Umeko: *sitting on a bench outside the V-tech library, her almond eyes wide as she reads the last thrilling chapter of the boy general's ghost on her cell phone. Her white dress rustles softly as she puts a hand to her mouth*
Sean: *leaning against her back, legs folded as he rests an elbow on the large, hand written, leather-bound novel that he got in the mail a little while ago. His thin face is creased in a frown of concentration as he works on reading slowly instead of just scanning each page and then processing the contents. One elbow rests on the book, and his chin rests on his hand.
Will: *leaning against Umeko's side, his laptop resting against his drawn up legs as he intently works on his house on the island game. Has his tongue stuck out slightly in absent reminder to himself not to click at his character's pet dinosaur*
Umeko: *sighs sadly as she reads the last words, and shuts her phone off* I didn't want that book to end.
Will: Hm? *looks up from his game*
Umeko: 'Ghost Boy'. It was the most beautiful novel I've ever read.
Sean: *bit of a grin as he realizes she was reading Justice's book, but doesn't look up from his reading*
Will: Ah... *Small smile*
Umeko: *gently, with pretend reproach* You probably think I'm silly for reading stories like that, about children who have to lead in wars against their own fathers.
Sean: *sobers*
Will: *quietly* No, I don't....
Umeko: *surprised. She's used to males mocking her choice of reading material* No?
Will: *headshake, his dark eyes serious*
Sean: *quietly, still not looking up from his book* We know the guy that wrote that.
Will: *Small nod*
Umeko: *surprised blinking and then a little frown* You know Sarah-chan, too, don't you? You live on the same military base. *thinks* Though maybe it's too large for you to know the Ruteger children.
Will: *Quietly* We know her...
Umeko: *perk* How is she doing? How is her father?
Will: *Glances to Sean to see if it's alright to tell some of the truth*
Sean: *has closed his book now. Gives his creche brother a slight nod*
Will: Sarah's doin' okay.... *has to stop himself from referring to Jack the way he usually does* Professor Ruteger's doin' better too...
Umeko: He had a stroke, right? *eyes intent on Will's face*
Will: *Small nod* He's doin' better...
Umeko: *pensive look, and then brightens* I should go and visit. I can bring Sarah a cute little book that she'll like, and give my respects to her parents.
Sean: *purses lips and looks sideways*
Will: *Quietly* Dunno if Professor Ruteger's up t' havin' visitors yet... Gotta ask Rachel....
Umeko: Well... I can get a cab and give you a ride home, and maybe stop just for a moment to drop off gifts.
Sean: >.o //Uncle Skylar?//
Skylar: //What's up, Sean?//
Sean: //Remember that friend of ours that I told you about? The loli girl that really liked Sarah and who makes all those little paper stars that're always all over the school?//
Skylar: //Umeko? Did something happen to her?//
Sean: *listens to happy planning* //She's decided to give me and Will a ride home so she can drop in and bring gifts to Aunt Rachel and her family.//
Skylar: //...Oh, snap...// *Will call Rachel and let her know*
Rachel: *automatic nap message*
Skyalr: *To Sean* //Rachel's napping...// *Will call Col. Franklin and let him know about Umeko*
Col. Franklin: //Is something wrong with Lt. Col. Oberson?// *worried*
Skylar: //...I didn't even think to call him...// *A bit sheepish now*
Col. Franklin: *relief and amusement* //The base is under his command. I can't give orders concerning it unless he's unavailable.//
Skylar: *will apologize for bugging Col. Franklin, then pester Patrick*
Patrick: *coming out of the library now*
Sean: *looks up, brightening* //Sir. Did Uncle talk to you?//
Patrick: *small nod* //He did... And Rachel's asleep at the moment...//
Will: *trying so hard not to click*
Sean: //She's a good friend. I don't think she'd talk.// *still leaning against the girl, who has put her arm around Will and is cuddling him as she makes hopeful plans about gifts*
Patrick: *moves to approach* //Felicity's fond of her as well... and I got told to go home....// *Is so amused at that* William? Sean? Umeko? Do you need a ride?
Umeko: *brightens and gives him her sweetest happy grin* That's so kind of you, Mr. Oberson. But I need to get some things from home and from the shop before I can go. Do you want to go right away?
Will: *Quietly* Were gonna get Beau...
Patrick: It's no trouble, Umeko.
Umeko: *smile to Patrick is distracted as she turns her attention back to Will* Get Beau?
Will: *Small nod* *Quieter* Beau lives on-base too....
Umeko: Ohhhh. Beau is a name. *dimples with amusement at her own denseness*
Patrick: *nods* His father and sister work on the base.
Umeko: *looks back to Patrick as he talks* I better hurry and get my things. *doesn't realize that he'll probably be happy driving her around*
Sean: *gets up and stretches, grinning*
Patrick: *will move to gently rub Will's back, as the youngster looks a bit worried*
Umeko: *pauses as she raises to her feet* Oh, what's wrong, Will?
Will: *suddenly overcome with shyness, bites his tongue to keep from clicking*
Umeko: *looks to Patrick questioningly*
Patrick: *Gently* He's a bit worried about his mother... She's not been feeling well as of late...
Umeko: Ohhhh. *offers her young friend a hug*
Will: *Ducking his head a bit and Sean will be able to see how he's trying hard not to click*
Sean: *distracts the kindly girl by bumping into her and saying that she can have the front seat so that her dress doesn't get mashed*
Umeko: *blinks at him and then looks down at the dress. Frowns* I shouldn't have worn this one today. It's not good for the country.
Patrick: There's time if you would like to change clothes, Umeko.
Umeko: *doubtful* I don't want to be a bother when you're being so kind to me, Mr. Oberson.
Patrick: *Gently* It's not a bother at all.
Umeko: *bites lip* Are you sure?
Patrick: *nods* We would have been waiting about half an hour for Beau to finish with rehersals, and I believe both Sarah and Felicity would be sad if your dress got ruined...
Umeko: *perks a bit and smiles as she thinks of the fun she had playing backup to Warren's 'Cookie Guy' today* Alright. I'll try my best to be fast. *gathers up her bookbag and purse* Where should I meet you? And what time?
Will: *Quietly* Uncle Roddy 'n Aunt Lisa's shop... *recites the address for the shop from memory*
Umeko: *intent expression as she memorises the address* Thank you, Will. When should I come? I'll hurry to get my gift buying done.
Patrick: I'll drive you to the stores.
Umeko: *surprised* Oh... no. That's too much trouble, sir.
Sean: *grins. He knows his Prime*
Patrick: It's not any trouble.
Will: *almost too quietly to hear* Uncle Patrick's a sap.
Umeko: *shocked and laughing look to Will*
Sean: *hugs Umeko and then starts pushing her away* Go change, quick. *laughs*
Umeko: *more laughter as she tries to bow to Patrick and take polite leave while being pushed*
Patrick: *Soft chuckle, gently squishes Will*
Sean: *comes back after Umeko has gone, and there is a trace of Seeker swagger in the boy's walk and grin*
Will: *clickstorm*
Sean: *hug a brother and noogie attempt!*
Will: *Squeal! Flail!*
Sean: *and then gives him a hug before letting him go and turning to pick up the big leather book* *is still grinning*
Patrick: *Will help both boys get situated in his new(er) truck*
About twenty-five minutes later....
Umeko: *scoots into the shop, her nose tingling from the weather despite her kitten mitten covering it. Is dressed in practical jeans and sweater, with a coat that Bonnie Rabie helped her pick out, but still has cute furry accessories like her mittens, hat, scarf and backpack*
Jake: *coming in from the main garage part of the shop* 'L-lo...
Umeko: *brown eyes peer at him from over the mitten, and then crease into a smile* Hello. May I please wait inside here? My friends asked me to wait here for them.
Jake: *nods* Y-you're Umeko?
Umeko: *nods* Yes, that's my name. *brows up quizzically*
Jake: Will m-mentioned y-you. *is a bit nervous, especially since there's a cute girl in the shop!*
Umeko: *smiling more now as she lowers her hand* He did? *face all rosy from the cold*
Jake: *nods* F-Felicity and Sarah have t-too....
Umeko: Ohhh. You're their friend? *delighted*
Jake: W-Will is m-my cousin... *Trying so hard not to stutter...*
Patrick: *Pulling up to the shop*
Umeko: Really?? Oh!!! I'm so pleased to meet you!
Jake: *Small, shy smile*
Umeko: *hand in shopping bag, and then she's offering him red bean candy* Will you take this little gift?
Jake: *surprised* Th-thank you....
Umeko: ^_^ *presses the lovely little sweets into his hand, and then looks over her shoulder as Sean calls to her*
Beau: *a bit squished in the extended cab of Patrick's truck, but is amused nonetheless*
Will: *peeeeking at Umeko from behind Patrick's seat*
Umeko: *gives Jake one of her quick hugs, and then bows and is by the truck in a rush*
Beau: *Amused at the blush on Jake's face, but will save the gentle teasing for when he can share the story with Raoul as well*
Patrick: *Gentle smile, will wait till Umeko is buckled* Where to?
Umeko: *says the name of a comic book store that Russell probably knows well for its selection of the non-mainstream and generally interesting*
Will: *ducking his head and snickering quietly*
Patrick: *nods and will drive to the store in question*
Sean: *gently boots Patrick's seat* //They have 'Masterpiece Comics' at that store. You know, that book you were looking at the other day online and you said you should buy it for Uncle Russ?//
Patrick: *soft sound* //Are there any comics that you and Will are interested in?//
Sean: //No. They don't carry 'The Bride'.// *looks at Will* We're going to the comic store. You want anything?
Will: *Considering look, small headshake*
Sean: //We're good.//
Patrick: //Alright.// *Focusing on driving carefully, will bring everyone to the comic store*
Umeko: *has noticed Beau's long legs and is worrying about how squished he looks*
Will: *Gentle patpat for Beau's legs*
Sean: *looking at Beau and trying to figure out why being squished would be bad* Are you uncomfortable, Beau?
Beau: Ah'll be alrahght.
Will: *Bites his lower lip, wants to click*
Umeko: Please, you have to sit here when we come back from the bookstore. *still peeking at the blond boy*
Patrick: *considering* I think, if we're careful, that there would be enough room in the bed of the truck...
Beau: *giving Patrick a surprised look now*
Umeko: *head turns and she is also giving Patrick a surprised look* But it's so cold outside, and aren't there rules about riding in the bed of a truck?
Patrick: *Small nod, slight frown as he runs options through his mind*
Umeko: I don't mind being squished between Will and Sean. *small laugh* It happens all the time at study break.
Beau: *glances to Will, who nods,* Alrahght....
Patrick: *will park the truck and get it turned off* Alright then....
Sean: *grins as Umeko gets out and flips the seat forward to allow the boys to shuffle themselves* Oh, Uncle Patrick. I thought of another book you might want to buy.
Patrick: *As he moves to get out as well* Oh?
Sean: The latest episode of 'Cute Fuzzy Kitty', for Felicity.
Patrick: *Chuckle* I think she'd like that...
Sean: She liked the back issues I found her. *grinning*
Patrick: *Soft chuckle* And I'm guessing Warren likes it too....
Sean: Well, yeah.
Umeko: *politely waiting for Patrick, since he said he's coming in too. Has her mittens over her nose again*
Patrick: *acks as Beau hip-checks him to get him going*
Sean: *can't help laughing at that, or at Umeko's surprised face*
Will: *Biting his lower lip again, but this time, it's to keep from snickering*
Patrick: *Razzes Beau and moves to hold the door to the store open for Umeko*
Beau: *innocent grin*
Umeko: *thanks him gravely, though her eyes are dancing. Once she's inside she heads over to a display of small, thick, square manga books that proclaim 'Bunny!' on their covers*
college student: *talking to the guy behind the counter* What do you mean you don't carry it? It's by the same guy that does 'Shifters', only it's R rated and doesn't have those stupid giant robots in it. I read all about it on this forum I go to.
counter guy: *shrugs* I've never heard of it. And I don't carry stuff with that rating anyway.
Patrick: *as he moves to look for the latest comic of Felicity's new fandom, pings Sean's comm and relays the conversation he just overheard*
Sean: //... I don't write R rated stuff.//
Patrick: //I think we'll have to have a word with the responsible party...// *browsing, browsing*
Sean: //Yeah. I'm doing a web search now.//
Umeko: *peeking over a comic shelf and waving 'Masterpiece Comics' in the air*
Patrick: *smile, will move to join Umeko* //Alright. Keep me updated?//
Sean: *distracted sounding* //Yes, sir.//
Patrick: //We'll get to the bottom of this.// *To Umeko* I'll have to ask the clerk about 'Cute Fuzzy Kitty'....
Umeko: *hugging 'Bunny!'* Alright. Do you know what other kinds of books Sarah has?
clerk: Look, this is the raciest book I've got. *shows the college kid a funny little book of fully dressed women in modest poses making kissy faces at the camera. The title? 'So NOT Porn'*
Patrick: *names off a few of the origami books he knows the youngster has* *attention going to the clerk and the college kid*
Umeko: *as the college kid leaves in disgust* But you don't know if she has any manga?
Patrick: I'm not sure, to be honest...
Umeko: Oh. Thank you. I'm sure she'll like 'Bunny!'.
clerk: *funny book in hand as he looks over at Patrick with a friendly and interested look*
Patrick: *nods* She likes bunnies... *chuckles and returns his attention to the clerk* Do you have the latest issue of 'Cute Fuzzy Kitty'?
clerk: *big grin and turns to the bins on the shelf behind him. Takes out a little quarter size magazine with a pinked vellum cover. Straightens the pink bow that binds the book, and then lays it on the counter* We just got those in, it's the second issue for September.
Patrick: *smile* Thanks.... Oh, and that kid is wrong... The person who does 'Shifters' doesn't do R-rated work.
clerk: *pauses in reaching for a magazine titled 'Cute'* That's what I'd heard, but I know authors change sometimes.
Patrick: That's something the artist stands firm on... So whoever's putting out the R-rated work and claiming that they're the person behind 'Shifters' is lying... *Seriousness in his eyes*
clerk: *interested* Do you know the author?
Patrick: I do... and I know the guy who helps with the distribution...
clerk: Wow. ...Do you have any insider scoops? I tried buying that hardcover book he did, but the bidding was out of my reach from the start. I got one of the mini comics, though.
Patrick: I wish I did... *Will make a mental note to suggest another hardcover edition to Sean sometime* I've tried getting insider info, but to no end...
clerk: Bummer. Ah well. *looks over at his display of 'Shifters' for sale* I don't care what that kid said. I like the giant robots. I'm going to be carrying that little Japanese book that he approved after the big 'send me your fan work' thing too. I hear it's based on that little 'Shifters' kiddy cartoon. *grins* Cute sells.
Patrick: It does... *thinking of the book that got sent that violated the rating rule*
clerk: *notices that he's gone a tiny bit green around the gills and thinks to distract him by showing him that 'Cute' magazine* If you're buying the kitty book would you be interested in this?
Patrick: *distraction tactic: Effective* *blinks and looks at the 'Cute' magazine*
'Cute': *full of tooth rottingly kawaii pictures and stories from various authors*
Patrick: ... *Soft chuckle* I think Felicity would like that as well...
clerk: *grins and carefully rings it up before poking it into the bag with 'Masterpiece Comics' and 'Cute Fuzzy Kitty'*
Patrick: *gets his billfold out to pay for the comics*
'Cute Fuzzy Kitty': *cost all of a buck!*
Patrick: *Surprised by that, pleased chuckle*
clerk: What? *looks at him questioningly*
Patrick: I wasn't expecting it to only cost a dollar...
clerk: Ohhhh. Yeah. It used to be two, but the author got a heap of vellum at some storage unit sale. *grin*
Patrick: Heh... It's interesting what can be found at those sales...
clerk: *nods* She said this one was a blind sale, she just bid on what would be in the container. And then when they opened it there was nothing in it but rolls of this fancy paper. *chuckle*
Patrick: *both brows up* Wow...
Umeko: *polite throat clearing behind him*
Patrick: *Sheepish expression, will move out of the way*
Umeko: No. Sir, look. I've heard you talk about the classics, and this made me think of you. *holds out a stunningly illustrated graphic novel version of 'The Hobbit'*
Patrick: *Surprised, will reach for the book now*
Umeko: *hands it to him, smiling the smile of a young lady who is pleased to be able to help*
Patrick: *Will buy that as well*
clerk: *laughing* *to Umeko* If I had more business I'd offer you a job.
Umeko: *blushes and ducks her head, murmuring*
Patrick: *Soft chuckle*
clerk: *and then he's reaching for 'Bunny!' and giving Umeko a little discount on it as thanks*
Umeko: *thankful and blushing*
Patrick: *mentally adding the store's location to his map of Blacksburg* *Will move to gently usher Umeko out the door once she's paid for the comic*
Umeko: *hugging the little fat manga and smiling so happily* Thank you for bringing me here today, Patrick-sama.
Patrick: It was my pleasure, Umeko. *attention going to Will and Beau when he sees the two tussling... or rather, Will is being carefully dangled by his ankles and giggling* ... *soft snerk*
Umeko: *follows his gaze and gasps* Willie-kun!
Sean: *peeks over the bottom edge of the truck window. Snerk*
Beau: *Going to carefully set Will down on the ground*
Will: *still giggling as he's set on the ground, before he's sitting up and trying to tackle-pounce Beau again*
Sean: *arm snakes out the window to pull Beau's hair where it sticks out under his hat*
Beau: *Yelp!*
Sean: *snerks and ducks out of sight again*
Patrick: *Facepalming*
Umeko: I think they got very bored while we were shopping. *eyes dancing*
Patrick: I think so.... *over comms, to Sean* //Is this just them being bored, or did Will get into something while we were shopping?//
Sean: *pops up again and wriggles over the front seat to land head first in the back* //We found a Cybertron Sunrise I'd forgotten I had//
Patrick: //...Oh great. He's going to be bouncing off the walls for awhile, isn't he?//
Sean: *feet on the front seat* //Yes. Probably.//
Beau: *Has Will by the waist, will make sure the hyperactive youngling is securely strapped in* *soooo not thrilled with how quickly Will became hyper*
Patrick: //I almost want to say let your father and Seamus keep an optic on him...//
Sean: //He'll be okay in the creche. ...Uncle Patrick?//
Patrick: //Hm?//
Sean: *quietly* //Umeko's nearly like a sister to me and Will. Can't we tell her about us?//
Patrick: *As he moves to get situated* //I don't see why not... I know Felicity can vouch for her as well... and that Brawn has a hard time telling Sarah 'no'...// *Slightly Devious Prime is slightly devious, yes*
Sean: *grins, and if Patrick looks in the rear view mirror he'll see that Sean's leaning against Umeko now, warming her as being in the truck causes her chill to escape in shivers*
Patrick: *Will chuckle softly, before rolling the window up as Beau gets his seat belt buckled*
Will: *Snuggled against Umeko and trying to keep from clicking*
Sean: *settles down to cuddle as the truck turns toward home*
Ruteger living room
Rachel: *sitting on the couch by Jack, who's got a couple drones sitting on him as he lays under a warm quilt. Enjoying quiet time at home with husband, pets, drones, and catbrats*
Jack: *having a bit of a doze, is glad for the quiet time*
Rachel: *stroking his hair, but suddenly goes dead still, her eyes gazing blankly down at him and her chest motionless*
Lyra: *Soft deedle*
Rachel: *no response*
Fred: *looks over from where he was dancing on the brand new first issue of the crossword puzzle magazine subscription that Mama bought him. Tilts head and beeps, calling to Mama*
Rachel: *continues blank*
Moofy: *deedles and pokes Mama*
Rachel: *nothing*
Moofy: *will deedle and scoot off the couch to go get Uncle Russ!*
Steeljaw: *will chase after Moofy before he can get too far, and call Russell*
Glit: *sitting up in the cat shoe after the bigger recorder's taken off* What? What's going on?
Ravage: //Let me out, I can't see.//
Glit: *comes out of the bed, still trying to tell what's made the little drone dart through the cat door on a day like this*
Steeljaw: //Somethin's up with Ratchet!// *Trying to keep Moofy from taking off again, even as Russell PINpoints in with a sparklet shell*
Jack: *Awake now, and blinking blearily*
Rachel: *motionless through the growing hubbub. Unaware of anything as her unborn daughter accidentally blocks her contacts with her shell*
Glit: *scanning, his front paws up on Rachel's leg* My word. The sparklet's been separated for awhile, I'd say. No wonder she wasn't feeling very well today.
Russell: Let's get Rachel and the sparklet taken care of... Jack, so help me, if you try to stand up, I'm taping you to your bed.
Jack: *still a bit muzzy, will be good and lay back down*
Ravage: //Why isn't Rachel moving?// *tail lashing as she bittymus*
Fred: *crouched down on his magazine and watching in silence*
Russell: *Scans Rachel as he moves to gently set the sparklet shell within reach*
Rachel: *spark healthy, just unable to do anything*
sparklet: *sitting on the contacts, but apparently no thought of trying to move anything*
Russell: *pinches the bridge of his nose* The sparklet's spark knocked Rachel's off of the contacts to her shell... *Will move to get Rachel laying down on the floor*
Lyra: *Quiet, worried deedle as she sits on Jack to keep him from trying to get up*
Glit: Steeljaw, get that pillow for her head. *tail doing slow sweeps as he watches, will give Ravage a reassuring slurp as she comes near him*
Steeljaw: *Goes to get the pillow, dropping Moofy in the process*
Moofy: *deedle!*
Fred: *quiet beep and reaches for Moofy*
Moofy: *Scoots over to snuggle Fred*
Jack: *knows something's up, will try to sit up now*
Glit: *remote triggers Rachel's transform, then ducks as Ravage hurtles over his head to bop Jack in the face*
Jack: *Startled blurt*
Ravage: *sits on Jack's head and washes his nose* *bittypurr*
Russell: *moving to get Ratchet's chest plating open so he can get the sparklet transferred*
Jack: *a bit cross-eyed now*
sparklet: *pops out and floats up when the panel on the spark compartment opens. Surprised pulsing!*
Ravage: 0_0 //Look, Jack!//
Russell: *Soothing clicks, will move to gently guide the sparklet to her own protoform*
Jack: *going to try to sit up again so he can look*
Glit: Jack, don't make me sit on you too. Steeljaw, get Bubba's mirror.
Jack: *soft protesting*
Steeljaw: //On it!//
Glit: Rachel's going to have eight sparklets to care for now. She doesn't need you hurting yourself!
Fred: *calling to Bubba about his new shiny and pointing to Steeljaw*
Bubba: *Beep! Will try and chase Steeljaw away from his shiny!*
Russell: Glit, can you tend to Ratchet? *is making sure the newborn is alright*
Fred: *no no, Bubba. Look! Darts over and waves a little fun foam doll at Bubba to distract him so Steeljaw can get the mirror*
Glit: Of course. *scans the unconscious femme before gently closing her chest up*
Bubba: *doood, dolly! Is easy to distract*
Steeljaw: *grabs the mirror and brings it over*
sparklet: *suddenly flails little fists and cries after a few moments' silence. She's got Ratchet's chevron*
Russell: *Soothing clicks, will move to tuck her in with Jack*
sparklet: *draws her fists close to herself and opens big blue optics the same shape as Wheeljack's. Tips her head back and tries to see who this is. Can hear a spark she knows...*
Jack: *blink blink, will focus on crushing one of his blue plaster cookies to powder so he can feed the sparklet, clicking softly all the while*
sparklet: *fist to mouth as she frowns quietly*
Jack: *Will offer the sparklet some of the cookie powder*
sparklet: *nomming, though she's trying to nom the powder with her fist in her mouth*
Steeljaw: *Will move to gently headbut Ratchet*
Fred: *goes to retrieve the mirror, since it's not wanted now. Pauses to look at Ratchet as well, deedling quietly and questioningly*
Russell: *Will scan Ratchet, concerned that there's something he and Glit missed*
Glit: *also worried* Why the blazes isn't she waking up? Everything seems to be running... I'm not picking up any stress.
Russell: *Will open Ratchet's chest plating again, just to double-check*
Ratchet: *spark a healthy colour, and pulsing normally, but not moving and muted in song. Laying on the bottom of the compartment*
Glit: *looking, his ears back in a frown* Hmmmm. I see.
Russell: *Small frown* I don't understand....
Glit: She's just unconscious still. *very slight shock to the side of the spark compartment*
Ratchet: *right OUT of that compartment and in Russell's face!*
Russell: *acks and lands on his butt, before he's sighing and trying to gently corrall Ratchet's spark*
Jack: *looks up from trying to feed the sparklet, soft click*
Ratchet: *fizzing with temper*
Glit: *sniggering into his paws*
Russell: *Dryly, to Ratchet* You can deal with the offender soon enough. For now, just go back to where you're supposed to be. *Will all but shove Ratchet's spark back into the spark chamber*
Ratchet: *blinking and scowling deeply the moment she's back where she belongs* Don't... *static* Don't think I don't know who did that, you old scrapheap!
Russell: For once, I'm not the guilty party, Ratchet. *Will help her sit up once she's closed her chest plating*
Ratchet: *leans against him and gives him a sideways look* You're younger than me, dork.
Russell: Thrrrpt.... *chuckles and nods towards Jack*
Ratchet: *turns her head, and her expression softens* Has she said anything about her name yet?
Jack: *Small headshake, clicks softly to the newborn*
Ratchet: *rubs her chest* Hrrm. Wanna go to bed.
Russell: Does the couch fold out?
Ratchet: *wryly as she realizes the folly of this* Nope. That's the one in the basement.
Russell: ... Figures... *Will move to get Ratchet situated with Jack and the newborn, before bringing them to the bedroom via PINpoint*
sparklet: *waving her fists again!* *fuss!*
Ratchet: *soft clicking as she gets a feeding tube hooked up and tries to interest the little one in it*
Jack: *soothing clicks, will try and help Ratchet get the currently nameless sparklet interested in the feeding tube*
sparklet: *pouts at them and then enunciates her feelings about PINpointing clearly* Bollocks!
Ratchet: o.0
Russell: ....
Jack: *Blink blink, gives Russell a Look*
Ratchet: *slowly looks toward brother medic as well* *eye. brow.*
Russell: *Will at least make sure the family is comfortable before he makes his escape*
Ratchet: *watches him book it and then flops her head down on her pillow to laugh in a tired enough to be giddy way* The look on his face.
Jack: *Quiet chuckle, will reach for her hand*
Ratchet: *gently squeezes his hand, and then draws it over so she can kiss it* So... how'd I do?
Jack: *Quietly* Scared me when you weren't responsive for a little bit...
Ratchet: I was sleeping. Missy here can really butt bust hard. *looks down at the sparklet, who is blinking slowly as she drinks*
Jack: *scooting to try and snuggle* Still had me worried... *is trying not to nod off*
Ratchet: *leans over baby to kiss him gently*
Jack: *soft clicks, gentle kiss. is starting to feel dizzy from trying to sit up earlier*
Ratchet: *gently strokes his head* You were trying to sit up, weren't you?
Jack: *sheepish expression* Wanted to see what was going on...
Ratchet: *sighs, and then startles as a tiny sigh echoes it* //That reminds me. Autumn?// *looking down at baby, who has stopped drinking and is quietly looking around*
Autumn: //Yes, Rachel?//
Ratchet: //Is there any way someone could bring Hopesong home? I want both my little sparks to snuggle.// What's your name, huh? *gentle touch for the tiny chevron*
sparklet: *blinks and looks confused*
Autumn: //I'll bring her... Wait... Did you...//
Ratchet: //I did.// Sweetie? Do you know?
sparklet: *looks like she canNOT believe Mama is asking that* Missy.
Ratchet: *blink* That's your nickname.
sparklet: Me Missy.
Autumn: *Squeeing over coms*
Jack: *Soft chuckle, even as he tries to stay awake*
Ratchet: -_o //She says her name is Missy.// *assuring her newspark that it's a lovely name*
Autumn: //Awww!// *Will bring Hopesong from the creche after making sure the sparklet is bundled against the cold*
Jack: *Soft clicks, snuggles Ratchet and Missy*
Glit and Fred: *let Autumn in. Glit is still kitty grinning all over the place as he tries to keep Fred from falling too hard when the door comes open*
Autumn: *will bring Hopesong to Ratchet and Jack*
Jack: *losing the fight against sleep*
Ratchet: *optics shuttered, and her chevron resting against Jack's forehead as one hand gently pats the tummy of the tiny figure with her chevron and Wheeljack's optics*
Missy: *sleeping soundly with her fist in her mouth*
Hopesong: *turning her head to look for the clicks* o.0?
Autumn: *Gentle clicks as she moves to tuck Hopesong in with her new sister*
Hopesong: *oh! New bitty! Hi... wait a minute....* *big eyes study this stranger that sounds familiar*
Ratchet: *startles and blinks upward* ??
Autumn: *Gently* I brought Hopesong...
Ratchet: *grins sleepily* Thanks. *slight frown* Drones?
Autumn: Steeljaw put them in the pen...
Ratchet: *more grin as her optic shutters droop and her arm snuggles her tinies between herself and her husband* Good.
Autumn: *will make sure the family has plenty of blankets, clicking softly all the while* *Asks Bert if he needs help with the kids*
Bert: //Nah. We're watching that puppet movie thing.// *yup, pulled out the heavy artillery*
Autumn: //Alright... I'm going to stay with Ratchet and 'Jack for a bit, since their newest daugter's been born...//
Bert: //What's the new one look like?//
Autumn: //She's got Ratchet's chevron, and 'Jack's optics...//
Bert: *chuckle* //Any idea of her personality?//
Autumn: //Not yet... But I kinda get the feeling that she's going to be just as stubborn as Ratchet is...//
Bert: //What makes you think that?//
Autumn: //Just a gut feeling...//
Bert: *chuckles* //Alright. I'll see you when you get back.// *pause* *gruff* //Love you.//
Autumn: //See you later...// *Small smile* //Love you too.//
((co-written with