

Tracks: ...Excitement?

Russell: *nods and continues to work* Blitzwing's youngest daughter, Usagi, is learning English from our newest resident...

Tracks: *frown* He's got more than one?

Russell: *nod* Usagi's great grandmother is considered one of his daughters by Cybertronian law.

Tracks: Ahh, I see. So he's finally got them here?

Russell: *As he finishes the cast* Unfortunately, it's taking a bit longer to get Usagi's great grandmother here...

Tracks: *deep frown* Why longer for her than for the little girl?

Russell: Because Usagi's been officially made a member of the creche.

Tracks: Ahhhh. Yes, they have to pay for school over there, don't they?

Russell: I believe so... *small frown as he notices something on the monitor for Kriti, makes note of it and sends the note to Rachel*

Rachel: *groggy* //Bad dream. Go hug her.//

Russell: *to Tracks* Excuse me for one moment... *heads for Kriti's room to comfort the youngster*

Tracks: *frowns after him, but then looks back to Raoul and gets softly razzed*

Soft, almost inaudiable whimpers: *cease shortly after Russell enters the room they're coming from*

Tracks: *absently patpatting Raoul as he listens*

Russell: *emerges from the room, clicking quietly and trying to hide the sadness in his posture as he returns to the main part of the med ward*

Tracks: *quietly* How's she doing?

Russell: *Quietly* She'll be alright, in time... *Soft sigh as he pings Tracks' private frequency* //I'll explain more after your daughter's in her own shell.//

Tracks: //I know she's related to Sora and to Serenity.// *glances down the hall* //Are you and Serenity going to be her parents?//

Russell: //That's up to her... Though how did you hear about her?//

Tracks: //I didn't hear much. But I did hear her name.//

Russell: //...I see.... though that doesn't tell me how you heard about her, or her name....//

Tracks: //I do listen to the cats. They said a little girl named Kriti needed a visit soon. I've met a rather darling little girl in the Nexus by that name, and the Perceptor who cares for her.//

Russell: *very slight nod, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth* //That one is a darling... though her counterpart that resides at the Black Dog is far from what I would call 'darling'...//

Tracks: *snerk* //She has her charm.// *won't disclose a confidence of the time he actually held that little lady on his lap during a dance performance that he attended with Dion and Will*

Russell: //Yes, if snarky, and liable to bite one's kneecaps can be considered 'charm'...// *Chuckle*

Tracks: *just smirks* Have you ever seen the twin dancers who perform at the Black Dog sometimes?

Russell: *headshake* Not yet... I'm going to be taking Rinny and the girls to see them soon, though.

Tracks: Will and Dion have dolls of them. They're pretty little things. And both of them bonded to Swindles.

Russell: *Brows up*

Tracks: *smirks again* And a winged female Swindle sold me the souvenirs.

Russell: ... *looking just a bit brain-broken now*

Tracks: And her mate, Blitzwing, looked like he was scared to death of Dion. *then winces as he gets yelled at by Serenity over comms*

Serenity: *just starting to get going when she's suddenly going "Meep!" and closing the connection*

Tracks: o.0 Is she alright?

Russell: *checking in, and then he's facepalming and snickering* Meryl got a handful of her hair and pulled...

Tracks: *wince* Sparklets can be so tactless sometimes.

Raoul: *quietly* Butt... thrrpt. *snerk*

Tracks: ...Yes.

Russell: .... *Raised brow*

Tracks: *sighs and shakes head* Dion's newest joke.

Russell: Ah... *isn't even going to ask*

Tracks: *appreciates that*

Raoul: *murmuring as he counts tiles in the ceiling*

Rachel: //D'awwwwww!//

Russell: //Did the walking shag carpet finally arrive?//

Rachel: //He stuck Punky down Jack's shirt and then used him for a pillow.//

Russell: //...Punky?//

Rachel: //Ask Steeljaw.// *chuckle*

Russell: *will do so, before snerking softly at the big cat's //Is baby!// answer*

Rachel: *chuckling over comms as she gently pokes her husband awake*

Jack: *Groggy mumble of nonsense*

Rachel: //Wake up, sport. There's something in your shirt.//

Tracks: *listening, amused*

Jack: //bhuh?//

Steeljaw: *Being a dork cat* //Can has kitten.//

Rachel: *laughs* //Okay, now I'm going to hug my hubby and the furballs and go back to sleep.//

Tracks: //Oh, if you must.// *amused*

Denver: *sleepy, inquisitive feeling*

Tracks: *relates to her what transpired* -Are you in bed now, darling?-

Denver: -Yeah... Beau 'n Jake c'n fuss almost 's much 's y'u do s'metahms....- *Fond affection*

Tracks: *loves her back* -Why was Dixie here?-

Denver: -She 'n Matt talked, 'n Jake's want'n' t' live 'eah....-

Tracks: *surprised* -Live here? What do you mean?-

Denver: -Ah mean, 'e wants t' live 'eah wit' us, 'til 'e goes t' college... 'E's part'a th' creche...-

Tracks: *touched* -He wants to be ours?-

Denver: -Yeah.... 'N Dixie 'n Matt 're 'greeable t' th' ahdeah...-

Tracks: -So I've got a new brother and sister...-

Denver: *amused* -Y'u've 'ad 'em since b'f're we left th' last tahm....-

Tracks: -So shoot me for being slow sometimes.- *amused also*

Denver: *soft chuckle* -Ah th'nk th't Beau, Will, 'n Jake've decahded t' camp out 'n th' livin' room...-

Tracks: -Oh have they? Are they talking to Hattie and Trailbreaker?-

Denver: -Yep...- *more chuckle*

Tracks: -And Dixie's gone home?-

Denver: *more amusement* -Not yet...- *shares an image of her aunt... curled up next her on the bed*

Tracks: *very surprised. Denver will be able to feel his amazement that a human should act in such a Cybertronian way*

Denver: *thinking of all the times she was sick and was taken care of by Dixie, and how the older woman would sleep next to her*

Tracks: -Ahh. I understand now.- *warm feelings*

Raoul: *giving Russell a hazy frown* Done?

Denver: *feels a bit sad as she remembers how her mother would do the same thing*

Russell: *Nods* Yes...

Tracks: *comforts his wife, and then lets her know that he'll be bringing their boy back soon, but that Raoul will have to stay awake for a while after that*

Denver: -Alrahght...-

Raoul: *perk* ...Home?

Russell: Just as soon as your father gets going... *chuckle*

Tracks: *gives Russell a Look and sniffs, then gently scoops Raoul up and turns toward the door*

Russell: *more chuckle, gets things cleaned up* *Then double-takes when he realizes that Tracks is wearing a kilt*

Tracks: *heard that double take. Is smirking as he PINpoints himself and Raoul back to the living room*

Beau, Jake, and Will: *Have indeed set up things to camp out*

Raoul: *can't help it. Gives Hattie his wary look*

Hattie: *Gentle clicks, got a lesson in sparklet earlier today*

Tracks: He'll be alright, Mrs. Lamont. We just need to keep him awake for a little while to make totally sure.

Hattie: Alrahght...

Trailbreaker: *looking under a blanket tent, his visor bright with interest*

Will: *hiding under a blanket, but is peeking at you, Trailbreaker*

Jake: *indicates a spot that's within his reach, will poke Raoul if the other teen looks like he's falling asleep*

Tracks: *carefully sets Raoul down, and then moves to settle near him*

Jake: *Gives Tracks a slight Look*

Beau: Go snuggle Sis.

Tracks: *frowns at the boys, feeling torn between caring for his injured youngling and not wanting to leave his mate and unborn one without him*

Jake: *Quietly* M-mama won' go 'ome 't-til y'u git b-back...

Tracks: *looks at Hattie*

Hattie: We'll be alrahght 'eah.

Tracks: Oh, alright. *turns and walks down the hall, pausing only to stick his head through Raj and Sora's open door and snark at his brother mildly in passing*

Raj: *Snarks right back*

Sora: *Also snarks*

Ryan: *watches Uncle go, chin on the arm of his sleeping couch. Thinks he wants a kilt*

Sora: *snuggles Raj once Tracks is down the hall*

Ryan: Grandpa likes kilts too. But his have pockets.

Tracks: *heard that. Chuckles as he steps into the master bedroom*

Denver: *dozing and looking a lot more peaceful than she did earlier*

Dion: *cuddling Mr. Snail and clicking quietly as he sleeps*

Dixie: *looks pretty comfortable*

Tracks: *smiles and goes to the bathroom to change to pyjama pants, then comes out and slips into bed on the side of his wife opposite her aunt. Puts his arms around her and Dion and cuddles*

Dion: *hears Mama's spark, Bubby's spark, and Sissy's spark, issa happy bitty*

Denver: *Snuggles closer to her husband and settles into deeper sleep*

Tracks: *content. Will listen to lowvoiced and earnest game talk from the living room for a little while before he settles down to sleep himself*

((Co-written with random_xtras))
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