Auspex's reality, Sanctuary of Primus, Playtime

Aug 20, 2009 17:42

Cloudtrader:  *Mira pounce*

Mira: *Happygleesnuggle!*

Cloudtrader:  *snuglove!*  ^_^

Mira: ^^ *happy 'wing buzz, though how she does this is a mystery!*

Ratchet:  *watches the young snugglers*  Knew bringing Mira to the sanctuary would be a good thing.  :D

Show: *also watching, even as she listens to someone unseen grouse and grumble*

Ratchet:  Hey, Desi, relax.  We've got you now.

Desinex: Can't believe I got lost again...*sulking*

Ratchet:  *walks over and gives her a snug*

Desinex: *quiet sigh as she snuggles* Hound'll be worried about me...

Mira: *curious headtilt as she snuggles Cloudtrader*

Cloudtrader:  -You're curious.-

Ratchet:  Want me to bring you back now?

Mira: *nodnod* -'re ya like me?-

Desinex: *nod* Please... I don't want to make Hound worry too much...

Ratchet:  *kisses her on the cheek and fades toward the song*

Cloudtrader:  -I never had a shell-

Mira: *hugs Cloudtrader more* -Mama 'n Papa didn't know 'bout me... so i never hada shell either...-

Cloudtrader:  *loves*  -Some people think that's sad.  I don't understand that.-

Mira: *gleesnugglelove* -Me neither.-

Cloudtrader:  -Some of my brothers're ghosts now too.  So's my one sister's mate.-

Mira: -oo?-

Cloudtrader:  -yeah.  Somebody made them dead.-

Ratchet:  *reappears and leans against a mural*

Mira: *Small pout* -That doesn't sound very nice...-

Cloudtrader:  -I guess it wasn't.  But they're okay now.-

Mira: *happysnuggle* -That's good-

Cloudtrader:  -Swindle's filthy stinking rich!-

Mira: -Who?- *puzzled femme is puzzled*

Cloudtrader:  -My sister Zoe's mate-

Mira: -oooh...Is he nice?-

Cloudtrader:  -Yup!-  ^_^

Mira: *grin*

Cloudtrader:  *happy!*

Ratchet:  *happy to watch over the little ones till Cloudtrader has to go home*

Mira: Met another flier earlier... she had pretty wings... *nod nod*

Cloudtrader:  *looks at her memory* -Ooooooo-

Mira: -met another Aunty Desi too... she's still hangin' round her layer's not Well place... 'cause she's scared-ed of goin' home... AuntMama's gonna try to help her...-

Ratchet:  *cocks an optic at Showtime*

Cloudtrader:  *snugs Mira more*

Showtime: *to Ratchet* -That Desinex was killed by her reality's Sunstreaker and Sideswipe after she attacked one of my alternates and almost sent her to the Well... unfortunately, her partner, a mech named Quicksilver, also died... so she really doesn't have anything keeping her there, aside from her fear...-

Mira: -Nightstrike was nice though... didn't yell when I went t' look at her wings.-

Ratchet: -Quicksilver as in Megatron's son?  Or the other guy?-

Cloudtrader:  -Sweeeeeet-

Showtime: -Megatron's and Nightstrike's son.-

Mira: *describing Nightstrike's wings and appearance for Cloudtrader* -Same kinda shell as Mama, Aunty Desi, 'n AuntMama.-

Ratchet:  -I haven't seen him yet, though I heard about him.  Is Desinex afraid of being rejected?-

Cloudtrader:  -Oooooo!-  *sleepy yawn*

Showtime: -She's afraid of being looked upon as a failure... especially considering what she went through prior to her death...-

Mira: *SnuggaCloudtrader* -Sleepy sleep time?-

Cloudtrader:  *nod and snug*

Ratchet:  *looks at Showtime and reaches for the information, communicating in the way of the dead with feeling and imagery as well as words*

Showtime: *shows Ratchet how the Desinex in question was never like her alternates, never performed on stage, and lead a group of Neutrals in an attempt to drive both Autobots and Decepticons away from where they were living at the time, and how that quickly went awry. This Desinex was mistakenly left behind for dead, though it was more because her Showtime had been knocked into stasis than a deliberate act of malice*

Mira: *snuggle*

Ratchet:  *:(   as Cloudtrader slips into a happy dream of the song*

Showtime: *moves to gently pat Ratchet's shoulder and show him the happier moments of that Desinex's life, including all the times she and the mech she loved spent time together*

Mira: *happy to snuggle*

Ratchet:  -She still went out too soon.  Can't you feel Primus' sadness whenever that happens?-

Showtime: *nod* -All we can do now is try to help her find peace...-

Ratchet:  *nodding, and then grins as Primus chuckles in both their minds*  -And right now we can settle down and have a nice nap with the littles.-

Showtime: *amused 'wing flutter and moves to settle down next to Mira and Cloudtrader*

Ratchet:  *goes over and flops down on the other side of them*

Mira: *happy sound*

Cloudtrader:  *happy sleeping thoughts*

Ratchet:  *contented as he slips into a distant awareness of the Allspark song, letting the little Seeklet next to him hear it as well*

Showtime: *is soon slipping into a similar state, arm draped over Mira, who makes soft sounds of contentment as she dreams*

Bob:  *glances up from his book and looks toward the sleeping freesparks with a small smile before he resumes reading*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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