Nexus and mbv, Near the Sign and The /Ark/ Med Ward, New Wheeljack

Mar 13, 2011 16:58

dWheeljack: *sitting behind the sign, leaning back against it with his optics shuttered. He's battered and scorched black in places*

Lisa: *stopped by the sign to re-lace her boots. Again. Pauses when she catches sight of the mech behind the sign* *Concerned* Are you alright?

dWheeljack: *hears the voice but thinks the girl's talking to someone else. Continues to look like part of the scenery*

Lisa: *frown, moves to approach, will gently touch the mech's foot* Hey, are you alright? Do you need help?

dWheeljack: *slight start, and those weary optics open a crack. One of them shines faint blue, the other is dark* Yeah... just dandy. Thanks for askin'.

Lisa: *Froowwwwwn* *being surprisingly blunt* I don't believe you.

dWeeljack: *blinks, and then laughs softly and painfully till he's stopped by a rattling cough and has to spit* *leans back again* S'okay. I don't either.

Lisa: *squeak, will call Rachel and Joe, since she's definitely not a medic, and she's also pretty sure she wouldn't be able to move the mech on her own*

Rachel: //What's up, kiddo? Jack, so help me, put that down.//

Lisa: //There's a mech in the Nexus who looks a lot like he could be another 'Jack and he's hurt but I don't know what to do and I also called Joe because I'm pretty sure I can't get the poor guy to someplace more comfortable than behind the sign...//

Rachel: //We'll be right there. Give coordinates. Jack, I mean it.//

Lisa: *Sends the coordinates, will also send them to Joe* //...I'm almost afraid to ask what Jack has...//

Rachel: //My underwear. Rachel out.//

Lisa: //...At least he's not hanging it from his car antenna...//

Rachel: //...Whut?//

Lisa: //I've seen it at the shop. Roddy knows he's in for a world of pain if he tries it with any of my undies or bras.//

Rachel: //Thrrpt. We'll be right there. Rachel out.//

Lisa: //Lisa out.// *Will see if she can help the injured mech in the meantime* *Will ping Joe's comm to see if he got the message or not*

Joe: *quietly, from where he's kneeling behind her in bot mode* I'm right here, Lisa.

Lisa: YEEEP! *Jumps about three feet* *Transforms almost reflexively and lands on her skidplate, rambling about a mile a minute*

dWheeljack: *jerked and sat forward at the squeal, and now he's coughing again*

Joe: *over and supporting the damaged mech* Easy. Try to relax. A medic is on her way.

dWheeljack: *good optic is barely lit and he's dribbling a bit of pink from the corner of his mouth by time the coughing stops. His intakes are whistling*

Bluestreak: *Fussing over dWheeljack now, still rambling like crazy though*

Joe: *gently* You're streaking, Blue.

Rachel: *appears with husband at her side* I don't care how soft and sturdy it is. The only thing that fabric is insulating is my butt. Oh slag. *transforms and strides over to the patient*

Jack: *Protesting and still trying to prove his point, even as he makes his way over to help calm Bluestreak down*

Ratchet: Use your own underwear, sport. *getting dWheeljack's busted chestplate open and growling softly at what she sees inside before she dives in and gets to work, first triggering medical stasis so that the bot isn't hurting anymore*

Joe: *helping the medic, his odd young face intent*

Jack: *Soothing clicks as he works on getting Bluestreak to the point that she's coherant again*

Bluestreak: *Spazzflail*

Ratchet: Blue, I need: *list of parts that would be at the garage*

Bluestreak: *Gone to get the parts!*

Jack: *attention on his wife and her patient now, makes his way over*

Ratchet: Give me that (whatchacallit) you filched from my supply jar this morning, sport. *doesn't look up from her flying hands as she says it*

Jack: *blink blink, transforms to get it out of subspace*

Ratchet: *takes it and quickly solders it into position*

Joe: *quietly, cocking his head* Lockdown just woke up.

Ratchet: I hear. Percy and Bea will have to deal with it. *still working*

Wheeljack: *Going to try and help, clicks softly when he sees just how close to being scrap his counterpart is*

Ratchet: //Blue, hurry up, we're on a timer here.//

Bluestreak: *Back with the parts, and with Jake!*

Joe: *gets parts and hands them to Wheeljack and Ratchet*

Ratchet: Thanks, buddy. *face brightens as she gets something critical in place*

Wheeljack: Think he'll be okay? *helping by doing what he's instructed to*

Ratchet: *quietly, without looking up* No idea, sport. Blue, Jake, check on his legs.

Jake: Yes'm... *moves to do so, clicking softly to Bluestreak as the femme also moves*

Ratchet: *pulls out of dWheeljack's torso to grab another part, and then blinks as she puts her hand on his side and the plating just crumbles*

Wheeljack: *Worried trill*

Ratchet: *looks at her husband* //Exile.//

Wheeljack: //Like Joe?// *soft clicks*

Ratchet: //Joe's the only other bot I've ever seen that kind of panel damage on.//

Wheeljack: *Small nod*

Joe: *unaware of the conversation he's the subject of. Is busy handing parts and tendering assistance*

Wheeljack: *more worried clicks, glances at Jake and Bluestreak to see how they're getting on*

Jake: *frowning and pointing out the crumbling under the black of dWheeljack's leg panels*

Bluestreak: *Fretting and fussing royally*

Ratchet: //Roddy, are you there?//

Roddy: //Yeah... Blue showed up and grabbed a lot of parts and Jake went with her... What's up?//

Ratchet: //We've got another 'Jack here. He's in bad shape and Blue's having a hard time focusing. Do you think you could come help? Close the shop and leave Raoul in charge.//

Roddy: //Give me a few minutes.//

Ratchet: //Make them short, okay, buddy?//

Roddy: //Working on it... Sheesh, Blue's really worked up...// *PINpoints in moments later*

Ratchet: *doesn't look up from working* //Can you blame her?// *pings Patrick* //Did you clear out the King Cake?//

Patrick: //I did. Blaster's working as a liason right now, if you're looking for him.//

Ratchet: //Just checking your mood. Did Percy report about Lockdown yet?//

Patrick: //He just did...// *Sighs* //I thought things were supposed to be settling down...//

Ratchet: //I don't think she'll be any trouble.// *more quietly* //I realized months ago that her personality matrix was deteriorating.//

Patrick: //... Slag...///

Ratchet: //I'm sorry. I know she used to be important to you.//

Patrick: *Quiet* //She was a pain in the skid... but she'll be missed.//

Ratchet: *quietly gives the news Emilia told her to keep for a good time* //Don't get too stressed, you'll give Emi sparkburn.//

Patrick: //...You mean...//

Ratchet: //Emi says that she says her name is Velocia.//

Patrick: //...I've got to get some more baby things...//

Ratchet: *chuckles even as her hands continue to fly in their life saving efforts* //But anyway. That's why Soli's been so attached to Emi lately.//

Patrick: //Heh.... I'll talk to you later...//

Ratchet: //Just wait, chief. There's on more thing.//

Patrick: //Hm?//

Ratchet: //We're going to need space for another tall Exile.//

Patrick: //...Med ward space or quarters?// *Already notifying Tea*

Ratchet: //Med ward, for now. He looks like he's been used for target practise in open space, or gone through a reality ending.//

Patrick: //I wish Russ hadn't insisted on going with Denver...// *Will let Perceptor and Bea know about this, trusting that Perceptor will ask Kia for her assistance*

Ratchet: //Actually, it's probably a good thing Russ doesn't see him like this. It's another 'Jack.//

Patrick: //... Slaaag...//

Ratchet: //Looks like more of a fighter than ours, he's got the hilt of a sword in the hand he's got left.//

Patrick: //A sword?//

Ratchet: //Yup.// I wish to slag I had my lenses.

Scattor: *pauses and looks behind the sign* Okay.

Ratchet: *squeaks as she's enveloped in cobalt sparkles*

Wheeljack: *Startled, tries scooting back and lands on his skidplate*

Roddy: *Startled blurt of Highland curses as he clings to Bluestreak*

Jake: *Boggling*

Scattor: There. *wanders off*

Ratchet: *blink blink BLINK!* *WORK*

Patrick: //...Ratchet? Did something happen?//

Ratchet: *aloud and over comms* That big ugly blue guy just gave me my lens array.

Patrick: //...You mean Scattor?//

Wheeljack: *Trying to get back onto his feet, isn't having much luck*

Ratchet: *as Joe gently lifts Wheeljack to his feet* //Yup.//

Patrick: //Huh...//

Wheeljack: *Sheepish grin for Joe once he's gotten his footing again*

Ratchet: //And this 'Jack?//

Patrick: //Yeah?//

Ratchet: //Isn't from any kind of reality I've seen before.//

Later, back at the Ark

Patrick: *coming to the med ward to see how the new arrival's doing*

Ratchet: *underpants in one hand, other hand being used to swat her husband on the shoulders* Go get your flipping own.

Wheeljack: *Pouts a bit and moves to head for home to retrieve a pair of his boxers for his project*

Patrick: Here... *gives Wheeljack a scrap of cotton knit that he picked up off of Felicity's sewing table and forgot to give back to her*

Wheeljack: *Perks up* This is perfect! Thanks, chief! *heads off to work on his project, whistling off-key*

Ratchet: *turns her head slightly, that old 'looking elsewhere to remote check the monitors' look that's been gone for so many years returning to her face* //And I love you, sport. Panty thief or not.//

Wheeljack: //Love you too, Ratch.// *happy mech is happy*

Patrick: So how's our guest?

Ratchet: Waking up. You can talk to him if you want, Chief.

Patrick: *Nod* Probably should go in root mode...

Ratchet: Yeah. That might be best. *looks at the green, black, and cream femme who is peeking around the corner with wide blue optics* Hi, Lockdown.

Patrick: *soft sigh, transforms and moves to head for dWheeljack's room*

Lockdown: *soft, curious sound as she moves against the wall to be out of his way*

Optimus: *isn't ready to face her yet... will continue down the hallway*

Destiny: *Snuck out of the creche again, or so she thinks, is here to find the other kid Ratchet mentioned!*

Lockdown: *is an excited clickstorm behind Optimus as she hears this stranger clicking!*

Destiny: *Beeline for the other clicker!*

Grok: *visible through his open door as Patrick passes it. Still deeply in hibernation as he lays on his bed on his back. His tail sticks out from under the big pink afghan Alicia covered him with and hangs down to the floor*

Optimus: *brief nod to Grok, even though he knows the IGP operative isn't awake, continues on his way*

dWheeljack: *frowning groggily at the ceiling and wondering where the slag he is and why nothing on the outside hurts anymore*

Optimus: *studies dWheeljack for a few moments before making a throat clearing sound*

dWheeljack: *one weary blue optic flicks toward him, and then his brow plates are lifting as he studies the small blue and red visitor*

Optimus: *can see the knowledge of an old warrior in dWheeljack's gaze* *Gently* Welcome to the Ark base.

dWheeljack: Thanks. ... *cautiously* Sir.

Optimus: *Soft 'heh'* *Quietly* Even after as long as the war's dragged on, it's still weird to be addressed as 'Sir'... *Louder* I take it you know who I am then?

dWheeljack: No clue. *still watching*

Optimus: *small nod* My designation is Optimus Prime.

dWheeljack: *frowns* ...You've changed.

Optimus: *headshake* I'm not the one you remember... You were found in a Nexus between realities and brought to this reality...

dWheeljack: *silent for a moment, and then lifts his browplates* You wanna run that by me again, sir?

Optimus: *Will repeat himself carefully*

dWheeljack: *frowning now* 'Nexus between realities'?

Optimus: *nods* Bluestreak found you by the sign...

dWheeljack: *fishing through his files* ...Really bright light? In a busy place with things like organic ships flying overhead?

Optimus: *nods* The bright light was the sign, and the organic 'ships' are the whales that fly in the sky...

dWheeljack: No idea how I got there. Last clear memory I have is of coming out of a hyperspace jump. Then there was an explosion or something. And then the light and the whales, and now I'm here.

Optimus: *Small nod* *Quietly* Ratchet said you're like a couple of people who live here... Exiles... They can't go back to their home realities for whatever reason....

dWheeljack: *frowns again* Why wouldn't I be able to go back?

Optimus: *Quietly* When someone's an Exile, it's usually because they've died in their reality, or their reality doesn't exist anymore...

dWheeljack: *surprise, confusion, frowwwn, all pass fleetingly over that craggy, scarred face* How can a reality not exist anymore? And If I'm dead... this sure doesn't look like the Well of all sparks.

Optimus: I'm not sure about the reality not existing anymore... It's not anything I've personally experienced... and the way the different realities work, a person can be dead in one reality, but still alive in others...

dWheeljack: *quietly* That doesn't make any slagging sense.

Optimus: Things involving the Nexus rarely do...

dWheeljack: *scowl, but then decides to focus on something he can figure out* What makes your medic think I'm one of these 'Exiles'?

Optimus: ... I'd have to ask her... But from what she, her mate, Bluestreak, Hot Rod, and Jake said your condition was when they found you, it's either you're an Exile, or a lot harder to kill than you look.

dWheeljack: *slowly* So there's a reason I can't feel my right leg...

Optimus: It's being rebuilt from scratch... Ratchet left it with a medic who has parts better suited for someone your size.

dWheeljack: *glances at him again, wryly* I take it I'm not a standard model around here.

Optimus: For an Autobot, no... If you were a Destron, yes.

dWheeljack: *frowns* A whatnow?

Optimus: Destron. They were the police forces before the war, and now they're former Decepticons who have chosen to no longer follow Megatron. Nightbird is their leader... *chuckle* Even if her mate's the best stategist the Autobots have.

dWheeljack: *tense expression*

Optimus: Megatron tried to kill his wordmate after ordering that femmes and anyone he considered 'weak' be destroyed.... Nightbird renounced their wordbond around the time Alpha Squadron, the Aerialbots, and Starscream's flock destroyed an energy-collection rig around Sol.

dWheeljack: *face closed* You trust them?

Optimus: *seriously* The Destrons are beings of honor. And Starscream's been an Autobot for most of the war. I would trust any Destron or Seeker present on Earth with my life.

dWheeljack: How about that grey broad in the door?

Optimus: *Quick glance over his shoulder*

Road Queen: *lifts a brow plate at him. Totally unrepentant expression on her freshly polished and shined face*

Optimus: *Chuckle, turns his attention back to dWheeljack* As long as she's not putting King Cakes in my office.

dWheeljack: *brows quirk* I have no idea what you just said.

Optimus: I'll explain when you're feeling better, and you've met the local pests... Blaster and Teletraan included.

dWheeljack: *brows lift as the sound of a razz comes from the speaker on the ceiling*

Optimus: And that would be Teletraan. Blaster's currently playing liason in Annandale, Virginia, or he'd be chiming in as well.

dWheeljack: *there's a grin* Blaster, huh? Wonder if he's anything like the guy I knew.

Optimus: Well, when he gets back, you might get to meet him... If he's not busy setting up a retaliation prank against me.

Tea: What makes you think I'm gonna wait that long, O. P? *cackle*

Optimus: ... *Sigh* *Mutter* I hate dealing with hardwired couples. I really do.

dWheeljack: *glances at him sideways*

Optimus: Blaster and Teletraan are pretty much one person in two shells...

dWheeljack: *brows lift* Creepy.

Optimus: It's more of an annoyance, since half the time, nobody's really sure which one of them is talking over the PA system.... and they both have a warped sense of humor.

dWheeljack: *turns his head toward the door as he hears the 'Green Eggs And Ham' rap coming from the main part of the medward*

Optimus: ... I'm almost afraid to go look. *has to anyways*

Ratchet: *sitting at her desk, one brow plate raised in long suffering humor as the song blasts through the PA system*

Optimus: ... *Sigh* I'd forgotten what a git Blaster can be.

Ratchet: You also turned your back on a Destron femme intent on courting.

Optimus: ... Did nobody tell Road Queen that I'm already spoken for?

Ratchet: Not you, dork.

Optimus: ... Oh.

Ratchet: *chuckle*

Optimus: *going to be a bit overdramatic* Everyone around me is mental! *sigh*

Magnus: *From where he's just now wheeling into the med ward* Darn right, we are.

Ratchet: And Emi wants a dozen pickled goose eggs. Hi Mags. Hi, Phoenix!

Optimus: *Sighs* I'll be back... *PINpoints to the Nexus to get Emi her pickled goose eggs, since she did confirm that that's what she's hungry for right now*

Magnus: *Chuckle* I'm just glad Rain only got cravings for chocolate-coated energon bars.... *Will wheel over to Ratchet's desk, has Phoenix on his lap*

Phoenix: *Clickstorm! Hi, Aunty!* :3

Ratchet: *offers the bitlet a handful of goldfish* *to Magnus* Remember when you bet Roddy that Queenie was going to die a crabby old maid?

Magnus: ... She's courting someone?

Phoenix: *nom nom nom, issa happy Seeklet!*

Ratchet: She just went to see that new big 'Jack we brought in, all polished.

Magnus: ...We have a new 'Jack? *curious*

Ratchet: *pokes the monitor to show his room, where dWheeljack is giving Road Queen a bemused and amused look as she pokes a pillow under his head and then pulls an afghan over him*

Magnus: *Snerks* She's totally gaga for him...

Ratchet: *snort* She's got a cooler head than that. She's just playing her cards and seeing if she gets the king.

Magnus: *Chuckle* So what's our guy working on?

Ratchet: Get your caboose on the table and stop yakking. *smirk*

Magnus: Thrrrpt. *Wheels over to the table, then gently sets Phoenix on it before locking the wheels on his chair and getting to a standing position. This done, he settles beside his son and chuckling as Phoenix patpats his cheek*

Ratchet: *grins as she gets up to come over and do his checkup, inwardly thanking God that she's finally fully repaired, and praying that the same can happen someday both for this friend on the table and for the alternate of her husband who rests in the private room down the hall* *And later, as she laughs at the product of said husband's project, she thanks God for him too*

((Co-written with random_xtras))
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