dv, Nevada Desert and Perceptor and Kia's facility, Two of a Kind

Nov 06, 2009 02:17

kv Jazz: *having parted ways with the Ratchet from his reality for the moment while the other mech went to talk to Kriti's guardians, he's found himself checking the various radio stations in search of some good music for a short drive into town. He's a bit oblivious to his surroundings, or so it seems, as he cheerfully blasts a suitable rock and roll station over his speakers*

silver Solstice:  *gunning along, blaring dance and flirting with a sleek black motorcycle*

kv Jazz: *attention on the approaching silver car, cranks his radio just loud enough to offer a bit of a challenge as he passes by*

silver Solstice:  *BELTS OUT the 'Wakka Lakka'*

kv Jazz: *doesn't know that song, but retaliates by blasting "Jessica" at a volume that would leave a certain Communications Officer in awe*

silver Solstice:  *oh it's on!  Turns a donut to continue facing his opponent and folds two speakers out of his sides.  Watch out, this is 'Leven Polkka' with a vengeance!*

kv Jazz: *Bringing it! And out pop his subwoofers from his back end... only to blast "Never Gonna Give You Up". Yes, you just got Rickroll'd, silver Solstice!*

silver Solstice:  *ups the volume still more!  And gives a terminal blast of a 'Thriller' remix*

kv Jazz: *ups the ante by adding lights to his sound-show*

silver Solstice:  *holo show!*

kv Jazz: *laughing and turning down his speakers so he can be heard* I think this 'un's a draw!

silver Solstice:  *has lost his driver during the contest, and now folds out*  I think I won.  *chuckle and grin*

kv Jazz: *transforms out of alt-mode, amusement clear on his faceplates* You got a crazy light show, man...

silver Solstice:  *reaches down and puts a gentle hand on the motorcycle's seat*  Ben puttin' a lotta work inta it.

kv Jazz: I c'n tell. That sorta thing'd send th' 'Cons runnin' fer cover where I come from...

silver Solstice:  Sure makes Percy run here.  *head tilt, his visor coming down over his brown optics*

kv Jazz: *slight head tilt, giving the Solstice-mech a look from behind his own visor* 'n what 'bout Kriti?

silver mech:  Heh, Bitti's ben helpin' me git it all right.

kv Jazz: *oh noes, there's that devilishly charming grin that usually means the Decepticons are in for trouble... but could also mean someone is about to be epically pranked... only he's holding out his hand* Name's Jazz.

silver mech:  *fit of the snorting giggles*

kv Jazz: *headtilt the other way* What? I miss somethin'?

silver mech:  Jazz... meet Jazz.  *holds out one oddly shaped hand and grins, though he's still snerking*

kv Jazz: ... *stunned silence for a few moments, before he's cracking up and shaking hands with the other Jazz*

dvJazz:  And this sweet thing is my lady, Blackout.  *once more puts a hand on the bike*

kv Jazz: *nods* Nice t' meet ya, Blackout.

Blackout:  *very softly as she leans toward her mate*  Hi....

*loud noise from Jazz's chest*

dvJazz:  'N that's Bumblebee, but she supposeta be nappin'.

kv Jazz: She an itty-bitty too?

dvJazz:  *holds his hands about two foot apart*

kv Jazz: D'aww...

dvJazz:  *looks down as more loud noises come from his chest*  Yeah, even when she screamin' at the top 'a her vocaliser.

kv Jazz: *amused* Wantin' fuel, lovin', 'r t' see who you're talkin' to?

dvJazz:  Wants ta prove she don't take no orders from nobody.  But she needsta recharge.

kv Jazz: *soft chuckle* Maaan, if that don't sound like some'a th' mechs I know back home...

dvJazz:  Yeah?  *pauses and looks over his shoulder*  Incomin'!  *transform*

kv Jazz: *transforms and gets ready to peel out*

dvJazz:  //Let's head back ta base.  I need me some sweet energon 'n some snuggle time with my ladies//

kv Jazz: //Sounds like a plan, stan!// *chuckling as he revvs his engine in a slight challenge*

dvJazz:  *lets the big truck he'd sensed pass, and then peels out down the road at just the speed limit.

Blackout:  *follows*

kv Jazz: *leaves a nice, lovely patch of rubber on the road once the big truck passes him, takes off after dvJazz at just about the same speed as the other mech*

dvJazz:  *pumpin' out the music again.  This time it's 'Numb'.*

kv Jazz: //Think y'ur Percy's ever been Rickroll'd?//

dvJazz:  //Know he has.//

kv Jazz: //awww... What 'bout Sunny 'n Sides?//

dvJazz:  //No idea.  Only met 'em once 'n we didn' git ta talk much.//

kv Jazz: *plotting* //Huh... Roddy got th' ones back home 'while back... 'n then everyone was gettin' Rickroll'd..//

dvJazz:  //If Roddy doin' it then it probably ben done.  I hear crazy things about that mech.//

kv Jazz: //He's not so bad, most'a th' time... Jes when he 'n Springer get 'n idea int' their processors, ain't nobody gonna be able t' stop 'em...// *amused chuckle* //'Sides, he's a good leader.//

dvJazz:  //Leader?  I hear this guy drives off the roof fer kicks.//

kv Jazz: //Roddy's Prime back home... Used t' dive offa the roof 'f th' Ark, back when Optimus was Prime...//

dvJazz:  //.... Where's Optimus?//

kv Jazz: //In retirement. He 'n 'Lita-One went back t' bein' th' bots they were before th' war... 'n they got their servos full with keepin' an optic on Wheelie 'n WakeJumper...//

dvJazz:  *sounds a bit confused*  //'N Diehard?//

kv Jazz: *completely lost* //...Whozzat?//

dvJazz:  //Our Op's right hand man.  'N his son.//

kv Jazz: //... You pullin' my servo?//

dvJazz:  //Nope.  He's in charg'a this part'a the world.  Op's up in Washington.//

kv Jazz: //...Crazy... We ain't got him back home... I'd'a met him already...//

dvJazz:  //Man, that's too bad.  He's one fly mech.//

kv Jazz: //Sounds like it... 'course, nobody's as fly as Optimus.//

dvJazz:  //...I wouldn' know.  Can't remember meetin' 'im.//

kv Jazz: *assuming that dvJazz is a youngling* //You'll get t', sometime, I'll bet.//

dvJazz:  *uncertainly as he turns off the road and goes onto the track that leads to Perceptor and Kia's complex*  //'Spose so.  Hear we useta be pretty good friends.//

kv Jazz: //... Useta?//

dvJazz:  *quietly*  //Before I died.//

kv Jazz: *skids to a halt* //....//

dvJazz:  //C'mon, man.  There's sweet energon with our name on it.//  *keeps going, Blackout at his side*

kv Jazz: //...// *a bit wierded out by the idea of a version of himself dying and then being alive, follows after a moment's hesitation*

dvJazz:  *silent till they reach the front door of the complex, and then lets out a little 'Wakka Lakka' as he transforms and opens it*  Heya, Bitty, where you at?

Kriti: *looks up from gently patting kv Ratchet's back where he's still conked out in a sunbeam, lets out a delighted squeal, lets go of Dolly, and moves to glomp onto dvJazz* PapaJazz!!!

dvJazz:  *arms around the youngling as his deep laugh booms out gently*  Hey, babygirl.  You ben good?

Kriti: *Happy!!! Nod nod* Yup. Been keepin' Hatchet company... He hada nap attack.

dvJazz:  *chuckles*  Can ya blame the mech?  That looks like a good idea ta me, too.

Kriti: *snuggles* *quietly, after glancing over her shoulder at the mech curled up in the sunbeam* Hatchet said lotsa stuff happened back home, 'n time sped up 'n stuff...

kv Jazz: *boggling slightly. Was expecting Kriti to only be about the same size as the local Bumblebee*

dvJazz:  Yeah, I heard.  *rubs her back and then offers to hand her off to Blackout, who is ready to hug too*

Kriti: *moves to carefully hug Blackout, remembering that she's a little bit bigger than the other femme, pauses and blinks at kv Jazz* ...

Blackout:  *gentle snugs*

Kriti: *clicks and chirrs a bit, giving Blackout an absent snuggle, her optics still on kv Jazz* ...Is Jazz from home?

dvJazz:  You come in with that Ratchet, man?

kv Jazz: Yeah... jes wasn't 'spectin' Kriti t' not be so itty-bitty-OOF!!! *gets tackleglomped by a gleeful youngling, who is now squealing even louder with her delight*

kv Ratchet: *awake with a start* I'm up!

Kia:  Go back to sleep.  *sitting on the poofy thing with her back to the wall, smiling at what Kriti's doing*

kv Ratchet: *glancing over at Kriti, before chuckling a bit* I should have known...

kv Jazz: *being cuddled by an excited youngling* Whoah! Easy, Kriti-bitty! *trying not to laugh too much as he sits up*

dv Jazz:  *coming back with three cubes of sweet energon*  Who's up for a snuggle pile?

Blackout:  *nods as she takes one of the cubes*

Kriti: *Biiig grin, moves to tug kv Jazz closer to Ratchet* Snuggle pile! :D

kv Jazz: Guess I just got volunteered! *amused grin*

dvJazz:  *laughing*  Let 'im refuel first, Bitty!

Kriti: *fusses a bit and insists that kv Jazz sit down first*

dvJazz:  *lets her have her say*

Kriti: *bustles about, making sure Ratchet and kv Jazz are comfortable, before moving to nudge dvJazz and Blackout towards the pair as well*

dvJazz:  *goes over and hands his alt a cube, then flops down carefully and puts an arm around Blackout as she snuggles next to him*  Ahhhhh.  :D

kv Jazz: Thanks, man... *amused chuckle as Kriti moves to gently pounce on Kia*

Kia:  *catches her little one and cuddles her close, smiling and humming softly*

Kriti: *has a full tank, Mama and Papa are here, so are PapaJazz, Blackie, Bumble, Jazz and Hatchet. All is well in her world right now*

Kia:  *very content to just sit here and watch her mate and her older younglings recharge*

dvJazz:  *cube empty, optics drowsy*

kv Jazz: *about halfway through his cube, glances over at dvJazz* What's up with the whole 'PapaJazz' thing? *slight teasing glint to his visor*

dvJazz:  *cuddles Blackout closer and nods to Kriti*

Kriti: *Soft chirr* issa PapaJazz... 'n an alternate 'f th' other PapaJazz...

dvJazz:  *grins at that and then snuzzles Blackout's helm*

Blackout:  *contented and ready for sleep mode herself*

kv Jazz: *glances to Kia, hoping for clarification*

Kia:  *gently, in her soft Jamaican sounding lilt*  In the first reality where she was fostered the local Jazz and his mate had created four young bots.  I hear that it was a standing joke that they were trying to repopulate Cybertron by themselves.

Kriti: *softly as she settles against Kia* Miss Waltz-sissy, Honey-sissy, Rap-brother, 'n Scatcat-brother... *biiiiig yawn*

Kia:  You were not finished your rest cycle, were you, my Miss?

kv Jazz: Waittaminute...*glances to kv Ratchet* 're these th' same 'bots you guys met in that crazy Nexus place?

kv Ratchet:: *checking over his database, before nodding* One of them was a femme named Bumblebee...

kv Jazz: ... Th' same one that made Prime blow a circuit? *Sounding amused*

dvJazz:  *sleepily*  Say what?

kv Jazz: *Grin is full of mischief* I only heard 'bout it from Trailbreaker, but apparently, when Optimus met Kriti-bitty's first guardian, he wasn't expectin' a femme version'a Bumblebee...

dvJazz:  *another fit of the snorting giggles*

Kriti: *yawn* Miss MamaBee, too... *snuggle*

Kia:  *rubs her back and clicks soothingly*

dvJazz:  *opens his storage compartment and takes out a sleeping chibi with the hand that's not being used to cuddle Blackout*

Kriti: *biiiig yawn, shutters her optics. Score: Sunbeam - 2, Kriti - 1*

kv Jazz: *softly "D'aww"s at the littles, before he notices something on the floor next to Ratchet* Issat a ragdoll?

Kia:  *humming softly again as she reaches over to take Dolly from where she's laying by Ratchet and tuck her into Kriti's arms*  Yes.  She is Miss's best friend.

Kriti: *soft noise as she settles into another nap*

kv Ratchet: *trying to keep from being sunbeam-pwnt again, is losing the fight* *covers his mouth as he yawns*

Kia:  *chuckles, and then looks over at the local Jazz and Blackout, who are cuddling bittyBee between them as they sleep*  Recharge, Ratchet.  I can tell that you need it.

kv Jazz: *moving to stretch out* Catch some shut-eye, Doc. Prime and the others'll understand! *there's that disarming grin of his again*

Perceptor:  *murmurs without waking.  It seems he's lecturing on quantum physics*

Kia:  *soft chuckle*  And there is no hurry for either of you to leave.

kv Ratchet: Well... I suppose Wheeljack, Swoop, and First Aid can keep everyone in working order for a little while longer...

Kia:  *gently but firmly*  Sleep

Perceptor:  Yes, dear.

Kriti: *soft, contented purrs*

kv Jazz: *Already out like a light*

Kia:  *makes sure the doors are locked and the security is in place, and then moves to lay by her mate, careful not to rock him too much on the big squishy mat*

Perceptor:  *hugsnuggles and sighs*

kv Ratchet: *shuttering his optics, and misses Kriti waking up enough to snuggle Perceptor a bit before going back to sleep*

*silence falls over the room, unbroken by the dancing of dustmotes in the sunbeams*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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