Nexus, Near the Sign, Two Tracks, Four Trachs

Mar 13, 2011 16:54

mvTracks: *as he and Denver appear by the sign* You know, if I didn't know better I'd think Raoul and Mrs. Lamont were trying to get rid of us for some reason.

Denver: *Soft snerk* Ah w'ldn't put 't past 'em....

mvTracks: *looks around, then at the handful of money Hattie pushed into his hand before ordering them out to go get something nice to eat. Surprised sound* Oh, she must have given me the wrong set of bills.

Denver: Hm? *looks* *Boggles when she realizes her grandmother gave them two hundred and fifty dollars* Wh't th'...

mvTracks: *very concerned expression*

Denver: *Calling Hattie now* Gran'ma, jes' 'ow much moneh were we s'posed t' be gettin'? *pause* ...Oh. *surprised*

mvTracks: ...You can't be serious.

Denver: ... Alrahght.... *very brain-broken expression*

mvTracks: But... it's too much. *frowns at the bills*

Hattie: *explaining that everyone on Denver's team chipped in as well*

mvTracks: Oh. *looks up, blinking with surprise*

Denver: Alrahght... See y'all later th'n... *looks to see what has her husband's attention*

mvTracks: So this is a group gift?

Denver: Looks lahk 't....

mvTracks: Well... alright, then. *smile*

Denver: *Soft chuckle*

dtTracks: *as he and his wife step through the bathing room door, all fresh and clean... and find themselves NOT in the tavern* Oh for the love of...

dtFlashpoint: ...Ah'mma 'ave words wit' th' Planeswalkers. *slight scowl*

Denver: ....

dtTracks: That portal is Ratchet's. *sniff and scowl. Then notices that black-haired man over there and frowns* What the...

mvTracks: *smirk* What have we here?

dtFlashpoint: ... *Looks, boggles* Wh't th...

Denver: 'Notha alt.... *amused* *Yes, she recognizes the other black-haired man from her last trip to the Nexus*

dtTracks: *and then recognition strikes, and he steps forward, his hand on his wife's arm* Denver?

Denver: *as she moves to slip an arm around her husband's waist* Yep.

dtFlashpoint: *Eyeing her long-haired counterpart warily*

dtTracks: *looks at mvTracks* Then this handsome devil...

mvTracks: *smirk* Hardly. It's my other alt mode that's the attractive one.

Denver: *Smug grin* *Likes both of her husband's alt modes*

dtFlashpoint: ... Alt mode? *so confused*

dtTracks: They're constructs, living golems that can take more than one form.

dtFlashpoint: ... *Gives her husband a disbelieving look*

dtTracks: I'm serious. Ask your Name Sister. *nods to Denver*

dtFlashpoint: *turns her attention to Denver*

Denver: 'S th' truth. *Will move away from her husband enough to transform*

dtFlashpoint: *Startled obscenity*

mvTracks: Now, now.

dtTracks: *chuckle*

Flashpoint: *far too amused, will return to alt mode*

dtFlashpoint: Holy....

Denver: *Cracking up*

dtTracks: *looks over his shoulder* He's not letting us back through, or coming to get us.

dtFlashpoint: ... Ah'm tah'n 'im t' 'is wahf wh'n we git 'ome.

Denver: *shoulders shaking with mirth, has a good hunch she knows who the couple is referring to*

mvTracks: *looks at his mate* -Do you think we should invite them along?-

Denver: *nodnod, has to catch her breath before she starts hiccupping*

mvTracks: Since it looks as though you've been thrown into the nexus to amuse yourself and celebrate as well, would you care to join us?

dtTracks: Join you? What's the occasion?

Denver: *as she regains her composure* A new bebeh. *small grin*

dtFlashpoint: ... *Raised brow, studying the disguised construct woman*

dtTracks: *brows lift* A girl?

mvTracks: *smug smirk* Her name is Rose.

dtTracks: *chuckle* I know.

dtFlashpoint: *surprised that her construct counterpart is also a mother*

Denver: Our eldest son, 'n mah Gran'ma 're bebehsitt'n, 'n chased us outt'a th' 'ouse.... *stretches out of habit*

dtTracks: *amusement as his wife mirrors that catlike stretch* What do you say, darling?

dtFlashpoint: Mahght 's well... *dirty rotten chuckle* We c'n plot revenge 'gainst Ratchet over food.

Denver: *far too amused, and feeling a bit sorry for the Ratchet of that reality*

mvTracks: Oh, let Ratchet be. If they hadn't done something then someone else probably would have. Like Denver said, her grandmother ordered us to come here and have fun.

dtFlashpoint: *Gives mvTracks a slight Look*

Denver: C'mon... th' sooner we git th're, th' sooner we c'n eat.

dtTracks: *comforting hand on his lady's arm* So where are we going?

mvTracks: Oh, this quaint little pub that our family loves to drop in to.

dtTracks: *sees that smirk. KNOWs that smirk. Wonders what the slag you're not saying, Name Brother*

mvTracks: *offers Denver his arm and turns toward the path between the brownstones*

Denver: *has mate's arm, knows exactly what he's up to*

dtFlashpoint: *knows that smirk as well, having seen it on her own husband*

mvTracks: *across the plaza and onto the path*

dtTracks: *glances at his wife, brow lifted. Does she still want to proceed?*

dtFlashpoint: *Small nod* *Quietly* Ah kahnda git th' feelin' th't Ratchet won' open th' door f'r awhahl...

dtTracks: I do have my amulet of recall.

dtFlashpoint: *Softly* Wh'n's th' last tahm y'u 'n Ah 'ad a meal th't w'sn't surrounded bah derps, 'n th' team?

dtTracks: Every meal I've cooked for you, darling. *smirk*

dtFlashpoint: *Soft chuckle, moves to give his hand a squeeze*

mvTracks: *stops and calls back from the start of the path* Are you coming already? Chop chop!

dtTracks: >_> I'm not that full of myself, am I?

dtFlashpoint: *Starts laughing, and her laughter is echoed from further up the path*

dtTracks: *sighs in exaggerated put uponism, and then brings his lady to catch up with their Name Siblings*

Denver: *soooo heard your question, dtTracks. Is snickering and leaning on her mate currently*

dtTracks: *looks over to their left as they walk* ...Is that a garden?

mvTracks: Yes. A rather large improvement to the previous layout. *sniff* And much more artistic.

Denver: *nod* *Chuckle* 'Parently, 't w's a mahn field b'f're...

dtFlashpoint: Mahn field?

mvTracks: Yes, and a certain young hoyden used it for concerts.

dtFlashpoint: ... *Raised brow. Isn't sure she wants to know what kind of concert, going by her husband's Name Brother's tone*

dtTracks: ...Something tells me that might have been painful.

Denver: *dirty rotten grin* Explosive concerts.

dtFlashpoint: ...Creator preserve us... *To her husband* Don' y'u dare tell 'Jack, 'Jill, 'r Thrrpt 'bout th't.

mvTracks: *to his mate* Do you remember that 'symphony', darling?

Denver: Mmmyup. Beethoven w'ld'a 'eard 't.

dtFlashpoint: *puzzled expression is a go*

dtTracks: ...Beethoven? *startles and goes into a defensive position at his wife's back as the shadow of something massive falls on them. And then he's staring as a truly titanic construct steps over them and strides off down the path*

dtFlashpoint: *Tensed and reaching for a weapon that isn't there at the moment*

Denver: 'E w's a musical composer 'long tahm ago... 'N 'e w's deaf wh'n 'e wrote 'is most famous pieces... *Pays the massive mech no mind, since he didn't stop to chat*

mvTracks: *glances back at his alternate and smirks* Oh that's just one of Blackout's sprogs. Though not the 'musician'.

Denver: *Chuckle*

dtFlashpoint: ... *Quietly, to her husband* Ah thought Blackout w's a dragon...

dtTracks: *soberly, as he straightens* And we're human.

dtFlashpoint: *small nod as her lips thin*

mvTracks: *looks back* Are you coming?

kvKup: *leans out from the Black Dog porch up ahead and takes a pot shot at that green chopper that's going overhead*

dtTracks: o_o

Denver: *Sees that, facepalm* Wonder wh't th't Springer did t' earn Kup's ahr?

kvSpringer: *Dodging the shots and cussing at kvKup*

mvTracks: *watches Tarantulus boot Kup off the porch* ...Someone's going to have to be nice to Ironhide for his drinks till his time out is over. *smirk*

dtTracks: ...There's a non-violence rule?

mvTracks: For everyone but the Minicons, it seems. *has seen several Minicon scuffles go unchecked unless they knocked into something or someone*

dtFlashpoint: ...

Denver: *nod* 'N th' Antah-Vaholence Field....

kvKup: *approaching, a low rumble of sulfurous sound coming from him. Nods and touches his forehead to the ladies, and then rumbles on his way*

dtTracks: *can't help it. He snerks*

kvSpringer: *Follows overhead, gleefully informing Kup that his mother was a hamster and his father smelt of elderberries*

dtFlashpoint: ... *Facepalm*

mvTracks: We really need to start promoting a movie that's actually funny.

dtTracks: *can see just how many big constructs are on that porch now. Knows why his Name Brother was smirking*

Denver: 'T's Springer. 'E ain't got no sense aneh'ow.

dtTracks: Springer... *sputter of amusement*

dtFlashpoint: 'N 'ow.

mvTracks: Be kind, darling. Our Springer can't help being a little scattered. *smirks as he says it*

Denver: W'sn't talkin' 'bout ours... 'E 'as 'Cee t' keep 'im 'n lahn, 'n th'y's both recoverin'.

dtFlashpoint: Th't ain't much bettah....

dtTracks: If I recall rightly, that goat on the tavern roof was Arcee's idea.

mvTracks: *facepalm*

dtFlashpoint: ...Oh, yeah... *Chuckle* Ah'd f'rgotten th't...

Denver: .... Th't sounds lahk s'meth'n Quinn 'r Wayne, 'r even Samuel 'n Seamus'd do...

dtTracks: Well, I don't know who those people are. *blinks, and then nods in response to the nod from the big black Blackout child as he walks over them again going the other way*

dtFlashpoint: *Small frown* ... *Brows up* D' th'y 'ave otha names?

Denver: *nod* Quickstrahk, Whiplash, Sunstreaker 'n Sahdswahp.

dtFlashpoint: ...

dtTracks: Oh, no one would trust those yahoos with their goat.

Denver: Wanna bet?

dtTracks: No one in our village. They've learned better.

dtFlashpoint: Yeah... 'n 'sahds, Ahrnhahd'd 'ave words f'r 'em...

dtTracks: Yes, there's that too. *smiles as he thinks of the resident Dragonsoul* Things have been rather peaceful in the village since the dragons took over, haven't they, darling?

dtFlashpoint: *nod* Ain't nearleh 's much trouble...

mvTracks: *pausing three steps up the human size staircase to look down at his alternate and Denver's* Dragons?

dtFlashpoint: *nod* Dragonsouls... Mah Sworn Sister, Ahrnhahd's 'un.

dtTracks: Oh Blackout's not a Dragonsoul, darling. She's old blood.

dtFlashpoint: Ah... *Always gets that confused*

mvTracks: *smirrk* Blackout as a dragon. You know, that's not really surprising.

Denver: ... Yeah.... Th't makes sense...

mvTracks: Did yours move into town and just take over? *continues up the stairs*

dtFlashpoint: *headshake* She showed up 'un day aftah Ahrnhahd got walloped bah a troll....

dtTracks: Well... *looks sideways at his wife* She has taken over, in a way. Though it's Ironhide who has battled the other dragons in the area and driven them off.

dtFlashpoint: *chuckle* 'R ate 'em.

dtTracks: Yes. *frown* You know, if Ratchet wanted us to party we could have just splurged and bought a large order of Sunstorm bacon and purple cabbage.

mvTracks: *falters as he reaches the top of the stairs, then turns back to look at his alternate again* ...Sunstorm?

dtFlashpoint: *nod* 'E makes f'r tasteh bacon.

Denver: *puzzled expression, attention on mate*

mvTracks: *a little faintly* Could we change the subject?

dtTracks: *gaze shoots up there, his brows drawing together with concern* Of course.

Denver: *Rubs mate's back*

dtFlashpoint: *to mvTracks* Y'all mentioned 'n eldest son....

mvTracks: *nods, his mouth turning up at the corners, though the shadows don't fade from his face* Raoul. *turns to get out of the other Tracks and Flashpoint's way so that they can come up onto the porch* The worst hoodlum in Virginia.

Denver: *Without missing a beat* Sunneh 'n Sahds 're worse.

mvTracks: Denver! *shock and mild outrage* There's a difference between 'hoodlum' and 'idiot'.

Denver: Raoul don' tick Red off.

dtFlashpoint: *blink blink* Red?

mvTracks: *slight smirk* Let's wait to gossip till we're inside with the drinks.

dtFlashpoint: Who's Red?

mvTracks: Red Alert. One of our medics. *quirks one brow*

dtFlashpoint: ... Nevah 'eard 'f 'em.

Denver: Ours 's a gah, 'n a bit 'f a brat.... *Chuckles and nods to Showtime as she approaches*

Tracks: *smiles at the waitress, and then follows her inside for a long evening of eating, drinking, and agreeable company*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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