hsv and Nexus, Autobot base and Sanctuary, Building A Shell

Nov 24, 2009 01:04

Optimus:  *munching contentedly on a pickle flavored cookie as he writes on a datapad*  And so I explained to Sunstreaker why it was a bad idea to call you a tool.

Galvatron:  *also munching a bit of pickle cookie as he works*

Diehard: *reaching for what Daddy has, click click click!!!*

Ratchet: *Soft snerk, headshakes* If not for the fact that he has his servos full keeping an optic on Sideswipe...

Optimus:  He tried to explain that he was making a reference to your name, but I informed him that I was aware of the colloquial uses of the word.

Ratchet: As am I. *slight glimmer of ornery in his optic* Though the term would be better suited to Sunstreaker himself...

Optimus:  *throat clearing sound*  I think it would be best not to stoop to his level.

Ratchet: I wouldn't be stooping to his level... I'd be helping him up to the next one.

Diehard: *squeal, reaches for the energon cookie Daddy has!*

Optimus:  Still, there are impressionable young processors here.  *bites off a bit of the big cookie and offers it to his tiny son*

Ratchet: *nods* Understood... *amused chuckle as Diehard tastes the cookie and tries to scoot away from it*

Diehard: Pleeeeh... Xp

Optimus:  *raises a brow at his son*  What's wrong, Diehard?

Diehard: *razzes the cookie*

Ratchet: *Soft snicker* I don't think he likes that flavor very much, Optimus.

Optimus:  Hmmm.  I wonder what you'd think of the actual energon pickles I'm told exist now.  *eats the rejected cookie bit, then looks at the screen on his desk as it flickers and Perceptor's face appears on it*  Yes?

Perceptor:  *worried and a bit flustery*  So sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering if your Ratchet is engaged, or if he has time for a medical call to the Nexus.

Optimus:  *looks at Ratchet*

Ratchet: *Frown, getting up out of his chair* Who is injured, and how severely?

Perceptor:  I do not know.  The only information Ratchet sent to me is that a young servant of Primus who has her sanctuary there is in need of a Ratchet's assistance.

Ratchet: *frowns, nods* And this is in the Sign Nexus?

Perceptor:  It is.  The servant's name is Hormah.

Ratchet: Let me go get my field kit.

Perceptor:  Here are the coordinates you'll need.  *makes them appear at the bottom of the screen, then looks hastily over his shoulder*  Kia, cancel the reaction!  I must go.

Optimus:  *blinks, and then looks at Ratchet after the screen goes dark*

Ratchet: *blinks, before heading to the medbay to retrieve his field kit*

First Aid:  *looks around from unwinding blanket from WakeJumper*  Hello, Ratchet.

Ratchet: *nods to First Aid, before grabbing his field kit and quickly checking the supplies and parts in it. Then he's heading for his office, where he has been keeping his PINpoint*

WakeJumper: *blink blink*...

First Aid:  *looks down at his little patient, and then goes to follow his senior officer*  Ratchet?  Is something wrong?

Ratchet: I've got a call that I've got to respond to in the Sign Nexus.

First Aid:  In the Sign Nexus?  *surprised and concerned*  Do you need any help?

Ratchet: *pauses, thinking this over* I might... I have no idea what I'm going to be dealing with, just that there's a Primus Servant named Hormah who needs help.

First Aid:  *flinches as he feels the base rock slightly*  Call me if you need backup.  *runs to see what Solar Flare did this time*

Ratchet: Will do. *sighs as WakeJumper mutters quietly*

Wheeljack:  *comes wandering in*  I'll hold down the fort while yer gone.  'N while 'Aid digs my son out of his lab.  *flops down on the table by WakeJumper and starts his self-diagnostic*

Ratchet: ... When I get back, I'm going to have to have words with your son. *PINpoints to the Nexus*

And so, Ratchet arrives to the hustle and bustle of the Nexus. He's landed near the Sanctuary this time...

Ravage:  *sees that massive yellow 'bot appear and stands up where he was sitting on the porch, watching to see if that's the Ratchet he's supposed to meet* Ratchet?  You are here to help Hormah?

Ratchet: *nods and holds up his field kit* How badly is she hurt?

Ravage:  She is not.  Only tired.  Too tired to finish building her son's shell.  *turns toward the door and looks over his shoulder to see if Ratchet's coming*

Ratchet: *Frowning as he follows Ravage* How long has she been carrying?

Ravage:  Not long enough.  But he had to be born so that she could save the life of one of her charges.  *trots across a peaceful main room with a couple tables and chairs and a cupboard by one wall, then leads the way down a shortish hall*

Ratchet: *slightly bewildered expression, though he is getting the tools he believes he'll need out as he follows Ravage*

Ravage:  *stops in front of the last door on the righthand side*  Hormah?  He is here.

Hormah:  *turns her head and blinks tired yellow optics at Ratchet, the hand laying across her chest still holding a tool that she's too worn down to be able to use*  'Bout fraggin'... wait, ye ain't t' one I was after expectin'.

Ratchet: *slight brow ridge raise at Hormah's language, before he snorts softly* Well, I'm sorry I'm not the one you were expecting, but I'll do my best to help in any way I can.

Hormah:  Jes' means I cain't grip at ye t' same.  *lays head back on a folded afghan, then turns to look at something on the other side of her*  T' specs 'n all's on t'is datapad here.  'N Pi's right 'ere.

Ravage:  *goes and jumps up on the table in the corner*

Ratchet: *nods as he moves to pick up the datapad and scan Pi*

Pi:  *no plating, no vocalizer, no limbs, no way of moving his head.  ...And no spark compartment or defined spark, though energy dances softly inside his shell*

Ratchet: *Brow ridge goes up even further, before he regards the datapad to check the specs for the young bot*

Hormah:  I was taught by one 'o yer alts, so I knows how t' write plans.  I's got t' parts all here.  *nods to the bits scattered all over the bed and herself*

Pi:  *watching Ratchet with bright green optics*

Ratchet: *a quick, visual, scan of the parts and pieces scattered all over the bed and Hormah, and then he's setting to work, starting with limbs*

Hormah:  Nah, give 'em t' means t' turn 'is head 'n optics first.

Ratchet: Alright... *grabbing some different pieces and parts and setting to work*

Hormah:  *soft groan as she shifts her position on the padded berth, and then a sigh*

Ratchet: *Without looking up from what he's working on* Do you need anything, Hormah?

Hormah:  Few days fer me life force t' straighten out.  Had some work makin' sure Pi was after bein' strong enough t' be out.  *deedles to herself softly*

Ratchet: *blink blink, will ask later. Is time for work now*

Hormah:  *drawing comfort from his presence, even though he's not the mech who mentored her in repair*  *quietly*  Y'ever hear 'o Minicons?

Ratchet: *does look up this time* No... None of the Autobots of my reality have ever mentioned them...*is master of multi-tasking*

Hormah:  T'ey ain't after bein' from yer kind 'o reality.  *databursts some basic information about her tiny kin*

Ratchet: *small nod as he reviews the data* I see... *scans the part he's working on, out of habit*

Hormah:  I's half Minicon.  'N half Blackout.

Ratchet: ... *soft snerk as he remembers a certain incident a few weeks back involving a femme Blackout*

Hormah:  *feels his amusement*  What're ye laughin' for?

Ratchet: Just recalling a recent encounter I witnessed over at the Black Dog involving a femme named Blackout who was kissing mechs.... The mech who got kissed was an alternate of Red Alert... though he wasn't nearly as entertaining as the Sunstreaker who showed up to rescue his brother...

Hormah:  *quiet deedle of a chuckle*  Aye, t'at's her.  'N Nem's me alternate sister.

Ratchet: *nods, and finishes his work on the part* Some of the 'bots of my reality have regular dealings with Nemesis... though they would likely do better to hide the minerals they purchase from her elsewhere, as opposed to on their persons...

Hormah:  *mouth twitches, but she makes nooo comment to that*

Pi:  *just looks quizzical.  It's all he can do, so he's doing it with all his might*

Hormah:  *pats him and deedlebeeps softly*  So ye gits yer supplies t'at way?

Ratchet: We have a small refinery for energon, though some of the personnel have taken to procuring energon from either the Black Dog, or the Dressing Room nexus... Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, and Showtime choose to get minerals at the Black Dog, however.

Hormah:  *nods and pushes her tease a little more*  'N ye gits 'em from t'em.

Ratchet: Only after Prowl confiscates the minerals. I've got a bit of a stockpile in my office now.

Hormah:  *brows lifted*  Ye never drinks none?

Ratchet: *headshake* I have a sparklet at home.

Hormah:  *perks, teasing forgotten*  How old?

Ratchet: Just shy of three months now... And already, he's sassed Jetfire... *amused rumble*

Hormah:  *silent for a moment, then looks up*  Jetfire, eh?  How's he adoin'?  'N who ye bonded wit', b'y?

Ratchet: *as he moves to set the part he finished building where he can reach it in a short while* Jetfire and his brother are hopefully not trying to shoot one another out of the sky... *gives Hormah a surprised look before answering* Clarion.

Hormah:  *startled, but understanding Primus' serious feeling in regards to the yellow mech*  Clarion?

Ratchet: *nods* We've been bonded for awhile now. *reaching for parts to build Pi's limbs*

Hormah:  *frowns a bit*  How's she after doin'?

Ratchet: *slight frown, isn't quite sure what Hormah's implying, answers honestly* She has come a ways since her arrival on Earth... I don't hold any illusions that she'll ever be the way she once was... but I'm glad that she chooses to put her trust in me.

Hormah:  *quietly*  Good.  I's glad t' hear at least one 'o 'er's doin' alright.

Ratchet: *just as quietly, as he sets to work again* I just wish that I could do more to help her...

Hormah:  *quietly*  From what I's read 'o 'er... if she's sane enough t' function yer after havin' some #@$#@$#@ 'o a miracle, b'y.

Ratchet: *small frown, chooses to focus on his work so he doesn't have to dwell on the alternative to how his mate is*

Hormah:  What's sparklets like in yer reality?  Normal?  'R little bitty t'ings?

Ratchet: Little by comparison to the adults... about four feet tall... *activates a hologram of the latest round of Ariel, Dion, and Orion Pax checkups, showing the rambunctious trio*

Hormah:  *looks and snerks*  Looks like t'ey kin run 'round t'ough.

Ratchet: *Deadpans slightly* You have no idea... *soft chuckle* Those three seem convinced that the adults are their personal jungle gyms... *a bit sad as he thinks of Showtime, and how the femme will never get to hold the newspark she was carrying at one point*

Hormah:  *optics flicker*  What's t' matter?

Ratchet: *quietly, as he works* Around the same time that my son was born, Showtime, Sunstreaker, and Sideswipe were in our sister reality, defending the local Perceptor's lab from Decepticons... During an attack, Showtime was hit... She was carrying.... though she didn't know it at the time.

Hormah:  Ahhh.  Mira.

Ratchet: *nods* Showtime will never get to hold Mira... at least, not while she's still alive... She would have been a wonderful mother, I believe.

Hormah:  *very soft deedle of a chuckle*  Would ye like t' see somet'in', me son?

Ratchet: *looking up from his work to give Hormah a politely curious look*

Hormah:  *shutters her optics and talks inwardly to her master, asking him if Mira and her mother and brother are anywhere in the vicinity*

Show: *hoves into sight near the doorway* We're right here, Hormah. *soft chuckle as Mira leads Oppy over to Ravage*

Ratchet: *about drops the part he's working on, optics wide*

Hormah:  *watches Ravage sit up to greet his young friends, and then turns back to Ratchet*  Ye never seen a ghost afore, b'y?

Ratchet: O-once... A femme named Jabez...

Show: *small smile* I don't think he was expecting a version of the Showtime he knows to be one, Hormah...

Hormah:  *gently*  Different roads, b'y.  Desinex don't always listen t' Jay.  *looks over to the table again*  Mira, ye wants t' come say hi t' yer Uncle Ratchet?

Mira: *blink blink, regarding Ratchet with a puzzled look on her face* -But Uncle Ratchet's back at the Well...-

Oppy: *clinging to Ravage as well as he can, snuggaRavage*

Hormah:  *soft deedle*  Yer ot'er Uncle Ratchet, b'y.  T' one from t' reality ye were created at.

Ravage:  *purring and snuggling the little free spark as he winds up half in his shell with him*

Mira: *headtilt, scoots over to stand by Showtime once the older femme has moved closer to Ratchet* -You know Mama-Mama?-

Ratchet: *listening for any indication that Mira is near him*

Show: *Gently, to Mira* -You need to touch him... He can't hear you right now.-

Mira: -Ooooh...- *scoots over to Ratchet and gently puts a hand on his leg* -You know Mama-Mama?-

Ratchet: *a bit startled, but nods* Er... Yes...

Mira: *small 'wing flutter, wondering if she should snuggle this Uncle or not* *quietly* -Mama-Mama's still sad 'lotta th' time?-

Hormah:  *watching the little one, and then looks at Ratchet*  *quietly*  Ye gotta spark scanner, b'y?

Ratchet: *nods to Hormah* I do...

Hormah:  *reaches over and zaps him with her fancy thing, amping all his systems, tools, and weapons*

Ratchet: *Startles, and wonders why Showtime is looking so amused* ... *hesitantly scans where he thinks Mira is, and then he's boggling*

Hormah:  *laying back on her improvised pillow and feeling a little dizzy, but grinning as she watches*

Ravage:  *moves, and Ratchet will be able to see the second youngling freespark over by the old Decepticat*

Oppy: *giving the brightly-colored medic a curious look, snuggaRavage one more time, moves to cuddle Hormah and 'talk' to Pi*

Hormah:  *quiet deedles to the youngster as Pi's optics sparkle*  *then looks at Ratchet*  T' kid asked ye a question, b'y.

Ratchet: *small nod, soft sigh* She's still grieving... She tries to hide how sad she is... but it still shows...

Mira: *small frown, nods* -She still feels sad 'bout what happened...- *looks to Hormah and Showtime* -C'n I go visit her?- *Trying her best "Cute" look*

Hormah:  *shakes her head as she feels the negative*  Ye knows what Primus sez, b'y.

Mira: *pout* -aww... Alright...- *SnuggaRatchet carefully*

Hormah:  *blinks and looks at Showtime as a hint of promise touches her senses*  He's plannin' somet'in'.

Show: *nods as she picks up on that as well, a slightly demure smile crossing her face*

Pi:  *lovebombs Oppy*

Oppy: *careful snuggaPi, happy!* n_n

Ratchet: *quietly telling Mira about how her Uncle Sideswipe got chibified, and about the little mech's antics since then*

Mira: *Attentive audience, wide-opticed as she listens and asks questions*

Hormah:  *deedling softly to her newspark to just be patient.  Ratchet needs this time with Mira.  And he's got Oppy to talk to*

Oppy: *quietly telling Pi about some of the free sparks he's met in the Well, and about how silly some of them are*

Pi:  *quiet and faint memories of some Minicons who were in the Linkage*

Hormah:  *dozing slightly, feeling all the feelings around her, and also feeling Primus' gentle comforting presence*

Ravage:  *watching from his table*

Ratchet: *soft sound as Mira fades from his sensors*

Hormah:  *quietly and groggily*  She's still t'ere, b'y.  Mira, ye gots t' touch 'im agin.

Mira: *doing so* -You're gonna help Pi, right?-

Ratchet: *nods, startles when Showtime puts a gentle hand on his shoulder*

Ravage:  They will not hurt you, Autobot.

Ratchet: *stinkeyes Ravage* That doesn't mean I expect them to touch me...

Show: *chuckles a bit, and gives Ravage an amused look*

Ravage:  *flattens his ears and purrs at her*

Oppy: *quiet as he snuggles Pi* -Ravage is dork-kitty.-

Pi:  0.o

Hormah:  *looks toward the youngster as she feels his amusement, then looks back to Ratchet*

Ratchet: *looking at Showtime, and wondering what's so funny, even as he moves to stand up*

Pi:  *hopeful look for Ratchet, though he can't move*

Mira: *moves away from Ratchet and over to pounce-snuggle Ravage*

Ravage:  *snuggle purr*  *and smirk at Ratchet*

Ratchet:  *snorts and moves to resume building parts and installing them.  Pi soon starts taking shape*

Hormah:  *grins and sleeps*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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