Wake: *Trying to return to the ship as silently as possible after spending the night in the Nexus celebrating some human holiday that involved counting down and a lot of high grade*
speakerSpazz: Oh, hey, WakeJumper. Do you have a minute?
Wake: *Startles, trips over his feet, and lands on his skidplate, holding his head* Awww slaggit, Spazz...
speakerSpazz: Whoa... too much party?
Wake: *sheepish grin* Yeah.... some of the humans were celebrating the new year...
speakerSpazz: Oh yeah. We did that too. Only most of us didn't get cratered.
Wake: Shame... They had some good stuff...
speakerSpazz: I can't take high grade. Rhinox wasn't in the mood. And it's not good for sparklets.
Wake: ... What 'bout Rat?
speakerSpazz: Do you really need to ask that question?
Wake: *Snerks, and then rubs at his forehead* Slaaag... I saw stuff last night 'n this mornin' that I di'n't know humans could do... This one dame kicked her shoes off around the time they said was midnight and ran around in her socks f'r the rest of the night...
speakerSpazz: ...Yeah. Human women do that a lot at parties. They don't always make shoes fit right.
Wake: Lotta the humans were wearin' polystyrene hats 'n junk... flimsy stuff...
speakerSpazz: Yeah. Party stuff. It's not made to last.
Wake: ... I'll never understand humans... I mean... none'a the stuff had the year on it or anythin', so why make it outta stuff that flimsy?
speakerSpazz: Because most people don't want to keep it. It gets pitched after the party.
Wake: Seems like a waste to me... Then again, I spent a long time working the salvage trade... anythin' not nailed down was fair game to be sold... and even some of the stuff doing the nailin' down...
speakerSpazz: 'Anything not nailed down is mine. Anything I can pry loose is not nailed down.'
Wake: *Snerk* Pretty much... 'Specially with one'a the femmes I used t' run with...
speakerSpazz: That's the Sewercon creed.
Wake: *snerk* Your kind would get 'long really well with Calypso then... She's got the same kinda belief... only her's is more related t' high-grade.
speakerSpazz: Ours were related to survival. And only Lord Frenzy could handle the high grade. Though I hear my older sister Wingnut first learned to talk after having some.
Wake: Huh... *moves to get up, stretching out a bit*
speakerSpazz: But anyway. Wanna play a game? No zaps.
Wake: Sure... Wait, you promise there ain't gonna be any zapping this time?
speakerSpazz: I said no zaps. This is a MMORPG.
Wake: ... One'a those games I heard a couple'a humans talkin' 'bout in the Nexus?
speakerSpazz: Probably. They're all the rage right now.
Wake: *small grin, moves over to a console* Jes tell me where t' go, Spazz.
speakerSpazz: It works a little better with a direct link. But you can play that way too. There'll be a shortcut that says 'Multiverse Warcraft'.
Wake: Direct link?
speakerSpazz: You know. Plug into the system?
Wake: Oh... Hang on... *getting his link cord out* Will this work?
speakerSpazz: Yup! You'll wind up in a kinda empty looking dressing room with a full-length mirror at first. So don't be freaked.
Wake: Alright... *plugging his link wire into a port* *game-self looks around the room*
speakerSpazz: -Do you see the controls across the bottom of your visual field?-
Wake: -Yeah, I see 'em.-
speakerSpazz: -That first set there is for selecting your race. Right now we've got taur, dragon elf, human, nebulan, lu, bot, dwarf, gnome, orc, troll, and unicorn. Ask me questions about them, because we don't have all the descriptions up yet.-
Wake: -What the &*^$# is a taur?-
speakerSpazz: -You can see that by pressing the button-
Wake: *grumbles a bit as he presses the button* *Amused snerk* -...Ugly critter, ain't he?-
speakerSpazz: *looks at the burly bovine humanoid* -Press the femme button.-
Wake: -Aright...- *Does so*
image: *that of a female of the race: a powerfully built but still sleek woman with close lying red fur, about the same height as the guy- eleven foot, brahmanoid features that include drooping ears, a quite feminine figure, four fingered hands, hoofed feet, and a tuft of black hair between her ears*
Wake: -What're their stats, Spazz?-
speakerSpazz: -Taurs are powerful in the Strength department, on the higher end of medium for Dexterity. They're strong in Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom. They get along peacefully with most races, but will stomp orcs on sight and they're wary of nebulans and bots. *shows him the exact numbers*-
Wake: -Huh... Kinna' like Rhinox... *amused chuckle, picks dragon elf, male, next*-
image: *a blue-skinned being, whipcord strong, around five eleven in height. Has finned ears, predatory looking teeth, and peaceful green eyes with slit pupils. He's got five fingers and five toes.*
speakerSpazz: -Dragon elf stats vary for guys and girls. Guys are strong in Strength, very very high in Dexterity and Constitution. Average in Intelligence, and kind of lacking in Wisdom. They get along with everyone. They're also limited and not very good with attack at all.- *gives stat numbers*
Wake: *as he switches to female* -'n the girls?-
image: *blue-skinned being, small in chest and lean, but still very female. Same height as the male, same ears, same teeth. The look in her eyes says she's laughing at you and going to kick your aft if she thinks it'll be amusing enough*
speakerSpazz: -Powerful in Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, very high in Intelligence. But low in Wisdom. They don't really get along with anyone. Real dragon elves are a race of honor bound space pirates.-
Wake: *Snerks* -maaan, they sound like my kinda girl...- *selects human, male* -I met a few humans in the Nexus... how're they different in the game?-
speakerSpazz: -Less beer belly and more fit? Guys are on the high edge of medium in Strength, slightly lower in Dexterity and Constitution, slightly high in Intelligence. Can be very high in Wisdom. They have the same slightly suspicious but prone to accept with time reaction to all other races. Girls are lower in Strength, higher in Dexterity, the same in Constitution. A bit higher in Intelligence, and they can be high in Wisdom.-
Wake: -Huh...- *selects nebulan, male*
image: *bald green guy*
speakerSpazz: -About the same as humans. They just have different classes and the women are a bit weaker than human women.-
Wake: -Hmm... What 'bout the lu?- *as he selects a male lu*
image: *weedy looking, twenty foot tall version of a Van Helsing werewolf*
speakerSpazz: -Dumb as posts and clumsy. They're mostly NPCs for the women, but if you want one you can have him. They are really strong and resistant to damage.-
Wake: -Nah... Just checkin' to see what's available 'n all...- *selects bot, male, out of sheer curiosity*
speakerSpazz: *chuckles* -Not going to check the lu woman?-
Wake: -... Slaggit...- *selects a female lu*
image: *she's forty foot tall and powerfully built. No visible breasts, though all she's wearing is bikini style underpants. Her whole body is covered in a coat of long fur like a persian cat would have, and her expression is kindly and wise*
Wake: -...- *Wolf whistle*
speakerSpazz: -Another limited character, which means not many will be available. They're massively powerful in Strength. High medium in Dexterity. Massively powerful in Constitution. Very very high in Wisdom. But they don't believe in fighting unless they have to. And then they're more prone to battles of smarts and patience instead of hauling back and whapping someone. They'll get along with any race, and each woman comes with three men which are not her husbands, but are hers to command and protect.-
Wake: -... Husbands?- *picking male bot now, plz*
speakerSpazz: -Organic bondmates.-
image: *looks kinda TFish, of Spazz's tech. There's a selector for small and tall.*
Wake: *Curious, selects 'Small'*
image: *six foot tall and slender, though with a guy's broad shoulders*
speakerSpazz: -Medium high in Strength, very high in Dexterity, very high in Constitution. Can be between low to high average in Wisdom. Will fight or will live in peace. Very slightly squicked by organic people, and capable of taking a second form.-
Wake: -hmm...- *selects 'large' for comparison*
image: *sixteen foot tall, and much burlier. He's more TFA type than bayformer*
speakerSpazz: -Very high in Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Rest is the same as the little guy.-
Wake: *'Hrmmm's, selects femme, 'small'*
image: *slender, delicate. Big optics and quick little hands. She's about five foot tall*
speakerSpazz: -I should mention that you can adapt the height and figure on most of these. Small female bots are Medium high in Strength, very high in Dexterity, very high in Constitution. Can be between low to high average in Wisdom. They like peace better than open fighting, but make really good rogue types. Though that's not what their sneaky class is called. They've got the same 'tude to others as the guys do.-
Wake: -'sneaky' class?-
speakerSpazz: -It's called hacker.-
Wake: -ooo, sounds cool...- *checks the 'large' female bot out, just to see what the difference is*
image: *around fifteen foot tall and shapely, her vehicle kibble plain to see. Her tech is the same as that of the large male*
speakerSpazz: -Same as the little ones except that she's higher in Strength, and isn't quite as good with the hacker-ness.-
Wake: -Aww...- *selects dwarf male next*
image: *burly with a lot of beard and a bald spot on his head. Is just under five foot tall, has a very hairy chest, arms, and legs, and doesn't look too pleased at standing here in his boxers*
Wake: *Snickering* -Stats?-
speakerSpazz: -Strength: high medium. Dexterity: very high medium. Constitution: strong. Wisdom: medium.-
Wake: -How do they get along with other races?-
speakerSpazz: -They're standoffish and surly. But once you win one's trust he'll kill to avenge you.-
Wake: -Hmm...- *switches to the female dwarf*
image: *stocky but fair woman of around four foot five. Twinkling eyes that look at you with wary good humor, and quite a lot of padding in the chest area*
speakerSpazz: -Like the guys, only they're just a little less suspicious. More into being shadow warriors than coming out and beating on you with an ax. Less into crafting with metal than the guys.-
Wake: -kinda like a short ninja?-
speakerSpazz: -Nah, not martial artsy. More like a blitzkrager.-
Wake: -Ah...- *selects male gnome*
image: *guy about three foot five tall, not so broad in the shoulders. Bit of a belly. Cheery small face with no hair on it. Blue hair that doesn't look like it's been brushed lately.*
speakerSpazz: -Strength: medium. Dexterity: very high medium. Constitution: medium. Wisdom: high medium to high. Other races usually avoid them because they can't understand the little maniacs. Girls are about the same, only a lot cuter.-
Wake: *Snerks* -Sounds like someone we both know...-
speakerSpazz: -I play a girl gnome warrior.-
Wake: -Huh...- *picks orc male*
image: *big, burly, green, tusky. Piggy eyes and no hair*
speakerSpazz: -Strength: high. Dexterity: low. Constitution: very high. Wisdom: n/a. Other races usually avoid them because they don't like being invited to dinner. But some orcs learn not to eat anything that can talk back. They usually still don't get very friendly with anyone.-
Wake: -...- *Switches to the female orc*
image: *rather ugly faced but shapely green woman with thick black hair on her head from which her pointed ears protrude slightly*
speakerSpazz: -Same as the guys, but Strength is high medium. They can be really sneaky.-
Wake: -...Sheeesh...-
speakerSpazz: -From what I've seen in another game they'll probably be fairly popular anyway.-
Wake: -No kiddin?-
speakerSpazz: -No kidding.-
Wake: -...weird...- *selects the male troll*
image: *nine foot tall and lanky but strong. Strong features, huge tusks, big feet and hands. A rather fierce but good natured twinkle in the eyes*
speakerSpazz: *chuckles* -Strength: high. Dexterity: low. Constitution: very high. Wisdom: high low. Rough around the edges and loving mischief, fighting, and chasing the girls. Rat plays one.-
Wake: -... Oddly enough, that makes sense...- *chuckles and selects the female troll to see if there's any difference*
image: *smaller and more feminine features, no tusks, a lanky but female body. Around seven foot eight in height and with a thick head of curling hair*
speakerSpazz: -Same stats as the guys. And they like chasing their guys and dig tusks.-
Wake: *Snerk* -Sounds interesting...-
speakerSpazz: *chuckles*
Wake: *selects male unicorn*
image: *looks human except for the horn on the forehead, the solid hooves, the three fingered hands, and the pointed ears*
speakerSpazz: -Strength: medium. Dexterity: medium. Constitution: medium. Intelligence: high. Wisdom: can be high. A little aloof but friendly to most races other than orcs. Trolls tend to get under their skin.-
Wake: *switches to the female*
image: *slender and graceful, very pretty in an aquiline and serious way. Her hair is quite long*
speakerSpazz: -Strength: high low. Dexterity: medium. Constitution: medium. Intelligence: high. Wisdom: tends toward high. Rest is same as the guys, though trolls tend to scare them.-
Wake: -...Huh...-
speakerSpazz: -They're more like the classic mage type than a weapons fighter. Only it's inborn ability they use, and not magic.-
Wake: -Cool...- *selects a male dragon elf again* -Okay. How do I customize 'im?-
speakerSpazz: -Click 'yes'.-
Wake: *does so*
images: *a grown figure, and a slender and childlike one*
speakerSpazz: -pick one of those. Kids don't get to get married.-
Wake: -...married?-
speakerSpazz: -Bonded.-
Wake: -...- *picks the adult*
image: *height variations. Five nine, five eleven, and six foot*
Wake: *picks five eleven*
image: *whipcord lean. Just a tiny bit broader in the shoulders*
Wake: *picks the broader shouldered one*
speakerSpazz: -And then pick 'yes'.-
Wake: *does so*
image: *changes to hair: bald, short mohawk, or short mohawk in tufts with bald patches in between.*
Wake: *picks the short mohawk*
image: *blue skin, blue-green skin, or slightly greenish pale yellow*
Wake: *'hrmms' softly, taking a few minutes before he selects the blue-green skin*
image: *eyes: dark green, golden yellow, red, or azure?*
Wake: *picks golden yellow*
image: *clothes: open front vest and knee length brown pants, or loincloth with vest.*
Wake: *knee length pants and vest*
image: *says 'jewelery', but is showing only one blank medallion belt buckle*
speakerSpazz: -Dragon elves don't seem to be much for jewelery. Right now that belt says you're clanless. It'll get an emblem after you join a group.-
Wake: -Ah... okay...-
speakerSpazz: -You'll be able to buy other stuff later if you really want to. Once we get it made.-
Wake: -Sounds cool.-
speakerSpazz: *chuckles* -Okay, turn around and see the door-
Wake: *makes his character turn around so it faces the door*
speakerSpazz: -Since you're direct linked you just think and your character will move. You'll also be able to feel things squishies won't be able to. Your next stop is choosing your name and your class.-
Wake: -Cool... What're the classes?-
speakerSpazz: -So far we've got shopkeeper and techworker.-
Wake: -What're the specifics on those?-
speakerSpazz: -shopkeeper runs a player shop. Levels up by collecting stuff to make things out of and also from the making and selling of stuff. Techworker is like an engineer. He fixes the millwheels and the wagon wheels, and peoples' broken weapons, builds buildings, and levels up by collecting stuff to make weapons and buildings and by building.-
Wake: -So either way, they collect stuff... hmmm....- *amused chuckle as he selects Techworker as his class*
speakerSpazz: -And might wind up fighting a few monsters to do it. You've got a pitiful little level one gun in your inventory.-
Wake: -... Can I tinker with it when I start getting leveled up?-
speakerSpazz: -You can buy new ones, and you can rip that one apart for the component materials.-
Wake: -...Oooooooooo-
speakerSpazz: -You've also got a hammer, a screwdriver, and a chisel. And fifty gold.-
Wake: -Fifty? That doesn't seem like much...-
speakerSpazz: -It isn't.-
Wake: -Huh... Guess I've gotta start earning more, right?-
speakerSpazz: -Yup. Though right now we're all kind of more in build the town mode. Nobody's leveling yet, though Black Agnes, Ransack, and I still have our levels from WoW.-
Wake: -Oh! I still need to name my guy...- *works on that... and a few moments later, "Downrush" is looking around*
speakerSpazz: -Wow, it even sounds like a dragon elf name. Oh, the dragon elves of this place call themselves 'the defiled'.-
Wake: -'Defiled'?-
speakerSpazz: -Dragon elves pride themselves on never touching foot to earth. They're usually born, live insanely long lives for organics, die, and are buried in space.-
Wake: -... so the ones of this place've touched foot to earth?-
speakerSpazz: -Yup.-
Wake: -Huh...-
speakerSpazz: -Doesn't stop the dames from gleefully running around and raising slag.-
Wake: *Cackles*
speakerSpazz: -Or the guys from quietly and peacefully tinkering away at whatever they've decided it's their lifework to build. You may never see another guy in the game though.-
Wake: -Lemme guess... NPCs?-
speakerSpazz: -One in twenty male birthrate. 'Wish decided to stick to the natural stats for the race.-
Wake: -Huh... Well, at least you'll know it's me when ya see me runnin' 'round 'n stuff...-
speakerSpazz: *chuckles* -Would anyway, with how we're making it so people can customize how their characters dress and everything. Oh. Speaking of dress. Rhinox... I mean Vern Green... isn't wearing a skirt. That's a leather kilt.-
Wake: -...-
speakerSpazz: -Hey, he likes it.-
Wake: -Y'all're nuts...- *Chuckles* -What other clothing options are there?-
speakerSpazz: -Not a lot right now. We're still working on the landscape and buildings. But I'll code something for you if you really want something different.-
Wake: *another chuckle* -More colors for the leather, maybe... ooooor... one of those shirts like I saw in the Nexus on this one guy... billowy and laced up the front...-
speakerSpazz: -Hmmm. Okay. Ten gold.-
Wake: -So I pay ten gold?- *Trying to understand this, honest!*
speakerSpazz: *brings up a new screen for him showing the shirt and a button that says 'buy one tall human size elegant shirt'*
Wake: *presses the button*
image: *changes to 'transaction completed!'*
speakerSpazz: -Okay, now it's in your inventory. You'll be able to see that after you leave the dressing room.-
Wake: -Gotcha... Um... Which way is that?-
speakerSpazz: -that door there.-
image: *blinks out, and yes, there is another door*
Wake: *goes towards the door*
Vera Green: *standing in all her cute little green-haired gnomish glory outside it. Her little round figure is clothed in a green, human-size T-shirt, which is falling off one of her shoulders and covers her right down to where the toes of her steel-capped boots are peeking out* Hi.
Downrush: *looks around, taking in the surrounding area before he responds. The area looks like a half constructed town. Slightly pixely in places but very life like. It's made from wood, and the main building is an inn called the Pirate's Booty.* Hi...
Vera Green: *big green eyes look up at him from under her light green hair, which is tied up in two short ponytails* What do you think?
Downrush: Not bad... *slight headtilt* How do I access my inventory? *looking around*
Vera Green: Call it.
Downrush: *raised brow, calls*
screen: *appears in the air in front of him, showing his tools, his clothes, and the new shirt*
Vera Green: Poke things to select them.
Downrush: Cool... *pokes the new shirt and some of his tools*
Vera Green: *as he winds up with an armload of shirt and tools* ....
Downrush: *Snerks and also selects the pants* Well, at least none of it fell on my head.
screen: 'remove pants?'
Downrush: Ack, no...
Vera Green: *sniggerfit*
Downrush: *Razzes Vera*
Vera Green: See how the squares with the pants, vest, tools, and shirt are all darker now? That means you've got them. If you poke them again it'll put them away, and ask you if you want to take off the stuff you already have on.
Downrush: Okay, that makes sense.
Vera Green: *chuckles* Of course it does.
Downrush: Thrrrpt... *chuckle* Okay... what next?
Vera Green: Do you know how to put on a shirt?
Downrush: Yeah... lemme guess, I gotta do that?
Vera Green: Yup.
Downrush: *small nod, sets his tools down long enough to put the shirt on under his vest*
Vera Green: *wolf whistles when he takes off his vest, then cracks up*
Downrush: *Smirk* Like what ya see?
Vera Green: *shrugs* Don't really care either way. I've just seen people do that when someone takes off their shirt.
Downrush: ... *small pout, finishes getting dressed*
Vera Green: Hey, it's not insulting, so what are you pouting for?
Downrush: Never mind... What's next?
Vera Green: Nuh uh. What're you pouting about? *folds small arms over slightly not so small chest*
Downrush: I'm used to people sayin' that they like what they see. *chuckles*
Vera Green: Ohhh. *shrug* Sorry, dude. I'm just not into that kind of thing. You wanna come help Vern Green build beds?
Downrush: Sure.
Vera Green: *turns and trots toward the inn* This way.
Downrush: *Follows, looking around as he goes*
Vera Green: *looking around too* Think the countryside on this first part's about finished. Now we just need to finish the buildings and get some monsters into it.
Downrush: What kind'a monsters do ya have in mind?
Vera Green: Goblins, targs, some wild boar, few bridge slimes, flamebats.....
Downrush: Hmm.... Maybe add a few more kinds'a monsters in? Space barnacles are kinda scary... .>.>;;
Vera Green: This is the n00b area, as well as our home base.
Downrush: Huh...
Vera Green: We've got meaner stuff planned for other areas. Including some that will take more than one player to take down.
Downrush: Oooo... Sounds good. :)
Vera Green: Oh yeah. Forgot the glue snails. Those'll even come into the outskirts of town.
Downrush: Glue snails?
Vera Green: Yeah. You slag 'em off and they spit sticky gunk at you.
Downrush: ... ewwwww
Vera Green: Yeah, but they're useful.
Downrush: How so?
Vera Green: Glue's good for building and making other things. The shells can be used for stuff, and they're edible once you cook them. You can sell any you kill to the meat market once we get it set up.
Downrush: I'll keep that in mind.
Vera Green: The meat also makes good pet treats.
Downrush: Pet treats?
Vera Green: Yeah. I'm thinking of having the meat eating type pets do tricks when you give them treats.
Downrush: ... *raised brow*
Vera Green: What?
Downrush: What kinds of pets are available?
Vera Green: Nothing, yet. We'll work on those when we get to the monsters. *pauses to slap a massive brown bear on the nose as he ambles up to her* This is my mount, Fred. He's my Founder's perk.
Downrush: ... Cooooool....
Vera Green: We'll be making other mounts too, so people don't have to walk or run everywhere. Some will fly.
Downrush: ... *Seems a bit unsure about that* I'd prefer one that stays on the ground, thank ya very much...
Vera Green: *snerks and trots into the inn with her bear at her heels, nodding to the black Taur woman who's sitting at a table by the door*
Downrush: *goes into the inn and looks around*
Black Agnes: *looks down at him and twitches one drooping ear, then pulls up a leg and rests her hoof on her seat. Her hair tuft is clipped as short as the rest of her fine, close-laying fur, and she's wearing a loose, comfortable croptop and a knee length, modestly styled loincloth* Who the slag are you?
Vera Green: *has trotted upstairs*
Downrush: *blink blink* Er... I'm Downrush...
Black Agnes: ...The Slaarg's friend?
Downrush: If by 'Slaarg', you mean Rat, then yeah. I'm WakeJumper outside the game.
Black Agnes: And I'm played by Nightwish.
Downrush: *Small nod* You feelin' better since the last time I saw ya?
Black Agnes: ...I don't remember seeing you.
Downrush: It was right around the time Rat was bein' kinda dumb 'n teleported ya to the Sanctuary when you were hurt.
Black Agnes: Oh. I've lost that day completely. *disgusted expression as she shifts a bit in the 'sunbeam' and then picks up a big tankard to drink from it*
Downrush: ... *small shrug* Ah well. I'm sure we'll run int' each other more often...
Black Agnes: Especially if you're going to help with this. *ear twitch* Want a drink?
Downrush: Thanks, but not right now... I was gonna meet Vern Green 'n help 'im build beds...
Black Agnes: Ah. He's upstairs somewhere, with Vera.
Downrush: *Small nod* See ya later then... *goes to head upstairs* ... *scoots around Fred*
Fred: *waggles an ear and ignores him*
Vera: *up in the hall, looking up at a bald, green-bearded male gnome with a hairy chest and a leather kilt, a somber expression on her face as he gazes at her. Blinks and looks over at Downrush as he arrives and then grins* Downrush, Vern Green. Vern, Downrush.
Downrush: *nods* Pleased ta meetcha, Vern. *gives a very WakeJumper-ish grin*
Vern Green: *grins back and says in the laid back and understated manner that Downrush/WakeJumper will learn is his signature mood* So they've roped you into this too, huh.
Downrush: Yeah... Kinda got caught between a rock an'a hard place tryin' t' get back t' quarters...
Vern Green: *looks over at the Cairn terrier puppy who's gnawing on a corner of a rug* Really? *thinking that the usual ship's hazard is here, so....*
Downrush: Spazz scared the ever lovin' *#$^#@ outta me when I came back from partyin' with some'a the humans in the Nexus...
Vern Green: *pause and smirk* Ah.
Vera Green: I didn't do it on purpose. *eye rolling*
Downrush: Yeah, yeah... *chuckles*
Vern Green: Have you met the ship's resident chibi yet?
Downrush: Dinobot? Yup... 'e's cute, f'r a bundle'a trouble... *small grin*
Vern Green: *nods to the puppy*
Downrush: ... *small snerk*
Toto: *looks up with a bittygrowl*
Downrush: *SNERK* Jes' 'cause you're small, furry, 'n cute here don' mean you ain't trouble elsewhere, kid...
Toto: *charge! BITE!*
Vern Green: *facepalms as Vera cackles*
Downrush: ACK!!! *CUSS*
Toto: *grrrrrrrrr!*
Vern Green: *bends to disengage the grrrr*
Downrush: *Cussing to put Rattrap to shame*
Toto: *lets go and is giving Downrush a very smug expression* Stupid puppy.
Downrush: >/
Vern Green: Around here you're the puppy. *gives Toto a little cuff, and then looks at Downrush* Well, we'd better get to work. These things won't build themselves.
Downrush: Show me what t' do?
Vern Green: *leads him into the nearest room, talking pixels and code*
((co-written with