Nexus and MV, Near the Sign and the /Ark/, Reunion of a Different Sort

Mar 28, 2011 00:22

Kup: *blinks as he stumbles into the Nexus, his cy-gar nearly falling out of his mouth as he stops and stares in flat-footed surprise*

soccer ball: *goes bouncing past, persued by an orange mech with white wings*

orange mech: Ball! Ball! :D

Kup: *stares, and then nearly loses his cy-gar again as he sees the massive red and blue, flame embellished bot who is playing with the orange one* ...How slaggin' hard did that 'Con hit me?

Lisa: *glances over from where she and Rodney are watching the orange mech play with hsvOptimus* ... *Surprised squeak*

Rodney: *looks to see what got Lisa's attention* ... *Soft 'heh', moves to approach Kup*

Kup: *rubbing his optics and slowly sitting down as his readouts tell him just how hard that Decepticon did hit him. Grumbling softly*

Rodney: *once he's close to where Kup is sitting* Hey, are you alright?

Kup: *blinks and frowns* No idea, kid. My readouts are all over the slaggin' place. *looks at his cy-gar*

Rodney: *Small, concerned frown* I can get a medic... I think there's a couple at the Black Dog...

Kup: *slight shudder* Yeah... that might be a plan.

Rodney: *small nod, hustles towards the pub*

Lisa: *Coming over to keep an eye on Kup while her mate gets a medic*

Kup: *shakes the cy-gar* Slag... I'm outta juice.

Lisa: *concerned* *Relays this to Rodney* What kind of 'juice'? Roddy can get some mid grade or high grade or whatever your preference is, and he's also getting a medic but I don't know who he's found but if it's the yellow Ratchet that visits the 'Dog regularly, he's pretty good, and so is the white Ratchet that stops by sometimes or if neither one of them are there, Roddy can get Hormah, she's really good...

Kup: *quietly says the name of the energy the cy-gar usually holds, then pulls up one knee and leans his elbow against it wearily as his optics absently track the playing pair*

Lisa: ... I don't think they have that kind of energon at the 'Dog.... *looks a bit lost now*

Kup: *looks back to her* It ain't energon, kid. And what do you know about energon, anyway?

Lisa: *rambles off what she knows about energon, which is actually a lot more than a human would even dream about knowing on the subject*

Kup: *frowning at her now*

Lisa: *Still talking quickly, will show why she knows so much on the matter, transforming as she rambles on*

Rodney: *hustling back with a big, unattractive, almost-neon yellow mech following*

Kup: *mouth fallen open again as he stares down at Lisa* ...Silverstreak? What the slag... *gaze snaps up as he hears those larger footsteps* ...Ging pit?

hsvRatchet: *Dryly* That's one way to describe this place... *Will carefully move to scan Kup, 'tsk'ing softly*

Rodney: *moving to get Bluestreak to calm down so she's coherant again*

Kup: *has concussion damage, as well as stress from functioning without enough fuel for too many days. And another damage, which shows in his spark, but which is mostly stable... for the moment* *scowls up at the yellow eyesore* What the slag are you supposedta be?

hsvRatchet: An alternate of someone you may know, if he or she exists in the reality you come from...

Kup: *holds up the cy-gar* If I don't get this refilled, it ain't gonna matter who I know 'n who I don't.

hsvRatchet: *Recognizes the spark damage Kup's sporting, will frown and scan the cy-gar to see what it needs to be refilled with*

cy-gar: *holds very faint traces of the very energy that damaged the old mech's spark*

hsvRatchet: *brow ridges up* I take it that the energy from that is used for medicinal purposes?

Kup: Yup. And things get pretty crazy when I don't have it.

hsvRatchet: *Small nod, wonders to himself if he should try calling Scattor so as to get the medicinal inhaler filled quickly* I see...

Rodney: ... *small, worried frown as he glances at Kup*

Kup: *sighs and rubs his temples wearily* Maybe it's just time.

hsvRatchet: I'm inclined to disagree... *quietly* Scattor, Scattor, Scattor.

Kup: *lifts his head to give the yellow mech a scowl, but then blinks and stares as the hand that the yellow medic is holding the cy-gar in suddenly starts sparkling with cobalt blue light*

hsvRatchet: *surprised, but will offer Kup his cy-gar back*

Kup: *leans away from it* What was that?

hsvRatchet: A bit of assistance from a Guardian Fae.

Kup: *shudders again and lowers his head* A whutnow?

Rodney: *quietly* Guardian Fae....

Kup: No... No idea what... that is. *feels himself slipping into stasis as the shock to his processor finally registers*

hsvRatchet: *will carefully get Kup laying down so repairs can begin* *Will poke the cy-gar at Kup's mouth*

Kup: *startles and looks up at him blearily, but doesn't refuse the cy-gar this time* My team. Gone. All gone. Ironfist... Twin Twist... Topspin... Broadside... Whirl... Roadbuster... Scoop... Sandstorm... Sharpshot... Pyro... Guzzle... Perceptor... Drift... Springer... Verity...

Rodney: *soothing clicks as hsvRatchet sedates Kup*

Kup: *furrows his brow, but then relaxes as the light in his optics goes out*

hsvRatchet: *Works on reparing the damage to Kup's processor*

Bumblebee: *is that soft creaking sound as she hobbles over* Um... I think Lisa streaked at me? *looks at the damaged mech, and then to her friends, avoiding the sight of Ratchet in the process*

Rodney: *cuddles Bluestreak* *Quietly* Yeah... The poor guy's been through the Pit, by the looks of things...

Bumblebee: *tilts her head as she slowly lowers herself into car mode. Then activates her holoform*

Bea: Do you know who he is?

Rodney: He looks sort of like Kup...

Bea: Kup? *eyes widen* Your grandpa?

Rodney: *small nod*

Bea: *reaches up to put a gentle hand on his shoulder, then hugs Bluestreak and clicks softly*

Bluestreak: *Clickstorm*

Bea: Shhh, Blue. Intake, okay?

hsvRatchet: *attention going to Bea even as he continues to work, raised brow ridge*

Bluestreak: *cycles air, squeaking softly as Rodney transforms and gently kisses her*

Bea: *soft grin* Yeah. See, Blue? Roddy's got your medicine.

Hot Rod: *Will also gently rub his mate's back*

Bea: *gentle clicks for the young femme who is becoming as dear to her as a sister*

Bluestreak: *hiccupping softly when Hot Rod stops kissing her, has managed to work herself into a frenzy of worry*

Bea: Awww, Blue. Do I need to give you a tab?

Bluestreak: *Headshake, hiccup*

Bea: *hand on Bluestreak's shoulder* *softly* Why don't you take Roddy home, okay?

Bluestreak: *more headshake, doesn't want to leave without knowing that this Kup will be okay*

Bea: *glances toward the old bot, and then turns back to the other femme* *quietly* I'll take care of him.

Bluestreak: *Wibble*

Hot Rod: *Quietly* Keep us updated?

Bea: I'll send you a feed. You know my channel. *gentle hug for both of them* Tell the guys to get the med ward ready for him, okay?

Hot Rod: *nods* See you soon. *Will bring Bluestreak to the med ward of the Ark*

Bea: *deep breath as she vanishes*

Bumblebee: *slowly unfolds and then creaks to her feet, starting the feed as she does so. Once she's transformed she limps over to where Kup is laying silent under Ratchet's ministrations*

hsvRatchet: *continues to work*

Bumblebee: *hesitantly, without looking at the yellow mech* Tell me what to do?

hsvRatchet: *Quietly* What do you know about repairing concussion damage?

Bumblebee: I'm pretty good at it. Not as good as Dr. Ruteger, but she treats me pretty much like she treats Dr. Anderson.

hsvRatchet: *nod* Well that's what he's got, among other things... *Quietly* I just hope things work out for him...

Bumblebee: *startled into looking up, the light from the sign clearly showing the scars on her dark face and the darkness and old pain in the back of those wide optics that in most Bees of her kind look so hopeful and happy* Sir?

hsvRatchet: *without looking up from his work* I think he's an Exile...

Bumblebee: *wibbles and seems to shrink into herself a bit* Oh...

hsvRatchet: *Quietly* I just hope he can have access to a steady supply of the medicine he needs...

Bumblebee: There are other Exiles at the Ark.

hsvRatchet: *Gently* Is that your base?

Bumblebee: *changes her hand to the tool she'll need to help with Kup* It is now.

hsvRatchet: *Small nod, continues to work*

Bumblebee: *moves over close* Where do you want me to work? *scanning the damaged mech*

hsvRatchet: *explains what needs to be done to repair Kup*

Bumblebee: *slight perk of relief* Yeah, he hasn't got any big cracks. That's good. *sets to work with delicate skill*

hsvRatchet: *Working on repairing another part of the mech, will scan with his PINpoint*

Bumblebee: *glances at him as he scans* I already did that. His address is still there. But I bet he can't go back, with injuries like this.

hsvRatchet: *Quiet as he nods* It's likely...

Bumblebee: *small sound and resumes working. Her hands are steady and sure even when a drop of tear oil falls on her patient's face*

hsvRatchet: *Gentle clicks as he works*

light, human footsteps: *approach*

hsvRatchet: *glances towards the footsteps*

dark-haired young man: *looks up at him with serious blue eyes, and then goes over and puts a gentle hand on Bumblebee's leg*

Bumblebee: *calms as she continues to work*

hsvRatchet: *raised brow ridge, but will not comment, since he knows very well that different realities can go different ways* *Resumes work*

Bumblebee: *soon finishes the delicate processor work, then groans softly as she tries to shift her position*

young man: *suddenly transforms to an Optimus of the big-chinned tech and gently lifts her to her feet*

Bumblebee: Owwwwww. Thanks, Joe.

hsvRatchet: *quietly, not looking away from his work* I can fix that, if you'd like...

Joe: *quietly too* No, you can't. She's as repaired as it's possible to be, and the painkiller tabs don't work for her anymore.

hsvRatchet: *concerned*

Bumblebee: *has spotted more damage and is working on it, her expression less stressed now that Joe is here*

hsvRatchet: *resumes work, silently praying for Bumblebee and Kup*

Bumblebee: *glances over and sees where a small connector is needed. Offers the part to Ratchet, in the process showing the lack of a finger on that hand*

hsvRatchet: *nods to Bumblebee as he accepts the offered part*

Bumblebee: *back to work on her area*

Joe: *watching. Helping her and lending support*

hsvRatchet: *Work work work*

Bumblebee: *steady and quick and sure, and soon done everything on her side of Kup. Sighs and leans on Joe*

Joe: *gentle snug* Do you want help standing up?

Bumblebee: Not yet.

hsvRatchet: *quietly* Would there be room for him in your reality?

Joe: *slight smile* The reality where we live seems to collect Exiles.

hsvRatchet: *small nod* And I know who your CMO is...

Joe: Your alternate. Yeah.

hsvRatchet: I trust that Perceptor will be able to provide this mech with the type of energy he needs to remain functional....

Joe: He and Kia know their stuff. *that slight smile widens a bit*

hsvRatchet: *soft chuckle* That is reassuring...

Joe: Though I kind of suspect that they don't always know which one of them is talking sometimes. *looks at Bumblebee, who chuckles very softly*

hsvRatchet: *snerk* That... does not surprise me.

Joe: *lifts his brow ridges quizzically*

hsvRatchet: The ones from my reality of origin nearly went into fusion... Their bond is a deep one.

Joe: Huh. It must be a multiversal thing.

hsvRatchet: It would not surprise me if it was a constant...

Bumblebee: *rising now with Joe's assistance* I'll go make sure the med ward's ready.

Joe: Alright. I'll make sure Kup gets there. *watches her go, and then looks back at the unconscious warrior, his concern showing clearly on his faceplates now*

hsvRatchet: *Softly* Once his self-repair kicks in, he should be alright....

Joe: *quietly* If he's anything like the Kup I knew he'll be hard to keep down. *sad light in his optics as he speaks*

hsvRatchet: *dryly* I feel sorry for Rachel if he's anything like what most Kups seem to be like...

Joe: I hear she cared about the guy from the reality.

hsvRatchet: *small frown* He was found, then?

Joe: Yeah, they found him. But he... passed on... the next day.

hsvRatchet: *quiet* I hope he found peace...

Joe: According to the stories he was going to answer the call of a voice he hadn't heard since the Golden Age ended. *still looking down at Kup*

hsvRatchet: The one back home is still around... Though I'm not sure he has anyone...

Joe: *quietly* From what I've heard of Kup's mate... she's usually been gone so long that nobody even remembers her name.

hsvRatchet: *quiet rumble, makes a note to see if that's the case back home*

Joe: *gentle pat for Kup and then looks up at Ratchet*

hsvRatchet: You have a PINpoint, correct?

Joe: *nods* Yes. Bea built it in for me. *hesitates, then* *quietly* Does he still register coordinates?

hsvRatchet: He does... *optics going to the 'he' in question*

Joe: *chin firms* That means his work's done there. I still had an address when I first came here, I just couldn't go back to it.

hsvRatchet: *quietly* I hope the other people he mentioned are alright.

Joe: We might never know. Though somebody gave me an update on what I left.

hsvRatchet: *Quietly* How did you leave?

Joe: I shoved Megatron off our ship as we entered Earth's atmosphere. Neither of us survived.

hsvRatchet: *Wince*

Joe: *looks up calmly, though there's sadness in the back of his optics* I landed here, and met a female version of one of my crewmates, who did what she could to repair me. And then a little while after that she used bits of my spark code to make a new spark, so that her reality would always have a Prime. The reality she was staying in with the sparklet ended right after that, and I got to bring them to the reality where we live now.

hsvRatchet: *Quietly* I'm sorry for your loss... Though I hope you and yours are able to find happiness in your new home.

Joe: *shakes his head* I feel bad for the bots I left behind. But I wouldn't give up Bumblebee, Oriana, and the rest of the people at the Ark for anything.

hsvRatchet: *small nod, sighs and finishes what repairs he's able to do for Kup*

Joe: *watching the old green soldier closely. It's clear from his body language that he's known a Kup in his past*

hsvRatchet: *quietly* As long as he's not put under too much stress while he's recovering, he should be alright...

Joe: *bit of a grin* The Ark's pretty quiet.

hsvRatchet: Good...

Joe: Is he ready to go? *brow ridges lifted*

hsvRatchet: *nods* Take care.

Joe: Thanks. *hand on Kup and then PINpoints him to the med ward aboard the Ark*

Rachel: *looks up from fussing over Bluestreak and Hot Rod where they're tucked into the big reclining armchair on wheels, then scoots over to check on Kup*

Destiny: *peeeeeking into the room*

Rachel: *checks the old mech over, and then nods* *quietly* Go on and spend a little time with Bumblebee, Joe. She needs it. Yes, I'll keep you updated on Kup.

Joe: *nods and transforms to his human alt. Last look at Kup, and then turns and leaves the med ward*

Rachel: *will give Kup an energon transfusion now*

Destiny: *Scoot, scoot, scoot, tuggaLocky, scoot*

Lockdown: *optics wide as she clings to her sister's hand and stares at the big hurt bot*

Stan: *peeks in behind them, his brow knotted with concern as he sees the damage and marks on the big Kup's armor*

Destiny: *soft clicks, scooot*

Rachel: *looks over at the two young femmes* What is it, Desti?

Destiny: *Quiet* Is Kup....

Rachel: *slight smile* Yes. He's a Kup. *glances at Lockdown and clicks gently at the frightened and worried look on the dark-haired girl's face*

Destiny: *Scoots closer to Kup, clicking softly*

Rachel: Do you remember where I keep the anti grav disks, sweetheart?

Destiny: *blink blink, scoots to get the requested item!*

Lockdown: *will stick to sister's shadow like a burr*

Rachel: *watches them, and then turns back to her patient* //Chief, you busy?//

Patrick: //Other than ordering another baby blanket, no...//

Rachel: //Did you wish for a new Kup?//

Patrick: //...No... Did we get one?//

Rachel: //Come see. He's in the med ward.//

Patrick: //I'll be down soon.//

Rachel: //Alright.// *looks around for Destiny, and then glances over at Bluestreak and Hot Rod*

Bluestreak: *has her head on Hot Rod's shoulder, and her teddy bear held in the crook of her arm*

Hot Rod: *reacting to the sedation tab that his mate was given by blinking owlishly*

Destiny: *bringing the anti grav disks, and clickstorming softly*

Rachel: *quietly to the pair in the chair* How're you guys feeling?

Hot Rod: *Quietly* Blue's dreaming... fixing cars... *soft chuckle*

Rachel: *gentle hand on Destiny's hair as she takes the disks* That's good, then. *bit of a grin as she turns to put the disks onto Kup. Then pauses* Desti? Where's Locky?

Destiny: *goes to get sister!*

Lockdown: *has found a spider, and is intently watching it*

Destiny: *blink blink, scoots to get Rachel* Found a bug...

Rachel: *laughs* Make sure she knows it's not something to squish or eat.

Stan: *blinks* Ewwww. *goes to find the youngling and talk to her about bugs*

Destiny: *click* *Attention going back to Kup* *Softly* Is hurt?

Rachel: *sobers from chuckling at Stan, and looks over at Destiny with her mama smile* Yes, baby. He's hurt. But he'll get better, I think.

Destiny: *will scoot over to the injured mech and try to find a good spot to cuddle against him*

Rachel: Heh. Let's get him to bed first, okay?

Destiny: *Small pout* 'Kay... *Attention going to the doorway as Patrick enters the ward*

Rachel: *gentle clicks for her wild one as she activates the disks and starts steering Kup carefully down the hall* Hey, Chief. Just give me a mo.

Patrick: Alright... *surprised by how big this Kup is... and wondering just what happened to the mech for him to wind up in the Nexus*

Rachel: *gets Kup to the room by the new Wheeljack's and on the bed, then removes the disks and steps back so Destiny can put an afghan on him* *looks for Patrick*

Destiny: *puts a blanket on Kup, before cuddling against the mech and purring quietly*

Patrick: *waiting and leaning on Russell's desk*

Rachel: *smiles at Destiny and gives her a gentle shoulder pat, then checks on Stan and Lockdown before heading back to the main room and plunking down at her own desk* He should wake up pretty soon.

Patrick: Where was he found?

Rachel: Blue and Roddy found him in the Nexus by the sign. Looks like a similar case to big Jack's. *thinks about it* Except maybe not caused by bad driving.

Patrick: *small nod* *Quietly* Destiny seems fond of him already...

Rachel: *slight smile as she looks in her drawers for something to snack on* She remembers Kup.

Patrick: *another nod* I'm surprised we've had two big Exiles brought here within such a short amount of time....

Rachel: ...And Blue found both of them. *looks up from prying the last Junior Mint out of a squished box*

Patrick: *small frown* She was also the one who found Joe... *Wondering if there's a pattern forming as he glances at the sedated gunner*

Rachel: 0.o I forgot about that.

Patrick: *Softly* I wonder if someone upstairs is trying to tell us something?

Rachel: *slowly chews mushed candy and cardboard* ...Like what?

Patrick: I'm not sure... Maybe it's just that Blue's good at finding people who need help...

Rachel: *starts to reply, and then tips her chair over and vanishes as Stan goes yelling out of the medbay with the spider in his shirt*

Patrick: ... *face.palm*

Rachel: ... Ow. *hand on desk and then pulls self back up*

Lockdown: *peeks into the room, and then goes and peeks into the hall* *quiet clicks of what the heck*

Patrick: *can't help it, snickering now*

Rachel: I guess I should've checked just what kind of spider she was playing with. Some of them can get pretty big and furry. *sets chair back up and rubs head*

Patrick: ... *goes to help Rachel*

Hot Rod: ... What was Springer screaming about? *muzzy and almost asleep* *Delayed reaction much?*

Rachel: *glances over with a snerk of surprise* Spider.

Hot Rod: ... *blink... blink... snerk*

Rachel: We were just realizing that Blue's found all three of our big guys from the Nexus.

Hot Rod: ... Was with her....when we met Joe....

Rachel: Yeah, but not when she found big Jack. So it isn't you.

Hot Rod: *slow blink, nod* *soft 'heh'* Blue....could find an Exile kitten.... *looks to be on the verge of a splatsleep*

Rachel: *gets up and slips past Patrick to recline the armchair a little more* Get some sleep, okay, Roddy? You can see our new Kup when you and Blue wake up.

Hot Rod: *another nod* 'Kay.... *conks out and cuddles mate*

Rachel: *quiet chuckle, then acks and hurries to save her sweets from Patrick*

Later that afternoon

Kup: *intakes and switches his optics on, then registers a pair of small bodies curled in the crook of his arm and lifts his head to see who's there. Startles and frowns with surprise and confusion when he sees that it's two small Cybertronians, one green, black, and white, and the other dark blue. Something about how they're built makes him think of Verity, which reminds him of the last time he'd seen the human*

Desinex: *soft clicks and purrs as she naps*

Optimus: *sitting in a chair over near the door and working on paperwork, seems totally focused on that task*

Kup: *lays back and clenches his jaw for a moment as he thinks of his team, but then frowns and looks at that blue bot again* ...Sharpshot?

Lockdown: *peeks at him* *click*

Desinex: *squirms a bit and gets comfortable again. Can hear a familiar spark, so she's gonna nap*

Optimus: *gently, without looking up from his paperwork* The blue one is Desinex... Sharpshot's elsewhere in the base at the moment...

Kup: *optics go toward that nearly familiar voice, and then darken slightly as he frowns more deeply* Optimus? What the slag's going on?

Optimus: *Does look up from his paperwork this time* What's the last thing you remember?

Kup: *still frowning* Tracking through some ruins and getting broadsided by what felt like a Stunticon.

Optimus: *small frown, nod* Anything after that?

Kup: Nope.

Optimus: *another nod* *quietly begins explaining what he knows about the older mech being in the Nexus, and why there are two 'little' Cybertronians snuggling with him on the berth* Apparently, when whatever hit you hit you, it knocked you out of your reality, and into a multiversal hub called the Nexus... A couple of the Autobots under my command, Hot Rod and Bluestreak, found you, and got a medic to repair what he could... You were then brought to this reality's Ark med ward... Desinex and Lockdown have been cuddled against you since just after you were brought to one of the recovery rooms...

Kup: *face goes from confusion to grim* I can't say I understand most'a that. But if I'm not in my reality then I've gotta get back to it as soon as I can.

Optimus: *Quietly* According to the report from one of the other Autobots, your injuries were severe, to the point of being lethal without immediate medical attention...

Kup: Well I'm functional now. So with your permission...

Optimus: *quietly, with a bit of uncertainty that the Optimus that Kup would be familiar with lacks* The report from the CMO said you had run out of your medication...

Kup: *checks for the cy-gar and finds it in his storage compartment* Yeah, it'd ben awhile since we were near anyplace we could get it. But I gotta go.

Optimus: *gently* It would be best if you stayed put while your repairs take.

Kup: I don't have time. My team... *pauses as his optics darken slightly, but then he squares his jaw and continues* They need me.

Optimus: *going to be a bit more stern now* You're not in any shape to be going back out to the battlefield.

Kup: It's not like I have a choice. *there's that ornery scowl*

Optimus: *repeating himself* Your injuries would have been fatal... And according to the report, likely were.

Kup: So my spark rebooted from the Core, and I'm alive again. All this talk is just wasting time, Optimus.

Optimus: *as he sends a message to Rachel to let her know that Kup's awake and argumentative* You might not be able to go back.

Kup: *more scowl* And why the slag not?

Optimus: If you died in your reality of origin, chances are, you're what's known as an Exile... *slight pause as he gets a message* And Ratchet said to tell you to "lay down and shut up."....

Kup: I would have rebooted... *blink* I didn't reboot?

Optimus: *Quietly* It's a possibility.

Kup: *chin firms again* Well we don't know till I try. *makes to sit up*

Lockdown: *jostled awake and complaining with wordless bitterness!*

Desinex: *Protests the movement... Loudly!*

Optimus: *Wince wince wince*

Kup: *mouth falls open with sheer shock at the noise the two small bots are putting out* Hey. Cut it out!

Lockdown: *wail*

Desinex: *Squeal!*

Kup: *totally gobsmacked, and has nooo idea of what to do about this!*

Optimus: *one would think that he'd be used to this, with how tempermental Soli can be, but he's cringing and turning his audios down* //Rachel, the girls are putting up a fuss to put Soli to shame...//

Rachel: //Well comfort them, Chief!//

Optimus: *getting up* //Kup tried to get up even after I relayed your orders...// *clicking softly to Lockdown and Desinex*

Desinex: *Wants nothing to do with Optimus!*

Lockdown: *scootch away from strange guy! Complain!*

Optimus: *Gentle clicks, offers cookie*

Lockdown: *hide and gripe!*

Desinex: *Ignores Optimus*

Kup: ...What the fragging slag is wrong with those guys?

Optimus: *Quietly* Desinex is a sparklet.... Lockdown's memories were wiped awhile back....

Kup: So what's a sparklet? That's got something to do with him being noisy?

Optimus: A new Cybertronian... and she is probably upset because you tried to get up...

Kup: *recoils* She??

Lockdown: *so upset now!*

Desinex: *FUSS*

Optimus: *Slight wince* Yes, she... They're both female...

Kup: *nearly dents the wall in his attempt to get away from the little females* Whose half afted idea was that?

Optimus: *over the shrill squeal Desinex lets out* Primus'.

Kup: *jaw drops, cy-gar does too*

Optimus: We don't have Vector Sigma... Primus gave us another way of surviving well before it was lost...

Kup: Female Autobots... *disbelief on his face* It didn't work.

Optimus: *Quietly* Female Autobots, Neutrals, Decepticons, and Destrons have always existed in this reality, for as long as we've had someone to record the history of our people.

Kup: *stare*

Lockdown: *frustrated yell*

Kup: *hand to chest*

Desinex: *Wants cuddles, Kup*

Kup: *wincing as his spark does the eek dance*

Optimus: *clicking softly as Desinex scoots to try and get into the crook of the big mech's arm again*

Rachel: *in that quiet, calm voice that none disobey* //Kup, I'm coming in there in a few clicks. When I do I want to see you laying down and resting.//

Kup: *optics widen* Who...?

Optimus: Ratchet.

Desinex: *quiet murmur* Mama.

Kup: Ratchet's female??

Optimus: In this reality, yes.

Kup: *needs to lay down*

Lockdown: *gonna lay on him*

Desinex: *Clickstorm, does like Sissy, will curl up on Kup's chest and purr quietly*

Kup: *watching them but feeling too run down to do much more* They're acting like baby organic things. ...Don't tell me in this reality Transformers have babies, too.

Optimus: *soft, somewhat sad chuckle* Not all of them act like babies...

Kup: *quizzical frown as he finds the cy-gar and chomps it*

Optimus: *quietly* There are a few sparklets, Kriti, Ridgeback, and Sundog, who do not behave in a similar manner to babies... Their behavior is on par with younglings and young adults...

Kup: Kid geniuses?

Lockdown: *trying to see if there's a blankie somewhere here*

Optimus: *Quietly, as he moves to get a blanket from a cupboard* No.... Sundog is a Seeklet who was trained for combat before he was a month old... Ridgeback is in his code-donor's shell with access to his code-donor's memories and personality matrix... and Kriti spent the first year of her life believing that she was a human who had been in an accident and had forgotten twelve years of memories as a result...

Desinex: *murmur* Ryan-bubby... *conks out*

Lockdown: *trying to cover all the Kup and Desi up now*

Kup: ...'Code-doner'? Naww, I don't wanna know. *watches the pair on his chest with wary curiosity*

Optimus: *helps Lockdown with the blanket, clicking softly to the femme*

Lockdown: *quiet whine and then curls up with Sissy and goes back to sleep*

Kup: *brow quirk*

Optimus: *Quietly* Lockdown used to be the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy... But after a run-in with Soundwave, her memory files got wiped... and she's spent a long time in a coma... Only to imprint upon Desinex as family when she finally woke up....

Kup: *tense* Soundwave, huh?

Optimus: *nod* He's likely around somewhere... But as long as his recorders are safe, then we don't have to worry about getting attacked by him.

Kup: *very confused look* Run that by me again?

Optimus: Soundwave is an ally... as long as Rumble, Frenzy, Laserbeak, and Ravage are safe.... *Quiet chuckle* And considering the fact that Rumble is bonded to Rewind, and Ravage is bonded to Steeljaw, I don't think there's any risk of him attacking us...

little voice from the door: Hey, Boss. Yous got round noms?

Kup: *freezes and growls as he looks over there, then blinks with confusion*

Optimus: ... *Facepalm* No... Did Laserbeak steal all of them from the mess again?

Frenzy: *cute little sad* Dunno, we ain't allowed in dere right now.

Optimus: ...Why not? *Will move to see if the ferret-con wants to snuggle with Desinex and Lockdown*

Frenzy: It's Missus Jones' turn ta cook. *curls up in Optimus' arms and gives Kup a bright eyed curious look*

Optimus: Ah... And Skylar's told you off before for spooking her without meaning to... Right? *okay, it was more like Skylar chasing a business of ferrets, but still...*

Frenzy: He locked da door!

Optimus: *sigh* *Quietly, to Frenzy* Don't tell Russell I told you this... but there is a box of honey nut cheerios hidden in the second drawer on the left hand side of his desk. *knows the medic will want his head for revealing where the snacks are hidden, doesn't care at the moment*

Frenzy: *poofs with joy and pips excitedly, little front paws flailing as he sits up*

Optimus: *Will set the little pest on the floor*

Frenzy: *war dances around and then scoots, paws going slip slip slip slip as he goes*

Kup: ...

Optimus: *soft snicker once Frenzy's gone* Seeing Frenzy or Rumble go scooting down the hall in alt-mode never fails to amuse me...

Kup: ...That was... *scowl* Yer pullin' my leg.

Optimus: Nope... That was Frenzy. Rumble's a different color... and Rewind's a different color from either one of them... I have no idea why they're so fixated on round food with a hole in the middle.

Kup: ...Frenzy and Rumble were murderin' punks that liked ta tear the optics outta helpless bots.

Optimus: *Quietly* They were here, for a time... Then, a human company called Stark got their hands on Rumble somehow...

Kup: *scowl goes black as he remembers what happened to Sunstreaker*

Optimus: *soft sigh as he thinks about what else Stark did* *even quieter* Desinex is a result of what Stark did to Sharpshot, when she and the majority of her teammates were held prisoner...

Kup: *growls and unconsciously puts a protective hand over the two little bots on his chest* The Sharpshot I know is a good soldier. A credit to the Wreckers.

Optimus: The one here was trained by your counterpart as a sniper... One of the best in the entirety of the Autobot forces, if not the best...

Kup: *sober look down at Desinex*

Desinex: *Has settled into a quiet, contented sleep. Looks incredibly innocent curled up with Lockdown...*

Kup: *as he watches the little bot sleep* Ours is a sniper too. He trained Perceptor.

Optimus: *surprised by this, small nod* Was he ever a performer?

Kup: No idea. I only met 'im after he joined Optimus' crew, and he never had much to say about his life before the war.

Optimus: I see... *Soft sigh, before his attention goes towards the doorway as he juuuust catches Hot Rod's voice*

Hot Rod: *sleep-talking about green fish chasing him*

Kup: *starts slightly and looks that way as well* ...I know that voice. *and then starts again* Hound?

Ridgeback: *studying the elderly mech with a quizzical, uncertain expression from where he just stopped in the doorway*

Optimus: *quietly, to Kup* That's Ridgeback.... *To Ridgeback* Are you looking for Desinex and Lockdown?

Ridgeback: *shakes his head* No, Uncle Pat. I'm looking for Kup.

Kup: *confusion, and then he remembers something Optimus said earlier and his faceplates once more show anger*

Desinex: *clicking softly as she sleeps*

Optimus: *Small nod* *more to himself than anyone in the room* Hot Rod's close to waking up, or he wouldn't be talking about fish....

Ridgeback: *concern and confusion as he looks at Kup's expression*

Optimus: *moves to approach the youngster* *Gently* I've been explaining about the differences in this reality...

Ridgeback: *looks at him, his own youthful uncertainty mixed with that of his father* *whisper* Why's he mad at me?

Optimus: *softly* I don't think he's mad at you, Ridgeback... I think he's mad at the people who hurt Sora and Hound...

Ridgeback: *face clears, and he glances toward Kup* Oh. *attention back to Optimus* Is it alright if I come in?

Optimus: *As he moves out of Ridgeback's way* I think it should be... Does Rachel know you're here?

Ridgeback: *nods and holds up a handful of o cereal* Yes, I checked with Grandma first.

Optimus: *soft chuckle, nods* Alright... *Attention going to the two femmes using Kup's chest as a berth, more chuckle as he gets an image to share with Emi later*

Kup: *watching the dark green youngster in silence, the anger now replaced with wary curiosity*

Ridgeback: *walks over with Hound's lightfooted stride, and offers the old soldier a bit of cinna cookie*

Kup: What's this? *frowns and takes it*

Ridgeback: Fuel. Good fuel. *on toes slightly* Do you mind if I join Desi and Locky?

Kup: *looks up from the cookie bit, his expression holding wonder and WTS as he looks at Ridgeback*

Desinex: *can smell good noms. Hear her clicking about it, Kup?*

Kup: *glances at Optimus, as though looking for a verdict on what he ought to do*

Optimus: *chuckle* Ridgeback is part of Desinex, Sharpshot, and Ratchet's family... and the fuel he brought has energon and minerals in it that are good for Cybertronians...

Kup: I think the... er... girls... want it, though. *looks at the clickers*

Optimus: *Will get a couple of cinnaSeeker pieces out of subspace and bring them over*

Kup: *and then notices the good naturedly patient expression on Ridgeback's face and sighs* What am I, a slaggin' berth now?

Ridgeback: *soft chuckle* Don't let Grandma hear you saying words like that around us.

Optimus: *soft snicker, can't help it* Well, Desinex remembers your counterpart... You sound like family to her...

Kup: *pauses in the act of offering Ridgeback a hand up so that the youngster has no reason to yell like the young femmes just did* ...Remembers?

Optimus: *Small nod* She has some of her sister's memories, I'm guessing...

Desinex: *one optic unshuttered to peek so she can see where the cookie nom bit is* *clickclickclick*

Kup: *as he absently gives the cookie bit to Desinex* ...So where's the local me, then?

Optimus: *Quietly* The Well of All Sparks...

Kup: ...Slaggin' pit.

Lockdown: *glances at him, and then resumes cookie watching*

Desinex: *Quietly* Had to go... *gnaws on her cookie bit*

Kup: *sighs and lays his head back*

Desinex: *peeeking at you with one optic, Kup* *even quieter* No go away?

Kup: *lifts his head to look at her, frowning slightly* What?

Desinex: *repeats herself, looking just a bit unsure. She's really hoping you won't go away, Kup*

Kup: *optics shift sideways to look at Optimus again*

Optimus: *Quietly* I think she wants to keep you...

Kup: But I gotta get back.

Ridgeback: *concerned frown as he puts an arm around Desinex*

Desinex: *Wibble*

Optimus: For now, you're supposed to stay on the berth...

Ratchet: *appears in the doorway with her shoulder set against Hot Rod's chest and her feet braced against the floor* Did you tell him he might not be able to go back, Chief?

Optimus: I did... *Attention going to Hot Rod, and then he's moving to help support the young soldier*

Kup: Well how do you find out? I gotta know. *frowning as he watches Hot Rod and wonders what's wrong with him*

Hot Rod: *giving Optimus a bemused Look*

Optimus: We could always check with a PINpoint...

Kup: ...Whutnow?

Ridgeback: They're teleporters that can take you from place to place in this reality, or in other ones.

Kup: *looks at him* You get that from Hound, kid?

Ridgeback: No. Dad never used one. I've seen the adults here do it, though.

Ratchet: Roddy, are you going to behave?

Hot Rod: *attention on Ratchet* I won't get Blue worked up, if that's what you mean... *soft 'oof' as Optimus elbows him in the gut*

Ratchet: I've seen you flip your lid without affecting her. *Look*

Desinex: *peeeeks at Mama* *Quiet clicks*

Hot Rod: *hunkering down* I'll be good...

Kup: *can't help it. Soft snort*

Hot Rod: *Attention on Kup* Ratchet's scary when she's mad, mech.

Kup: *quick glance at the white, black, and red femme. It's a slightly apprehensive one*

Ratchet: Let's get Roddy into the rocker and do the PIN test, Chief.

Optimus: *nods* Yeah... *Will move to help Rachel get the still-slightly-loopy soldier to the rocker*

Hot Rod: *Glad for the help, seems a bit pensive about something... Likely what he remembers the local Kup saying about his ancestry*

Ratchet: *Hot Rod in chair, she turns and looks at Optimus* You wanna do it?

Optimus: *nods and gets his PINpoint out, silently thanking whoever's listening that he has the fancy kind with a built-in scanner. Will move over to the berth and scan Kup*

Kup: *watching him warily*

Optimus: *will put a hand on the closest part of Kup that he can reach, and try to bring the old soldier to the coordinates shown on the PINpoint. Knows that it's no use to try and get Desinex to move, and that Lockdown will stay with the younger femme no matter what*

Ratchet: *winces at the 'phoot' sound that results* *quietly* Sorry, Kup.

Kup: *feeling bluggy* Ugh... the slag?

Desinex: *Fuss, clickstorm!*

Lockdown: >_o?

Optimus: *quietly* I'm sorry, Kup... *clicks softly to Desinex*

Kup: What? *blinks and remembers what they were trying. Face falls and he lays his head back on his pillow* *quietly* Frozen slag.

Lockdown: *looks at him. Hugs him*

Ridgeback: *so much sympathy in that youthful face* We're not that bad...

Desinex: *SnuggaKup, clickstorm*

Hot Rod: *Quietly* When my head's not so spinny, if I can get him to not act like a git for five minutes, I'll see if Blaster can find you some quarters, Kup...

Kup: I'm kinda spinny myself right now. Think I just need a little time to myse... with just the kids. *does NOT want to trigger yelling right now*

Optimus: *nod*

Hot Rod: *Quietly* Alright... *And now he'll do a dumb and try to get out of the chair on his own*

Kup: *facepalm* Razza flazzin' stupid punk...

Optimus: *As he moves to go rescue Hot Rod from splatting on the floor* He wouldn't be Hot Rod if he wasn't.

Ratchet: *can't help it, she's laughing now with tears in her eyes as she hears the familiar grumping*

Desinex: *purrring softly as she snuggles Kup, Sissy, and Bubby*

Hot Rod: *Sheepish grin* At least I didn't try to jump off a roof this time?

Kup: *growl*

Ridgeback: *wide grin as he hugs the girls*

Desinex: *Clickstorm*

Optimus: *clearly wants to facepalm, but has both hands full of derp*

Ratchet: *wipes her optics, and then herds Optimus and Hot Rod out of the room, closing the door behind them*

Kup: *sighs once they're gone*

Desinex: *Beeeeg yawn, snuggle, purr, splatsleep*

Ridgeback: *looks up at that sigh, sobering. But knows Kup needs time to think and so doesn't say anything*

Lockdown: *awake! Awwaaaaake. A... sleep*

Kup: *checks on them, and then absently puts an arm over them as he stares at the ceiling and tries to make sense of where he is and why*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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