dv, Perceptor's and Kia's, Reunion of a special sort...

Jul 16, 2009 02:17

Perceptor:  *tinkering with the chest area of the worn silver body on the table in his smaller lab*

Showtime: *learning what she can about the layout of this Perceptor's home, and comparing it not only to the part of the Autobot base back in her home reality, but also to the facility she remembers from her youth. Curiosity about one of the rooms urges her to open the door, and look in* Huh...

Perceptor:  *looks around*  Oh, hello, Showtime.  May I help you with something?

Showtime: Ah, no...I'm just trying to get familiar with the layout...*trails off as her attention goes to the silver body, and then her doorwings are dropping from their normal 'relaxed' angle as she studies, and recognizes, the features*...

Perceptor:  *gently*  You... were familiar with the Jazz of this reality?

Showtime: *nods* Even though Wake and 'Clipse knew him better...he was a friend of mine...

Perceptor:  Are you discomfitted at all with repair work?

Showtime: *headshake, and moves into the lab to help* It just...seems odd...to think of him as having returned to the Well...

Perceptor:  *quietly*  What I am attempting here is to rectify that... and perhaps ease the pain of his unfortunate bond in the process.

Showtime: *puzzled headtilt* I...don't understand...

Perceptor:  Have you heard of a femme known as Pacer?  *returns to the tinkering... he's trying to get the chest panel off with a minimum of trauma to the shell*

Showtime: *nods* Wake mentioned her once...it was awhile ago...

Perceptor:  Well due to some experimentation on the part of our good Ratchet... Pacer has recently returned from the Well....  Ah!  There we go.  *removes the panel and hands it to her*  If you would be so kind as to set this on the table there?

Showtime: *Wide optics as she does so, now what this Perceptor is talking about is starting to make sense* You're going to try to bring him back?

Perceptor:  *quietly*  I am indeed.  And if Primus is willing it should work.  *starting to work the empty spark compartment free of the chest*

Showtime: *nods* *serious* Would it help if I prayed?

Perceptor:  It certainly would cause no harm.  I do not know if Primus can hear us, here on this alien world.  But surely his Creator will... and perhaps answer us if Primus is unable.

Showtime: *nods, and silently prays*

Percpeptor:  *working on the spark compartment, removing the spark booster and repairing damages that would be dangerous to attempt with a living spark in place.*  *soft tsking sound*  Ah... what are the worlds coming to when a mech's own mate turns against him and attempts to crush the life from his shell?  Great and merciful Creator of all... please guide my hands and my tools.  Help this poor mech to return to us free of the pain that has haunted him for so many vorns.

Showtime: *Covers her mouth with one hand when she sees the damage that Jazz had lived with for so long*

Perceptor:  *lens over his optic as he works most carefully with parts that a human being would not be able to see*  Ah, I have to remove his processor as well.  Thank the Allspark it didn't sustain any damage from the weight of the rock.

Showtime: r-rock?

Perceptor:  Yes.  From my understanding, in order to entomb his creator's remains, the mech known as Dreadnought leveled a mountain over his shell.

Showtime: ...*slight wibble*

Perceptor:  *sighs as a suspicion touches him again, but once more brushes it aside.  Focuses again on his work, and relatively soon he's gently picking up the spark compartment and carrying it into the next room*  Now to install this into its new housing.  Oh, Primus... please let this work.  I don't think there were very many people ready to say good bye yet.

room:  *contains two tables with tarp-covered forms on them*

Perceptor:  *nods to the nearer one*  If you would be so kind as to remove the tarp, Showtime?

Showtime: *nods and moves to remove the tarp, before she flinches slightly and quietly berates Sideswipe*

table:  *holds a softly shining silver shell with a horned helm and shuttered optics of a soft brown*

Perceptor:  Thank you, my dear.  *steps forward to set the spark casing into the shell's open chest, and then starts connecting it*  So... you've been here four days.  Are you experiencing any difficulties with the location or your personal quarters?

Showtime: no...just...*flinches noticeably*...Apparently, Kriti's decided to bite Sideswipe on the hand.

Perceptor:  *pauses and lifts his head to look at her, his face rendered a bit strange by the lenses over his optics*  Oh dear me.  Why would she do such a thing?  *tilts head and talks to mate over bond*

Showtime: *listening to Sunstreaker, lip components turned down in a frown* Something about hiding? Sunstreaker's laughing at Sideswipe trying to avoid cussing in front of the little ones...

Perceptor:  My word.  *sets down his tools*  Is she entering another growth cycle?  If so I shall need to set this aside for a short time in order to be there for her....  *coms his little girl*  //Kriti?  Miss, how are you feeling?//

Kriti: *kicking and biting Sideswipe, who is trying to pry her off* //*frightened-sounding rambling about hiding*//

Showtime: Growth cycle? *raised brow ridge, and tuning out her brother's cry for "HALP PLZ?!"*

Perceptor:  //Please, Miss, let go of Sideswipe and let Kia take you.  She's frightened that she'll hurt you if she picks you up while you're biting Sideswipe.//

Kriti: *ceases in her biting long enough to look for Kia, and then she's reaching for the older femme without fuss*

Perceptor:  *as his mate lifts the little one and cuddles her close to Bumblebee*  //Thank you, Miss.  Were you feeling unwell?//

Kriti: *quiet* //head hurts...wanna hide...//

Perceptor:  //Does it feel as it does when you grow?  Do you want me to come and be with you?//

Kriti: *small nod* //want Papa...//

Perceptor:  *gently pulling the tarp over Jazz again, before he returns to the other room and covers that shell as well*  //I will be there shortly, my Miss.//  *aloud*  Yes.  Apparently the Transformers of Kriti's native reality self upgrade rather than being transfered from one protoform to another.  And it seems my Miss is entering another growth cycle as we speak.  Jazz... will have to wait a little longer to make his return.

Showtime: *small frown as she watches the protoforms get covered onec more. Then, she's concerned* Is she alright?

Perceptor:  Oh yes.  Quite alright.  But she tends to show a marked preference for quiet, darkness, and the companionship of those most familiar to her.  *hurrying toward the living room*  Would you be so kind as to interact with 'Berto and Bumblebee while Kia and I focus on Kriti as she goes through this upgrade?

Showtime: *follows at a quick pace, and nods* Yeah...*still baffled by the whole 'self upgrading' thing*

Perceptor:  *over to his mate and little one, gently lifting bittyBee and 'Berto and offering them to the nearest of the Lambo twins*

Sunstreaker: *moving to gently cradle the little ones close to his chest, as Sideswipe is still trying to assess how badly his hand is damaged*

bittyBee:  0_0  *hidesnug*

'Berto:  *comfortable lean against his zio*

Showtime: *over to Sideswipe, and after she inspects the very faint bite marks, scolds him in Cybertronian for making a big deal of a paint scratch*

Kia:  *offering Kriti to Perceptor, who clicks softly as he holds out his hands to take her*

Kriti: *trying to bury her face against Perceptor, feels bad for biting Sideswipe*

Perceptor:  *cuddles her gently as he wraps her in a big soft blanket that someone brought back from Showtime's reality, then excuses himself and Kia to the others before turning and carrying his little one to his and Kia's recharge room*

Kia:  *walking beside him and holding Kriti's hand as she clicks softly*

Kriti: *fusses a little before she's responding to Kia's clicks with her own soft clicks*

Kia:  *smiles soft encouragement, and then lets Perceptor arrange her and Kriti on their recharge berth so that the little one is sheltered between them*

awhile later...

Perceptor:  *gently kisses the sleeping sparklet and marvels at how big she's getting.  Then kisses his mate as well, nodding at some unspoken but clearly felt communication.  Gets up from the berth and comes to the living room to see if Showtime would like to help him with the rest of his project*

Showtime: *head on Sunstreaker's lap, optics on 'Berto* And with that show, I had to climb up to make sure the stage lights wouldn't get knocked out of alignment by the retracting roof...it wasn't easy, but the team pulled it off...

Perceptor:  *notes that Bumblebee is soundly in sleep mode as she hugs her favorite doll, and smiles slightly at how sweet the obstreperous little femme can look when she's inactive*  Ah... I see that you're busy, Showtime.

Showtime: *blink blink* huh? Oh...*sheepish smile*

Perceptor:  *gentle smile*  You're very good with the immature, I see.  But I had better be returning to my project.

Sunstreaker: *Snerk, has something to say about that, but refrains when Showtime gives him a Look*

Perceptor:  *pauses when he's nearly out of the room*  My word, what am I saying.  Of course you're good with the immature.  *gone*

Showtime: ...HEY! >.<

Sunstreaker: *cracking up silently*

'Berto:  *big yawn*

Sunstreaker: *Attention on 'Berto now* Wanna go lay down, 'Berto?

'Berto:  *rubbing one eye*  Zia was tellin' me a story....

Show: *gently* Well, how about I finish the part of the story I was on, and then I'll tell you the rest later?

'Berto:  Alright, Zia.  *small smile*

Show: ^_^

Sunstreaker: *shifts position slightly, getting more comfortable as Showtime picks right up about the concert where she had to climb up the wall supports*

Perceptor:  *vanishes into his lab to work*

Show: *Really getting into the details of the story, 'wings shifting postion as she tells the story*

And half an hour later....

Showtime: *Sheepish as she ducks into the lab* Sorry, Perceptor...I kinda got into the storytelling...

Perceptor:  *softly from the side room*  Shhhh, Showtime.  You may frighten her.

Showtime: *'wings up* her?

Perceptor:  *nods and steps aside slightly so that Showtime can see the nine foot tall femme laying on the table next to the one that holds Jazz's new shell*  Yes.  Blackout is female.

Showtime: ...O_o;;

Blackout:  *clicks quietly, blue optics focused quizzically on Showtime.  Then she shutters her optics and makes a little sound of pain*

Perceptor:  Shhh.  I know.  I am going to try and ease that ache in your spark.  But you must let go my hand first.

Blackout:  *electronic whimper*

Showtime: *aaand there go her Counselor instincts...she's moved closer and is clicking quietly to Blackout, while offering the smaller femme her hand to hold*

Blackout:  *optics open again as she gives the blue femme a searching look.  Then she whines softly and reaches for her*

Perceptor:  You need not fear damage, Showtime.  Her shell is built from materials found on Earth, so both her shell and Jazz's are rather frail by our standards, I'm afraid.

Showtime: *soothing tone to her clicks* Shhh...you'll be okay...

Blackout:  *has hold of Showtime now, and doesn't notice Perceptor picking up the Allspark fragment and moving over to the other table*  *clicks a little, but then makes more unhappy and uncomfortable sounds*

Showtime: *quietly* Shhh....everything's going to be alright... *to Perceptor, over comms* //has she been fed yet?//

Perceptor:  //I filled her tank before I brought her online.  The discomfort she's experiencing will ease once Jazz too is online.//  *frowning slightly as he holds the fragment near the empty spark compartment of the silver shell*

Showtime: //Ah...okay.// *focuses on clicking quietly to the smaller femme, and praying silently*

Perceptor:  *talking to himself*  Have I depleted the charge?  Why is this not working?  Jazz... your mate has need of you, sir.  You mustn't... OH!

Jazz:  *flailing and making surprised and very unhappy sounds*

Blackout:  *wails*

Showtime: *Attention on Jazz and Perceptor, and then she's trying to be soothing*

Jazz:  *goes still, though he's circulating air deeply*  What... what jes' went down, mech?

Showtime: *Trying not to wibble as she continues to click quietly*

Perceptor:  *gently*  Easy, sir.  Can you tell me the last thing you remember?

Jazz:  *frowns*  Uhhh, it's all blurry.  *turns head*  ...Show?  That you, baby girl?  Wait... my spark feels funny....

Perceptor:  Does it?  Can you explain the sensation?

Showtime: *nods* It's me, Jazz...*trying her best not to wibble, but like most situations, her doorwings give away her emotions*

Jazz:  *looking at her, glad for the familiar sight in this strange place.  But he remembers to reply to the red mech*  It don't hurt.

Kriti: *starting to wake up, and look around the recharge room. Then she's fussing and wanting Papa too*

Perceptor:  *pause*  Oh my word.  I have to go to Kriti.  Showtime, will you stay with Jazz and Blackout?

Jazz:  *gaze sharpens*  Blackout?

Showtime: *nods to Perceptor, 'wing flutter as she clicks to Blackout*

Perceptor:  *thanks her with hurried courtesy and apologizes to his patients, then grabs the Allspark shard and rushes from the room*

Jazz:  *up on one elbow, his optics wide as he looks at the femme who's clinging to Showtime*  Blackout?  What the slag was that nut case thinkin'?

Showtime: *'wings up and twitching in an erratic pattern, as she continues to try to be a comforting presence to the smaller femme* *quietly* Perceptor...was just trying to help...

Jazz:  But....  *stops and frowns as Blackout sees him and clicks to him earnestly*  Blackie?  What happened, girl?

Showtime: All I know...is that...*trying not to wibble*

Jazz:  Hey, hey, baby girl.  What's wrong?  Tell ol' Jazz....  *slips off the berth and then hits the floor as he finds out how shaky he is yet*  Whoa!

Blackout:  *scared sound*

Showtime: *Alarmed trill before she can help herself, and then she's moving to get Jazz off of the floor*

Jazz:  *muttering his confusion* I ben drinkin' or somethin'?  Why's Blackie so little?

Showtime: *cycles air for a few moments, as her intakes hitch* Perceptor brought you both back...

Jazz:  *leanging against her as she helps him up*  Back?  Back from where?

Showtime: *intakes hitch again* The Well...

Jazz:  *optics widen with utter shock*  She finally got me?

Blackout:  *reaching for him, crooning softly*

Showtime: *intakes hiccup and then she's babbling about all that she knows about the situation, which isn't much, but might provide a little insight*

Jazz:  *listening as he reaches for his mate.  And then he's sagging crosswise onto the berth beside her as his optics go bright with utter surprise*  We made a spark?  And... Blackie got....  *shutters optics and holds the little femme close*  Shhhh, baby.  Shhhh, I gotcha.  What did that red turkey do ta ya?  *gentle backrubs*

Blackout:  *settling down and snuggling.  Begins to croon softly*

Showtime: *nodding and wibbling* R-right after Dreadnought left....*intakes hitch* WakeJumper...*can't finish, even with the gentle nudges Sunstreaker is giving her to get it out in the open*

Jazz:  *focuses again, freeing a hand from Blackout to reach for Showtime*  What happened ta Wake?

Showtime: *'wingflutter, as she tries to calm down so she can talk* Decepticon....*Shaking a bit* He nearly died...*hitched intakes* Thundercracker...

Jazz:  ...Thundercracker tried killin' 'im?  *scowl*

Showtime: *headshake, and another hitch of her intakes* Wake...was...*cycles air* Trying to protect Thundercracker...

Jazz:  .....  He don't like those jet types.

Showtime: *nervous 'wing flutter* Thundercracker...is Wake's brother...at...at the time...Thundercracker was still chibified...Wake and he...were in the wrong place, at the wrong time...

Jazz:  Wake's...!  *lays back*  Whoa.

Showtime: *worried! Will fuss over Jazz and Blackout now*

Blackout:  *finds the 'net!  Starts downloading....*

Jazz:  *intaking deeply as he cuddles Blackout*  He gonna be alright?

Showtime: *nods* He's...in Lumen's old shell...Eclipse never lets him out of her sight now...but...he seems happy enough...

Jazz:  Good.  That's... that's real good.

Blackout:  *lifts her head*  I'm Blackie?

Jazz: *startles and looks at her, surprised both by her speaking and the soft voice the words came out in*

Showtime: *cycling air, and wondering if she should mention Desinex being a bonded femme or not, decides to go with it* I do know one thing...There's another femme you don't have to worry about anymore...Desinex's bonded....

Jazz:  *starts and shifts his attention from his mate*  You're Blackout, sweet thing... no way!  Who hooked up with Desi?

Showtime: *Small smile* One of her biggest fans from when she still sang for the masses...Hound...and they're expecting their first bondspark...Sunhalo's all grown up now...

Jazz:  ...How long I ben gone?

Blackout:  *quietly*  I'm Blackout.  And... a sweet thing.

Showtime: *pulls up the date that she got from Eclipse, and tells him, though she has a hard time meeting Jazz's optics as she says it* *quietly* it...was about (number of days) later that Wake got hurt...

Jazz:  Daaang... not that long... but I sure missed a lot.  Hey... I seem ta remember these lil' guys with only one optic...?

Showtime: The Mini-Constructicons...I don't know what happened to them after Dreadnought left...

Jazz:  *frowning*  Don't remember Dreadnought at all....

Blackout:  *watching them both intently, her gaze a mixture of newspark curiosity and a contented femme snuggling her bond mate*

Showtime: *quiet chuckle* He...was almost like another you, personality-wise...or that's the side of him I was most familiar with...that, and his protective streak towards little ones...

Jazz:  *optics widen suddenly*  Bumble!  She still bitty?  Where is she?

Showtime: *nods* She's still little...She's sleeping on Sunstreaker, last I knew...*checks with her bondmate*

Jazz:  Tell Streaker ta bring 'er here?  ...'N where'd Dreadnought go?

Showtime: *flutters 'wings as she talks to Sunstreaker, slight startle as Sideswipe chimes in* Oh, Sideswipe's back from patroling...and Sunstreaker's keeping watch over 'Berto and doesn't want to wake the little guy up...

Showtime: *remembers Jazz's other question* As for Dreadnought...I don't know...all I know is that he left, and apparently, nobody's seen any hint of him, not even in the Nexus...

Jazz:  *confused and thoughtful frown, then looks down at his mate*  You remember anythin' 'bout him, sweet thing?

Blackout:  No, I don't.  I'm sorry.

Showtime: *small frown, will ask Perceptor about it later*

Sideswipe: *coming in as quietly as he can, "Wakka Lakka" playing softly on his radio, and Bumble and her dolly tucked safely in the crook of his arm*

Jazz:  *still staring at his mate with shock at what just came out of her vocalizer, but then looks toward the music and croons*  There's my baby girl!

Sideswipe: *small smirk as he carefully transfers the sleeping chibi and her dolly over to Jazz* At least this one didn't try to bite my hand...

Showtime: *rolls optics, will move to usher Sideswipe out of the room*

Jazz:  *still crooning as he curls on his side, his optics bright with love and the joy of seeing the little one*

Blackout:  *will gently touch the tiny yellow and black femme and smile*

Showtime: *pokes her head back in, and holds Sideswipe at bay with her foot* You still have my comm frequency, Jazz?

Jazz:  Hmm?  Uh... no.  :\

Showtime: *small chuckle as she databursts the frequency to Jazz* Now remember, I'm a bonded femme... *teasing glimmer in her optics*

Jazz:  *winks and grins*  Oh, I remember, baby.

Blackout:  *softly*  She's a baby.  A baby... Bumblebee.

Showtime: *Pleased 'wing flutter, and then she's getting dragged off by Sideswipe*

Jazz:  *settles down to gently catch up with his lady and his little girl*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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