*It's been six months since things started to settle down in Blacksburg. In that time, Firestar and Inferno have been adopted by three Mrrpt-Nyaah girls, George has started crawling, and Firestar has started walking with a walker. Jack is able to walk around with the assistance of a cane, does substitute work at Virginia Tech a few days each month, and he's able to keep up with Missy, Hope, Destiny, and the Dinobots, for the most part. Magnus and Rain have been blessed with a son named Phoenix, who spends most of his days either riding on Magnus' back, or on the soldier's lap. Beau has gone off to college at Westwood College in Annandale, Virginia, but visits as often as he can, bunking wherever there's an empty bed in the family quarters, as Hattie has moved in with the rest of the family. Jake is working on finishing his GED, when he's not working with Pipes, Raoul, Lisa, and Rodney at the shop. Liadán and Meryl have started walking on their own, and Ember, Firebreak, and Hotspot have become much more skilled at flight. Patrick and Emilia bonded at Midnight on New Year's Day, and have since gotten sorted out. Springer, Arcee, and baby Maria have moved to family quarters, and Arcee has since returned to work as a police officer, much to the chagrin of the Blacksburg PD. Prowl has also returned to work under a new alt mode and alias, as Pietro Morimoto, who is, for all intents and purposes searching for Petra Morimoto, his sister. Astrotrain and Road Queen have arrived on Earth, and have been welcomed into the Destron ranks, while Blitzwing and Comet are still courting. Sidewinder and Thrust have become official, and Sidewinder is expecting another child. Lt. Keller and his family have moved to the Ark and have become a more permanant part of Blaster and Teletraan's family, while Usagi's great grandmother is enjoying her illegal immigrant status. Kriti has been transferred to a normal protoform and spends her days with the creche, teaching Usagi English, and learning about Cybertronian History from Bess. Smokescreen checks in regularly, about once every two months, with updates on how life in the village is improving. Mirage has had his stealth tech replaced, much to Tracks and Magnus' dismay, since now they have to have Moofie or Trailbreaker locate the spy when he goes to ground, because Sora refuses to rat him out. Sadly, Bonnie Rabie's father has passed away, and more news of Decepticons passing have reached Earth...*
Small brunette: *winces as that tall blond Southerner drops papers all over on his way out of the library copy room, then goes over and stoops down to reach for them* *quietly* Ye after needin' a hand, b'y?
Beau: *Sheepish as he moves to try and grab papers* Th't'd be great....
brunette: *skillfully scooping up the papers with hands which are small and broad, and which bear scars along the insides of the fingers* T'at new paper's some slippery. I's lost count of the number of people as dropped it just t'day.
Beau: 'S th're aneh reason wah th'y switched t' th's kahnd'a paper?
brunette: *shrugs and knocks the edge of the pages on the floor* Guess it's cheaper.
Beau: *Small frown* Shortcuts make f'r long delays... *yes, he totally just quoted 'Lord of the Rings'*
brunette: *glances up and chuckles, grey eyes dancing* Sure, Gandalf.
Beau: *chuckle* Name's Beau, actualleh...
brunette: Carter McKenzie. *grins*
Beau: *Raised brow* Aneh relation t' th' MacKenzie clan down 'n Alabama?
Carter: Dunno. I ain't never met no family. T'at's jes' t' last name t' worker gave me folks, 'n t'ey stuck it on me.
Beau: ... Huh... *slightly perplexed look* Wh're'bouts 'n Newfoundland 're y'u fr'm?
Carter: Port Aux Basques. Over to where the ferry is.
Beau: *small nod, despite not really knowing where that would be without a map* 'Ow long've y'u been statesahd?
Carter: Six years now. *tilts her head as she stands and shows herself only to be maybe an inch over five foot, if that. Is a tiny thing in every way, though her frame, what can be seen past the pretty and modest clothes, is well filled out*
Beau: *another nod* *finishes reorganizing his dropped papers and moves to stand* *is around six feet tall, give or take an inch* Must be pretteh diff'rent...
Carter: Yeah. *chuckles* T' hills 's taller'n the buildings.
Beau: *soft snerk* 'T's lahk th't back 'ome f'r me, too...
Carter: Yeah? *tilts her head curiously* T'at's Alabama?
Beau: Not anehmoah... 'Ome, f'r me, 's Blacksburg, Virginia.
Carter: *curious quirk of her brows* Where's t'at?
Beau: 'S wh're Virginia Tech 's... 'N western Virginia...
Carter: *expression clears, and then she winces slightly* Ohhhhh. *tilts head slightly* I hears t'at's a good school t'ere. Why're ye goin' here?
Beau: Ah'm persuin' a Fahn Arts degree... *A bit sheepish again* Ah ain't 'zactleh 's old 's Ah look... *pauses when he sees the wince* 'Re y'u okay?
Carter: *looks up sharply at his words about his age* I's fine. ...How old are ye?
Beau: Ah'm gonna be sixteen 'n June... Ah w's 'omeschooled f'r a bit...
Carter: *tucks his papers under her arm and puts both hands over her mouth*
Beau: *concerned* 'S s'meth'n wrong?
Carter: *from behind her hands* What day in June?
Beau: ... Th' eighth... Whah?
Carter: XD Me too.
Beau: ... *Snerk* *amused* We's almost twins!
Carter: I's always ben a few grades ahead. T'en I took a holiday fer a couple years 'n worked some here in town afore I started school again. *chuckling*
Beau: Ah... *chuckle* Mah brotha 'n cousin're 'omeschooled too... Ah ain't too sure wh't grade Raoul'd be 'n, but Jake's gonna be 'n college startin' next semester...
Carter: Where's 'e going? *interested and intent*
Beau: Ah ain't sure... 'E w's still trah'n t' decahd...
Carter: Well does 'e know what 'e's after liking?
Beau: *nod* 'E's wantin' t' be a teacher 'r p'rfr'm on Broadway...
Carter: *grins* Awww. 'N what're you after?
Beau: *Grin* P'rf'rm'n on stage 'n singin'.
Carter: *belly laugh*
Beau: *Blink blink* Wh't?
Carter: Nothin', b'y. *wink* Ye gots t' looks fer it.
Beau: ... *Blush*
Carter: *oops* >_> Ahem. *blush*
Beau: *never really put much thought into his looks beyond being clean and not having torn clothes* Er.... Wh't class d' y'u 'ave next?
Carter: *checks her schedule* Composition.
Beau: *checks his schedule as well, and then he's grinning again* Th't's wh't Ah 'ave too...
Carter: *grins, her eyes dancing again. And then offers him his papers*
Beau: *will carefully tuck his papers into the folder he was fumbling for when they fell*
Carter: *notices that she paper-nicked one of her scars and is now bleeding. Grumbles and pulls out her hankie to deal with the leak*
Beau: *Concerned sound, will rearrange his books and folders so he can get to the mini first-aid kit his grandmother insisted on packing in his belongings. He's soon offering Carter a bandaid*
Carter: *eyes it uncertainly* What brand is it?
Beau: *looks* Band-Aid brand....
Carter: *shakes her head* It'll take t' skin off. T'anks, anyhow.
Beau: *small nod, moves to tuck the bandaid back in the kit*
Carter: *apologetic, as she starts out of the room* I's allergic to every dang t'ing.
Beau: *Sympathetic wince* Gotcha...
Carter: *ties the hankie in place, and then tucks her hair behind her ear as she walks beside Beau. That ear bears a scar on the top edge of it*
Beau: *As he walks* 'Ow'd y'u git th' scar 'n y'ur eah?
Carter: Some operation t'ey gave me when I was a baby. *shrug* Me mum says I had freaky ears 'n webbed fingers. *squeezes her bandage slightly, then peeks at it*
Beau: ... Ah've got friends who 'ave wh't th'y call "Witch's 'ands"...
Carter: *looks up sharply* Y'mean t'at rough skin on t' palms?
Beau: *nod*
Carter: I read 'bout t'at when I was looking up t' genes as cause webbed hands. Weird old legends... *peeks at her bandage again, frowning a bit*
Beau: *Quietly* Ain't legends...
Carter: *turns the frown up to him* What do ye mean?
Beau: *Still quietly* Th' old stories tell 'bout 'ow a group'a people c'ld change forms... 'n th't their ancestors came fr'm th' sea... 'N older stories, 'uns lost t' tahm, mention th't th' ancestors' ancestors came fr'm th' stars...
Carter: *frown deepens* If t' stories're lost, how d'ye know 'em?
Beau: Mah friends 'ave 'n old book th't s'me'un 'n their family wrote a long tahm 'go, 'n 'un 'f mah uncles translated 't... 't 'as th' 'istoreh 'f th' family....
Carter: Nobody comes from t' stars. *snort*
Beau: *Seriously* Wanna bet?
Carter: *takes her hand away from her bandage, revealing that that blood stain is darker than usual* Now yer jes' being silly.
Beau: *Frowns as he sees the blood stain* Ah ain't... 'Re y'u sure y'u're okay?
Carter: *blinks at the change in topic* Yeah. Why?
Beau: *nods towards her hand*
Carter: *looks* Oh. T' colour?
Beau: Yeah...
Carter: *shrugs* Non-let'al birt' defect.
Beau: *small frown, will send Patrick an e-mail later, asking him to find what might cause darker than normal blood* 'Kay... Jes' 's long 's y'u're alrahght...
Carter: *shakes her head and makes a soft sound like a click* I's fine, b'y.
Beau: *small nod, wonders if he should see if she knows sparklet, decides it can wait*
Carter: *grey eyes dancing again as she opens the classroom door for him*
Beau: *Chuckles and moves to hold the door open for her* Ladies first.
Carter: *mischief* Yup, so gitcher pretty tail in t'ere.
Beau: *Snort* Ah ain't got th' rahght equipment t' be a lady. *Will try ushering you in first, Carter*
Carter: *laughs and plants her feet. Yes, she's a sassbucket*
Beau: *Is a Southerner, and the brother of a stubborn Marine, as well as a 'tudy Puertoriqueno. If he has to pick you up, Carter, he will*
Carter: *squeals and laughs as she's hoisted, then elbows him with just enough force for oooof and not pain*
Beau: *Makes like he's going to drop her*
Carter: *feet ready for landing! Tips her head back and laughs at him, those big grey eyes dancing*
Beau: *Will deposit her in a seat, and chuckle as he moves to take one nearby*
Carter: *light kick that isn't hard enough to hurt, then glances around before turning back* Y'wanna study t'get'er t'night? I kin cook somet'ing up.
Beau: *Small nod* Sure. *smile*
Carter: *happy grin and turns to face the front as the instructor arrives*
That afternoon...
Beau: *as he heads for Carter's place* Ah th'nk she's related t' th' Rabie family... Prolleh distantleh... Said she 'ad webbed fingers 'n odd ears wh'n she w's a babeh...
Patrick: //I'll talk to Granny Rabie and see if there's anything like that mentioned in her family's history...//
Beau: 'Kay... 'N mebbeh ask 'er 'f th're's s'meth'n 'bout dark blood? Carter knicked 'erself wit' s'me paper, 'n w's bleedin'... said th' color w's a birth defect...
Patrick: //Dark blood means that she's got more red blood cells, and more oxygen carrying capability...//
Beau: ... Huh...
Patrick: *going off on a slight tangent*
Beau: *listening to his uncle talk, occasionally adding to the conversation, until he realizes he's almost to Carter's door* Ah gotta go, Uncle Patrick... Gotta study session...
Patrick: //Alright... We'll talk more when you come home. Take care, Beau.//
Beau: Y'u too. *closes his phone and moves to stick it in his pocket before going onto the porch and ringing the buzzer*
guy: *sees him looking at the buzzer panel and opens the door to ask* Who are you looking for?
Beau: Carter McKenzie...
guy: Oh. She doesn't have a phone. You go around back and knock on the window with the 'Finding Nemo' towel hanging in it.
Beau: Ah... Th'nks... *Will head for the back then*
Nemo: *smiling happily through the window from which comes the sound of something being chopped and a bouncy song about the night a Mr. Murphy died*
Beau: *Chuckles as he hears "The Night Patty Murphy Died", will knock on the window*
Carter: *peeks around the towel and grins, then pushes the window open the rest* Kick off yer shoes 'n come right in.
Beau: 'Kay. *Will do so, humming along with the CD*
Carter: And close t' window after ye. *back over at the tiny kitchen counter, chopping away*
Beau: *once he's inside, he'll close the window, chuckling as he does so*
Carter: Ye like stirfry, b'y?
Beau: Yeah... *small grin*
Carter: Tofu?
Beau: *nod* 'S fahn.
Carter: *grins, and then glances toward the sound of a soft bell jingle* Shut it, Betsy. Ye had enough.
Beau: *looks toward the bell jingle*
tiny octopus: *clinging to the inside of a tank and pulling on a string attached to the bell*
Beau: *Chuckle* Cute...
Carter: Ye kin go have a closer look at her, if you want. She won't jump out if you open t' lid. *chop chop chop*
Beau: *more chuckle, will do so*
Betsy: *moves slightly to look up at him, then crawls a little higher and... SQUIRTS Beau right in the nose!*
Beau: *acks!*
Carter: *cracking up*
Beau: 'Tudy kid! *laughing now*
Carter: *laughs harder, then wipes her eyes on her sleeve and resumes chopping* Yeah. I'm glad I got her.
Beau: Mah brotha 'n nephew 'ave a gerbil named Goldie... Ah sh'ld be used t' 'tudy kids 'cause 'a 'er... *amused*
Carter: Gerbil? Ain't t'ose t'ose little mousy t'ings? *tosses everything into a battered electric wok and then stirs as it sizzles*
Beau: Yeah... Goldie lahks t' run 'er ball int' people's ankles...
Carter: *stir stir stir. Squirt in sauce* Ball? Don't fergit to shut t' tank.
Beau: 'Amster ball... f'r runn'n 'round 'n... *Will carefully close the lid of the tank*
Carter: *tilts her head slightly as she imagines that, and then chuckles* Sounds like some fun, b'y.
Beau: 'T ain't fun f'r th' people she runs int'... *chuckle*
Carter: Well, least she ain't chewin' faces off. *glances over as a kettle starts whistling*
Beau: Naw... She's a sweetie...
Carter: Ye wanna get t'at 'n pour it over t' noodles? *ignores the bell again*
Beau: *nods and moves to do so*
noodles: *big fat vacuum packed fresh soba, just need warming up with the hot water and draining. But there only seems to be one serving here*
Beau: *humming quietly as he notices this*
Carter: Almost ready, b'y. Yer plate's right t'ere.
Beau: Gotcha... *Will move to help get things situated*
Carter: Ye ready? *glances over her shoulder*
Beau: *nod*
Carter: *checks* Okay, move.
Beau: *Will move*
Carter: *dumps the deliciously fragrant stirfry on the noodles. Then puts the wok in the sink and gets out bread and butter, which she sets near Beau's plate* I don't got a table. Usually eat on t' couch.
Beau: *small nod*
Carter: *goes and flops on said couch, grinning as she leans over to grab her school book*
Beau: *moves to sit down next to her after setting his book where it won't get messed up*
Carter: *watching him to see what he thinks of his meal, which is nicely spicy and flavorfully salty*
Beau: *making his meal vanish after giving thanks. Seems someone's likely due for another growth spurt soon...*
Carter: *chuckles and is glad she bought that bread and butter*
Beau: *is a careful eater, despite how quickly he's eating*
Carter: Ye want somet'in' t' drink?
Beau: Water's fahn.
Carter: *gets up* Cold or room temp?
Beau: Room temp, please.
Carter: *wide grin as she snags a bottle from the cupboard and brings it back to him*
Beau: Th'nks.... *smile*
Carter: Welcome, b'y. *settles on the couch again, then sees a little piece of what looks like black paper on the cinderblock and old closet door coffee table and quickly pops it in her mouth*
Beau: *notices that, but chooses not to comment as he reaches for his book*
Carter: *gets her book, and then glances over at Betsy, who is playing with a bright plastic cat toy*
Beau: *soft chuckle as he sees that, before he's flipping to the chapter in the book*
Carter: *snags a tiny notebook computer and starts typing shorthand notes to herself as she reads. She's going pretty fast*
Beau: *jotting down notes on notebook paper using some of the shorthand Denver taught him* *write write write, pauses when he realizes he's written part of his notes in Cybertronian* ... *goes back and translates to shorthand*
Carter: *glances, pauses, studies that writing puzzledly*
cybertronian writing: *is notes about the chapter, and the writers mentioned, also has some speculation about why said writers are mentioned in this chapter*
Beau: *quietly humming as he writes more shorthand notes*
Carter: Beau, what's t'at alphabet?
Beau: *Lying through his teeth* Jes' s'meth'n Ah picked up fr'm a game...
Carter: Which game?
Beau: ... *drawing a blank. Now he's remembering why he doesn't tell lies very often...*
Carter: *looking at him quizzically and waiting*
Beau: *just totally blanked on a name* Er....
Carter: *slight frown, and types on her computer for a few moments before running her finger over the touch pad* ...I's not getting any of t' symbols on search. S'it pretty new?
Beau: *Quietly* No... 'S older th'n me....
Carter: *switches tactics, her face intent* Still not'in'... wait.
Beau: *Hunkering down a bit*
Carter: Kay... t'at's one. *more rapid typing* But not'in' t' say where t'ey got it from. *more typing, and a few quick glances toward Beau before her computer suddenly beeps and sparks* Ack! T' heck...
Beau: *Startles and introduces his butt to the floor*
Carter: *presses a button on her computer, and then sighs, her face puckering toward tears*
Beau's phone: *Goes off, blasting 'Yakety Sax'*
Beau: .... *Facepalm* *Mutter* Ah'mma kill Blaster f'r th't...
Carter: *takes her turn to jump, and stares at him with wide eyes*
Beau: *answering his phone, if only to make the annoying music stop* *forgets that he's in the presence of non-NEST company* Blaster, y'u stupid glitch, wh't've Ah said 'bout 'ackin' mah phone?!
Blaster: *cackling can be heard on the other end*
Carter: *eyes even wider as she clutches the dead computer to her chest*
Beau: *oblivious* 'N wh't w's th' big ahdea, crashin' Carter's laptop?!
Blaster: //That wasn't me, man! I swear!//
Carter: *mouth falls open with surprise*
Beau: Well, 'er laptop's slagged t' Pit 'n back... *Grouch*
Blaster: //NEST's automated defenses kicked in. I swear. This time, I only hacked your phone.//
Carter: *pulls her feet up onto the couch and hugs her knees, the broken computer tucked between her legs and body. Puts her face down on her knees and wonders just what she's dragged down on her head*
Beau: *Grumbles and calls Blaster a few things in sparklet*
Carter: *peeks, eyes wide with confusion at the sounds*
Blaster: *razzing Beau and telling him that a NEST liason is en route*
Carter: *hears that someone's coming, and that's the straw on the camel's back. Hides her face and cries*
Beau: *glances that way, startled cuss, tells Blaster off again before hanging up and moving to try and explain*
Carter: *voice shaking* I was only trying to find your game.
Beau: *Quietly* Ah... kahnda fibbed 'bout th' glyphs bein' fr'm a game...
Carter: *lifts her head just enough to give him a reproachful look*
Beau: *Ducking his head a bit* 'T's th' form 'a wrahtin' th't th' Cahbertronian people use...
Carter: I got no idea what t'at means. *more tears*
Beau: *trying to explain what NEST is*
Carter: *frowning at him* ... Yer pullin' me leg.
Beau: Ah ain't... *Frowns as someone knocks on the window*
Carter: *startles and hunkers down, her face paling*
Beau: *Soothing sounds, will peek to see who's there* ...Guess Ah git t' kick Blaster's butt sooner th'n Ah thought...
Carter: *peeking over the back of the couch and feeling very frightened*
Beau: Ah know all three 'a th' people outsahd... 'Un 'f 'em 's mah sister..
Carter: I's gonna go ta jail, ain't I?
Beau: Naw. Jes' gotta saghn a paper th't says y'u ain't gonna tell nobodeh 'bout NEST...
Beau's phone: *Rings again, but this time, it's one of the default ringers*
Carter: *wipes at her eyes and makes a tiny click*
Beau: *Gentle clicks as he moves to answer his phone and put it on speaker*
Denver: //Miss McKenzie, may we come in?//
Beau: *rolling his eyes a bit at his sister's very slight drawl*
Carter: *glances at him and scrunches smaller, but nods* Yes, ma'am.
Beau: *Quietly* Sis ain't gonna 'urt ya. *will move to open the window and snark at Blaster as Denver and Russell enter the room*
Denver: *Wearing dark jeans and a blouse today*
Carter: *peeking at them. Surprised by Beau's sister's dark hair*
Blaster: *Snarking right back at Beau, startled when the teen shuts the window on him*
Denver: Before we go any further... *will get a couple of forms out of the briefcase Russell has in his hand, as well as a pen* This is just a Non-Disclosure Agreement. *Will offer the forms and pen to Carter*
Carter: *quietly, as those scared grey eyes glance at the form* Ye don't sound like Beau.
Russell: She does normally.
Denver: *soft chuckle* I figured having one thick Alabama accent to interpret would be more than enough for one day...
Beau: Thrrpt. :P
Carter: *slightly confused frown* Ain't hard, b'y.
Denver: *slight shoulder shrug* I wasn't sure... I've acted as a liason before, and most people find it easier to understand me when I'm not speaking as I do normally...
Carter: *looks at the bottom of the form, then very gingerly, holding the pen like it will hurt her fingers, makes an X on the signature place* *quietly, with no trace of her usual slight brogue* I've never had trouble learning other languages.
Denver: *small nod* *Gently, slipping back to her normal accent* D' y'u need a doctor t' lookit y'ur 'ands?
Carter: No. The scars aren't irritated right now. *sad look for her computer as she folds the form and holds it by the folded edge while offering it back to the dark-haired woman*
Denver: *Will carefully accept the form and stow it in the briefcase* Alrahght... Ah ain't sure 'ow much Beau let slip... 'N Ah ain't 'n expert 'n Cahbertronians... *Slight twitch that would normally go unnoticed* Which 's wah Ah brought th's gent 'eah wit' me. *indicates Russell*
Russell: *Will introduce himself, using both designations, human and Cybertronian*
Carter: *blank look* You're a space man?
Russell: Well, not exactly.... *Is ignoring the cackling idiot outside* *will double-check that the window is covered by the towel before transforming*
Carter: *squeal! And fall off the couch*
Denver: *moves to help her up* Red's a medic...
Carter: *is trembling, her eyes wide with confusion and disbelief*
Red Alert: *Gently* The Cybertronians that are here on Earth are pacifists and protectors by nature... *Will transform back to alt-mode*
Carter: Ben told my whole life t'ere's only Earth... *bites back another click*
Russell: *Gentle clicks*
Carter: 0_0
Denver: Y'u recognahze th' sound?
Carter: *looks at her* S'my weird noises.
Denver: T' Cahbertronians, th' sounds're th' language th't th' children use... 'S called th' sparklet language....
Carter: *confused more* But I's human.
Russell: *gently* If it's alright, I'd like to scan you... Beau mentioned that you might be related to some of the humans on the base...
Carter: *turns those big eyes to him* Scan?
Russell: *Will explain what the scanning process entails... which is actually pretty similar to an MRI and an X-Ray*
Carter: ...Alright. *lets go her legs, but grips the burned out computer*
Russell: *Soothing clicks, will scan the young woman, before making a soft, surprised sound*
Carter: *clicks and curls up again* What?
Russell: *softly* You are related to the Rabie family... You have a spark...
Carter: *brows shoot up* A whutnow?
Denver: Th' th'n' th't makes Cahbertronians alahve... 'S sort'a lahk their souls...
Carter: *bewildered* But I's human.
Russell: So are the Rabies... But you're only half-human...
Beau: *Blink blink, looks over from where he's making sure Blaster stays in time-out*
Carter: *big-eyed look of shock and confusion for Russell*
Russell: *Will gently explain about Seaspray and his family*
Carter: *small sound and closes her eyes, then holds her head in her hands*
Russell: *Gently* I know it seems impossible... but it's the truth.
Carter: *quietly* T'ey said I was found on t' beach. Jes' a baby wit' a note pinned on my diaper.
Russell: *Small frown* Do you still have the note?
Carter: *shakes her head* Jes' said I was after being t' daughter 'O William Ramsey McKenzie. But t' only William Ramsey McKenzie I was ever after findin' vanished at sea over fifty years ago.
Russell: *Small frown, checking online now*
Denver: Cahbertronians 're long-lived people...
Russell: *Reciting what he's found through the internet* William Ramsey McKenzie... Born to wealthy parents, attended several prestigious schools until he enlisted in the Royal Navy.... Scotsman, adventurous... and then he mysteriously vanished...
Carter: *nods* T'at can't be my dad. T' note was jes' a joke.
Denver: 'E c'lda run int' 'un 'f Seaspray's descendants....
Carter: *gives Denver that confused and dazed frown again*
Denver: No ahdeah 'bout th' woman who gave birth t' y'u th'n? *is trying to connect the dots*
Carter: *shakes her head* I was new when t'ey found me.
Denver: *Soft 'hrrrm', clicks quietly as she muses this over*
Russell: Which beach?
Carter: *says the name of one not far from the harbor by Port Aux Basques*
Russell: *small nod, gets the coordinates, will ask Seaspray if he'd be interested in searching the waters in that area when he arrives*
Carter: *soberly* I... I don't feel so good.
Beau: *Going to see if he can find a bucket!*
Denver: *Soothing clicks, will help Carter lay down on the couch*
Carter: *pale as a sheet. She shivers a bit, and then closes her eyes and faints*
Russell: *Surprised sound, scans the unconcious woman again, even as he moves to cover her with an afghan*
Blaster: *just got the window open and stuck his head in. Frowns with concern* Sup?
Russell: *Quietly* We found someone related to Bonnie and her family... And she'll need a new laptop for schoolwork...
Denver: *Pacing slightly as she sends a message to some of the NEST researchers, asking them to look into Carter's foster care records*
Blaster: What'd she have? *slips through the window head first and then rolls to his feet before closing it*
Russell: *Will carefully pick up the ruined computer and offer it to Blaster*
Blaster: *priceless expression on his face as he takes the tiny, inexpensive notebook between thumb and forefinger* ...Euch.
Russell: *has a funny image to send to Serenity for today, thanks*
Blaster: Man... what a piece of cheap aft sl... *suspicious look for Russell*
Russell: *innocent demenor as he gently makes sure Carter is comfortable*
Blaster: I know what you did, Red.
Russell: I have no idea what you're talking about, Blaster.
Denver: *As she talks to someone from NEST* 'F y'all're gonna tussle, take 't outsahd.
Blaster: *razzes Denver, eeeebil grin for Russell, and then resumes cussing at the little computer* Gotta get that kid a REAL machine.
Russell: *rolls his eyes* *Quietly* The sooner we get home, the better... The poor girl needs time to make sense of everything...
Denver: *Will talk to Beau now, and get a promise that he'll keep an eye on Carter* *Will also get a hug from the teen*
Blaster: *just got squirted by Betsy* *hear him laugh*
Beau: Make sure y'u close th' lid 'f th' tank wh'n y'u're done playin', Uncle Blaster.
Blaster: *sputter as the little octopus gives him a drink* *spit spit wipe mouth*
Russell: You deserved that.
Blaster: *thrrpt. Grins and drops one of the toys from the table by the tank into it, and then shuts the lid and watches as Betsy changes colour as she wraps herself around it*
Denver: C'mon... Les' git outta' 'eah....
Blaster: *yeah yeah. Walks over* Keep your shorts on.
Denver: *Shows just what a mature soldier behaves like.... by giving the broadcast specialist a jeans wedgie and PINpointing out*
Russell: *Facepalm*
Blaster: *does a deep knee bend to get his pants back in place and then follows her*
Russell: *nods to Beau and follows Blaster and Denver*
Beau: *will make sure the apartment looks as though it didn't just have three visitors drop in, before he's moving to sit on the floor and work on making a copy of his notes for Carter to use*
Hour and a half later
Carter: *frowns and wonders why the couch isn't folded out. And then opens her eyes as she realizes she's still wearing her sweater and jeans* Hrrm?
Beau: *nodded off a little while ago, has a stack of notes written*
Carter: *sits up, feeling dizzy and shaky as she tries to remember what happened after school. And then she remembers her computer shorting out, and the visitors... And what they told her* Ohhhhhh, crud. *head in hands and knees drawn up to her chest under her blanket*
Beau: *shifts position and mumbles something about homework*
Carter: *startles and stares at him with wide eyes, wondering why he's still here. Then rubs her forehead and carefully gets the blanket off herself so that she can go to the cupboard for a drink. Has only taken two steps from the couch when the dizziness overwhelms her and she falls*
Beau: *awake! And now he'll move to help her back to the couch, clicking the sparklet word for 'friend' softly*
Carter: *shivers and hides her face on him* D... don't.
Beau: *gently* Sis 'n NEST'll 'elp y'u figure th'ns out...
Carter: *shaking outright now* My... my whole world's ben... a lie.
Beau: *Quietly* Y'u ain't th' first th't th't's 'appened t'...
Carter: I knows. But it's t' first time it's happened t' me. I can't... my brain. *hugs self*
Beau: 'T least y'u ain't been stuck 'n a shoddy-aft shell f'r most'a y'ur lahf 'n tol' y'u w're 'n 'n accident...
Carter: *eyes squeezed shut as she prays and tries to get her head to stop spinning* *then remembers* Was goin' fer water.
Beau: *Will go get her a bottle of water*
Carter: *has a measure of peace in her face when he gets back. But she's still so pale that her eyes have shadows under them*
Beau: *Will gently offer the water*
Carter: *takes it in both hands, her fingers brushing his in the process. She's warmer than she should be* T'anks, Beau. *thirsty drinking after using her teeth to get the lid off*
Beau: *Quietly and sincerely* Ev'ryth'n'll work out.
Carter: *tired nod* I knows. *bites her lip uncertainly, but then squares her shoulders and just says what she believes* God'll look out fer me. Even... if I ain't human. *frown and force herself not to cry as she wonders if that somehow makes her less God's child or something*
Beau: *Quietly* God, 'n Primus.
Carter: *wary look* Who's Primus?
Beau: 'Un 'f God's children... 'E's th' 'un who made th' Cahbertronian race
Carter: *bit of a frown* He supposedta be a god?
Beau: 'E's a parent.
Carter: ...I's confused. *drinks water*
Beau: 'S a lot t' understand, 'n Ah ain't th' best person t' ask 'bout 't... 'cause Ah ain't Cahbertronian....
Carter: *coughs on her water slightly as she lowers the bottle* You ain't?
Beau: *headshake* Ah w's born 'uman, 'n Ah'll dah 'uman... 'less Primus 'n God 'ave othah plans f'r me.
Carter: *frowns at the Primus bit, and then more deeply at the God bit* Why t'e heck would God plan different?
Beau: *Shrugs* 'E works 'n mysterious ways, 'n wants wh't's best f'r 'is children.
Carter: *frowwwn, then looks down at her hands* Yeah... *lifts head and looks toward the window* Boy, t's cold...
Beau: *Will go and close the window* *Small frown when he realizes it's not open* Th' window's closed....
Carter: *has set her bottle down and is holding her head again* Don't feel too good...
Beau: *moving to put a hand on her forehead*
Carter: *startles a bit and blinks at him blearily. And yes, she's got a fever going there*
Beau: *Gently* Le's git y'u t' a doctor...
Carter: *eyes widen, and then she's shaking her head* No. I's fine.
Beau: Y'u've gotta fever...
Carter: I's fine. *looks around, looks at her clock and then at the window* It's gettin' dark out, 'n it gits some cold after dark. Ye best be goin'.
Beau: *getting that stubborn set to his jaw* Ah ain't leavin' y'u t' be sick 'lone, Carter.
Carter: *grey eyes flash* I's fine, b'y!
Beau: *Knows Denver will have words for him when she finds out that he ganked her first PINpoint awhile back* Y'u ain't. *Will grab Carter's wrist, and PINpoint to the med ward of the Ark*
Carter: *first thing she does when they get there is shriek*
Russell: *Startled, topples his chair over backwards, to Liadán's delight*
Liadán: *Happy babbling and clicking*
Carter: *and then she comes over dizzy in the head and sinks down in a little heap on the floor* Hrrrrm...
Russell: *up and coming over to gently lift Carter onto one of the padded tables, small nod for Beau when the teen explains why he brought Carter here*
Beau: *Totally acted on impulse and habit: Someone's sick? Bring 'em to the med ward.*
Carter: I's. Alright. I's... *frowns and squints at Russell, and then relaxes* Oh.
Russell: *Soft chuckle, will get some aspirin and a cool washcloth, as well as a couple blankets*
Raoul: *watches Russell go, and then stands up over in his corner where he's having his evening chest medicine and tries to wave his brother over*
Beau: *Will chuckle and move to say hello to his brother* Y'u keepin' outta trouble, Raoul?
Raoul: *takes his mask off and gives Beau a worried frown* Yeah, like always. What're you doin' here?
Beau: *tips his head towards Carter's table* 'Un 'f mah friends fr'm school's sick... *Quieter* 'N she's related t' Bonnie...
Raoul: *brows do a quick upward quirk of surprise* Slag, we just seem to keep runnin' into more of us without even tryin'.
Beau: *nod* Sis 's lookin' int' stuff.... *Watches as Russell returns and gently offers Carter a couple asprin and some water*
Raoul: *looks at the expression on his brother's face* ...You sweet on that girl, man?
Beau: ... *Gives Raoul a Look* Ah onleh met 'er t'day, Raoul.
Raoul: *soberly* And you got that look in your eyes.
Beau: Ah do not.
Liadán: *Gonna climb off Daddy's desk and come see you now, Raoul!*
Raoul: *absently scoops the sparklet onto his hip* Yeah. It's the same one Major Mac had when she 'n Tracks were just startin' to notice each other.
Beau: Thrrrpt. *Snerks as Liadán mimics the razz*
Raoul: *grins, and then looks at the gauge on his medicine machine and puts the mask back on* *nods meaningfully at Beau, his eyes serious*
Beau: Wh'tevah... *Rolls his eyes*
Liadán: E-vah!
Russell: *heard that, chuckles*
Raoul: *cackles into his mask and makes the machine complain*
Beau: *checks the machine, will noogie his brother as well*
Raoul: *elbow poke, and then scoops up the packing tube he'd been playing with and gives it to Liadán* Bonk! Bonk! *points to Beau*
Liadán: *Squee, will wallop Beau with the packing tube, and giggle as the blond teen 'dies' an overly dramatic death, complete with "Blarghle!" sounds*
Dallas: *laughs from where he's bringing the evening meal trays to the med ward* You get 'im, Lee!
Russell: *Dryly, though there is a lot of amusement in his voice* Raoul, quit teaching my daughter bad habits.
Raoul: *just points to his own head and then lowers it toward the happy sparklet*
Liadán: *Clicks and baps Raoul too*
Raoul: *big XD as he hugs the little one* Good job, Lee. Good job. *checks the gauge and pulls his mask off* All done.
Beau: *getting up off the floor and dusting his butt off now*
Dallas: *chuckles and goes to take the current med ward patients their meals, will be back to see if the young lady on the table wants anything from the mess shortly*
Liadán: *SnuggaRaoul* *Clickstorm* 'Ool cuddle?
Raoul: *watches as Carter gives a slight head shake and a murmur to Dallas, and then looks back down at Liadán* A little bit, but I gotta go eat dinner pretty soon. *cuddles her in in the crook of his arm*
Liadán: *Considering look* Mmmkay. *Snuggle, purr*
Russell: *Soft 'heh'* You'd think Rinny and I don't cuddle with her, the way she constantly seeks tactile comfort... *Says the guy who wears a baby carrier when he's not on shift at either the college or in the med-ward*
Raoul: Some people're just made so they like feelin' other people around. It's normal, accordin' to my books.
Russell: Ah... *soft chuckle as he hears Meryl starting up on her usual excited babbling as Serenity brings her down the hallway to the med ward*
Raoul: Oh oh, there's Mama. Where's Mama? *grins at Liadán, his eyes dancing*
Liadán: *Clickstorm, wiggle, chatter!*
Raoul: *softly, bobbing with each syllable* Ma-Ma! Ma-Ma!
Liadán: *Squeeees when Serenity enters the med ward* Mama!
Raoul: *takes the mailing tube and sets her on the floor*
Liadán: *toddling over to Serenity, who has Meryl on her back* *Squeaks as she ends up introducing her butt to the floor, but will get back up and try again!*
Raoul: *soft cheer of encouragement*
Liadán: *Happy babbling as Serenity picks her up*
Beau: *Soft chuckle*
Raoul: *clocks Beau in the back of the head with the mailing tube, then looks up as Tea calls over the PA asking if anybody wants to go tell Seaspray welcome to Earth*
Beau: *going to try and gank the mailing tube!*
Russell: *looks up* I'll go. I need to ask him something anyways...
Autumn: *Wants to go as well*
Raoul: *watches Russell go, and then watches Autumn walk past the door. Looks at Beau, and then looks over to where Carter's curled sleeping on the table* *pokes self in ear* Hey, Major Mac?
Denver: //Yeah, Raoul?//
Raoul: Me 'n Beau aren't gonna be home for supper. We need to sit with his friend that ain't feelin' good. *hauling his chair over to set it by Carter's table*
Denver: //Alrahght... D' y'u want me t' bring s'meth'n fr'm th' mess?//
Raoul: Well, I don't wanna be a pain in the butt. *looks around for Beau*
Beau: *Going to get a chair*
Denver: //Ah'll send Dallas... Ack, Rose! Th't's mah dogtags!//
Raoul: *soft snerk and goes to the open channel* ROS-SIE! ROS-SIE! ROS-SIE!
Rose: *Happy babbling, can hear Raoul-bubby!*
Raoul: Yaaayyyyyy, Rosie!
Tracks: //Are you quite finished?//
Raoul: *curls up in his chair and laughs till he coughs slightly*
Beau: *had to give his earbud back when he went to college, but is snickering a bit, having guessed what happened at home*
Rose: *babbles to Daddy!*
Raoul: *hand in pocket, and then radio in brother's ear as soon as he's in reach*
Denver: //Rosie ganked mah dogtags!// *amused and a bit frustrated* //Ah still don' git wh't's so appeal'n 'bout 'em!//
Beau: *Snickering, pokes himself in the ear* //Th'y's shahneh.//
Denver: //... *Razz*//
Rose: *Squeeee!*
Raoul: *squeaky squirrel noises for baby sister!*
Rose: *Excited sounds now*
Dion: *Echoing Sissy's excited sounds* //'OOL!//
Raoul: *grins at Beau and entertains any sparklet that might be listening to the open frequency*
Seamus: *Does a peacock impression that gets cut off abruptly*
Raoul: *cackles and boots Beau encouragingly*
Beau: *wallops Raoul with the mailing tube*
Dallas: *Back with trays for both boys* Chow time! ^_^ *also has some soup for Carter, if she feels like eating anything later on... and a Dion on his back*
Dion: *Happy babbling!*
Raoul: Awww. Hey, man. You gonna eat with me? *reaches for sparklet before food*
Dion: Mmmyup! 'Ool-Bubby! :3 *Is soon situated in Raoul's lap*
Raoul: *bows head and then pokes the meatplant lasagna* Thanks, Dallas. You better get back to the mess before Scarlett gets bored 'n wanders off. *intent on putting food in tiny brother's baby bird impersonation*
Dallas: *nods* Yeah... *fond chuckle* Crazy lady... *Will head out and inform Seamus that Land Sharks should not be taunted*
Raoul: *snerks without looking up and continues feeding Dion*
Dion: *happy bitty!*
Beau: *Will check on Carter before he eats. Yes, he had something to eat earlier, but he's hungry again...*
Raoul: *swaps his bread for Beau's end piece, and then hands that to Dion*
Dion: *nommabread!*
Beau: *making his lasagna vanish*
Carter: *watching the three boys through her eyelashes and feeling comforted by their brotherhood and normalcy. Soon settles down to a slightly restless but healing sleep*
((Co-written with