mbv, Sky and Samuel's apartment, Birth

Nov 05, 2009 01:12

Sky:  *on the couch, feeling cruddy instead of being at work*

Samuel: *Fussing over Sky and being a worry-wart*

Sky:  Stop jumping around so much.  *arm over her eyes*

Destiny: *peeking out from underneath the kitchen table, vacant expression on her face*

Samuel: *slight wibble*

Sky:  *peeks at him and then sucks in her breath and turns to face the back of the couch, pulling her knees to her chest*  Hrrn....

Samuel: *moves to gently rub Sky's back, quietly fretting and wondering if he should call Rachel or Russell*

Sky:  *hisses at him*  [Don't touch me!]

Samuel: *startles and backs up a few paces, will call Rachel now!*

Destiny: *frightened sound, ducks farther back under the table*

Samuel: *wince, gets cellphone out of pocket and moves to call Rachel*

Rachel:  *pauses in pulling a drone out of the toilet and pulls her phone out*  Rachel here.

Samuel: *worried* //Rachel, something's wrong with Sky... she's not feeling well, and won't let me touch her!// *wibbling*

Rachel:  *gently prying Bubba out one handed*  Not feeling well how?

Samuel: //She's hurting and I don't know why, or how to help her feel better//

Rachel:  Where is she hurting?  *falls on rear with a yelp, losing hold of the wet drone in the process*


Samuel: *clicks to Sky* -Sky, where does it hurt?-

Sky:  *hisses again*  Leave me alone.

Samuel: *Wibble* //She won't tell me!//

Destiny: *skittering over to the far corner*

Rachel:  Well how's she acting otherwise?

Samuel: //She's curled up, and hisses at me if I get too close or try to touch her...//

Rachel:  *dries hands on the towel on the bar*  I'll be right there.  Keep everyone away from her.

Samuel: //U-understood.// *wibbling more and moving to try to herd Destiny out of the room*

Rachel:  Rachel out.  *closes phone, then sighs*  Jack?

Jack: *looks up from where he's grading papers* Yes, Rachel?

Rachel:  I'm stuck.

Jack: ... Stuck, how? *getting up*

Rachel:  Sitting on the floor... which is wet.

Jack: *grabs a few towels and sets them nearby before reaching for Rachel's hand* Who knocked whom into the sink this time?

Rachel:  Bubba tried to flush himself.  *reaching up, her expression wry*

Jack: ...*soft snerk, will attempt to gently slide Rachel along the floor to a drier area*

Lyra: *Deedling along to one of the radio stations in the kitchen*

Bubba: *has found blankets... which happen to be heaped upon someone on the couch*

Rachel:  *is slid, tries to gather her legs under her, but can't feel them well enough to pull off the move really well, especially with the slippery conditions*

Jack: *moves to help Rachel up, flinches when Alex's hoarse yelling starts from the living room*

Rachel:  *nearly wipes out again*  What's going on?

Bubba: *freaked, runs into the wall*

Alex: *Coughing and cursing in Cybertronian*

Rachel:  Alex!  Security!

Alex: *gives Bubba as dirty a look as he can manage while he's wrapped in blankets and still running a fever*

Rachel:  *has made it out in time to see that, stands and drips on the rug and frowns at him*  Cut it out.  Sheesh.

Alex: *scowls, only it doesn't look nearly as menacing as it would if he were well* *raspy and a bit pathetic-sounding* T'll th't uppity th'ng t'... *trails off to cough and try to clear his throat*

Rachel:  Alex.  You know better.  Bubba doesn't.  *kindly but firm chiding expression*

Bubba: *Chirp! Someone said his name? his person is looking for him? GLEESKITTERRUNINTOCOFFEETABLE* X3

Lyra: *Deedles and skitters out of the kitchen to peek at everyone*

Rachel:  *sighs*  Jack, will you get him?  I have to change and get to the twins' place as fast as I can.  *pauses and looks out at the darkness*  Slag....

Jack: *grabs Bubba and moves to gently shove Alex back down onto the couch* Let me get my keys.

Rachel:  *hand through her hair and then she hurries to get changed so that they can get there and Jack can get back faster.  Misses the kids, but she didn't want them here with their ailing uncle*

Lyra: *Skitters after Rachel, deedling curiously*

Rachel:  Take care of your uncle while we're gone, alright, sweet girl?  Jack should be home soon after he's taken me to Samuel and Seamus' place.  *changing quickly to another pair of comfortable underpants and slacks, and nice new thick socks*

Lyra: *Deedles the affirmative*

Rachel:  And try to keep Bubba off of him?  *feet into oxfords and straps the velcro*

Lyra: *Deedlechirp*

Rachel:  *heading back out, grabbing her black bag along the way.  Yes, the wet stuff's still on the bedroom rug.  She's in a rush*

Lyra: *pounces on sibling once Jack lets Bubba down*

Bubba: *chirp, snuggles Lyra*

Rachel:  Alex, stay on the couch.  Lyra, tell me if he goes after my beer.

Lyra: *Deedlechirp, gives Alex a look*

Alex: *grumbles and gets comfortable again*

Rachel:  *to the door, and then stops short on the doorstep as the world vanishes*  The way he complains about how it tastes, you'd think he'd leave it alone.  But I guess that might hurt his ego.  *chuckle*  Beer he couldn't drink.

Jack: *soft chuckle, moves to put an arm around Rachel's waist* You know he's going to sulk about that...

Rachel:  He'll survive.  Whoah!  Forgot we only had four steps.

Jack: *another soft chuckle, moves to guide Rachel to the car* He'll still sulk... until Mia buys him some.

Rachel:  *questing hand finds car, and then she finds the handle and opens the door, pressing her head back against Jack's shoulder in a brief snug as she does*

Jack: *snugs, will help Rachel into the car and close the door once she's situated, before going around to the driver's side and getting in*

Rachel:  *doing up seatbelt and then poking through her bag by feel to make sure she's got everything she should need*

Jack: *key in ignition once he's buckled up* Is it too much to hope that whatever's going on is the same thing that's got Alex down?

Rachel:  You've never seen a sick Decepticon, have you, sport?

Jack: ... *translation: Nope*

Rachel:  Stay under the speed limit, okay?  *thinking that what Alex has doesn't hurt*

Jack: Alright. *starts the car and carefully backs out of the driveway*

A short drive later, at Sky and Samuel's apartment...

Sky:  *nearly got violent with her mate, is now over in his favorite place under the table*

Destiny: *hiding in the far corner with a blanket over her head*

Samuel: *peeking from behind the couch, worried*

Rachel:  *gives Jack a good bye kiss on the cheek, and thanks him for walking her in, then knocks on the door*

Destiny: *beelines for the door, still wearing the blanket over her head, even as Samuel hurries to the door as well*

Rachel:  *blinks at how the door opens*  How is she?

Samuel: *wary glance over his shoulder* She's hiding under the table...

Destiny: *hiding behind Jack now*

Rachel:  *pauses, then looks at her mate*  Take Destiny and Sean to our house, alright?  Samuel, will you get Sean?

Samuel: *nods and hurries to go get the youngster*

Jack: *nods and moves to gently guide Destiny out to the car*

Rachel:  *looks up when Samuel comes back*  The good news is she's not sick, and she's not hurt.

Samuel: *looks relieved, before frowning with confusion* What's causing her pain then?

Rachel:  You didn't let me tell you the bad news.

Samuel: ... *raised brow, inviting Rachel to continue*

Rachel:  Her labor pains have driven her feral.  We're going to have to tranq her.

Samuel: ... *wide eyed, and down he goes!* L-Labor?!

Rachel:  That's what I said.  *holding a sedation gun in her hand*

Sky:  *just curled up, but eyeing them over the tops of her knees*

Samuel: *shocked, glances over to Sky*

Sky:  *low hiss*

Samuel: *wibbles, and then nods to Rachel*

Rachel:  *gently*  You can move better than I can, buddy.  You're going to have to tag her.

Samuel: *Quietly* A-Alright...*moves to get up and grab the sedation gun*

Sky:  *hissssss.....  Eyeing him, making sure he can't attack her*

Rachel:  *moves away from him, talking*

Sky:  *ignores her.  The femme's no threat*

Samuel: *clicks quietly, slowly moving closer* Shhhhh, it's going to be okay, Sky...

Sky:  *eyes narrow, and then she's shivering slightly as another shock of pain goes through her systems*

Rachel:  We just want to make it feel better.  We want to help you.

Samuel: *moves closer, still clicking, before he all but lunges at Sky, hoping against hope that his weight and mass are enough to stop her from moving long enough to sedate her*

Sky:  *catlike, she moves, busting him upside the head with one fist even as her knee goes down and comes around*

Rachel:  *wince wince pray*

Samuel: *holding on for dear life, and moving to sedate Sky, even with most of his pain sensors protesting* .>.<.

Sky:  *socks him again, right in the face... and then hisses and curses*  Streaker, what the @$#@$@.... *slumps*

Samuel: *now has a very lovely bloody nose and black eye to go with the goose egg he's getting, holds Sky close*

Rachel:  Bring her to a bed.  *rubs her face and pulls out her cellphone*  Merlin?  This is an emergency.

Merlin: //Oh my, what is the nature of the emergency, Rachel?// *sounds of him bustling about and grabbing supplies*

Rachel:  Bring the crockpot.  And the equipment to go with it.

Samuel: *moving to get Sky to the closest bed that ISN'T the fold-out couch*

Merlin: //Understood... May I inquire as to the location that the crockpot is needed?//

Rachel:  Samuel and Seamus' apartment.

Merlin: //I shall arrive as promptly as I am able. Merlin, out.//

Rachel:  Alright.  We'll see you then.  Rachel out.  *pulls herself up with a chair and listens to see if they have any complaining neighbors coming*

Samuel: *pokes his head out of the bedroom he and Sky share, and no, he's not looking his best, but it's clear he doesn't care*

Rachel:  Your neighbors mustn't be home.

Samuel: Nah... if they're home, they probably think I got on Sky's nerves again... but since she didn't throw anything, they have no reason to call for an ambulance.

Rachel:  *blinks*  Alright, then.  *heads for the bedroom and scans the femme carefully*  You wanna get the curtains?

Samuel: *nods and goes to pull the curtains closed, as well as turning on another light on one of the bedside tables out of habit*

Rachel:  Thanks.  *scanning*  *frowns and scans again*  What did you guys do?

Samuel: *blushing a bit, mumbles* Bonded...

Rachel:  I knew that part.  But that doesn't usually result in three new sparks.

Samuel: ... O_O T-Three?!

Rachel:  Three.

Samuel: *sitting down suddenly*

Merlin: *knocking on the door*

Rachel:  *goes to get it, since Samuel isn't in the shape to do so.  Opens door wide and nods friend inside, her expression thoughtful*

Merlin: Thank you, Rachel... I have the crockpot... *quickly glancing around and moving to pull the curtains leading out to the balcony closed*

Rachel:  *closes door and sticks the draft snake against the bottom of it*  We have a multiple birth.

Merlin: ... My word... *moves to transform and bring the spark support unit and other equipment out of his subspace*

Rachel:  *going back to the bedroom, where she triggers Skywarp's transform and carefully opens her chest panel*  Looks like fraternal twins and identical.

Perceptor: *Bringing the equipment into the bedroom, glances towards Samuel briefly*

Rachel:  The fraternal twin's a girl.  *gentle hands covered in energy*  And the boys just finished splitting the rest.  And there we go, everyone's separated and ready to come out.  *lifting out the sleepy little sparks the rest of the way*

Perceptor: *making sure the spark support unit is up and running*

Rachel:  Whoa!  Yeah, this is Samuel's kid.  *chasing suddenly not so sleepy little spark around*

Perceptor: *covering his own hands with energy, moves to assist Rachel in gently corraling the not so sleepy little spark, as well as keeping an optic on the newspark's siblings*

other boy:  *crawling out of Mom's spark compartment!*

girl:  *seems to be peeking out*

Perceptor: *Gently* Come now, that is certainly not a proper manner of behavior... *will work on corralling the other male spark instead and will let Rachel work*

Rachel:  *gets the first male into the pot and watches him for a moment, then goes for his sister*  Something tells me Samuel's going to get his just desserts with these three.

Samuel: *not saying a word*

Perceptor: *gently placing the second male in the pot, will keep an optic on the pair of males for a few moments, before glancing over at Samuel again*

Rachel:  *settles the girl in with her brothers, and then gently stuffs one of the boys back before closing the lid*  All strong and healthy.

Perceptor: *quietly* It's quite ironic...

Rachel:  Not really, this is a natural budding.  *wipes hair back and returns to close Skywarp's chest and then transform her so that she's not filling the entire room anymore*

Perceptor: Yet Sean is not as strong... *transforms and moves to gently nudge Samuel*

Rachel:  He was induced, remember?

Sky:  *blinks as Rachel brings her back online*  What?  *lifts head and frowns*  Why'm I in bed?

Rachel:  Just stay here for a little while, alright?

Merlin: *helping Samuel to his feet*

Rachel:  *explaining what happened to the femme*  You didn't notice anything?

Sky:  *shakes her head, blinking and looking a bit stunned*  What are we supposed to do with four kids?

Rachel:  Love them.

Merlin: Shall I go and retrieve protoforms then?

Rachel:  *looks at him*  That's a good idea... and call the chief while you're at it.  We need to explain the sudden appearance of three kids.

Sky:  *looking at Samuel, a bit bewildered*

Merlin: *nods* I shall return as promptly as I am able to, with respect to the speed limits, of course. *heads out*

Rachel:  Don't forget the code if you use the comlinks.

Samuel: *looking very flabbergasted and is still in shock for the most part*

Merlin: I shall be speaking to Patrick in person... I believe that may be the best option, given the circumstances.

Rachel:  Good idea.  I'll see you when you get back.

Merlin: *nods and heads out the door after moving the draft snake*

Rachel:  *goes to check on the sparklets, her mouth twitching as she sees that the boys are snuggled down on the bottom and their sister seems to be sitting on them*

Sky:  *reaches out and pokes her mate*  Sam?

Samuel: *startles, breathing quicker than normal, before he's coughing due to inhaling some of the 'blood' still trickling out of his nose*

Sky:  *grabs a corner of the bedsheet and tries to wipe his face*

Samuel: *clicking quietly and trying his hardest not to wince*

Rachel: *comes over to rescue the sheet and treat Samuel's nose.*  Let me see that.

Samuel: *now it's starting to register that he got clobbered. As a result, he's starting to squirm and trying to avoid having the really painful parts of his face touched*

Rachel:  Hold still, buddy.  You're not hurt too bad.  *nose fixed*  There.  How are you feeling?

Samuel: *having trouble saying what he's feeling, which is a mix of shock, awe, and a bit of confusion*

Rachel:  I can't believe you guys never suspected.  *wipes at his shirt with her hand and then goes and gets him a new one from the overflowing and neglected basket of clean laundry in the living room*

Samuel: *moving to take off the stained shirt* *slightly muffled* We were kinda busy... plus, Seamus is convinced that Destiny's not all there or something...

Rachel:  *sighs*  Are you getting tired of having her stay here?

Samuel: Heck, no. When she's not staring off into space and talking in sentance fragments, she's not so bad. She's actually gotten Seamus to shut up for more than five minutes...

Rachel:  *laughs*  She's still pretty attached to Sean, isn't she?

Samuel: *amused chuckle* She rarely lets him out of her sight.

Rachel:  *looks at Sky to see what the protective mother thinks of this and sees her staring toward the spark pot*

Sky:  *worrying about her newsparks*

Samuel: *moving to sit next to Sky and gently cuddle her*

Sky:  *absently snugs him, but then gets up and nothing Rachel can say will stop her from going and looking into the pot, her arms resting on the top of the dresser to either side of it*

Samuel: *gets up and moves to stand beside Sky* *quietly* Will they be alright?

Rachel:  They're strong and healthy.  You saw the boys trying to strike out on their own.  *soft chuckle*

Sky:  Without bodies?

Samuel: *biting lower lip slightly, worried papa is worried*

Rachel:  You really should rest, Sky.

Sky:  *absent snort*  I'm not hurt.

Samuel: *gives Sky a wibbling Look*

Sky:  *notices and frowns at him*

Samuel: *gently nudges Sky towards the bed*

Sky:  *resists*  I'm not hurt.

Rachel:  Quash that $#@$#@ Decepticon pride and get your rear back to bed.  Now.

Sky:  *eyeballs the medic mutinously*

Samuel: *quietly* Please, Sky?

Sky:  I want to stay with them.

Samuel: Merlin went to get protoforms...

Merlin: *knocking on the door again*

Sky:  *tenses, her eyes narrowing as she looks that way*

Rachel:  *limping just a little as she goes to let Merlin in*

Merlin: Thank you, Rachel. *moves aside so Patrick can come in as well* I do hope I'm not being too forward...

Rachel:  *tiredly*  Just get in here so I can shut the door.

Patrick: *ushers Merlin the rest of the way into the apartment* How are Sky and Samuel doing?

Rachel:  *closes door and kicks the snake into place*  You know how protective Sky is of Sean.  Now imagine her with newborns.

Patrick: *nods* And the newborns? How are they?

Rachel:  *chuckle*  The boys are snuggling and hiding under their sister.  They could be sulking or plotting, considering who their dad is.  *heads toward the bedroom, her limp just a little more pronounced*

Patrick: *nods and follows, noting the absence of the other occupants of the apartment, as well as Rachel's limp* You should sit down soon, Rachel.

Rachel:  After we get this done.  *peers into the room*  Sky?  Patrick and Merlin are coming in.  Don't attack them, alright?

Sky:  *worried look at these important mechs coming so near to her helpless younglings*

Samuel: *Clicking and moving to gently rub Sky's back*

Merlin: *transforming again, and bringing three small protoforms out of his subspace* *gently* Once they are placed in their protoforms, you will be able to hold them. They are healthy and strong.

Sky:  *has to visibly force herself away from the pot.  That she manages to do so shows her trust for Perceptor and Patrick*

Rachel:  *gets one of the little forms and looks it over, then lays it on the bed and gets everything set up*

Perceptor: *getting the remaining protoforms set up after laying them on the bed as well*

Patrick: *being the quiet observer, and keeping an optic on Rachel as well*

Rachel:  *moves over and starts working on one of the other forms after finishing with the first*

Samuel: *watching Perceptor and Rachel work, even as he moves to snuggle Sky*

Rachel:  *goes to get the sparkpot, humming absently as she unplugs it and takes it down from the dresser*

Perceptor: *doing final checks and getting ready to assist Rachel with the transfer*

Sky:  Those bodies are even smaller than Sundog.

Samuel: They're sparklet protoforms, Sky... kinda like the ones Sides, 'Bee and I were in when we were new...

Sky:  More helpless kids.  *bites her lip*

Rachel:  *busy transferring the little girl.  Startles and chuckles softly as the little one's head turns before she's even closed the protoform's chestplate*  Hello.  Who are you?

sparklet:  *turns her head back, blue optics curious*  Firebreak.  Me Firebreak.

Samuel: *Setting up to wibble again*

Rachel:  *lifts the little one gently and tucks her into Sky's arms*

Sky:  *examining the little femme closely, making sure she's alright*

Firebreak:  *looks at Sky with a curious frown, then glances at Samuel before she turns her head and looks back to the bed*

Perceptor: *transferring the first of the male sparks to one of the remaining protoforms*

Rachel:  *goes to tend the last little spark, though she has to catch him first as he backs warily away from her hand*

Samuel: *Clicking quietly, and hesitantly reaching to gently touch Firebreak's arm* H-hello...

Firebreak:  *glances at him and grasps the side of his hand with her tiny one, then turns her big blue optics back to the bed*

Rachel:  *glances over to scan the little guy as she finishes setting his brother into his shell*

first mech: *looking at Perceptor like he's about to grow another head, before looking around for his siblings, and answering Perceptor's question about his name* 'm Ember...

Firebreak:  *clicks from where she's sitting in Sky's arms, calling to brother and letting him know where she is*

Rachel:  *finishing up the other little mech's transfer*

Ember: *Clicks back, and then his attention goes to Rachel*

Rachel:  *soft clicks as she watches the sparklet she's tending, making sure he comes online safely*

Sky:  *sidling around to try and get to where she can get Ember*

third sparklet: *Blinks a few times, before wiggling a bit and trying to locate his siblings*

Rachel:  Shhhh.  *lifts him gently*  And who are you?

sparklet: *regarding Rachel with caution* 'm Hotspot...

Rachel:  Hotspot.  I like that name.  I'm Rachel.  *thinks it's better not to confuse the tinies with different names*

Hotspot: *blink blink, headtilt, will try to find siblings and Mama now, plz*

Rachel:  *soft chuckle, and then limps over and hands him to Samuel*  Merlin... let him meet his parents before you decide to examine him.

Perceptor: *nods and carefully transfers Ember to Sky*

Patrick: *small smile* Congratulations, Sky, Samuel.

Sky:  *clicking and cuddling her newsparks, one eye peeled on the little guy she's not holding*  Huh?  *looks up and over at Patrick*

Samuel: *moving to sit as close to Sky as he's able* -He means about the kids, Sky-

Patrick: *gentle amusement* Your children.

Hotspot: *leaning to reach for siblings and Mama, has Papa*

Sky:  *blinks at Patrick warily.  She trusts that the guy won't hurt her sparklets, but she's not sure how to interact with a leader in such a situation other than to get herself and her young the slag away from him.  That... isn't what she needs to do here, she's sure*

Rachel:  *waiting till Patrick's done before she insists that Sky go back to bed*

Patrick: *tilting his head slightly, listening to someone* Emilia wishes to express her congratulations as well.

Sky:  *glances at Samuel*  -You answer-

Samuel: *gentle shoulder bump, nods to Patrick* Thank you, sir.

Firebreak:  *hugging brothers and clicking, also squirming a bit because she's tired and all this stuff is new and LOUD*

Patrick: Get some rest. *moves to head out of the room*

Ember: *Snuggasiblings*

Hotspot: *small yawn, no he didn't, you can't prove it!*

Sky:  *finally lets herself be urged to sit on the bed*  Yessir.  *looks down at that yawn*

Samuel: *Fussing quietly over his family*

Perceptor: *Transforming* I shall have a sparklet blend by tomorrow morning that should be suitable for their systems, Sky.

Hotspot: *isn't sleepy! He's just... resting his optics*

Firebreak:  *snuggle... nod... snuggle*

Sky:  *looks at Merlin*  Are you going to get Sean?  *wants all her young*

Rachel:  Sky, rest is laying down.  Now, please.

Merlin: *nods* I shall return with Sean and Miss Destiny shortly. *moves to head out of the room*

Sky:  *very tired, but doesn't want to sleep or anything till Sean is back*

Rachel:  *shaking her head*

Samuel: *cuddling as well as he's able with an armful of sleepy baby*

Rachel:  I can sedate you again.

Ember: *yaaaaawwwwn, snuggamama*

Sky:  Wait... don't they have alt modes?  People can't see them like this.

Merlin: *nods from the doorway* They will appear to be human infants, though you will have to trigger their transformation sequences.

Rachel:  Here.  *smooth, gentle motions, and Samuel and Sky are now holding three dark-haired infants with big dark eyes*

Firebreak:  :o  Bubby?

Ember: *sleepy clicks, snuggles*

Hotspot: *blink blink* :o

Firebreak:  *gonna cry*

Sky:  *soft clicks and rockings*  Shhhhh.  Your brothers are right here, Firebreak.  And Hotspot, those are your sister and brother.  It's alright.  Shhhhh.

Hotspot: *reaching to poke Ember and earning a poke himself*

Rachel:  *steps back and calls TC's voicemail to let him know.  Then calls Skylar*

Skylar: *answers on the third ring* //Skylar Jones speaking//

Rachel:  Congratulations, Uncle.  *smiles*

Skylar: //...Uncle?//

Sky:  *has moved back on the bed and is leaning against the wall*

Rachel:  Sky just delivered twin boys and their sister.

Skylar: //...Triplets... // *Sounding a bit awed* //Wow. Does she need anything? Baby clothes? Blankets? No, Pandita, baby stuff.//

Rachel:  They didn't even know she was expecting till she went into labor and nearly took Samuel's head off.  I'd say they probably need everything.

Skylar: //We'll swing by the big box store on our way over.//

Rachel:  Alright.  But be careful.  Sky's in a very protective mood.

Skylar: //...well, duh... she just had three kids. We'll be there in a bit. Skylar, out.// *hangs up*

Rachel:  *chuckles slightly and calls Seamus' number*

Alice: *Answers the phone* //Larry's Mortuary and Wedding Chapel, you marry 'em, we bury 'em!// *sounding way too amused, with Finnish Polka in the background*

Rachel:  *looks at her phone, then puts it back to her ear*  Since when are you Seamus' voicemail?

Alice: //Since Seamus is too *&#$^%-faced to do anything but hold onto the ground.//

Rachel:  *eyes go wide, but then she remembers something*  Javan's kit beer's finished.  How was it this year?

voices:  *in background*

Petra:  //It's still too strong.//

Seamus:  //Make it stop spinning!//

Rachel:  *winces*  Bad?  Or just strong?

Alice: //Well.. Javan's got his lampshade on... so I'm going with 'strong' this time by...//

Rachel:  Is Petra going to be buying another new lamp?

Javan: *in the background, singing along with the Finnish Polka*

Alice: //Nope. She got the lampshade off before she, Seamus, and Javan sampled the brew.//

Rachel:  *face palm*

Petra:  *in background*  Javan... what are you doing with that shallot?

Rachel:  0_0  Shallot?

Alice: *Snickering* //He's totally doing the Leekspin thing! Only it's not the right kinda onion-y plant!//

Rachel:  .....

Alice: //Check my Youtube account later on... I'm so posting this.//

Rachel:  Uh, sure.  I'll do that.  *really hoping she's not going to regret looking at this one.  Merlin doing the 'Caramel Dansen' on Javan's couch was kinda scary*

Seamus: *in the background* //My nose hurts.  Urf, it's going faster!//

Alice: //That's your own fault, Seamus! You chose to drink that nasty stuff!//

Javan: *trips and lands on his butt with a thud loud enough to be heard over the phone* //...Huh...//

Rachel:  Actually, Samuel got a bloody nose about an hour ago.  That's probably what Seamus is feeling there.

Petra:  *background*  //Javan, I am not a couch.  MOVE.//

Seamus:  *background*  //That's me.  *groan*//

Alice: //ooo? What happened to Sammy-boy?//

Javan: *background* //Dun wanna.//

Rachel:  He tried to comfort his wife while she was in labor.

Alice: //...Labor?!//

Rachel:  Yup.

Alice: //How many kids?//

Rachel:  Identical twin boys and their sister.

Alice: //Awwww! Well, I'll drag Seamus over once he's no longer so drunk that he has to hold onto the ground.//

Rachel:  Alright.  I just hope he hasn't burned anything out.  *slight grumble and a peek at the bed*

Alice: //He's totally staying the night. No way in heck am I letting him outta here right now.//

Samuel: *clicking and talking quietly to the sleepy babies, and trying his hardest not to wibble*

Ember: *snuggling siblings*

Hotspot: *still a bit wierded out by how his siblings look now, but will cuddle with Firebreak and Mama nonetheless*

Firebreak:  *tank is full, brothers are here.  But she's watching Mama, who feels all tense and who is watching the door*

Rachel:  I have a beep, so I'll let you go.  God bless.

Alice: //Later, Rach.// *hangs up*

Merlin: *sounding a bit frantic and worried when he finally gets through. In the backgound, someone can be heard making frightened noises* //Rachel, there seems to be a bit of a situation here...//

Rachel:  *eyes widen* What happened?

Sky:  *sitting bolt upright, eyes on the medic's face*

Firebreak:  *whimper, startled by the sudden motion and the tension in her mama's body*

Merlin: //From what I was able to gather, when Lyra started scolding Alex for trying to ambulate towards the kitchen, Miss Destiny responded with a mix of fight and flight responses... though she appears to be having difficulty settling on one or the other...//

Ember: *awake now and watching Mama and Rachel*

Rachel:  *frowns*  Where are Jack and Sean?

Merlin:  //Jack and Lyra are assisting Alex in relocating to a different part of your residence, while Sean is attempting to comfort Miss Destiny at the same time as he avoids her attempts to strike out.//

Rachel:  *glances at Sky and winces inwardly at the look on the femme's face.  Considers leaving the room, but suspects that would make things worse*  Did you tell them we have an anxious new mother here?

Merlin: //I was in the process of attempting to do so, but I do not believe Miss Destiny is in a sound state of mind currently.//

Rachel:  *absently takes a quick pace back and forth and wishes she could leave the room or use the comlink*  Do you have sedation tabs?

Merlin: //I believe I might...// *a brief moment's pause, before the sound of someone hitting the floor can be heard* //Miss Destiny has been sedated.//

Rachel:  *sighs and her shoulders slump*  Bring them home.

Merlin: //We shall be returning shortly...// *sounding as though he's about to start speculating on something*

Rachel:  Merlin?

Merlin: //It's rather curious... her behavior...// *sounds of someone being lifted in the background* //I may have to perform quite a bit of research to verify or disprove a hypothesis in the near future...//

Rachel:  *a little more firmly*  Merlin.  Think later.

Sky:  *blinks at that and looks at Samuel*

Samuel: *small one-shoulder shrug, has no clue*

Merlin: *a bit distractedly* //Of course... Allowing time for the traffic, we should be returning within ten minutes...//

Rachel:  Alright.  I'll see you then, buddy.

Merlin: //Merlin, out.// *hangs up*

Rachel:  They'll be back in around fifteen minutes.

Sky:  -What's that in clicks again?-

Samuel: *provides the conversion*

Sky:  *frowns and moves restlessly, then makes comforting noises as the sparklets fuss*

Samuel: *clicking and talking quietly to the sparklets*

Sky:  *starts up again as she hears someone coming up the back stairs that they share with one neighbor*

Skylar: Oy! Someone let us in? Pandita went a bit nuts buying baby toys!

Rachel:  *hurrying to the back door, which is down a small hall from the three bedrooms.  Gets it open and looks stern*  *very quietly*  No sudden movements, and don't get near the babies unless Sky tells you that you can.  Got it?

Melissa:  *looks scared and holds onto her casserole dish*

Skylar: *nods, and moves carefully, before setting the bags he's carrying down on the floor*

Rachel:  *goes back to the bedroom* Sky?  Is it alright if Skylar comes in?

Sky:  *looks up warily, but has seen her triad brother sitting with an arm around her older son as they watched TV*  Sure....

Rachel: *checks to see if Samuel's okay with Skylar coming in*

Samuel: *has also seen how fond Skylar is of Sean, nods*

Rachel:  *looks over her shoulder*  Alright.  Come on in.  Melissa, you can put the casserole in the fridge.

Melissa:  *kind of frozen and deer in the headlights*

Skylar: *walking over slowly, and keeping his hands where Sky and Samuel can see them*

Pandita: *finally setting down enough of the soft, cuddly, cutesy toys he bought to be able to gently nudge Melissa towards the kitchen*

Sky:  *finds herself shaking as her brother comes in.  Her mate is not a protective figure in her eyes.  He's something to protect.  Now there's more safety for her newsparks*  It took you long enough, Screamer.

Skylar: *faint eyebrow twitch* I still hate that nickname...

Sky:  *winces and even cringes a little*  Sorry

Skylar: *clicks* Hey, chin up... Pandita went a bit nuts buying baby toys.. *amused by this, even as Samuel gives him a "...wtf?" look*

Sky:  He does remember our kids aren't dumb like the real little squishies, right?

Skylar: I hope so... but, at the very least, he got the kinds of toys that won't hurt anyone if they get thrown around.

Sky:  *manages a chuckle at that, then looks down at the two in her arms*

Firebreak:  *holding her own ear and frowning at this strange new face*

Hotspot: *frooooown*

Ember: *headtilt, curious, but not quite sure what to make of Skylar*

Sky:  *looks back up at her wingleader, her expression uncertain*

Skylar: *clicks quietly to the sparklets, introducing himself*

Firebreak:  *oooooo, more family?  Perk, still has ear*

Ember: *headtilt in the other direction, cautious clicks in return*

Hotspot: *still frowning*

Sky:  *quietly*  This is Firebreak.  Ember.  And Hotspot.

Skylar: *nods* [As wingleader of the trine, you have my word that I shall protect your offspring as though they were my own.]

Sky:  *lifts her head*  [They are yours.]

Samuel: ... *a bit lost and just slightly worried now*

Sky:  *slight smile, and she's nearly relaxed.  She's not worried about TC's acceptance of the new ones.  Not after all he'd gone through protecting their older brother*

Skylar: *serious* [Death unto those who would do them harm.]

Sky:  *continues the ancient words*  [For they are our future.]

Samuel: ... *thinks he's heard something like this once before* [And our hope.]

Sky:  *glances at him, her eyes smiling even though his pronunciation is pure Autobot*

Rachel:  [Primus welcome the new generation of warriors]  *yes, she knows those aren't the exact words.  But to slag with battle welcoming anything*

Skylar: *giving Rachel a "holy crap" look*

Samuel: o_o *moving to lean against Sky more*

Sky:  *also staring at the medic*

Rachel:  *just grins and then calls Merlin*

Merlin: *answers on the second ring* //Merlin Percia, speaking.//

Rachel:  ETA?  Sky's getting antsy about Sean.

Merlin: //We are arriving now. Jack is the one driving.//

Rachel:  Good.  Come to the front door, alright?

Merlin: //Alright.//

Jack: *in the background* //Alex is asleep, and Lyra's keeping an eye on him, Rachel.//

Rachel:  *sighs with relief when she hears that.  It means that something's made her brother feel better*  See you when you come up.  Rachel out.

Merlin: //Merlin, out.// *hangs up* *A few moments later, there's a gentle knocking on the front door*

Melissa:  *startles and looks at it, then looks at Pandita*

Pandita: Er... There's someone at the door, Rachel... should I answer it?

Rachel:  *limps over to the corner of the hall and sends him an 'I can't believe you just asked that' look*  It's Merlin and Jack.

Pandita: *sheepish look as he moves to answer the door, and winds up with an armful of unconcious Destiny*

Melissa:  *gasps and backs against the wall, her eyes going wide*

Sean:  *in and down the hall to his parents' room as fast as a weary boy can run*

Merlin: *Quietly* She appeared most frightened by Lyra...

Rachel:  *limping over after getting out of Sean's way*  Of Lyra?

Jack: *moving to offer support to Rachel* Freaked royally... She kept going back and forth between gibberish and coherancy...

Rachel:  *frowning and thinking she's going to have to report that to Patrick and see if any of the intelligence Fluffy's team has sent back so far would shed any light on the reaction*

Merlin: *instructing Pandita to set Destiny on the couch* *sighs as he covers her with a blanket*

Rachel:  *quietly as she leans against her husband*  We'll get to the bottom of this.  *turns her head at a whimper*  Oh.  Melissa.  Pandita, can you help her?

Melissa:  *scared stupid.  Again*

Pandita: *nods and moves to talk to Melissa and help her to a chair*

Jack: *quietly* Merlin and I were discussing what happened in the car on the way over... and he mentioned how she behaved when she first arrived...

Rachel:  *kicks the draft snake against the bottom of the door, and then moves away from it*  *just as quietly*  How was that?

Jack: She was, as Samuel will say, "all there"... She introduced herself as Desinex... and said she was looking for Sharpshot... but her voice and spark match Sharpshot's... and then, when offered fuel, she apparently ceased to be "all there"... and began speaking in mono or di-syllabic words...

Rachel:  :\  Fractured personality.

Merlin: *quietly* Dissociative Identity Disorder....

Rachel:  I'm going to have to talk to Patrick and find out what Fluffy's team's already sent him.  I need to know more before I can help her.

Jack: *nods* Think he'd mind us dropping in for dinner?

Rachel:  *automatic look at the clock, and then realizes that he doesn't mean tonight*  We'd have to call and find out.

Jack: *nod* But for right now, maybe it'd be a good idea to head home and let the family get to know one another.

Rachel:  Do you want to see the babies?  I don't think Sky would mind you peeking in.

Jack: *small smile* If it's alright with her.

Rachel:  *leads him down the hall and around the corner*

Sky:  *curled around all four of her youngsters and sound asleep*

Skylar: *keeping watch at the door*

Hotspot: *sound asleep*

Ember: *content sparklet purrs*

Firebreak:  *peeks at the new sounds, and then clicks and turns her head away*

Sean:  *eyes wide with wonder as he watches his new siblings and cuddles them*

Samuel: *glances over at Rachel and Jack*

Jack: *soft chuckle, gently squeezes Rachel's hand*

Rachel:  *grinning*  Will you be alright, Samuel?

Samuel: *nods* *quietly* Thank you for helping, Rachel.

Rachel:  *grins*  Call me if you need anything.  *glances at Skylar to include him in her words*

Skylar: *nods, as does Samuel*

Rachel:  *last glance at the youngsters, and then she's turning toward the back door*  Oh... Skylar.  Melissa needs you.

Skylar: *out of the room and hurrying to his mate's side, kthx!*

Jack: *another soft chuckle*

Rachel:  *opens the locks and pushes the back door draft snake out of the way*

Jack: *Looking over his shoulder at Merlin, who gives him a puzzled look, before Jack tilts his head towards the door*

Merlin: *slightly sheepish look as he heads out of the apartment*

Rachel:  *chuckles at her friend, then bites her lip slightly as she stumbles*  Yeah, I guess it's high time I went to bed.

Jack: Once we get home, that is. *small smile as he steadies Rachel*

Rachel:  Yeah.  *blinks as the sound of Merlin's bubble wrap keyring echoes through the stairway*

Jack: ... *would facepalm, but is keeping Rachel steady* Whoever got him that needs to be smacked.

Rachel:  The same guy that got us that robot dog you love so much.  *small grin*

Jack: ...Remind me to find something soft to lob at Patrick's head.

Rachel:  *innocently*  Like your germ collection?

Jack: *thoughtfully* That'd work.

Rachel:  *grins as she goes through the front door and stops in the sudden (to her) darkness*  Does anyone know you have a doll collection, buddy?

Jack: Nope. *guiding Rachel towards the car* Which one should I throw at him? Mad Cow, or Black Death?

Rachel:  *following his lead, her feet uncertain on the sidewalk*  Oh, give him chicken pox.

Jack: *Snerks and keeps an arm around Rachel's waist* Any of 'em would be enough to get a reaction...

Rachel:  Especially after you told him what they are.  *puts a hand out as he stops, and finds the car*

Jack: *wicked chuckle*

Merlin: *pop pop pop quack*

Rachel:  *silent snigger fit as she gets into the car*

Jack: *trying not to laugh as he herds Merlin into the car as well*

Rachel:  *seatbelt fastened, turns toward the sound of her friend*  At least it keeps you quiet and entertained, hey, Merlin?

Merlin: ...I refuse to say anything which might incriminate me.

Jack: *Cracking up as he buckles his seatbelt*

Rachel:  *chuckles and then settles down to nap on the way home*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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