mbv, Lisa's barn/The Ark, Pappara!

Nov 24, 2009 00:00

Rachel:  *ahem*  Skylar, I was wondering if you could explain something I found on youtube this morning.

Skylar: ... That's not me.

Rachel:  It's actual photographic footage, buddy.

Skylar: ...I plead contemporary insanity.

Rachel:  What had you guys been drinking?

Skylar: ... I'm not saying anything that would incriminate myself, TC, or Sky.

Rachel:  *folds arms across chest and gives him the Look*

Skylar: *the Look doesn't work if you can't meet the other person's eyes! Is looking everywhere but at Rachel*

Rachel:  And obviously other Decepticons saw you, for this to be up.

Pandita: *looks up from where he's reading* Actually, I'm the one that filmed it. ^_^

Skylar: *STINKEYES Pandita*

Rachel:  0.o  This was done after you guys got to Earth?

Skylar: *keeping his mouth SHUT*

Pandita: *Knows he's going to be chased around shortly, doesn't care* We went to the Nexus. *grin*

Rachel:  Did you stop to think that putting up footage of giant robots dancing might be a bad idea?

Pandita: ...Touché.

Rachel:  What if the 'Cons track this?  *pause*  Why the slag didn't Blaster already take it down?

Brandon: Working on it!

Rachel:  *starts and looks toward him, then back at Pandita*

Pandita: *busy being chased by Skylar, kthx!*


Rachel:  *sighs and shakes her head, then turns back to the diagnostic array she's working on*


man in black:  *sitting in a dark office, his keen eyes focused on the image of three robots dancing*  *softly*  You're out there.  I know it.  I just have to find you.

((Co-written with random_xtras))
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